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It's Interesting To Know

When were pennies first used in Britain? It was about AD 765 that Offa, King of Mercia, introduced the penny into England.

Pennies were the only coins in use in Britain for the next 500 years. There were a few halfpennies too, obtained by cutting the penny in half.

They really were half pennies!

Pennies then were made of silver and after a while looked very worn and battered as people used to chip little bits off the edges, melt them down and make a small lump of silver which they could sell.

You may have heard of pieces-of-eight - the pirates' gold -but there are many coins, like the groat or the noble, which might sound strange to us now. It seems surprising to think that there was once a quarter-farthing.

The gold noble struck in the royal (or noble) metal, depicted Edward III standing in a ship. It is thought that this design commemorated the naval battle of Sluys.

Since ancient Greek and Roman times coins were struck to commemorate important people, events or even buildings, like the Roman Colosseum.

Some modern examples are the crown-piece struck in 1951 to mark the Festival of Britain, and another in 1953 when Queen Elizabeth was crowned, showing the Queen on horseback.

The particular design, the kind of metal, give valuable information about why they were struck, the countries they came from, the kind of people who used the coins.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. Who devised a new detergent made from sugar? 2. Is the production of the detergent simple or complex? 3. What is tallow? 4. What do Tate and Lyle think of the future of a sugar-based chemical industry? 5. What were pennies made of?


  1. Времена группы Perfect (действительный залог).

  2. Времена группы Perfect (страдательный залог).

  3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

  4. Бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  5. Повелительное наклонение.

  6. Условные предложения.

  7. Многозначность as, since, for, too.


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. We knew that as a girl she had lived in the country.

  2. I'm afraid he will have posted the letter by the time we come. We can't prevent it.

  3. I have been uneasy all the afternoon about what they must think of us.

  4. She saw at once that nothing had been touched.

  5. What has been done this summer cannot have been done in vain.

  6. The business has been taken over by a new company.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. It was a pity that she was ill and could not go.

  2. I think, when I'm twenty-five, then I may get control of money.

  3. He looked sixty, but I knew he must be much less than that.

  4. You saw me, and I had to tell you what had happened.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

1. Will you show me the new books you've bought?

  1. The flat they lived in was not very imposing, but it was quiet and well located. I think he has made a mistake in his calculations.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод повелительного наклонения.

  1. Show me your passport, please.

  2. Don't make so much noise.

  3. Let's tell somebody what happened.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

  1. Perhaps, it would have been better for me if my father's will had prevailed and I were now but an honest carpenter.

  2. He was a stranger to George and he was aware that if he met him in the street he would not recognize him.

  3. The trip to town will take half an hour if there is no traffic delay.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая различные значения слов as, since, for, too.

  1. She was trying to open her bag as she walked by Annabel's side along the corridor, talking.

  2. And since you've been here, everything has certainly been worse than it's ever been.

  3. I haven't closed my eyes for forty-eight hours.

  4. He has come too late.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Переведите письменно пятый абзац текста.

Where Will We Put the Heat?

Every time you turn on a light or the toaster or television, you also turn on hot water. The electricity you use comes from an electric power plant. In making electricity there is usually a lot of waste heat. The easiest way to get rid of the waste heat is in water, so most power plants are built near lakes or rivers. They take in cold water to cool the machinery and put back water that is 10 to 20 degrees warmer. So you turn on the hot water from your power plant every time you use electricity.

Sometimes heat is needed and valuable. It warms our homes in winter, for example. But so far no one has learned to use the heat from power plants. Usually it is not hot enough to heat homes, schools, and other buildings. But it is a lot of waste in one place, and that is what the word pollution means. So people are becoming worried about waste heat or thermal pollution.

Here are some things that may happen when you turn on the hot water in a lake or river. An increase in temperature causes a fish's life to speed up - it is more active, it needs more food, it grows faster. If water is warmed 10 degrees, a fish needs twice as much oxygen as before. But as water heats up, it holds less oxygen. So a fish may die from lack of oxygen, a gas needed by nearly all living things. Thermal pollution is especially bad for trout and salmon, which need cold water that is rich in oxygen.

Thermal pollution may cause fish to lay their eggs before they should, or keep fish eggs from hatching. It аlso helps the growth of bacteria and other organisms that cause fish diseases. Thermal pollution speeds the growth of algae and water weeds, too.

A few years ago there was so little thermal pollution that no one worried about it. But people are using more and more elec­tricity, and many power plants are being built. Many of the new ones use nuclear power. They produce even more waste heat than power plants that burn coal or oil.

A big nuclear plant needs 850,000 gallons of water a minute for cooling. This water then pours back into a river or lake, about 15 degrees warmer than before. That is a lot of hot water to put in one spot. But the troubles caused by thermal pollution may have only begun. About fifty nuclear plants are now working. Many more are being built or planned, and they may be operating by the end of the century. If we were to cool them the way we do now, it would take a third of all the water flowing in the United States just for cooling power plants.

One thing is certain: great amounts of heat will be produced by power plants in the future. The heat does not have to kill life in rivers and lakes. To prevent this, we can do several things. We can find ways to use less electricity. We can design and build power plants that are less wasteful than the ones used now. We can find new uses for waste heat. And we can build cooling towers that release the heat into the air. If we don't do all of these things, we will really be in hot water.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы.

1. Why are most power plants built near lakes or rivers? 2. Is heat from power plants hot enough to heat homes? 3. What water do trout and salmon need? 4. Does thermal pollution help the growth of bacteria and algae? 5. What must we do to prevent thermal pollution?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждой из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. They had washed him and he had not come out of his coma.

  2. Why has he come here?

  3. By this time tomorrow he will have completed his work.

  4. The article has been often referred to.

  5. The proposal has not been approved of.

  6. He was an outstanding person and had been always spoken about with admiration.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. They will have to stay for the time being.

  2. "I can do it," he said softly.

  3. One day the people of the world may develop a real world government.

  4. We must walk fast to get to the station.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  1. They called us up the day they arrived.

  2. I placed an order for the monograph the professor was referring to in his yesterday's lecture.

  3. He probably didn't know the book had been published.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод повелительного наклонения.

  1. Don't let him do it!

  2. Open the window, please.

  3. Let them go there!

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

  1. Не won't finish his work in time, unless he works hard.

  2. If he were here, he would help us.

  1. They would not have caught cold if they had put on warm coats.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая различные значения слов as, since, for, too.

  1. As I was coming here, I met your brother.

  2. Since the documents haven't arrived, we cannot load the goods.

  3. The manager will be there too.

  4. He walked quickly for he was in a great hurry.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите тексты. Переведите письменно текст Noise Pollution.

The Attack on Britain's Environment

Most of the Western nations have the same basic environmental problems, but they take different forms in each country. Here you can read about some of the dangers facing Britain's environment.

Air Pollution

One of Britain's environmental successes has been the control of air pollution, especially in London. Thirty years ago hundreds of people died every year from the dreadful London smogs. Since then London and some other cities have become "smokeless zones", areas where no coal fires are allowed. But now the increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution in our cities again.

Noise Pollution

Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. Aircraft are very noisy when they take off and the noise spreads over a wide area. Heathrow airport, near London, is one of the busiest airports in the world. Planes are only allowed to take off and land at Heathrow between six in the morning and eleven at night, but during the day fifty planes take off and land there every hour.

Water Pollution

There has been bad pollution of Britain's rivers, and the government has tried to stop it. There are now strict laws against water pollution, though it still quite often happens accidentally. Britain and France share the problem of oil pollution from the Channel. This has caused great damage to beaches and wildlife.

Cars and Roads

The need for new roads causes great environmental difficul­ties. They often spoil the countryside and bring noise and air pollution to thousands of homes. Since 1958 the population of Britain has increased by 11 per cent, but the number of cars has increased by 400 per cent.

Cars cause other problems too: thousands of people die in car accidents; car parks use valuable space in towns and cities; cars use a lot of our limited amount of oil.

Friends of the Earth suggest that the bicycle is the best way to travel because it's cheap, quiet and riding it keeps you healthy. However, there are far fewer cyclists in Britain than in some other European countries, so our roads aren't built for cycling. It can be dangerous to cycle in large cities as British motorists don't seem to notice cyclists. Some people think that only buses and bicycles should be allowed in our city centres.

Do You Know …

... that there are some parts of the Sahara Desert on which rain never falls. Though clouds pass over these parts, and raindrops really fall, the water itself never reaches the ground. The heat of the desert air turns the raindrops, as they fall, back into vapour.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What dangers face Britain's environment? 2. Does London control air pollution? 3. Why did hundreds of people die 30 years ago? 4. What can cause serious noise pollution? 5. Do Britain and France share oil pollution?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Has the secretary come?

