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3. Learn the key words and expressions.

appear – появляться

in search of – в поиске

independent – независимый

market – рынок

navigator – мореплаватель

originate – возникать

proclaim – объявлять

set up – основывать, организовывать, учреждать

settler – поселенец

shore – берег

4. Make a written translation of the text.


  1. Read the following proper nouns correctly.

Commonwealth ['kPmqnwelT] – Содружество

Canberra ['kxnbqrq] – Канберра

The Pacific Ocean [pq'sIfIk 'qVSn] – Тихий океан

Mt Kosciusko [maunt kozI'Askou] – гора Козиаско

2. Read and translate the text.

Australia (1, 300)

The full name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. It is a self-governing federal state having 6 states and two internal territories.

Australia is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest island in the world and the smallest continent. It is the only country that occupies a whole continent. The first Europeans to visit Australia were the Dutch but it was James Cook who discovered it in 1770 and joined to England.

The population of the country is nearly 20 million people. The capital of the country is Canberra, which became a capital in 1927. Its population is about 300 000 people.

Australia’s climate is dry and warm. It is situated in the southern hemisphere, and that’s why they have summer when we have winter, and they have winter when we have summer. The hottest month is January. It is the driest of all continents, so there are many deserts there, in fact, one third of its territory is desert, and many parts are unsuitable for settlement.

It is the flattest continent. The highest mountain is Mt Kosciusko.

Australia’s animals are very interesting and rare. One of them is dingo. It is a wild dog that kills other animals at night. There are some species that are only to be met here. But perhaps the most popular animals are kangaroo and emu.

There are a lot of minerals in the country, such as coal, nickel, zinc, gold. Australia exports sugar, fruit, meat, wool.

The national holiday, Australia Day, it’s the day, when the first British came to live there, is celebrated on the 26th of January.

The native people of Australia are dark-skinned aborigines. Now they count about 1% of the population and live in reservations.

3. Learn the key words and expressions.

be situated – быть расположенным

coal – уголь

count – считать

dry – сухой

flat – плоский

hemisphere – полушарие

internal – внутренний

only – единственный; только

rare – редкий

species – вид

unsuitable – неподходящий

wool – шерсть

4. Make a written translation of the text.


1. Read the following proper nouns correctly.

New Zealand [njV 'zJlxnd] – Новая Зеландия

Maori ['maVrI] – Маори (коренное племя)

2. Read and translate the text.

New Zealand (1, 000)

New Zealand is situated to south-west of Australia. Its total area is about 270 thousand square kilometers and its population is nearly 3.5 million people. The capital of the country is Wellington. The official languages are English and Maori, the language of the native people. The climate of New Zealand is oceanic, without extremes of heat and cold. The yearly range of temperatures is quite small, with about 10 degrees Celsius variation between summer and winter. It is a small, quiet and green country. It has two large islands, one smaller island and many small islands. The large islands are North Island and South Island. The country is rich in minerals, but the land is the most important resource. It is ideal for crop farming, dairy, and sheep and cattle raising. Forest products are also important.

Among the animals of New Zealand the most interesting and popular is the kiwi. It is a small bird that appears at nights to find food. It can’t fly. This bird has become the symbol of the New Zealand people. Small children are called kiwis too there.

New Zealand is a self-governing independent state. Its parliament consists of only one house, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government.

The largest cities are Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and others.


1) crop farming – земледелие;

2) cattle raising – разведение крупного рогатого скота.

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