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IV. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

нанимать; сталкиваться (с чем-либо, кем-либо); управление работой и организациями; руководство людьми; руководство производством и технологическим процессом; уместный; оценивать; подчеркивать; побуждать; межличностные отношения; принимать; производительность предприятия (организации); сосредоточиваться на чем-либо; производственная технология; предприятие; производственная функция;

V. Try to explain in your own words the meaning of the English phrases:

a) behavior problems; e) managerial tasks;

b) technical problems; f) “peoples” organizations;

c) individual work; g) settings;

d) managing work; h) production activity;

VI. Be ready to speak on one of the topics, using the words and expressions from the text:

“managing work and organizations”;

“managing people”;

“managing production and operations”

(2) The Myths and Realities of a Manager's Job

How managers actually work ? Here are some myths and realities about managers and their job.

Myth 1: The manager is a reflective, methodical planner with time to systematically plan and work through a day.

Reality: The typical manager and encounters such constant interruption that little time remains for reflection. The average time spent on one activity is 9 minutes.

Myth 2: The effective manager has no regular duties to perform. He establishes others' responsibilities in advance and then relaxes to watch others do the work.

Reality: Managers have regular duties to perform. They must attend meetings, see to visitors from the organization, and continuously process information. To perform all their duties, managers often extend the day into the night. Some of the scientists consider that 12-hour days are common for managers.

Myth 3: The manager's job is a science; managers work systematically and analytically to determine programs and procedures.

Reality: The manager's job is less a science than an art. Rather than systematic procedures and programs, managers rely heavily on intuition and judgment.

Text «The Myths and realities of a Manager’s Job»

I. Read and translate the text. Try to learn by heart all the myths and realities of a manager’s job.

II. Words and expressions to remember:

myth - [mı -миф, несуществующая вещь;

reality –[rı:´ælıtı - действительность, реальность;

methodical - [mı´θodıkәl - a 1. систематичный, методичный;

2. методический;

reflective -[rıf´lektıv - 1. отражающий;

2. размышляющий, мыслящий;

encounter [ın´kauntә n I. 1.неожиданная встреча;


v II.1. (неожиданно) встретиться;

2. сталкиваться; иметь столкновение;

3. наталкиваться (на трудности);

interruption [ıntә´rpƒәn n 1. перерыв; прерывание;

2. остановка, заминка;

3. разрыв, разлом, разъединение;

average a -[´ævәrıd] 1. средний, обычный,


establish v -[ıs´tæblıƒ 1. основывать, создавать,


2. устраивать; 3. устанавливать;

4. упрочивать;

responsibility n -[rısِ ponsә´bılıtı 1. ответственность;

2. обязанность,


in advance -[әd´va:ns вперед, заранее;

relax v - [rıl´æks 1. ослабляться, расслабляться;

2. смягчаться, делаться менее


watch v- [wotƒ наблюдать, следить;

attend v-[ə´tend] посещать, присутствовать;

to process information [prə´ses обрабатывать информацию;

extend v -[iks´tend 1. простираться, тянуться;

2. удлинять;

3. расширять, продолжать;

consider v - [kən´sidə полагать, считать;

common a -[´komən] простой, обыкновенный,

элементарный, обычный;

determine v -[di´tə:min] определять, устанавливать;

procedure n -[prə´si:dgə] процесс производства

работы; технологический


rely on/upon v -[ri´lai полагаться, доверять;

heavily a - [´hevili] сильно, тяжело;

intuition n -[intj:´i∫ən] интуиция;

judgement n -[´dadmənt] мнение, взгляд;


зд. здравый смысл;

to see to smb.- видеться с кем-либо;

встречаться, встретиться с


III. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use such phrases as:

a) Yes, definitely. c) No, not really.

b) Yes, you are really right. d) No, definitely not.

  1. A manager plan and work through a day.

  2. The average time the typical manager spend on one activity is 9 minutes.

  3. The effective manager has no regular duties to perform.

  4. Managers have regular duties to perform.

  5. Some scientist consider that 12-hour days are common for managers.

  6. The manager´s job is a science.

  7. The manager´s job is an art.

  8. Managers rely on intuition and judgement.

IV. Find Russian equivalents of the following expressions. Make up your own sentences with them:

to work through a day; constant interruption; effective manager;

regular duties to perform; to do smth. in advance; to see to smb.;

to watch smb. to do smth.; to extend the day into the night;

to be common; to rely on judgment;

V. Please, discuss with the fellows in your group the statement:

«The manager´s job is less a science than an art»;

«The myths and the realities of the manager´s job»;

(3) Types of Information Needed by Managers

Managers require a wide variety of information. Functional information—about marketing, production, finance, and personnel, timely information about inventories, schedules, materials and labor costs, and the maintenance and serviceability of machines and equipment. "Information provides the substance for coordinating every aspect of the management process".