  2. They hadn't yet loaded the goods when they received our telegram.

  3. We have built hundreds of new houses in Ufa.

  4. The ship has been unloaded.

  5. The house will have been built by January.

  6. The goods have just been examined by the customs.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Не could speak English when he was a boy.

  2. He may know her address.

  3. You must consult a doctor.

  4. They needn't have sent the telegram.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессозное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  1. The house they bought cost a great deal.

  2. That was the most extraordinary thing I have ever seen.

  3. I'm sure he will come if you call him.

  1. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод повелительного наклонения.

  1. Put the dictionary on the desk.

  2. Do come to see us tonight.

  3. Let them check the goods.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

  1. If she is here, she is probably working in the library.

  2. If I were you, I would take your manager's advice.

  3. If they were ecologists, they would do their best to protect the nature.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая различные значения слов аs, since, for, too.

  1. As I haven't read the book, I can't tell you anything about it.

  1. Since then her health has never been restored.

  2. There are too many mistakes in the documents.

  3. The water was too cold for us to bathe.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите тексты. Переведите письменно предпоследний абзац текста Survival Code.

Survival Code

Concerned about pollution? Then start depolluting ... If you're thinking of buying a metal antipollution badge, don't! Metal badges are indestructible.

The world's water supply is limited. If too much water is used, it has to be recycled quickly - too quickly to be properly purified.

Cars are major polluters. Better for others if you walk or bike: better for you too.

Stop smoking! It hurts you and those around you.

Be critical of supersonic transport. (Remember there is such thing as noise pollution.) Is Concorde really necessary?

Fight litter and litterbugs. Next time you see someone drop a sweet-wrapper or an empty matchbox, pick it up and hand it back to him politely.

If you use only as much detergent as recommended by the manufacturer on the packet, pollution of rivers and lakes would drop by 40%.

Be container-conscious: if you can't destroy it, or give it back, don't buy it. What happens to non-returnable glass bottles? And what happens to PVC bottles (washing-up liquids, shampoos, etc.)? They can't be burnt, as PVC (polyvinil chloride) then gives off deadly hydrochloric acid.

Have you ever wondered why you're tired - even after a good night's sleep? The chances are that though you weren't disturbed by noise in the night, your dreams were and this, doctors say, is harmful. Keep your radio and record player turned down at night and maybe your neighbours will follow your example.

These are just a few ideas on how to survive. How many more can you think of?

Do You Know ...

... that grey snow fell in Japan, and black snow fell in France? We say "as white as snow", but on January 31, 1925, the Japanese, and on October 6, 1926, the French laughed, repeating this expression. For on the first date, snow fell in Japan and it was grey; and on the second date, snow fell in France and it was black!

The Japanese scientists explained that the event was due to mixture of snow and ashes from nearby volcanoes.

The French, however, could not offer any explanation. They just looked at the snow and shrugged their shoulders.

Believe It or Not

A snowstorm in August? No, it was raining mashed potato. Yes, truly! In August 1973 King's Lynn Norfolk was hit by what people thought was a freak snowstorm until they discovered the flakes didn't melt. A machine in a local factory making instant potato had gone wrong. Fifty tons of instant potato had gone up in the air: then it rained, and the moisture brought the potato down, turned back into mashed potato!


Have you ever heard of it raining diamonds? It sounds impossible. Nevertheless a shower of diamonds fell from the sky and dropped in Western Australia a few years ago.

"Shower" is perhaps the wrong word, for the diamonds didn't fall separately. They came firmly embedded in a large, solid chunk of rock but they were diamonds all right, and exactly similar to those found in diamond mines on earth. But the most curious thing about them is that they didn't come from another planet, but were actually made in outer space! A meteorite travelling at terrific speed on its way to earth collided with some other body, and the tremendous pressure that followed turned the carbon in it to diamonds!

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. Is the world's water supply limited? 2. What happened in Japan on January 31, 1925? 3. How did the Japanese scientists explain the phenomenon? 4. Could the French scientists explain the phenomenon? 5. Where did the shower of diamonds fall?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I have found the book for which I was looking.

  2. Mr. Petrov has been appointed chief engineer of our plant.

  3. What English books have you read this term?

  4. A great number of new shops will have been opened in the town by the end of the year.

  5. After she had tried all the keys, she finally found the right one.

  6. The manager returned before the typist had typed all the letters.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Не said that he could ship the goods in April.

  2. I may come and see you next summer, but my plans are not fixed.

  3. They must have missed the train.

  4. You shouldn't smoke so much.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  1. This is the worst car I ever had.

  2. The man you told me about called in the morning.

  3. I'm sure the doctor won't advise you to go to the South in July.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод повелительного наклонения.

  1. Let her open the door.

  2. Don't touch this plug!

  3. Fetch me a book, won't you?

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

1. I shall be very grateful to you if you can spare me a few minutes.

2. It wouldn't have happened if you had been there. 3. If this watch were smaller, I should buy it.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая различные значения слов as, since, for, too.

l. I'll do it as you told me.

  1. I have been thinking of your decision since we parted.

  2. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

  3. He plays the piano, and he sings, too.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите тексты. Переведите письменно последний абзац текста Fancy That!


The British, like many other Europeans are becoming more and more worried about their environment. Here are some of the environmental problems we face:

As the population of large cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester continues to grow, the pollution problems get worse.

The air in many towns and cities has been polluted by traffic and industry. Water pollution has been a serious problem in many British rivers.

High-rise blocks become prisons for the people who live in them.

We waste a great deal of valuable material. Paper, glass, metal and plastic can all be recycled.

The number of cars and lorries is growing all the time. They need bigger, better and more expensive roads, which often ruin the countryside. Traffic in our cities is getting worse and worse.

Fancy That!

It may not rain pennies from heaven, but it has been known to rain red sand!

You've heard the expression "raining cats and dogs", but do you know it actually does rain cats in Ypres, in Belgium? This happens once a year when the inhabitants celebrate the "procession of the cats". After the procession, a shower of cats is released from the top of the belfry upon the people in the marketplace below!

But cat-lovers will be relieved to know that the cats nowadays are made of velvet, although in the old days real live cats were used!

Ever heard of "red rain"? Tales banded down from the Middle Ages told of various occasions when it "rained blood", but these were generally dismissed as "old wives' tales", until in 1901, showers of red-coloured rain fell in Italy and Vienna! A year later the same thing happened in Cornwall. Two years later, red rain fell over the whole of the South of England!

But there was a simple explanation. It was all caused by a red-coloured sand which had been carried up into the clouds by cyclones over the Sahara desert, and then deposited by ordinary rainfall when the clouds passed over other continents. It's Interesting To Know

... that it sometimes rains frogs. Scientists explain the fact in this way. Spawn are sucked up from rivers and lakes into the atmosphere by whirlwinds. The embryos which are very light, are carried through the air for great distances. The spawn hatch on the way and the frogs drop onto the earth.

Do You Know ...

... if it is harmful for us to drink rain water.

All the water we drink is rain water. All drinking water has at one time been rain water. The difference between rain water directly collected in cisterns and rain water from springs and wells is mainly a difference in the quantity of mineral salts in it. Rain water directly collected contains almost no mineral salts, while rain that has been in contact with earth contains mineral salts.

Therefore the answer is that it is not harmful to drink rain water though it is more pleasant to drink water which contains mineral salts.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. Do the British worry about their environment? 2. What materials can be recycled? 3. Is it harmful to drink rain water? 4. Does rain water contain mineral salts? 5. Is it more pleasant to drink water with mineral salts?


  1. Причастие I. Причастие II.

  2. Зависимый причастный оборот. Независимый причастный оборот.

  3. Герундий. Герундиальный оборот.

  4. Инфинитив.

  5. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Объектный инфинитивный оборот.

  6. Многозначность like, both, only.

Вариант 1

1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них Причастие I и Причастие II, установите функцию каждого причастия, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

  1. Turning the handle cautiously he looked out.

  2. She looked at the boys playing in the yard.

  1. The discovery made by him is of great importance.

  2. When changed, the article was published.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Being a foreigner she couldn't get accustomed to it.

  2. It being Sunday, the shops were closed.

  3. The conference being over, he returned to the office.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Smoking is bad for you.

  2. The art of dancing is an ancient one.

  3. I hate getting up early.

  4. She hurried home on hearing the news of his arrival.

  5. We were against Mr. Bond's going to London.

  6. We were told of Mr. Taylor arriving next week.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитив, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. То say is to act.

