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Unit 3 Offers

In many types of business it is the practice of the seller to offer goods to regular customers and to others who may be interested, without waiting for an enquiry. Similarly, suppliers regularly make special offers of goods when prices are particularly favourable. In these cases the customer’s interest has to be aroused.

Offers made in writing usually state the nature and descriptions of the goods offered, the quantity, the price, the terms of payment and the time and place of delivery. Offers may be firm (or binding) or without engagement.

A firm offeris made by a seller to one potential buyer only and usually indicates the time during which it will remain open for acceptance. If the buyer accepts the offer in full within the stipulated time, the goods are considered to have been sold to him at the price and on the terms stated in the offer.

According to English and American Law, a person making a firm offer has the right to revoke it at any time before it has been accepted. According to Russian law, a person making an offer is bound by it until the expiration of the time stated in the offer. When no time for acceptance is stipulated in the offer, the acceptance must be made within a reasonable time.

An offer without engagement does not bind the seller and therefore may be made to several potential buyers. If the buyer accepts such an offer, the goods are considered to have been sold to him ob=nly when the seller, after receipt of the buyer’s acceptance, confirms having sold him the goods at the price and on the terms indicated in the offer.

Expressions used in offers

General opening lines

We have pleasure in offering you….

You will bee interested to hear that…

You will find enclosed with this letter a sample of…

As a result of a favourable supply situation we are able to offer you…

Expressions used in firm offers

We have pleasure in offering you, subject to your acceptance by cable…

This offer is made subject to an immediate reply…

We offer you the goods subject to receiving your confirmation within…days of the date of this letter.

We are holding this offer open for your acceptance until the 15 May.

Expressions used in offers without engagement

We have pleasure in offering you, without obligation…

This offer is made without any engagement on your part.

This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.

This offer is made subject to prior sale.

Prices and terms

Our prices are quoted c.i.f. London.

Our prices include packing and carriage.

Price includes delivery to nearest railhead.

Prices are subject to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctuations.

Prices for the quality you mention range from 75c to $5.

Supply and demand

In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to order at once.

The exceptional demand this season has nearly cleared our stock of…

Owing to the increased demand for this type of car, our stocks have run very low.

As we have a good supply of these machines we can effect shipment within 5 days.

We cannot promise delivery before 1 january unless your order reaches us within 5 days.

Asking for instructions

Will you kindly let us have an early decision.

Please send us your instructions by fax.

Kindly confirm your order at the price quoted.

We await for instructions by return.

Kindly use the enclosed order form when you make out your order as this will facilitate prompt and accurate execution.

If our proposal is acceptable to you, please confirm by return.

Concluding sentences

Our whole experience is at your service. We hope you will make use of it.

We should appreciate the opportunity of showing you how efficiently we can serve you.

Words alone will not prove what we claim for our products: only a trial can do that, and a trial will convince you.

If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us have your order at an early date, as supplies are limited.

As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to order early.