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III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

  1. 1. самые престижные университеты

  2. 2. независимый

  3. 3. каждый колледж

  4. 4. самый старый университет в Европе

5. второй по величине

  1. 6. общества и клубы

  2. 7. часть жизни студентов

IV. Make up Sentences

  1. 1. Often, to be called, they, Oxbridge, collectively.

  2. 2. Independent, both, universities, to be.

  3. 3. Mostly, former they, to be, leaves, school, public.

  4. 4. Some may, to be, courses, one two, or, longer, years.

  5. 5. Oxford, one, the, of, to be, universities, oldest, Europe, in.

  6. 6. There are, now, than, more, colleges, thirty.

V. Speak about

  1. a) Oxford University;

  2. b) Cambridge University.

Итоговые упражнения

  1. Make up dialogue on the themes about myself University using the following words:

Name, family, students, home town, father, mother, sister, brother, to study, to work, to enter, to be found of, to have, grandmother, grandfather, relatives, department, faculty, lecture hall, to equip, research, carry out experiment, scientific society, mark, to take an examination, to take a test, to pass an examination, to fail in an examination, to enter the University, to graduate from the University, to work hard.

2. Complete the dialogue

- Hello, Mike. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- Fine, thanks. One of these days I passed entrance exams to the Technica University.

3. Put the phrases in the dialogue in right order

- What are the pre – schools consist of?

- Specialized, polytechnical, musical, art and others, gymnasiums and colleges.

- They consist of kindergartens and crèches.

- When do people begin to go to school?

- At the age of six or seven.

- Today we are going to speak about education in Russia. Do you know what kind of education is in Russia?

- How long is the term of study in a general secondary school?

- Compulsory.

- Can you name the main types of schools in Russia?

- 11 years and consist of primary, middle and upper stages.

4. Make the dialogue wider

- I have never been to Omsk before. Is it large enough?

- The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

- Can Omsk be considered a city of students?

- Yes. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying.

- And what about places of culture?

- There are lots of varieties for leisure: Theatres, museum, concert halls, sports grounds, Palaces of Cultures.

5. Complete the dialogue

- What is Moscow?

- …

- When was it founded?

- …

- Lot’s start the tour of Moscow with Red Square.

- …

- What is the population of the city?

- …

- What is Moscow famous for?

- …

- Moscow is the main educational center of the Country.

- …

6. Make up Dialogues using one of the following points

  1. 1. History of London.

  2. 2. Modern London.

  3. 3. Parts of London.

  4. 4. Sightseeing’s of London.

Список литературы:

1. МихайловаЕ.Д.,РомановичА.Ю. “Brush up your English”.-М: Юнвес, 2001.

2. Макси Е.А. «Английский язык».- Киев, АСК, 1998.

3. Журина П.Ю. «English».- М.: Дрофа, 1997.

4. Шаргородская Е.И., Боровик М.А. «Школьное образование».- Л., 1985.

5. «Higher Education in Britain»// MN.- 1995.- №2.

6. ВеселюкИ.О. «The English Britain».-Прага: 1987.