  2. I've got a lot of things to do.

  3. I have never learnt to dance.

  4. He is too young to understand it.

  5. The first thing to do is to let them know.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них субъектный или объектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. We consider her to be a good singer.

  2. I would like you to hurry them up.

  3. He made me do this work.

  4. She is known to speak three languages.

  1. The experiment was considered to be dangerous.

  2. The problem seems to be very complicated.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов like (alike), both (both ... and), only (the only).

  1. The rocket stands like a huge silver pencil.

  2. We were like brothers now.

  3. What pretty girls! And so very much like each other.

  4. They are both alike.

  5. Both Samarkand and Bukhara are the centres of Uzbek classical architecture.

  6. I prefer grey colours only.

  7. Being the only child in the family Mark was loved by everybody.

  8. Both he and she realized it very well.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Переведите письменно второй абзац текста.

Alfred Nobel

- a Man of Contrasts Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire; a scientist with a love of literature, an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and although cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a new explosive dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. During his useful life he often felt he was useless: "Alfred Nobel," he once wrote of himself, "ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life." World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. "I do not see," he once said, "that I have deserved any fame and I have no taste for it," but since his death, his name has brought fame and glory to others.

He was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented the landmine and made a lot of money from government orders for it during the Crimean War, but went bankrupt soon after. Most of the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred rejoined them in l863, beginning his own study of explosives in his father's laboratory. He had never been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Like his father, Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive, but he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward-looking industrialist.

But Nobel's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because, he could not find ordinary human love - he never married - he came to care deeply about the whole of mankind. He was always generous to the poor: "I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials," he once said. His greatest wish, however, was to see an end to wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals. And so, the man who felt he should have died at birth is remembered and respected long after his death. .

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What did Nobel invent? 2. Was he personally well known in the world? 3. Where and when was he born? 4. Was Nobel's father an inventor too? 5. Where did Nobel die?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них Причастие I и Причастие II, установите функцию каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

  1. Taking his seat, he looked at his watch.

  1. Their room had two curtained windows looking over the street, a couch with cushions, an almost empty bookcase and some photo­graphs of the family standing on it.

  2. When questioned closely, she said it was true that she hadn't seen her husband up and about lately.

  3. And each answer made was written down quickly upon the sheets of paper.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Having put the check into my pocket, I started for the door.

  2. It being chilly, we thought it wiser to stay in.

  3. He came forward to meet me hands outstretched, a sunny smile lighting up his face.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Keeping his secret won't do any harm.

  2. All I want is getting to the truth.

  1. He did not like the idea of her staying with her father's people in Capetown.

  1. He was aware of Jack's watching him attentively.

  2. She smiled without showing her teeth.

  1. It was some time before I remembered having met him on the Liston plane.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитив, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. То hear him talk is an education in itself.

  2. Our task is to master English.

  3. The Farrells like to tell jokes.

  4. You see I have no time to waste.

  5. I arrived on a Saturday afternoon to spend a week there.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них субъектный или объектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. There's some information I want you to obtain.

  2. He liked to see them work.

  3. I have never heard him speak of his boyhood.

  4. He was seen to cross the street and turn round the corner.

  5. He is said to be one of the best students at our faculty.

  6. He seemed to know her thoughts.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов like (alike), both (both ... and), only (the only).

  1. We were more like brothers than father and son.

  1. He had a stubborn desire for his own way which the Committee did not like.

  1. They both laughed and Dan looked down at his desk.

  1. The chief is much pleased with your report, only he doesn't want to show it.

  2. The only piece of furniture worthy of note was a large grand­father chair standing in front of the fireplace.

  1. She both sings and dances.

  2. He acts like a millionaire.

  3. The brothers were very much alike.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Переведите письменно восьмой абзац текста.

Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in South Island, New Zealand, in the family of English settlers.

In 1861 gold was found in New Zealand and many foreigners came to live there. Industry began to develop, the country began to increase its export.

Ernest's father earned his living by bridge-building and other construction work required in the country at that time. At the same time he carried on small-scale farming.

When James Rutherford, the father of the future great scientist, was 26 he became friends with Miss Tompson, a teacher of an English school. The young people fell in love and in 1866 they married.

Little Ernest was the fourth child in the family. When the boy was five he was sent to primary school. He was one of the best pupils there. After finishing primary school he went to the secondary school. He liked to read at school very much. His favourite writer was Charles Dickens. He made models of different machines. Especially he was interested in watches and cameras. He liked to take photos and constructed a camera himself. At "Nelson College" (that was the name of the school) Ernest distinguished himself in physics, mathematics, English, French and Latin. He became the best pupil at school. He paid much attention to chemistry, too. Chemistry was not obligatory but Rutherford was the only pupil to study chemistry at Nelson College. At the age of 19 he finished school and entered the only New Zealand University, called Canterbury College. The University was founded in 1870. When Rutherford entered the University there were only 150 students and 7 professors there. At the University Ernest Rutherford was one of the most talented students. He studied much but took an active part in sport competitions. He also took an active part in the work of the Scientific Society at the University. At one of the meetings of this Society he made his scientific report "The Evolution of Elements". At the same time he began his research work. For his talented scientific research work he got a prize. Later Rutherford went to Cambridge where he continued his researches.

About ten years Ernest Rutherford lived and worked in Canada. There he occupied a research chair in physics at the University in Montreal. Then he lectured in leading Universities in the United States and England, from 1907 till 1919. He worked at the University of Manchester.

Rutherford's famous work is "The Scattering of Alpha and Beta Particles of Matter and the Structure of the Atom." The book deals with so-called "atom models", according to which the atom is pictured as composed of a central charge surrounded by a sphere of electrification of equal but opposite charge.

The atom had always been regarded as the smallest indivisible units of which matter was composed. Further research showed that the atom was made up of smaller parts and that its structure was very complex. It resembled the solar system, with a central nucleus and a number of electrons very much smaller than the nucleus and revolving around it. It was shown by Rutherford that the atom could be bombarded so that the electrons could be thrown off, and the nucleus itself could be broken in the process of splitting the nucleus, matter was converted into energy which for the scientists of the 19th century seemed to be impossible.

The splitting of the atom has opened to man a new and enormous source of energy. The most important results have been obtained by splitting the atom of uranium.

At present we are only at the beginning of the application of atomic energy and all its possible uses for peaceful purposes in power engineering, medicine and agriculture.

Ernest Rutherford paid much attention to his young pupils. After 1920 he did not make great discoveries in science but taught young scientists in the field of atomic research work.

The great scientist died in the autumn of 1937 after an operation at a Cambridge hospital. He was 66.

Many people took part in the funeral. There were great scientists and friends there, many of his students who loved their teacher and honoured him.

Ernest Rutherford was buried at Westminster Abbey not far from the graves of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Michael Faraday.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. In what subjects did Ernest Rutherford distinguish himself at school? 2. Was he interested only in studies at the University? 3. Did he get a prize for his research work? 4. What has the splitting of the atom opened to man? 5. Did Ernest Rutherford make great discoveries in science after 1920?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них Причастие I и Причастие II, установите функцию каждого причастия, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

  1. Hearing this I decided to go to the house at once.

  2. She tried to calm the crying child.

  3. I read the note written in French.

  4. When shown the letter she confessed everything.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Coming up to the door I found it locked.

2. All preparations being made, the party sat down.

3. There being a lot of things to discuss, the conference lasted long.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. His hobby is collecting stamps.

2. The child had no difficulty in solving the puzzle.

3. I prefer riding to walking.

4. She walked quickly without looking back.

5. We insist on John's making a report.

6. Do you mind our being present?

4. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитив, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. То live in a world without fear is the goal of progressive mankind.

2. I've got a call to make.

3. I want to study French.

4. Her dream is to become an actress.

5. She is clever enough not to mention it.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них субъектный или объектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The driver wanted the car to be filled up.

2. What makes you suspect him?

3. We expect him to arrive tomorrow.

4. The girl was seen to dance.

5. He is considered to be a good teacher.

6. Peter is certain to do this work.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов like (alike), both (both ... and), only (the only).

  1. The tea tastes like coffee.

  2. Boris is very much like his brother.

  3. Snow falls like feathers.

  4. They are dressed alike too.

  5. Both streets and houses were white with snow.

  6. Both friends felt happy at seeing each other.

  7. Only Mr. Taylor and Mr. Fox were at Petrov's place for the first time.

  8. I quite unexpectedly realized that it was the only way out.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Переведите письменно первый абзац текста.

