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1. Define the main idea of paragraph h. Find the supporting details that help to develop the main idea.

2. Complete the sentences with the best options.

1. There are some movable parts on the ______ of the wing.

a) leading edge b) trailing edge c) centre-section

2. The ______ structural members of the wing are spars, stringers and beams.

a) transverse b) covering c) longitudinal

3. The _______ the wing produce bending, shear and torsion.

a) weight of b) aerodynamic loads on c) structure of

4. Every pound of wing structural weight replaces a pound of _____ .

a) payload b) power c) lifting force

5. The distance between wing tips is called the _____.

a) chord b) beam c) span

3. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. In this type of construction the skin a. span

of the aircraft carries structural loads.

2. This component of the airplane b. skin

produces lifting force for flying.

3. They are the longitudinal members c. stressed skin

of the wing structure.

4. The distance between the d. chord

wing tips.

5. It covers the wing structure. e. wing

6. It is a transverse element of f. spar, stringer and beam

the wing structure.

7. Distance from the leading to g. rib

the trailing edge of the wing.

4. Read the text again and decide if these statements are true or false.

1. There are two main functions of the wing – to produce lift and to house

many vital parts of the aircraft.

2. Movable parts of the wing are located on the leading edge.

3. Span - it is a distance between the wing tips.

4. Light weight is of no importance in an airplane structure.

5. Ribs are longitudinal members of the wing structure.

6. Spars, stringers and beams are spanwise stiffeners of the wing structure.

7. Skin is the covering of the wing structure and it can carry structural loads.

5. These are the answers. What are the questions?

1. – the wings.

2. – a wing root, an intermediate section and the wing tip.

3. – on the trailing edge.

4. – chord.

5. – longitudinal and transverse elements.

Vocabulary Focus

1. Match the synonyms.


Wing Rear edge

Front edge Bay

Shape Engine

Covering Airfoil

Section Form

Trailing edge Skin

Power plant Leading edge

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