Top-level managers need information on economic conditions, competitors, legal and political developments, technological innovations, customers' needs for and acceptance of the company's products and services. Middle managers need information about sales, costs, production output and so on. Lower-level managers need information about daily, weekly, and monthly activities. The sales manager needs to know how the salespeople are spending their time. The need for new information grows and the organization must find the ways to gathers it.

Managers must have suitable quality information which will allow them to make decisions, solve problems, and carry out their functions effectively and efficiently. Managers must have past, present and future information from within and outside the organization.

Information helps managers to plan, organize, staff, direct, and control both resources and operations. Information helps to solve real and potential problems. And information gives managers the data they will need to do future research and to make future plans, both strategic and operational.


I. Read and translate the text .

II. Remember the words from the text:

to require – приказывать; требовать, нуждаться

variety - разнообразие, многосторонность,

finance - (pl.) финансы, доходы

personnel - 1. персонал, штат, кадры; 2. личный состав

schedules - планы; расписание; график; таблица

maintenance - 1. содержание, сохранение; 2.поддержание; 3. эксплуатация; эксплуатационные расходы (включая текущий ремонт)

serviceability - надежность, прочность;

equipment - оборудование, техника

substance - 1. сущность, содержание; 2. реальность, действительность;

competitor - конкурент, соперник

innovation - нововведение, новшество, новаторство, инновация

acceptance - 1. принятие; 2. одобрение;

to gather - cобирать

suitable a - подходящий, соответствующий, годный;

effectively - эффективно, действительно

efficiently - умело, квалифицированно, действенно, эффективно;

to solve - решать, разрешать;

to carry out - выполнять, совершать, завершать;

to staff - укомплектовывать штаты, обеспечивать персоналом;

the data (pl.от datum) - данные, факты, информация

strategic - стратегический

operational - оперативный

III. Questions to the text:

  1. Do you think that managers require a wide variety of information?

  2. What types of information do managers need?

  3. Do you consider top-level managers being well-informed on economic conditions?

  4. Is it important for managers to know customer´s need?

  5. What information is very important for middle-level managers?

  6. Do middle-level managers need information about daily, weekly and monthly activities?

  7. Does the need for new information grow constantly?

  8. Is it difficult for organizations to gather new information?

  9. Will suitable quality information help managers to make decisions?

  10. What job does information help managers to do?

IV. Find all possible synonyms to the next words:

to gather; to carry out; the data; staff;

V. Form all possible new words using one root. Translate all the words into Russian:

to require; to compete; to accept; to operate; to manage; to organize; to direct;

VI. Give Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

a wide variety of information; the maintenance and serviceability of machines and equipment; the management process; the substance for coordinating; technological innovations; acceptance of the company´s products and services; production output;

the ways to gather information; suitable quality information; to make decisions and solve problems; to carry out functions; effectively and efficiently; from within and outside the organization; resources and operations; potential problems;

VII. How do you understand the meaning of the following phrases? Try to explain in your own words:

Top-level manager;

Middle-level manager;

Lower-level manager;

VIII. Imagine that you are a manager (choose any level of manager you like) of organization, firm, corporations etc. You need to gather some information about opposite organization, firm, corporations etc.

Speak on :

  1. Your own methods of gathering information.

  2. Places where it is possible for you to search for information.

  3. Your point of view on types of information that will help you to manage the organization that very moment.


(1) People in Management

The opportunity to make personal computers (PCs} accessible to every­one had been there for years. But it was William H. Gates, a Harvard dropout, who turned opportunity into reality. In 1980, Gates's company, Micro­soft, won a coveted contract with IBM to make the operating software for IBM's personal computer. By 1984, Microsoft's software was being used with 2 million computers and had be­come an industry standard.

In 1976, at 20, Bill Gates founded Microsoft, the first personal computer software firm. Today, Gates is a billionaire, having made more money than anyone else his age, ever, in any business. In addition to making the basic operating software for all IBM and IBM-compatible PCs, Microsoft has developed a raft of other popular programs, including Excel, product that earned $97 million in 1984, and Windows, a major break­through which made $140 million in 1985.

Gates's vision for his young com­pany remains the same today: "A com­puter on every desk and in every home." Mi­crosoft is now the world's largest com­puter software company. It employs over 2,000 people, and its revenues are in the billions of dollars annually.

About 90 percent of Gates's em­ployees are hired right out of college or graduate school. During the interview, prospective employees discuss projects which they've worked on. If they are unable to explain the entire project— even if they only worked on a segment of it—they are not hired.

Gates encourages the use of in-house computers at Microsoft. If em­ployees have a sudden brainstorm, they send a computerized message to whomever they want to alert. If they read something they think will be of interest to others, they use the elec­tronic mail system to send the information. Electronic mail allows Gates to interact with people he would not have time to see.