The Legend of Madame Sklodowska-Curie

Let us inquire into the question why the legend of Madame Curie was created and why it spread throughout the world. Her legend is, and will be one of the factors which will play its role in the creation of a new post-war civilization. We all know that she was first to discover that the minerals containing uranium or thorium are more radioactive than pure uranium and thorium. This was the turning point in the discovery of radium. At that moment Pierre Curie postponed his own investigations on the physics of crystals and joined his wife in her effort to find those more active unknown chemical elements. To appreciate properly the development which followed, it should be borne in mind that both Pierre and Marie Curie were convinced that the new element radium, and to some extent polonium, had their definite places in the Mendeleyev System.

It is known to a restricted number of specialists that Madame Curie gave the real basis for the industrial methods of radium manufacture. She established the methods of separating radium and other elements from the pitchblende and from other minerals. She also used other methods according to the chemical character of radioactive elements.

The significance of these investigations is less known, only because she refused to protect her rights for the method of radium manufacture, as she wished to serve the people of the whole world.

An attempt of publishing a list of papers and books written by Mme Marie Curie-Sklodowska is, unfortunately, a difficult task.

The first publications of her work appeared at the time the method of registering scientific papers was far less precise than it is today. Scientific journals did not bother to give exact initials of the author's name. Even the year of publication and the name of the journal in which the paper was published were totally ignored. This lack of uniformity in the abstracts of Madame Curie's papers was caused also by another factor. Insisting as she often did on stressing the point of her Polish birth, Mme Curie used to include in her signatures also her maiden name, Sklodowska. Obviously it resulted in some confusion.

After the tragic death of Pierre Curie, however, Madame Curie used practically without exception the name Pierre Curie. From time to time, however, she added her maiden name too, as if to remind the reader that she was a Pole by birth. A great many works of Mme Curie have been translated into English and other languages.

In October 1929 Mme Curie arrived in the United States for the second time. Another gram of radium was offered to her which she gave to the Sklodowska-Curie Radium Institute in Warsaw. Madame Curie visited Poland twice after the First World War. Her visit was connected with the dedication ceremonies at the Sklodowska-Curie Radium Institute with its Hospital in Warsaw.

Madame Sklodowska-Curie (1867-1934), the leading woman scientist, the greatest woman of her generation, was the first person to receive a Nobel Prize twice.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What element did Curie discover? 2. What was Marie's nationality? 3. Did Pierre die tragically? 4. When did Mme Curie arrive to the United States for the second time? 5. How many times did Marie receive a Nobel Prize?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них Причастие I и Причастие II, установите функцию каждого причастия, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

1. Being of a nervous temperament she trembled at seeing her child.

  1. It was pleasant to look at the rising sun.

  2. They were playing watched by the nurse.

  3. If changed the article will be published.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Having lived in the country for many years he spoke English without a foreign accent.

  1. The weather being fine, the airplane started.

  1. England being a constitutional monarchy, the Queen of England is only a formal ruler.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Walking fast is good exercise.

  2. We didn't like the idea of inviting Robertsons.

  3. He finished reading.

  4. Before crossing the road stop and look both ways.

  5. We know of the earth behaving as a large magnet!

  6. They object to our leaving so soon.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитив, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. То learn everything by heart is impossible.

  2. Tell me how to do it.

  3. There is a house to let.

  4. To hesitate is to lose.

  5. He came to ask after her health.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них субъектный или объектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Do you really wish him to come?

  2. I saw him come here.

  1. I often hear children play in the yard.

  2. All bodies are known to possess weight.

  3. He is sure to come.

  4. English is known to have adopted a lot of French words.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов like (alike), both (both ... and), only (the only).

  1. The nerves of pilots must be like steel.

  2. I wish I could do it like you.

  3. She is treated like a tender plant.

  4. They are as alike as two drops of milk.

  5. Both builders and architects are trying to make new houses comfortable to live in.

  6. You are both mistaken taking me for Mr. Roger.

  7. Only you are to blame for it.

  8. The only thing to do was to leave this place immediately.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите тексты. Переведите письменно четвертый абзац текста Thomas Alva Edison.

Anders Celsius

Anders Celsius, a founder of Swedish astronomy who was from a family of noted scholars, possessed a variety of other scientific interests and skills. He was born on November 27, 1701, in the old Swedish city of Uppsala, 40 miles northwest of Stockholm. His interests in the earth, sea, and sky developed early. Before he was 20, he was making definite observations of the northern lights. At 29 he became professor of astronomy at the University of Uppsala where his grandfather and father had taught.

Celsius inspired and carried out construction of an astronomical observatory, of which he became director, at the University. Then, in 1740, he began his work of greatest scientific value: systematic measurement of the brightness of various stars by use of photonutric devices which had been recently developed.

Never content to concentrate his energy on a single effort, he made, in 1742, the announcement for which he is now remembered.

As early as 1585 the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevinus had proposed that all nations use the decimal system which he had devised. Almost a century later Gabriel Mouton of France urged adoption of a system of weights and measures with a decimal bаsе. It was not unitl 1791 that the French National Аssembly took the first official step, but the idea was germinating in mid-century and Celsius investigated the desirability of applying decimals to the measurement of heat.

In 1701 Newton had suggested that the basic scale should range from the freezing point of water to the temperature of the human body. Then a German who had spent many years in Holland, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, mixed salt with ice to lower Newton's zero.

A few years later, a Frenchman, Rene Antoine de Reaumur, called for a scale with 80 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water.

When it appeared that the measurement of heat was rapidly getting out of hand, Celsius prepared a paper "On the Measurement of Heat" which he read to the Swedish Academy of Science. Celsius's monograph proposed a thermometer scale based on decimals Instead of de Reaumur's 80 or Fahrenheit's 180 degrees.

Thomas Alva Edison

He was born February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio, and worked as newsboy and "candy butcher" on a train when he was 12. When he was 15 he rescued a child from the path of a speeding train. The father, in gratitude, taught him how to be a telegraph operator. He landed in New York at 22, penniless.

We think of him as the inventor of the electric light, but how much more he Improved and made possible!

The catalogue of his inventions still strains belief. He was granted 1,093 patents in the USA alone and two to three thousand more in foreign countries. Foundations and government agencies spent little or nothing on research, so Edison thought four or five hours of sleep, enough for anyone and often worked 40 to 50 hours, napping in his laboratory.

His deafness ("I have not heard a bird sing since I was 12") intensified an astounding capacity for concentration. His wife said that when absorbed in a problem, he lived "in the highest state of exhilaration, seeing nothing and thinking nothing ... except what was a vital bearing of his task." He filled 2,500 notebooks with research ideas and records.

He loved Shakespeare and Tom Paine and had over 10,000 volumes in his home. He seemed incapable of despair. Searching for a domestic source of rubber he tested 17,000 different plants in four years. After 8,000 unsuccessful trials on a storage battery, he remarked: "Well, at least we know 8,000 things that don't work."

His passion for experiments, his imaginative conception of novel combinations, his ability to find fresh ways of solving old problems, to follow intuition - these are surely part of scientific endeavour, though he always used to say: "I am not a scientist, I am an inventor."

Perhaps one of the greatest of Edison's inventions was organized research itself. His laboratory in Menlo Park, N.Y-(1876) was the first to put researchers of different skills to work as a team on new problems.

Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931, at 84, leaving cities around the globe diademed by light.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. When was Celsius born? 2. Was he director of an astro­nomical observatory? 3. When and where was Edison born? 4. What jobs did he have? 5. Who was his favourite writer?


  1. Порядок слов в английском вопросительном предложении (общие, альтернативные, специальные вопросы).

  2. Личные местоимения (в именительном и объектном падежах).

  3. Притяжательные местоимения (в простой и абсолютной формах).

  4. Возвратно-усилительные местоимения.

  5. Многозначность still, yet, far.


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним общие вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. My brother works at the plant.

  2. We listen to the tapes in the English language laboratory.

  3. In the evening I had a rest.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним альтернативные вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

1. You studied at the Ufa Petroleum University.

  1. I live in the hostel.

  2. They will return in a week.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним специальные вопросы, начиная их с вопросительных слов, данных в скобках; переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. Mary understands this rule quite well. (Who?)

  2. It is a book on chess. (What kind of?)

  3. The shipbuilding is largely concentrated in Glasgow and Newcastle. (Where?)

  4. I don't want to speak about it. (Why?)

4. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод личного местоимения, данного в скобках.

