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Учебный вопрос №4. Зрительно - устный перевод текста


Individual and collective protection against nuclear and chemical weapons

Protection against the effects of blast, heat and nuclear radiation can be provided by the use of certain common materials. Protection against blast is accomplished by keeping pers below gnd or in safe structures and by keeping structures below gnd. The best protection against blast is the foxhole or any under­ground shelter with an overhead cover since the blast wave can penetrate into an open foxhole. The cover should be strong and rugged.

Protection against thermal radiation is provided by the usual Army field uniform, special creams and ointments and burn- resistant clothing. Special care must be taken to shield the face and hands.

Protection against nuclear radiation is also effective against heat. Both alpha radiation and beta radiation are primarily inter­nal or contact hazards therefore the problem of protection is one of shielding against gamma radiation and neutrons. The most readily available and one of the best shielding materials is earth, then comes concrete which is denser than earth and therefore provides better shielding. But the best shielding material usually available is steel. A tk will provide excellent protection in the majority of sits.

Wherever fallout occurs there is a possibility that radioactive material will enter the body through the digestive tract (due to the consumption of . food and water contaminated with fission pro­ducts), through the lungs (by breathing air containing fallout particles) or through wounds and abrasions. Correct use of gas masks and protective clothing is therefore of vital importance.

The protection of pers against cml agts in aerosol form is effected by donning the protective mask. Ordinary clothing offers protection for the skin against contamination with cml agts. Other means of protection include immunizing shots, quarantining of contaminated buildings and areas, cleanliness of body, clothing and living quarters, proper care of cuts and wounds, and educa­tion of trps to eat and drink from approved sources only.

The protective mask when properly fitted gives protection against inhalation of all known war gases as well as radn mate­rial. Besides the protective masks trps are issued permeable protective clothing which consists of impregnated coin]bat uniform, socks and gloves and boots treated with vesicant gas resistant leather dressings; impermeable protective suit which is coated fabric cover-all type and suit impregnated underwear. In addition -to these, the soldier has the following protective items: vesicant agent protective ointment, vesicant gas resistant leather dressing and atropine injection.

For. the detection of atomic threat trps are issued radiac instruments which include meters and dosimeters.

Radiac (abbreviation for "radioactivity detection, identification and computation") are designed to detect alpha,' beta, gamma, and neutron radn, to measure the extent and intensity of con­tamination, to provide means for calculating the length of time the contamination will exist in an area and to protect pers by de­termining the radn dose they receive. There are several types of radiac devices used in the US Armed Forces for this purpose: Geiger confers (dose-rate meters in an area), dosimeters (in­dicating the total dose of nuclear radn received in roentgens or milliroentgens), pocket dosimeters, etc.

For the detection of a CW atk the trps are issued detector paper in booklets of 25 sheet?, detector crayon and chemical agent detector kits. The kit will determine presence of high concentration of nerve gas vapors but does not reveal presence of low concentra­tions which could cause cas among unprotected pers.

Учебный вопрос №5. Выполнение упражнений IV, V, VI, VII,

IV.Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the difference between individual and collective protection against nuclear and chemical weapons?

2. What is the best protection against blast?

3. What are the best means of protection against nuclear radiation?

4. For what purposes are protective masks used?

5. What other means of protection against cml agents do you know?

6. What instruments for the detection of atomic threat do you know?