Gates says: "A lot of my role is about leadership. My strengths are things like: What are the products? Where are we going? Talking to people building the products and taking our vision outside the company."

Unit 6

Text «People in Management»

I. Read, translate the text “People in management”. Try to understand the main idea of the text. Be ready to make rendering of the text.

II. Find the translation of the words in the dictionary. Learn all these words by heart.

Write out from the text all the sentences with these words and translate them into Russian:

accessible; software; opportunity; to covet; a billionaire; compatible; to earn; revenue;

annually; employee; to hire; graduate; prospective; entire; brainstorm; message; to alert;

to interact; leadership; strength; vision; drop-out (dropout);

III. In the text find English equivalents of the following words and expressions:

возможность; доступный; исключенный (из университета и пр.); воплотить возможность в действительность; желаемый контракт; операционная система для IBM; персональный компьютер; операционная система Microsoft; промышленный стандарт; компьютерная фирма по программному обеспечению; совместимый;

множество других популярных программ; доходы; ежегодно; подчиненные (сотрудники, персонал), принимать на работу; выпускник школы; опрос; перспективный сотрудник; обсуждать проекты; объяснить проект в целом; внезапное интеллектуальное озарение; отправить сообщение по компьютеру; потревожить (побеспокоить) быть интересным для кого-либо; система электронной почты; взаимодействовать с людьми; самая главная роль; сила; за пределами компании;

IV. Ask your friend :

  1. If he (she) knows that William Gates was a Harvard dropout.

  2. If he (she) knows that Gates´s Company Microsoft won a coveted contract with IBM in 1980-s.

  3. If he (she) agrees that Bill Gates did not found Microsoft Company.

  4. If he (she) agrees that Gates earned more money than any one else in the world.

  5. If he (she) knows that Microsoft is the world´s largest software company.

  6. If he (she) knows that 90 per cent of Gates´s employees are hired right out of college.

  7. If he (she) agrees that Gates´s employees don´t use electronic mail system during their work.

  8. If he (she) agrees that Gates is not billionaire.

  9. If he (she) knows that in Microsoft company prospective employees discuss projects which they have worked on.

  10. If he (she) knows what Gates´s strengths are.

V. Speak on the topics:

1. «Bill Gates – a founder of Microsoft»

2. «Microsoft´s software - an industry standard»

3. «Gates´s vision for Microsoft – “a computer on every desk and in every home”»

VI. Write a composition (10 sentences) about any outstanding man in management you know. Can you compare anybody with Bill Gates? Do you like Gates´s attitude to his employees and business?


In the USA managers may be identified by the kind of work, activity, or functions they are responsible for. Common management groupings in large U.S. manufacturing and service corporations include marketing, operations, finance, and human resources.

Marketing Managers. Marketing managers generally direct research and product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategy.

Operations Managers. These managers direct activities involved in creating goods and services. For a manufacturing firm, managers are responsible for inventory control, production control, and quality control. A manager in a service – a hospital, say, or a restaurant – focuses on maximizing processes to eliminate inefficiency and enhance quality.

Finance Managers. These people manage an organization’s financial assets. Individual managers in this area direct accountings, investments, budgeting, and financial controls.

Human Resource Managers. These men and women are charged with forecasting staffing needs and recruiting, qualifying, selecting, orienting, and developing the organization’s people.

Text: «Management in the USA»

I. Read and translate the text.

II. Try to read the following words correctly and give their Russian equivalents:

to identify; to responsible for; common; corporation; marketing manager; finance;

resources; research; pricing; promotion; distribution; to involve; inventory; a service setting; operation manager; maximize; to eliminate; inefficiency; enhance quality; finance manager; asset; area; accounting; investment; budgeting; to charge with; human resources manager; to forecast; to recruit; to qualify; to orient; to develop;

Ш. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and expressions:

отождествлять; менеджер по маркетингу; ценообразование; продвижение; распределение; производство товаров и услуг; производственный контроль; контроль качества; устранять; персонал; повышать качество; управляющий финансами; финансовые активы; производственный менеджер (управляющий производством); учреждения по предоставлению услуг; неэффективность; инвестиции (капиталовложения); бюджет; управляющий персоналом; нанимать на работу; предвидение (предсказывание); поручать; ориентировать;

IV. Answer the following questions:

  1. How can managers in the USA be identified?

  2. What are common management groups in the USA?

  3. Do marketing managers direct only distribution strategy?

  4. What are managers in manufacturing firms responsible for?

  5. Finance managers manage an organization´s financial assets, don´t day?

  6. What are the main functions of Human Resource Managers?

V. Ask your friend about all functions of :

Marketing Managers;

Operations Managers;

Finance Managers;

Human Resources Managers;

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