  1. Show (ему) your drawing, (her, he, him, them)

  2. Tell (им) about your new flat, (they, them, her, we)

  3. These flowers are so nice. (Я) am fond of (их). (they, them, us, I)

  4. Let's ask (ее) about her foreign language classes, (her, she, it, him)

5. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод притяжа­тельного местоимения, данного в скобках.

  1. Where are (ее) parents? (his, her, their, its)

  2. They are busy with (своими) lessons, (her, his, their, its)

  3. I like a friend of (мой) (my, his, mine, your)

  4. This is (их) flat, (their, its, her, his)

6. Перепишите предложения. вставив правильную форму возвратно - усилительного местоимения (himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, ourselves). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The boy hurt ... .

2. The dog rose to its foot and shook ... .

3. Children like to hide ... here.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая вникание на различные значения yet, still, far.

  1. They have not heard the news yet.

2. Have they left yet?

3. It was still very foggy and extremely cold, there was no noise of people running to and fro.

  1. The number of discoveries in the 19th century was much bigger than in the 16th century, but the number of discoveries in the 20th century was still bigger.

  2. The shop is not far from here.

  3. There are far lower temperatures on other planets than on the Earth.

8. Прочтите и устно переведите текст The Internet.

The Internet

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet swithing. Vowing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-swithing network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions, and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet.

In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world and can do it very cheaply. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the Internet long distances, around the world? The answer is very simple: a user pays his/her service provider a monthly or hourly fee part of this fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider. And part of the fee got by the larger provider goes to cover its cost of running a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations.

But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network will drastically increase. For example, some western architecture companies and garment centers already transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined by skilled - but inexpensive - Chinese computer-aided-design specialists.

However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many strong encoding programs available, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding. But when it becomes necessary to send important information over the network, these encoding programs may be useful. Some American banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet. However, there are still both commercial and technical problems which will take time to be resolved.

9. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the Internet? 2. What was the Internet originally designed for? 3. What country are most of the Internet host computers in? 4. What is the most popular Internet service? 5. Whom do you have to pay for sending e-mail messages?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним общие вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

1. We described pictures in class.

2. I want to speak on this topic.

3. She translates sentences from Russian into English.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним альтернативные вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

1. The academic year lasts 10 months.

2. My friend will study French.

3. I have many English books at home.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним специальные вопросы, начиная их с вопросительных слов, данных в скобках; переведите вопросы на русский язык.

1. A teacher thinks of his pupils. (Who?)

2. My friend prepares his homework in the evening. (When?)

3. There is one mistake in your exercise, but a very bad one. (How many?)

4. You were speaking to your friend when I met you. (To whom?)

4. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод личного местоимения, данного в скобках.

1. Tell (нам) about this town, (you, us, we, them)

2. (Он) is busy with his lessons. Don't speak to (ним), (him, he, them, she)

3. Look at (нее). She is ill. (her, it, him, she)

4. Jack is telling (нам) about his work, (them, we, you, us)

5. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод притяжа­тельного местоимения, данного в скобках.

1. What colour are the walls in that room? (Ее) walls are grey. (her, its, his, their)

2. (Мои) parents are young, (his, my, her, our)

3. (Наша) flat has five rooms, (my, his, their, our)

4. This is the best friend of (наш), (our, yours, ours, his)

6. Перепишите предложения, вставив правильную форму возвратно-усилительного местоимения (himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, ourselves). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She looked at ... in the mirror.

2. I found a picture of ... at the age of ten.

3. My brother wanted to help us, but we decided to try and do it ... without his help.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения yet, still, far.

  1. I haven't yet come to any conclusion.

  2. Has she graduated from the Institute yet?

  3. While being still young Lomonosov displayed great abilities for learning and he mastered reading and writing.

  4. They may be still working in the laboratory.

  5. Did you have to walk far?

  6. The new method is far surer than the old one.

8. Прочтите и устно переведите текст Multitasking.


after S. McCartney

From the earliest time people have been trying to do several things simultaneously. They can read a book, cook dinner, talk on the phone, and do many other things at the same time. As car has become available, the time of multitasking has increased: people drive, listen to the radio, eat and smoke in the cars at the same time.

Now an arsenal of new technology (from notebook computers to cellular phones and portable televisions) makes it possible for everyone to multitask all day.

The computer industry introduced the word "multitasking" to the vocabulary. Mainframe computers that handled networks were the original multitaskers. Apple's and Microsoft's software turned millions of personal computers into multitaskers. Today millions of people can set their personal computers to multitask while they are themselves multitasking: talking on the phone, receiving faxes, and looking through newspapers at the same time.

While multitasking is not bad for computers, it may be a bad thing for some people. Psychologists say it is possible for the human brain to process two or more tasks at the same time, but only one of them receives sharp attention. Multitasking makes stressful lives of people more stressful. Experts say that although a lot of people believe that multitasking enhances their productivity, in fact it can reduce it.

Because of the limitation of human brain, multitasking can lead to many mistakes. Indeed, a person who is doing several things at the same time may put the wrong number in a spreadsheet or send a message to the wrong e-mail address. Moreover, people on the other end of the line don't usually like to talk to a person who is doing something else while talking to them. It may alienate the people from the multitasker.

Multitaskers also like to do more than one thing at once even in their leisure time. They cannot watch television without reading a newspaper or have dinner without watching TV.

Now multitasking takes place nearly everywhere. A lot of businessmen and managers are never far from their notebook computers and cellular telephones. They are almost always doing two or three things at once, driving and dialing, speaking and typing on keyboards of their computers. On airplanes they are using their notebook computers to answer e-mail messages. While driving, they are speaking on their cellular phones. "Why wait?' they аsk. "That's the world we live right now."

9. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What is multitasking? 2. Are you a multitasker? 3. How many things are you doing at the same time: at your office, at home, when you are driving to your office or home, when you are watching TV or having dinner? 4. Would you say it's dangerous to be a multitasker? 5. Why are many businessmen and managers multitaskers?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним общие вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. I am glad to see her.

  2. My sister wants to learn to speak Spanish.

  3. We answered our teacher's questions in class.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним альтернативные вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. The autumn term will last four months.

  2. Geology is a theoretical science.

  1. At present there are about three hundred technical institutions in Great Britain.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним специальные вопросы, начиная их с вопросительных слов, данных в скобках; переведите вопросы на русский язык.

1. My book is lying on the shelf. (What?)

2. Her husband can explain it. (Who?)

3. My brother has 12 English books. (How many?)

4. It must be done very quickly. (How?)

4. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод личного местоимения, данного в скобках.

1. Show (им) the plan of our work, (they, them, him, us)

2. (Она) is helping (ему) with his lessons, (her, she, him, he)

3. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их). (them, they, her, him)

4. This engineer works with (мной). (him, her, me, you)

5. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод притяжа­тельного местоимения, данного в скобках.

1. (Их) children are in the garden, (our, their, her, his)

2. What colour is (его) bag? (its, her, his, hers)

3. (Ee) sister is married, (hers, his, her, our)

4. My room is large, (твоя) is larger and (ее) is the largest. (your, his, hers, yours, ours)

6. Перепишите предложения, вставив правильную форму возвратно-усилительного местоимения (himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, ourselves). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I ... have never been there.

2. You said so ... .

3. But while we were enjoying ... in eating and drinking, the island all of a sudden trembled and shook us terribly.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения yet, still, far.

1. It isn't late yet but you can hardly see anything in front of you.

2. Has your mother answered the letter yet?

3. A monument near London Bridge still marks the place where the Great Fire of London began.

  1. He gave still another reason.

  2. I live far from the Institute but near the city library.

6. This text is far more difficult than the one we translated yesterday.

8. Прочтите и устно переведите текст The Spirit of an Organi­zation.

The Spirit of an Organization

After Peter Drucker "The practice of Management"

Two sayings sum up the "spirit of an organization." One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie's tombstone:

Here lies a man

Who knew how to enlist

In his service

Better men than himself

The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically handicapped: "It's the abilities, not the disabilities, that count."

Management by objective tells a manager what he ought to do. The proper organization of his job enables him to do it. But it is the spirit of the organization that determines whether he will do it. It is the spirit that motivates, that calls upon a man's reserves of dedication and effort, that decides whether he will give his best or do just enough to get by.

It is the purpose of an organization to "make common men do uncommon things" - this phrasing is Lord Beveridge's. No organization can depend on genius; the supply is always scarce and always unpredictable. But it is the test of an organization that it make ordinary human beings perform better than they are capable of, that it bring out whatever strength there is in its members and use it to make all other members perform more and better. It is the test of an organization that it neutralize the weaknesses of its members.

