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PART 2. Higher Education

8)The students who work and study are called _____________ .

9)University and college students have to pay their ___________

fees annually.

10)Full-time students can be provided with ____________ in a hostel.

11)The Faculty of Science includes such subjects as _________ .

12)The PhD degree is conferred for a thesis which is an original

____________ .

5.Answer the following questions to obtain the summary of the text.

1.What is the entrance procedure to the university?

2.How are the tuition fees covered?

3.Where do students live?

4.How many terms is the academic year divided in?

5.When are the exams held?

6.How is the students’ work assessed?

7.What extra-curricular activities do students participate in?

8.What faculties do the universities include?

9.Who is the Chancellor?

10.What is the board of the faculty responsible for?

11.How long does the course for a Bachelor degree last?

12.What is the highest university degree?

13.How do the degrees vary?

14.What is further study in most careers intended for?

6.Read the following text and answer the following questions.

1)What was the Open University established for?

2)How are the university courses organized?

3)By what means are the courses conducted?

Open University was the British experiment in higher education for adults. It opened in January 1971 with headquarters at new town of Melton Keynes, Buckingamshire. There are no academic prerequisites for enrollment in Open University. The aim of it is to extend educational opportunities to all. Courses, centrally organized



by a distinguished faculty, are conducted by various means, including television, correspondence, study groups, and residential courses or seminars held at centres scattered throughout Great Britain. The correspondence course, however, is the principle educational technique. Televised lectures and seminars merely supplement it.

7. Topic for discussion.

Compare the system of higher learning in the UK and Russia.




Part 1. Role of a Pharmacist

According to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) “the pharmacist is an expert in the field of drugs and medicines, who may, according to his or her personal preference, be involved in any aspect of their preparation and use, from the discovery and development of a medicine to its eventual supply to the patient”.

Pharmacy is usually regarded as a vocational subject1, and there is no doubt that many graduates go on to establish careers as practising pharmacists in the community2 or hospital sectors. Since the “official” birth of the apothecary’s profession in the year 1241, pharmacists have seen themselves as experts in pharmaceutical preparations. In the space of more than 500 years they have developed an extensive body of knowledge and skills in the manufacture of medicines.

However, the image of the chemist’s shop changed at the beginning of the industrial era. Its main task, namely, the production of pharmaceutical preparations, was increasingly taken over by the pharmaceutical industry. Today, only a few pharmaceutical preparations are made up in the chemist’s shops for individually prescribed therapy. The scope of the pharmacist’s activities has expanded. Now it includes providing information about the medication to the patient and advising doctors on prescribing issues. So, the pharmacist takes part in the process of pharmacotherapeutic decision making. The pharmacist is the most accessible of the health care team3. A pharmacist is often the first health professional with whom patients will discuss a health question and is likely to be the final one with whom they consult about their medications and use. Today’s pharmacist must not only dispense prescriptions4, but also communicate information and provide medication-related primary health care.



Pharmacists employed in industry bring their specific knowledge of pharmaceutics5 — how the medicine, that we as patients actually take, is formulated6 — to developing new ways of delivering drugs effectively and safely.


a)pharmacy, pharmacist, drug, medicine(s), personal preference, use, eventual, supply, doubt, space, skill, chemist’s shop, increasingly, scope, medication, issue, accessible, health, health care, primary;

b)to be involved, to be regarded (as), to practise, to be taken over, to make up, to prescribe, to expand, to provide, to advise, to consult (about), to dispense (a medicine).

Notes on the text

1.vocational subject — практическая дисциплина;

2.community — община, community pharmacist — провизор, работающий в городской аптеке (в отличие от клинического провизора);

3.health care team — работники системы здравоохранения;

4.dispense prescriptions — приготавливать и отпускать лекарства по рецепту врача;

5.pharmaceutics — лекарственные препараты;

6.is formulated — составлено, приготовлено по составу.


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words.

expert [`FkspWt], patient [`peISnt], apothecary [q`pOTIkqrI], image [`ImIG], era [`Iqrq], individually [IndI`vIdjuqlI], therapy [`TFrqpI], activity [xk`tIvItI], process [`prqusFs], pharmacotherapeutic [`fRmqkq-TFrq`pjHtIk], final [`faInql], prescription [prI`skrIpSn], communicate [kq`mjHnIkeIt].

