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Unit 14

Exercise I.

1. ringing 2. followed 3. having found 4. spoken 5. lying 6. having obtained 7. visiting 8. being built 9. remembered 10. smoking 11. having read 12. having realized 13. being cold 14. taken.

Exercise III.

1. Becoming tired of my complaints about the programme, she turned it off. 2. Finding/having found no one at home, he left the house in bad temper. 3. Having spent all his money, he decided to go home and ask his father for a job. 4. Realizing that he had missed the last train, he began to walk. 5. Having heard the story before, she didn’t want to hear it again. 6. Having visited the museum, we decided to have lunch in the park. 7. Turning on the light, I was astonished at what I saw. 8. Thinking we were lost, he offered to show us the way home. 9. Exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed. 10. Entering the room suddenly, she found them smoking.

Exercise IV.

1. I noticed her speaking very coldly to him. 2. He saw us crossing the road in the wrong place. 3. It was pleasant to watch them enjoying themselves. 4. We heard somebody laughing in the next room. 5. Because of the noise nobody heard the telephone ringing. 6. We watched them repairing the car.

Exercise V.

1. We live in the city founded 1.500 years ago. 2. She was heard crying. 3. The man giving a lecture showed many diagrams. 4. The performance being fine, it was difficult to get tickets. 5. I heard him coming up the stairs some minutes ago. 6. A broken cup was lying on the table. 7. I heard her telling him about it. 8. Having received the telegram, they left for Kyiv. 9. He wants to have his shoes repaired. 10. He sat in the armchair reading a newspaper. 11. He left without discussing this question with me. 12. I noticed the man unlocking the door. 13. She left without saying good buy. 14. The weather being fine, all the windows were opened. 15. Everybody saw him running along the street without noticing everybody. 16. I have my hair done every Friday. 17. They were seen taking their photos after the final exam. 18. This is my friend’s sister living next door to me. 19. He closed the door softly not wanting to wake her up. 20. Not having received a letter from her he sent her a telegram. 21. While crossing the bridge, I met my friend.

Unit 15

Exercise I.

1. of introducing 2. swimming 3. of being introduced 4. on helping 5. in finding 6. of staying 7. of catching 8. without being seen 9. of playing 10. in writing 11. of going 12. from coming 13. of having done 14. of finding.

Exercise II.

1. in 2. from 3. of 4. on 5. without 6. for 7. of 8. of 9. by 10. in 11. on 12. of.

Exercise III.

1. seeing 2. to meet 3. to see 4. waiting 5. to lock, going 6. not to speak 7. to explain, to listen 8. to understand 9. spending, earning 10. playing, doing 11. cutting, to go 12. hearing, not to enter 13. writing, waiting 14. talking, to finish 15. to see/seeing, crying/cry.

Exercise IV.

1. to avoid, being, being/to be, waiting 2. to lend, taking 3. to get, to ask 4. ringing/ring, to be coming, to open 5. strike/striking, to get up 6. writing, to do, to go, see 7. to come, standing 8. to wake up, (to) hear, beating 9. laughing, slipping/slip.

Exercise V.

1. I dont like his habit of making people wait. 2. We think of going to the Black Sea in the summer. 3. She was angry with him for losing (having lost) her dictionary. 4. Do you mind my leaving? 5. Did he succeed in finding our address? 6. This house is worth selling. 7. I remember having seen this film many years ago. 8. Excuse me for my coming so late. 9. I want to avoid making mistakes. 10. You will never speak good English without learning grammar. 11. Do you feel like going for a walk? 12. I don’t mind your smoking here. 13. The storm prevented us from getting there in time. 14. Instead of working he fell asleep. 15. I can’t translate this document without looking some words in the dictionary. 16. I insist on your answering them immediately. 17. He left the room without paying attention to his son. 18. After finishing the University she worked at the plant. 19. He began reading this book yesterday. 20. I thank you for helping me. 21. On seeing the teacher the students came up to him. 22. He remembered seeing her in the shop.

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