Altogether the test of good spirit is not that "people get along together"; it is performance, not conformance. "Good human relations" not grounded in the satisfaction of good performance and the harmony of proper working relations are actually poor human relations and result in poor spirit. They do not make people grow: they make them conform and contract. I shall never forget "the university president who once said to me: "It is my job to make it possible for the first-rate teacher to teach. Whether he gets along with his colleagues or with me - and very few of really good teachers do either - is irrelevant. We certainly have a collection of problem children here - but, boy, do they teach." And when his successor substituted for this a policy of "peace and harmony", both the performance and the spirit of the faculty rapidly went to pieces.

There are five areas in which practices are required to ensure the right spirit throughout management organization.

  1. There must be high performance requirements; no condoning of poor or mediocre performance; and rewards must be based on performance.

  2. Each management job must be a rewarding job in itself rather than just a step in the promotion ladder.

  3. There must be rational and just promotion system.

  4. Management needs a "charter" spelling out clearly who has the power to make life-and-death decisions affecting a manager; and there should be some way for a manager to appeal to a higher court.

  5. In its appointments management must demonstrate that it realizes that integrity is the absolute requirement of a manager, the one quality that he has to bring with him and cannot be expected to acquire later on.

A man should never be appointed to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people's weaknesses rather than on their strengths. He should be a realist; and no one is less realistic than the cynic. A man should never be appointed if he is more interested in the question: "Who is right?" than in the question: "What is right?" Management should never appoint a man who considers intelligence more important than integrity.

The men with whom a man works, and especially his subordinates, know in a few weeks whether he has integrity or not. They may forgive a man a great deal: incompetence, ignorance, insecurity or bad manners. But they will not forgive him lack of integrity. Nor will they forgive higher management for choosing him.

9. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What sayings sum up the "spirit of an organization"? 2. What is the purpose of an organization? 3. Why is performance the test of good spirit? 4. What man should never be appointed to a managerial position? 5. What quality will the subordinates never forgive a manager?


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним общие вопросы, переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. The candidate submitted his documents.

  2. The continent of Antarctica lies at and around the South Pole.

  3. She is always attentive in class.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним альтернативные вопросы, переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The head engineer gave his instructions to the workers.

  2. George was showing his mother's photo to his friend.

  3. We ask each other questions.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; задайте к ним специальные вопросы, начиная их с вопросительных слов, данных в скобках; переведите вопросы на русский язык.

  1. The war ruined many cities. (What?)

  2. A mother speaks of her children. (Who?)

  3. Summer is the best season for travelling. (Which?)

  4. You went skiing yesterday in spite of the weather. (When?)

4. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод личного местоимения, данного в скобках.

  1. (Он) is fond of reading. Give these books to (ему), (him, he, her, us)

  2. (Они) are in the classroom. Let's go there and tell (им) about our plans, (they, us, them, him)

  3. (Мы) shall test this device tomorrow, (us, we, you, they)

  4. Look at (него). (he, her, him, they)

5. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный перевод притяжа­тельного местоимения, данного в скобках.

1. This classroom is (наша), (our, its, ours, their)

  1. Don't take (ее) pen, take (мою), (my, his, her, mine, hers)

3. Nick is helping (своему) friend with (его) English. (her, his, their, hers)

4. Ann is busy with (своими) lessons. (Ee) father is dead, (their, his, her, hers)

6. Перепишите предложения, вставив правильную форму возвратно усилительного местоимения (himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, ourselves). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I want him to do it . . . .

  2. She fell down and hurt ... .

  3. They dressed ... "all in their best" and at last went to the theatre.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения yet, still, far.

  1. "Are you ready to translate the text?" - "Not yet."

  2. Have they taken their exams yet?

  3. Though she is very old she still does a lot of things about the house.

  4. My friend's interest in physics is as great as that in chemistry but his interest in mechanics is still greater.

  5. Their office is as far away from here as ours.

  6. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is far greater than that from the Moon.

8. Прочтите и устно переведите тексты Advertising и Marketing.


Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of products, services, or ideas by an identifiable individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. It is one of the most important factors in accelerating the distribution of products and helping to raise the standard of living. Advertising cannot turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do - and does - is to create an awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main objectives of advertising are: 1) to produce knowledge about the product or service; 2) to create preference for it; and 3) to stimulate thought and action about it.

Advertisers. Most companies that advertise extensively have advertising managers, or brand managers. Because these people help to coordinate the company's advertising program with its sales program and with the company's advertising agency, they must have aptitudes for both advertising and management.

Media. All media use salesmen to sell advertising space or broadcasting time. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about business and skilled in salesmanship.

Advertising Agencies. A variety of specialists is required in an advertising agency because it develops advertising programs, prepares advertisements, and places them in media.


As defined by the committee on definitions of the American Marketing Association, marketing is "the performance of business activities directed toward and incident to, the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user."

Today discovering demand, managing demand, and physically supplying demand constitute the three major divisions of Marketing effort undertaken by many firms. Marketing management approached this status in the 1950's when the General Electric Company enunciated a policy declaring that "marketing begins with the consumer." By discovering and filling unmet wants, its marketing program was designed to produce what General Electric could sell because customers had certain unmet wants. Subsequently, having what you could sell instead of trying to "high pressure" customers into buying what you have required provided the use of marketing research and environment "scanning" of conditions affecting business.

The key concept of market selection and product planning is the Product Life Cycle. It predicts that any product passes through various stages between its life and death (introduction - growth - maturity - decline). So companies can make better marketing decisions if they find out where each of their product stands in its life cycle.

9. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What is advertising? 2. Can you name three main objectives of advertising? 3. How is marketing defined by the committee on definitions of the American Marketing Association? 4. When did the General Electric Company enunciate a policy declaring that "marketing begins with the consumer"? 5. What stages does any product pass between its life and death?


  1. Неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.

  2. Местоимения all, every, each, everybody, everyone, everything.

  3. Местоимения other, another, each other, one another, such, same.

  4. Местоимения much, many, little, few, a little, a few, a lot of, lots of, a great deal, a great many, plenty of.

  5. Согласование времен.

  6. Сослагательное наклонение.

  7. Многозначность either, neither.


1. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (some, any, no, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, no one, none, something, anything, nothing). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. When I needed help, he didn't ask ... questions.

  2. I know ... about them.

  3. ... tells me anything.

  4. "Have you ... money?" - "Yes." - "Loan me ... ."

2. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (all, every, each, everybody, everyone, everything). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I want to hear ... they say.

  2. I have ... he has ever written.

  3. He shouted her name twice, ... time banging his fist on the table.

  4. ... trunks must be labelled before being deposited in the left-luggage office.

3. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (other, another, each other, one another, such, same). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and the ... English.

  2. The rest of us looked at ... in amazement.

  3. I had ... a busy morning that I had no time to call you up.

4. Перепишите предложения, правильно выбрав одно из местоимений, данных в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Philip had (few, little) friends.

  2. Aunt Florrie had (a little, a few) money while none of the other family had inherited as (much, many) as a pound.

  3. In the last twenty-four hours too (little, many) things had happened.

  4. There is (a lot of, many) work to do.

5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на правило согласования Времен.

  1. Не asked me what work I was doing and whether I intended to go to a University.

  2. It was also rumoured that Dan had got married.

  3. She claimed that she had met Monty on her way home. Monty had told her that I would probably come to his place later.

6. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сослагательного наклонения.

  1. I wish I knew how you reach your results.

  2. I wished I hadn't wasted so much money when I got there.

  3. She suggested that this date be a day of international solidarity.

  4. They proposed that the issue should be discussed in a week.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод either, either ... or, neither, neither ... nor.

  1. "She is either very ill or has gone away." "What can one do about it in either case?"

  2. "Which job are you going to take?" "I'm afraid, neither."

  3. You can borrow either of my two cameras.

  4. They are neither for nor against our plan of action.

8. Прочтите тексты. Найдите в правой колонке значения выделенных в текстах слов. Изложите содержание текстов на русском языке своими словами.

The Explosion of Krakatoa

There are few sights that are more impressive and AWESOME than the ERUPTION of an active volcano. There are few natural events that tо singularly dwarf man's PUNY attempts to control his environment. Perhaps the greatest volcanic ERUPTION of modern times took place in 1883 when the island of Krakatoa in Indonesia blew up as the result of a volcanic explosion. An enormous tidal wave resulted that proved catastrophic to the nearby coasts of Java and Sumatra. New islands were formed by the lava that poured out, and DEBRIS was scattered across the Indian Ocean for hundreds of miles. Volcanic material, DISPERSED seventeen miles into the atmosphere, created startingly beautiful sunsets for years afterwards.