2. Translate the following word combinations using the text.

Приготовление и применение лекарств; разработка лекарств; поставка лекарств пациенту; практикующий фармацевт; районная аптека; фармацевтические препараты; навыки


PART 1. Role of a Pharmacist

приготовления лекарств; начало индустриальной эры; составлять лекарственный препарат в аптеке; лечение, прописанное врачом; снабжение пациента информацией о лечении; советовать врачу по вопросам прописывания лекарств; наиболее доступный работник здравоохранения; обсуждать проблемы здоровья; консультироваться по поводу приема лекарств; готовить лекарство по рецепту врача; оказывать первую лекарственную помощь; разработка новых путей введения лекарств (в организм); эффективное и безопасное лечение.

3.Read the following statements and say if they are true or false.

1.The pharmacist may be involved in the development of new medicines.

2.The pharmacist prescribes medicines to the patient.

3.The image of the chemist’s shop changed at the beginning of the industrial era.

4.All pharmaceutical prescriptions are made up in the chemist’s shop.

5.The pharmacist is to provide the patient with the information about the medication.

6.The pharmacist must advise doctors on prescribing issues.

7.The pharmacist is the least accessible of the health care team.

8.Today’s pharmacist must only dispense prescriptions.

9.The pharmacist is to provide medication-related primary health care.

4.Retell the text and give your own opinion on the problem of the role of the pharmacist in the health care team.

5.Read the text and answer the following questions.

1)What objective is set in the WHO’s Constitution?

2)What are the main activities of the WHO?

The World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations specialised agency for health, was established on the 7th of April, 1948. WHO’s objective, as set in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of “the highest possible level of health”. Health is



defined in the WHO’s Constitution as “the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

The WHO’s activities in the sphere of health care are diverse.

It’s work may be divided into three distinct

categories. First,

the Organisation transmits information about

the occurrence

of infectious disease anywhere in the world to national health authorities; its secretariat keeps member countries informed of the latest developments in the use of vaccines, cancer research, nutrition, control of drug addiction, and health hazards of nuclear radiation; the WHO also updates and revises health regulations.

Second, the WHO conduct mass campaigns against communicable diseases. These campaigns are carried out through nationwide vaccination programs, assistance in providing pure water supplies and adequate sanitation systems.

Third, the WHO works to expand the public health administrations of the member nations, to strengthen national and local health services, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

6. Read the following proverbs and sayings and find their Russian equivalents.

Good health is above wealth.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

To treat somebody with a dose of his own medicine. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

Part 2. Master of Pharmacy Degree Programme

More than 20 universities in the UK have pharmacy departments. Among them there are Bristol University, University of London, Aston University, Queen’s University of Belfast, University of Bath, University of Manchester, and many others.

The basic entrance requirements for Pharmacy is three subjects at GCE A Level, not including general subjects, plus grades A — C in GCSE English and Mathematics. Chemistry A level at grade B or better is essential. Preferred A Level combinations is Chemistry with any two of Physics, a Mathematics subject or a Biological subject.


PART 2. Master of Pharmacy Degree Programme

Combinations which include Chemistry, one of the above “science” subjects and a third subject are also acceptable.

All UK-based candidates are interviewed. This enables to assess each candidate on his or her own merits. The selection of candidates to interview is based on their UCAS1 form, the qualifications they already have, and their referee’s report2.

Pharmacy degree programmes can be taken starting with a Year Zero, so called Foundation Year. These programmes are designed for students whose A Level grades do not meet the entrance requirements. The Year Zero is specifically tailored3 to give you the skills and knowledge base to be successful on the main Pharmacy programme.

Since 1997, all undergraduate Pharmacy programmes in the UK have been of 4-year (8 semesters) duration, and they lead to the award of the Master of Pharmacy degree (MPharm). Almost without exception, pharmacy graduates then proceed to the oneyear pre-registration training4 that leads to Membership of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

All universities can choose their own programme but the main subjects are the same.

Much attention in the 1-st year is given to basic biology, chemistry and physical sciences. Exercises in basic mathematics and statistics also form part of the first semester. Professional aspects of Pharmacy are introduced through a unit5 called “The Role of the Pharmacist”, which discusses the various career paths that pharmacists can follow. Students are also encouraged to undertake extra-curricular units, for example in Modern Languages.

The 2-nd year of the MPharm contains further units in Chemistry, and introduces the science of Formulation6 and Medicines Design — how drugs are incorporated into medicines. Pharmacy Practice also begins the study of despensing medicines, together with the relevant training in communication skills. Further units extend knowledge of cell and molecular biology, microbiology and the body’s major organ systems. These are considered in an integrated fashion7, and each unit contains systematic physiology, associated with disease pathology and the pharmacology of appropriate drugs. Professional



studies include pharmacy law, professional ethics and health and lifestyle.

