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API-NG Reference Guide - 20th October2014.pdf
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long selectionId = 0;

if ( marketBookReturn.size() != 0 ) {

Runner runner = marketBookReturn.get(0).getRunners().get(0); selectionId = runner.getSelectionId();

System.out.println("7. Place a bet below minimum stake to prevent the bet actually " +

"being placed for marketId: "+marketIdChosen+" with selectionId: "+selectionId+"...\n\n");

List<PlaceInstruction> instructions = new


PlaceInstruction instruction = new PlaceInstruction(); instruction.setHandicap(0); instruction.setSide(Side.BACK); instruction.setOrderType(OrderType.LIMIT);

LimitOrder limitOrder = new LimitOrder(); limitOrder.setPersistenceType(PersistenceType.LAPSE);

//API-NG will return an error with the default size=0.01. This is an expected behaviour.

//You can adjust the size and price value in the "apingdemo.properties" file






String customerRef = "1";

PlaceExecutionReport placeBetResult = jsonOperations.placeOrders(marketIdChosen, instructions, customerRef, applicationKey, sessionToken);

// Handling the operation result

if (placeBetResult.getStatus() == ExecutionReportStatus.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("Your bet has been placed!!"); System.out.println(placeBetResult.getInstructionReports());

} else if (placeBetResult.getStatus() == ExecutionReportStatus.FAILURE) {

System.out.println("Your bet has NOT been placed :*( ");

System.out.println("The error is: " +

placeBetResult.getErrorCode() + ": " + placeBetResult.getErrorCode().getMessage()); System.out.println("Sorry, more luck next time\n\n");


} else {

System.out.println("Sorry, no runners found\n\n");



Pre requisites:

nodejs - can be found at http://nodejs.org

This document refers to the code found at https://github.com/betfair/API-NG-sample-code/tree/master/javascr ipt.

JavaScript and API-NG

This page contains some code snippets of JavaScript interaction with API-NG. The example shows how to use JavaScript to construct and send requests to get list of markets, followed by list of runners for thechosen market and an attempt place a bet.

In the sample code we use the json-rpc and rescript protocols. All requests are sent and received using the JSON format. JavaScript uses node.js platform which allows us to run javascript from the command line. For more information see node.js home page at: http://nodejs.org/.

The application accepts session token and app key as command line arguments and runs in any linux environment that has nodejs installed.

How to run

In order to run this example, install nodejs which can be downloaded from here, set your environment path variable to point to the node executable and invoke a command:

/<path-to-your-nodejs-bin-directory>/node JsonRpcApiNgClient.js <your app key> <your

session token>

Code Snippets

In order to construct the JSON-RPC request to API-NG we need to define mandatory headers that we send per request :

appkey - your app key

ssid - your session token

var options = {

hostname: 'beta-api.betfair.com', port: 443,

path: '/json-rpc', method: 'POST', headers: {

'X-Application' : appkey, 'Accept': 'application/json',

'Content-type' : 'application/json', 'X-Authentication' : ssid



Example POST request to get horse race id :

jsonRequest - your constructed request object DEFAULT_ENCODING - set to "utf-8"

var requestFilters = '{"filter":{}}';

var jsonRequest = constructJsonRpcRequest('listEventTypes', requestFilters ); var req = https.request(options,function (res){

res.setEncoding(DEFAULT_ENCODING); res.on('data', function (chunk) {

str += chunk;


res.on('end', function (chunk) {

//On resposne parse Json and check for errors var response = JSON.parse(str); handleError(response);

//Retrieve id from response and get next available horse race getNextAvailableHorseRace(options, response);



// Send Json request object req.write(jsonRequest, DEFAULT_ENCODING); req.end();

req.on('error', function(e) {

console.log('Problem with request: ' + e.message); return;



Example POST request to get next available horse races :

eventId - retrieved form previous request jsonDate - is a current date

var requestFilters = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds": [' + eventId + '],"marketCountries":["GB"],"marketTypeCodes":["WIN"],"marketStartTime":{"from":"'+j sonDate+'"}},"sort":"FIRST_TO_START","maxResults":"1","marketProjection":["RUNNER_DE SCRIPTION"]}}';

var jsonRequest = constructJsonRpcRequest('listMarketCatalogue', requestFilters );

var req = https.request(options,function (res){ res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('data', function (chunk) {

str += chunk;


res.on('end', function (chunk) { var response = JSON.parse(str); handleError(response);

// Get list of runners that are available in that race getListOfRunners(options, response);



req.write(jsonRequest, 'utf-8'); req.end();

req.on('error', function(e) {

console.log('Problem with request: ' + e.message); return;


Example POST request to get list of runners in the market :

marketId - specify a market that we want to get runners from

var requestFilters = '{"marketIds":["' + marketId + '"],"priceProjection":{"priceData":["EX_BEST_OFFERS"],"exBestOfferOverRides":{"bestP ricesDepth":2,"rollupModel":"STAKE","rollupLimit":20},"virtualise":false,"rolloverSt akes":false},"orderProjection":"ALL","matchProjection":"ROLLED_UP_BY_PRICE"}}';

var jsonRequest = constructJsonRpcRequest('listMarketBook', requestFilters ); var str = '';

var req = https.request(options,function (res){ res.setEncoding(DEFAULT_ENCODING); res.on('data', function (chunk) {

str += chunk;


res.on('end', function (chunk) { var response = JSON.parse(str); handleError(response);