  1. awesome a) scattered, spread, broken up

  2. debris b) weak, unimportant

  3. dispersed c) inspiring terror, weird

  4. eruption d) ruins, fragments

  5. puny e) bursting out

A Universal Danger

Man's ability to OBLITERATE life on this planet has increased at a rapid rate. We are now faced with the DEPLORABLE prospect of new weapons that can cause destruction of life and property on a scale far beyond our imagination. No matter who takes the first step to INITIATE a conflict, the possibility exists that the CONFLAGRATION will spread and envelop the world. Much thought has been given to ways and means of preventing this catastrophe. Some consider it mandatory that the nuclear powers seek agreement on methods of limiting and controlling these weapons, for in the absence of such an agreement, we may -RUE the day atomic energy was made practical.

  1. obliterate a) regret

  2. deplorable b) sad, pitiable

  3. initiate c) erase, wipe out

  4. conflagration d) start, set going

  5. rue e) great fire

Taken for Granted

The presence of an ever-flowing supply of fresh, clean water is taken for granted. Unfortunately, this CONGENIAL condition is fast disappearing. As our population increases, as industry consumes more water each year, the level of our underground water supply sinks measurably. There is no way to HOARD water; there are many ways to conserve it. During a particularly dry spell, New York City found its reservoirs going dry. Only then did the residents begin to heed the SAGE advice to limit the wasteful uses of water. Under the AEGIS of the Water Commissioner, citizens were encouraged to develop habits that would save water. The continued imprudent waste by each of us of this most basic resource will work to the DETRIMENT of all.

  1. congenial a) injury, damage, hurt

  2. hoard (v) b) sympathetic, agreeable

  3. sage c) shield, protection, sponsorship

  4. aegis d) hide, store, accumulate

  5. detriment e) wise man, philosopher

An Ageless Society

Ever so often we can read about a man or woman who has reached an age far beyond the limits we ordinarily expect. Reports of a man in Chile or a woman in Turkey who has celebrated the 105th or 110th birthday occur regularly. The natural question is, to what do these people owe their LONGEVITY? Frequently, the answer concerns the fact that the ancient one liked to IMBIBE regularly of some hard liquor. The photograph will show an apparently VIRILE man or robust woman. Somehow, people who reach this advanced age seem to remain eternally sturdy. There are no signs that they have become SENILE. Smoking a pipe, or sewing or. some garment, these rare specimens of hardy humanity are far from DODDERING folk we expect to see.

1) longevity a) long duration of life

  1. imbibe b) masterful, manly

  2. virile c) drink

  3. senile d) infirm, weak from old age

  4. doddering e) trembling, shaking


1. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, somebody, anyone, no one, none, something, anything, nothing). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Have you . . . cheese?

2. If there's ... you want, let me know.

3. ... answered her, as she addressed ... in particular.

  1. There are ... pears on the tree.

2. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (all, every, each, everybody, everyone, everything). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Soon ... were asleep.

  2. She took the initiative and herself spoke to ... she knew.

  3. She had something to say on ... subject.

  4. They broke into little groups; ... had his own wonderful story to tell.

3. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (other, another, each other, one another, such, same). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. ... people have told me the same thing.

  2. These three ladies disliked and distrusted ....

  3. I was astonished and at the ... time very much excited.

4. Перепишите предложения, правильно выбрав одно из местоимений, данных в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Martin spent so (much, many) time in the hospital.

  2. At the bar {a few, a little) men were discussing the coming elections in loud tones.

  3. There were (few, little) people in the square, and I did not notice the faces as I hurried past.

  4. She knows (lots of, much) girls who go out dancing every Saturday.

5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.

  1. In the hotel the waiter told me that an American had been staying there for three months.

  2. It was understood that he would invite us to lunch on Saturday.

  3. The last two weeks she had been saying to everyone who phoned her that she was unwell and did not leave home.

6. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сослагательного наклонения.

  1. I wish you didn't have to go. Why must you?

  2. Oh, I wish I hadn't sent him that letter telling him to take care of himself.

  3. It is important, however, that no hasty actions be taken which could complicate the situation.

4. He then suggested that we should drop the discussion and talk about something else.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод either, either ... or, neither … nor.

  1. I can speak neither Chinese nor Japanese.

  2. I could hear them both, but saw neither.

  3. She can play with the tennis racket in either hand.

  4. I don't want either to be sympathized with or to be encouraged.

8. Прочтите тексты. Найдите в правой колонке значения выделенных в текстах слов. Изложите содержание текстов на русском языке своими словами.

A Visit to the President

In the winter of 1941, Enrico Fermi and a number of other distinguished scientists IMPORTUNED President Franklin Franklin Roosevelt for authorization to begin an all-out effort in atomic energy research. The scientists were alarmed by INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence of SURREPTITIOUS German experiments, and they asked for speedy approval. Italian-born Enrico Fermi was the ideal man to lead the atomic research. Already in 1938 he had won the Nobel Prize for work with radioactive elements and neutron bombardment. Fermi had found a HAVEN from the fascists (his wife was Jewish) and he knew that if the Germans were the first to develop an atomic bomb it would mean that Hitler could SUBJUGATE the entire world. The international race for atomic supremacy was on.

  1. importune a) undeniable

  2. incontrovertible б) ask urgently

  3. surreptitious c) conquer

  4. haven d) place of safety

  5. subjugate e) stealthy, accomplish

The ULTIMATE Weapon Takes Shape

Enrico Fermi designed a device which could EVENTUATE in a chain reaction. It consisted of layers of graphite, alternated with chunks of uranium. The uranium EMITTED neutrons and the graphite slowed them down. Holes were left for long cadmium safety rods. By withdrawing those control rods Fermi could speed up the production of neutrons, thus increasing the number of uranium atoms which would be split (fission). When the rods were withdrawn to a critical point, then the neutrons would be produced so fast that the graphite and cadmium could not absorb them. In that manner a chain reaction would result. Slowly, Fermi's first atomic pile began to grow in a SUBTERRANEAN room at Columbia University. The big question remained - was it VIABLE?

  1. ultimate a) underground

  2. eventuate b) final

3) emit c) practicable, workable

  1. subterranean d) to give off

  2. viable e) to result finally

The Squash Court Experiment

As the pile grew, so did the entire project. Fermi moved his materials to an abandoned squash court under a football stadium at the University of Chicago. His pace accelerated because they were proceeding on the PREMISE that the Germans were close to atomic success. Six weeks after the pile had been started, its critical size was reached. Three brave young men JEOPARDIZED their lives by ascending the pile, ready to cover it with liquid cadmium if anything went wrong. Almost fifty scientists and several INCREDULOUS observers mounted a balcony to watch. One physicist remained on the floor; it was his job to extract the final cadmium control rod. Unbearable tension PERMEATED the atmosphere. Fermi completed his calculations, waited for a PROPITIOUS moment, and then gave the signal.

  1. premise a) favorable

  2. jeopardize b) endanger

  3. incredulous c) to spread through

  4. permeate d) skeptical

  5. propitious e) grounds for a conclusion

The Italian Navigator Lands

The chain reaction took place precisely as Enrico Fermi had SURMISED. After twenty-eight minutes he CURTAILED the experiment, giving the signal to replace the control rod. The normally reserved scientists, unable to REPRESS their excitement, let out a tremendous cheer and gathered around Fermi to shake his hand. Although it was time to celebrate, some of the men remarked soberly that "the world would never be the same again." On December 2, 1942, the news of Fermi's achievement was relayed in a CRYPTIC telephone message:

"The Italian Navigator has reached the New World."

"And how did he find the natives?"

"Very friendly."

The Atomic Age was INCHOATE - but truly here!

  1. surmise a) puzzling

  2. curtail b) guess

  3. repress с) to put down

  4. cryptic d) to cut short

  5. inchoate e) in an early stage


1. Перепишите предложения, вставив походящие по смыслу местоимения (some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, someone, anyone, no one, none, something, anything, nothing). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. There is ... bread and ... forks on the table.

  2. Is there ... you want there, Robin?

  3. I mu3t get ... clothes, ... really nice ones.

  4. Everybody liked him. ... was afraid of him.

2. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (all, every, each, everybody, everyone, everything). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. She believed that ... was watching her.

  2. That's the sort of job ... boys like doing.

  3. He has ... chance to win.

4. Before he left the classroom he gave ... boy a task.

3. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (other, another, each other, one another, such, same). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Would you like ... cup of tea?

