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4 Match the department to the function it performs.

1 Advertising a. organizes promotional campaign

2 Personnel b. carries out market research

3 Marketing c. pays wages and salary

4 Finance d. brings the goods and services to customers

5 Sales e. makes hiring and firing

6 Training f. deals with producing the products

7 Production g. organizes training courses

5 Translate into English:

  1. Все крупные компании имеют сложную внутреннюю структуру.

  2. Генеральный директор подотчетен совету директоров.

  3. Все отделы осуществляют различные функции.

  4. Руководители-исполнители помогают генеральному директору.

  5. Самые крупные отделы в компании – это административный, производственный, финансовый и маркетинговый.

  6. Более мелкие отделы – это отдел кадров, рекламный отдел, отдел продаж и учебный отдел.

  7. Производственный отдел занимается производством товаров.

  8. Рекламный отдел рекламирует товары и организует акции по их продвижению.

  9. Финансовый отдел отвечает за бухучет и заработную плату сотрудников.

10)Отдел продаж доводит товары до потребителя.

11)Отдел кадров обеспечивает найм персонала и его увольнение.

12)Маркетинговый отдел проводит исследование рынка и следит за продвижением товаров на рынок.

13)Главный администратор обеспечивает офисное обслуживание.

14)Учебный отдел занимается обучением персонала.

15)Совет директоров осуществляет контроль над деятельностью компании и принимает главные решения.

6 Work in pairs to test each other. Take turn to ask questions about the different departments.

Which department pays the salaries?




Introducing yourself…

In this scene from the film Glengarry Glen Ross, an American salesman is talking to a customer in a bar. The real estate salesman Richard Roma is trying to sell a new house to James Lingk.

ROMA Hmmm … It’s been a long day. What are you drinking?

LINGK Gimlet.

ROMA Well, let’s have a couple more. My name is Richard Roma. What’s yours?

LINGK Lingk. James Lingk.

ROMA James. I’m glad to meet you. (They shake hands.) I’m glad to meet you, James.

1 Look at the script and underline the following:

1 the phrase Roma uses to give his name

2 the phrase Roma uses to ask for the other’s person name

3 the formal phrase he uses to greet the other person

Greeting phrases

2 Read these questions, listen to the dialogues and write the answers in the right-hand column.

Which phrase is a formal way to introduce yourself?

Which phrase is the answer to “How do you do?”

Which phrase do you say when you know someone’s name but you haven’t met him before?

Which phrase is a polite way of asking for someone’s name?

and introducing other people

This is a script for part of a scene from the Hollywood movie, Wall Street. Bud Fox is introducing his father to some of his business partners.

3 Read the scene below and answer these questions, underline the two phrases that Bud uses to introduce people:

1 How many people does Bud Fox introduce?

2 Which person has met Bud’s father before?

3 Who does Bud Fox introduce in the most formal way?

BUD Dad, I think you know Dr Wilmer.

DAD Since before you were born. How are you?

BUD Toni Carpenter, Flight Attendant.

CARPENTER How are you?

BUD And I want to meet Mr. Gekko.

GEKKO Hi, Mr Fox, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

BUD His Attorney. Mr Soul.

DAD How are you doing?

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