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Steam- пар

to accomplish- завершать, выполнять

to condense-испарять

to cool-охлаждать


to supply-поставлять


to feed-питать

to decrease- уменьшать

service life- срок службы

to generate- вырабатывать

capacity- емкость, объем

to transmit- передавать

consumer- потребитель

laundry- прачечная

dwelling- жилье, жилище

to deliver- доставлять

relative- относительный

scarce- скудный

to replace- заменять

cost- стоимость, затраты

2. Выполните упражнения:

1)Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. In what part of the power plant does condensation of steam take place?

  2. Why is distilled water used for feeding steam boilers?

  3. What kinds of power plants are in use nowadays?

  4. What does the selection of a type of generating plant depend on?

  5. For what reason are nuclear- electric power plants being built instead of fossil-fuel steam-electric plants?

  6. How are plants of large industrial regions called?

  7. Where is the electric power fed to?

  8. Why is the importance of the distilled water for feeding steam boilers so great?

2)Употребите слова, стоящие в скобках в Participle I, Participle II или Gerund, переведите:

  1. (Cool) an electric conductor results in its reduced resistance to electric current.

  2. What is the name of an (insulate) material (use) to prevent an electric shock?

  3. The (apply) technique brought about quite unexpected results.

  4. Mica is used as a dielectric due to (have) high voltage strength.

  5. The word’s first tidal power station, a plant on the Rance River in France, began (operate) in 1966.

  6. Solar energy has been converted to electricity by (use) solar cells, which are semiconductor devices (produce) from thin slices of silicon.

3)Вместо пропусков вставьте предлоги: according to, because of, through, of, at, for, by, during, in, in case of, into, переведите:

1. The power transmitted … a wire is the product… the voltage times the amperage. … resistive losses, it is desirable to transmit power … low amperage and high voltage. … doubling the voltage, the capability … a given circuit can be quadrupled.

2. Devices are classed … the operation they are intended… .

3. This type … aerial is useful and popular … its small size.

4. … a faulty device its readings are not to be relied…

5. Coal and oil contain sulfur … concentrations … a few percent.

6. As these fuels are burned, the sulfur is converted … sulfur-dioxide gas. … the operation … a plant, the sulfur-dioxide and other products are discharged … the air stacks, some … which are about 305 meters high.

4)Подставьте вопросы к данным предложениям:

1. The first central electric power station was installed in 1882.


What station______________________________________________?

2. Radioactive wastes damage man and his generation.


What wastes ______________________________________________?

3. The use of water power and wind power began more than 2,000 years ago.

The use of what kind of power________________________________?


4. The cooling water is drawn from a source and passed through the con­denser.

What kind of water_________________________________________?

What ________________________________________________from?


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