  1. Joan and Roy spoke to ... only about the game.

  2. I never saw ... a handsome man as Jim's father.

4. Перепишите предложения, правильно выбрав одно из местоимений, данных в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. There were (much, many) big hotels that were closed but most of the shops were open.

  2. I suggested that he should get (a few, a little) grapes and some bread.

  3. There was (little, many) time to think.

  1. He has done (a great deal of, many) research on the subject.

5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.

  1. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the youths had stopped talking and were watching us.

  2. She said she would be staying in town next day to do some shopping.

  3. He told his father that now he made ten dollars a week less.

6. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сослагательного наклонения.

  1. I wish I deserved your compliments.

  2. He had nothing against skiing - he wished he had had the time to take it up when he was a young man.

  3. Arrange the telephone calls so that every month I get a list of all the calls.

  4. He insisted that I should take a holiday.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод either, either ... or, neither, neither ... nor.

1. Their room was either on the second floor facing the sea or on the third floor looking into the yard.

  1. There were trees on either bank.

  2. These are both very gloomy rooms. I'm afraid neither will suit me.

  3. The road was neither broad nor well looked after.

  1. Прочтите тексты. Найдите в правой колонке значения выделенных в текстах слов. Изложите содержание текстов на русском языке своими словами.

The Library Machine

Аs automation permeates many new ideas of life, its effect upon us becomes concomitantly more PROFOUND. Information processing and communications machines are finding their way into libraries. Here they ALLEVIATE the burden of storing and bringing out to the reader the accumulation of information that is becoming more PRODIGIOUS in this era of specialization and threatening to inundate our already encumbered library system. As a way to EXPEDITE the selection of pertinent information for the reader, the machine scans 5,000 words per minute. It is the CELERITY of machine reading that makes automation in the library so valuable.

  1. profound a) carry out promptly

  2. alleviate b) speed, rapidity

  3. prodigious с) make easier, lighten

  4. expedite d) deep, intense

  5. celerity e) extraordinary, enormous

The Language Machine

Those who see the spread of automated machines as a nefarious force out to USURP the proper functions of mankind have corroboration for their belief in the language machine. The PALTRY handful of expert translators with a profound knowledge of many foreign languages leaves a wide gap in our sources of vital information. With important technological and scientific work being done abroad, it is difficult to CONDONE the situation. A machine may be set to treat a foreign language as a coded message that it can analyze and put into English. Perhaps it will not do an impeccable job, but it will permit the translation of even the most TRIVIAL foreign reports and writings. As BIZARRE as it might seem, machines are taking over as translators in ever increasing numbers.

1) usurp a) petty, worthless

  1. paltry b) excuse, pardon

  2. condone c) seize, annex, grab

  3. trivial d) of little importance,


5) bizarre e) fantastic, odd

A Predicting Machine

While a machine may usurp many MENIAL tasks - typing of letters, making out paychecks - it can also work in less mundane ways. One such example was the use of a computer to predict results of a football game. All the information about the two teams: speed of the backs, weight of the linemen, past performances of the teams, even the years served by the VENERABLE coaches was fed into the machine. EXTRANEOUS material was avoided. The astute computer printed the figure "one" for each team. While this may seem AMBIGUOUS to the average person, it represented in the SUCCINCT language of the computer the actual score of one touchdown for each side: 7-7.

  1. menial a) vague, undefined, not specific

  2. venerable b) humble, degrading

  3. extraneous c) respected, worshipped

  4. ambiguous d) foreign, not belonging

  5. succinct e) brief, concise

A Painting Machine There is even now a computer machine that may make other art forms ARCHAIC. Using computer methods, this machine can originate paintings and photographs. A machine that can EMULATE an artist is not is FACETIOUS as it may appear. Automation is inundating, some say with deleterious effects, all areas of self-expression - from music to literature. The most RABID adherents of our technological progress look upon these events as singularly favorable. They see these as harbingers of a time when machines will do all of the labor, and man will reap the SALUBRIOUS benefits.

  1. archaic a) healthful, wholesome

  2. emulate b) out of date

  3. facetious c) rival, strive to equal

  4. rabid d) comical, humorous, witty

  5. salubrious e) fanatical, furious, mad


1. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, someone, anyone, no one, none, something, anything, nothing). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I have ... time to go to the cinema with you.

  2. She looked everywhere for matches but could not find ... .

  3. Do you want to eat ... ?

  4. ... believed him.

2. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (all, every, each, everybody, everyone, everything). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I want ... to be happy.

  2. ... the money was spent.

  3. Then, to ... s surprise, she married someone quite undis­tinguished.

  4. Frank's wasn't a bad place. The tables had yellow tops which Frank wiped after ... customer.

3. Перепишите предложения, вставив подходящие по смыслу местоимения (other, another, each other, one another, such, same). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I think the first thing to do is to have ... talk with your sister.

2. For a moment nothing more was said. And then Simon and Ralph suddenly smiled at ... .

3. He wore the ... suit that I had seen him in five years before.

4. Перепишите предложения, правильно выбрав одно из местоимений, данных в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не had very (little, many) money, and it would be necessary for him to practice the severest economy.

2. I'm afraid I have not (much, many) news to convey but still there are (a few, a little) things I should like to add.

3. It was a hot day and there were (many, much) flies in the room.

4. (A great many, little) mistakes have been made by nearly everybody.

5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.

1. Не had told me he had been on the island for fifteen уеагs.

2. I was surprised you knew my name.

3. He decided that he would go to Berlin as soon as possible.

6. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сослагательного наклонения.

1. I wish you could stay and then we could talk over my picture.

2. He wished now that when the director of his firm spoke to him he had answereds differently.

3. It is proposed that these measures be discussed at a conference on military detente and disarmament in Europe.

4. It's been suggested that I should join one of the public services.

7. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая вникание на перевод either, either ... or, neither, neither ... nor.

1. This hat neither fits nor becomes you.

2. She had brown shining hair which hung down on either side of her face.

  1. "What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke?" "Neither. I'm not thirsty."

  2. The spectators were enraptured either with the plot or with the performance.

8. Прочтите тексты. Найдите в правой колонке значения выделенных в текстах слов. Изложите содержание текстов на русской языке своими словами.

You Can't Help But Watch

The consumer is in a QUANDARY about making a felicitous selection among the array of products. The advertisers must influense the malleable consumer, and often they do it in the most CALLOUS ways. Television offers many tangible advantages for reaching the consumer. As a result, the consumer is inundated by commercials. The advertiser knows that a television commercial is the most EXPEDIENT way to reach large numbers of people. The cost for each commercial film is prodigious, but because the audience is so large, the cost per viewer is NEGLIGIBLE. Each commercial is prepared in the most meticulous way in order to catch the attention of even the most BLASE viewer and hold it until the message is through.

1) quandary a) indifferent, not responsive to


  1. callous b) hardened, unfeeling

  2. expedient c) doubt, dilemma

  3. negligible d) advisable, fit

  4. blasé e) trifling, inconsiderable

Tricks of the Trade

Some television commercials, trying to break through the ENNUI built up in the viewer by the plethora of competition, employ humor. Others feature a COMELY girl as a pretext for getting the viewer to stay tuned in. At times raucous music, accompanied by some frenetic activities, is designed to preclude the viewer's loss of attention. The advertiser will employ every bit of ARTIFICE at the film maker's command to make a trenchant commercial. The DIVERSITY of appeals made to the viewer is a concomitant of the many ways people react to commercials. A great deal of time and money has gone into placing the consumer's psychological make-up under scrutiny.

1) ennui a) frantic, frenzied

  1. comely b) boredom

  2. frenetic c) beautiful, handsome

  3. artifice d) strategy, trickery

  4. diversity e) variety, change

Going to the Source

The wide diversity of reasons people have for buying one product rather than another are investigated by the advertising people in order to prepare efficacious commercials. They do not have the slightest QUALM about questioning the consumer about personal things in her own domicile. The consumer is requested not to EXPURGATE her answers. Generally, people are not reticent and do not BEGRUDGE giving the time and effort. The questions delve rather deeply, and what the ARTLESS responses divulge will help the advertiser decide what to put into his next commercial. After a large number of interviews, the copious results make it feasible to prognosticate how well the commercial will do. The interviewer usually offers no GRATUITY to the person who has helped, but often a sample of the product is proffered as thanks.

1) qualm a) remove objectionable parts or


  1. expurgate b) to be resentful or reluctant

  2. begrudge c) innocent, naive

  3. artless d) tip

  4. gratuity e) twinge of conscience