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If the defined style is used with the TEXT2 command, size means character heights in millimeters, while the superscript, subscript and strikethrouth face_code values are not effective. If used with PARAGRAPH strings in the RICHTEXT2 and RICHTEXT commands, size meaning millimeters or meters depends on the fixed_height parameter of the TEXTBLOCK definition.



PARAGRAPH name alignment, firstline_indent, left_indent, right_indent, line_spacing [, tab_size1, ...]

[PEN index]

[[SET] STYLE style1] [[SET] MATERIAL index] 'string1'



'string n' [PEN index]

[[SET] STYLE style2] [[SET] MATERIAL index] 'string1'



'string n'



GDL scripts may include paragraph definitions prior to the first reference to that paragraph name. The paragraph defined this way can be used only in the script in which it was defined and its subsequent second generation scripts. A paragraph is defined to be a sequence of an arbitrary number of strings (max 256 characters long each) with different attributes: style, pen and material (3D). If no attributes are specified inside the paragraph definition, actual (or default) attributes are used. The new lines included in a paragraph string (using the special character '\n') will automatically split the string into identical paragraphs, each containing one line. Paragraph definitions can be referenced by name in the TEXTBLOCK command. All length type parameters (firstline_indent, left_indent, right_indent, tab_position) meaning millimeters or meters depends on the fixed_height parameter of the TEXTBLOCK definition.

name: name of the paragraph

alignment: alignment of the paragraph strings. Possible values:

1: left aligned, 2: center aligned , 3: right aligned, 4: full justified firstline_indent: first line indentation, in mm or m in model space

ArchiCAD 11 GDL Reference Guide



left_indent: left indentation, in mm or m in model space right_indent: right indentation, in mm or m in model space

line_spacing: line spacing factor. The default distance between the lines (character size + distance to the next line) defined by the actual style will be multiplied by this number.

tab_positioni: consecutive tabulator positions (each realative to the beginning of the paragraph), in mm or m in model space. Tabulators in the paragraph strings will snap to these positions. If no tabulator positions are specified, default values are used (12.7 mm).



TEXTBLOCK name width, anchor, angle, width_factor, charspace_factor, fixed_height, 'string_expr1' [, 'string_expr2', ...]

Textblock definition. GDL scripts may include textblock definitions prior to the first reference to that textblock name. The textblock defined this way can be used only in the script in which it was defined and its subsequent second generation scripts. A textblock is defined to be a sequence of an arbitrary number of strings or paragraphs which can be placed using the “RICHTEXT2” on page 126 and “RICHTEXT” on page 93. Use the “REQUEST (‘TEXTBLOCK_INFO’, textblock_name, width, height)” to obtain information on the calculated width and height of a TEXTBLOCK.

width: textblock width in mm or m in model space , if 0 it will be calculated automatically anchor: code of the position point in the text

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

angle: rotation angle of the textblock in degrees

width_factor: character width factor. Character widths defined by the actual style will be multiplied by this number. charspace_factor: character space factor. The horizontal distance between two characters will be multiplied by this number.


ArchiCAD 11 GDL Reference Guide