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A family

Most of American families consist of a mother, a father and three or four children living at home.There may be relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and in-laws in the same community, but they usually maintain separate households. Occasionally an aging grandparent may live with the family, but it's not considered desirable. Marriage in the US is considered a matter of individual responsibility' and decision. It is preceded by dating, that is, young men and women are going out together. After their marriage the young couple is free to decide where to live and when to start a family. They plan the number of children and the practice of limiting the size of families has general approval. The birth rate has been declining steadily in recent years. If the couple finds their marriage was a mistake, they are free to get a divorce.

In the American family the husband and the wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, they participate as well. Young people are expected to break away from their parental families by the time they have reached their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a failure, a kind of weak dependence.

This pattern of independence often results in serious problems for the aging parents. Elderly couples feel useless and lonely. There are some problems concerning equality of men and women. Mam members of the women's liberation movement believe that equality of men and women requires changing the traditional roles of women and men in the home. They say that men should take on some of the responsibilities of child care and household work. They believe that men should perform some of the home-making duties that women have traditionally performed.

My university

Every year many young men and women enter Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Belarus. The Gomel State University is a powerful source of light – the light of knowledge. During your studies, you will finely hone the tools you need to complete with the best in the world: critical thinking, independent judgement, teamwork, and an understanding of how you learn, no matter where your vision may lead.The Gomel State University named after Francisc Scorina was opened in 1969.It is the second university in Belarus. It draws on long experience of training teachers.Our university has many departments: Mathematics, Physics, History, Law, Biology, and so on. The teaching staff on the university consists of 19 doctors of science and professors and about 300 candidates of science work at 46 chairs of the university. . Our university has some rules. Such as you keep up with what`s going on, study diligently. You must inform the teaching staff if you ill and cannot attend a lecture or seminar. Not disturb people who are trying to study. Treat university property and materials with care and respect. And treat all university staff. The first two years of study are generally the most difficult. A new student may have up to 30 hours a week of seminars, lectures and classes. The students have at their disposal a great number of halls, classrooms, different laboratories and modern equipment which help them get a better command of the language and get rid of mistakes in the shortest possible time. Our university also has a library. The students can find a great variety of books on different subject and in different languages there. So the message is: light is better than darkness, knowledge is better than ignorance

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