The 3-rd year continues to develop these core themes, but also allows students to follow their own preferences through selecting four units from a wide range of options. One of these must be a practical lab-based unit in pharmacology, pharmaceutics, chemistry or analysis. Writing skills are tested through preparing an extended essay or library-based dissertation8 plus a series of written pharmacy case histories. Semester 2 (February to June) is arranged so as to enable some students to spend this time studying away from the College, perhaps elsewhere in Europe or in the USA.

The final year aims at summarizing much of what the students have learned and enables them to study areas of particular interest in greater depth. They continue to work in a laboratory, and every student performs a semester-long experimental work supervised by one member of staff. They continue to study Clinical Pharmacy attending lectures and visiting hospitals to talk to ‘real’ patients. The Department has strong collaborative links with the local hospitals. Students complete their training in Pharmacy Practice and take the Dispensing and Pharmacy Legislation examinations required to progress into pre-registration year. Pharmacy Management is also included into the core course. The number of formal lectures has been minimized, and greater emphasis is placed on workshops, practicals and tutorials with extended use of computer assisted learning material. Students’ investigative work continues with the final-year research project. The knowledge of students is assessed in various ways, including oral and poster presentations, written assignments and examinations, which are held at the end of each semester.

To be eligible for registration as a Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and be entitled to practise as a pharmacist, one must complete a year of acceptable pre-registration experience after graduating from the MPharm programme. Normally, all finalyear students have obtained placements by previous December. About 60% of them choose to spend the year in the community, some


PART 2. Master of Pharmacy Degree Programme

37% — in a hospital pharmacy, and about 3% in industry. A number of students proceed to higher scientific degrees by research, usually after their pre-registration training.


a) acceptable, duration, exception, path, relevant, communication skills, disease, appropriate, core theme, option, essay, depth, link, workshop, tutorial, investigative, research project, oral/poster presentation, written assignment, placement;

b) to be interviewed, to assess, to be designed, to meet the requirements, to proceed, to introduce, to be encouraged, to undertake, to extend, to follow preferences, to aim at, to perform, to supervise, to assist, to be eligible, to be entitled, to practise.

Notes on the text

1.UCAS — Universities and Colleges Admission Service — Национальная служба приема в университеты и колледжи;

2.referee’s report — рекомендательное письмо;

3.is tailored — составлен;

4.pre-registration training — обязательная постдипломная практика;

5.unit — дисциплина или блок дисциплин;

6.Formulation — составление лекарства по прописи; как предмет: АТЛ;

7.in an integrated fashion — во взаимосвязи, комплексно;

8.library-based dissertation — реферат по прочитанной литературе.


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words.

Molecular [mq`lFkjulq], organ [`Lgqn], disease [dI`zJz], pathology [pq`TOlqGI], pharmacology [fRmq`kOlOGI], medicinal

[mF`dIsInql], ethics [`FTIks], theme [TJm], analysis [q`nxlIsIs], plus [plAs], series [`sIqrIz], summarize [`sAmqraIz], collaborative

[kq`lxbqreItiv], (to) progress [prq`grFs], minimize [`mInImaIz], emphasis [`FmfqsIs], project [`prOGFkt].



2. Read the subjects studied in the Pharmacy programme and find the Russian equivalents to them.

The 1-st year: Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice; Pharmacy Study Skills; Instrumental Analysis; Cell Biology; Medicinal and Biological Chemistry; Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology; Physicochemical Properties of Drugs.

The 2-nd year: Cell Biology, Introduction to Research, Methodology for Pharmacists, Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology, Medicines Design, Medical Microbiology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice.

The 3-rd year: Medicines Design, Infections, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, 4 Options Dissertation

The fourth year: Medicines Design, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, Advanced Pharmaceutical Studies, 2 Options Research Project.

3. Match the following expressions from the text with their Russian definitions.

1. case history

a) продолжить учебу для получения


более высокой научной степени

2. to asses a candidate

б) получить место (работы)

on his or her merits


3. to award the MPharm

в) учебный материал, включающий


использование компьютера

4. to follow various career

г) история болезни



5. extra-curricular units

д) основные темы

6. communications skills

е) оценивать кандидата по заслугам

7. core themes

ж) постоянное сотрудничество

8. strong collaborative links

з) стендовый доклад

9. computer-assisted

и) следовать разными

learning material

профессиональными путями

10. poster presentation

к) предметы, не входящие


в обязательную программу


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