// Place bet on first runner placeBet(options, response, marketId);



req.write(jsonRequest, DEFAULT_ENCODING); req.end();

req.on('error', function(e) {

console.log('Problem with request: ' + e.message); return;


Example POST request to place a bet on random runner :

selectionId - runner that we want to place a bet on customerRef - unique reference for that transaction size - the size of the bet

price - the price of the bet

var requestFilters = '{"marketId":"'+ marketId+'","instructions":[{"selectionId":"' + selectionId + '","handicap":"0","side":"BACK","orderType":"LIMIT","limitOrder":{"size":"' + size + '","price":"' + price + '","persistenceType":"LAPSE"}}],"customerRef":"'+customerRef+'"}}';

var jsonRequest = constructJsonRpcRequest('placeOrders', requestFilters ); var req = https.request(options,function (res){

res.setEncoding(DEFAULT_ENCODING); res.on('data', function (chunk) {

str += chunk;


res.on('end', function (chunk) { var response = JSON.parse(str); handleError(response);

console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, DEFAULT_JSON_FORMAT));



req.write(jsonRequest, DEFAULT_ENCODING); req.end();

req.on('error', function(e) {

console.log('Problem with request: ' + e.message); return;





Debian linux Installation

Run the scripts

Code Snippets


The sample code is intended to demonstrate how you can utilise PHP to call the operations within API-NG and extract the desired output, it is very much a cut down sample and is not intended to be used in a production environment.

The code follows a simple workflow of finding the next horse racing market, displaying prices for the runners and then placing a bet with an invalid stake to trigger an error.

This documentation refers to the code available at https://github.com/betfair/API-NG-sample-code/tree/master/php.


To run the sample code from the command line you must have a php5 cli installed along with the curl module enabled.

Debian linux Installation

In a Debian linux distro you can use the following commands to install the pre-requisites:

sudo apt-get




install php5-cli



install php5-curl

Run the scripts


php -f jsonrpc.php <appkey> <sessiontoken>


php -f rescript.php <appkey> <sessiontoken>

Code Snippets

Dealing with SSL in PHP

If you have errors relating to SSL certificate issues then you must do one of the following:

1) Quick fix for testing applications, should not be used in production as it may leave you exposed to man in the middle type attacks:

Add the following two lines to the sportsApingRequest function after the curl_init:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

2) Correct fix for production applications:

You will need to make use of the CURLOPT_CAINFO option, and point it to the Betfair PEM formatted certificate (which you can export from your browser). The details of exporting the cert and using this option are beyond the scope of this document but can be found elsewhere online.

Calling API-NG with JSON-RPC protocol

Method and params values need to be change based on the required service operation. You can call batch multiple service operations together and correlate the responses with value of the id field.

function sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, $operation, $params)


$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,

"https://api.betfair.com/exchange/betting/json-rpc/v1"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

'X-Application: ' . $appKey, 'X-Authentication: ' . $sessionToken, 'Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/json'


$postData =

'[{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SportsAPING/v1.0/' . $operation . '", "params" :' . $params . ', "id": 1}]';

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);

$response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); curl_close($ch);

if (isset($response[0]->error)) {

echo 'Call to api-ng failed: ' . "\n";

echo 'Response: ' . json_encode($response); exit(-1);

} else {

return $response;



Calling API-NG with Rescript protocol

function sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, $operation, $params)


$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.betfair.com/rest/v1/$operation/"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

'X-Application: ' . $appKey, 'X-Authentication: ' . $sessionToken, 'Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/json'


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);

$response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));

$http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch);

if ($http_status == 200) { return $response;

} else {

echo 'Call to api-ng failed: ' . "\n";

echo 'Response: ' . json_encode($response); exit(-1);



Calling listEventTypes to obtain and extract Horse Racing Event Type ID - JSON-RPC

echo extractHorseRacingEventTypeId(getAllEventTypes($appKey, $sessionToken));

function getAllEventTypes($appKey, $sessionToken)


$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listEventTypes', '{"filter":{}}');

return $jsonResponse[0]->result;


function extractHorseRacingEventTypeId($allEventTypes)


foreach ($allEventTypes as $eventType) {

if ($eventType->eventType->name == 'Horse Racing') { return $eventType->eventType->id;




Calling listEventTypes to obtain and extract Horse Racing Event Type ID - Rescript

echo extractHorseRacingEventTypeId(getAllEventTypes($appKey, $sessionToken));

function getAllEventTypes($appKey, $sessionToken)


$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listEventTypes', '{"filter":{}}');

return $jsonResponse;


function extractHorseRacingEventTypeId($allEventTypes)


foreach ($allEventTypes as $eventType) {

if ($eventType->eventType->name == 'Horse Racing') { return $eventType->eventType->id;




Calling listMarketCatalogue to get next UK horse racing market and print the marketId and runners - JSON-RPC

printMarketIdAndRunners(getNextUkHorseRacingMarket($appKey, $sessionToken, $horseRacingEventTypeId);

function getNextUkHorseRacingMarket($appKey, $sessionToken, $horseRacingEventTypeId)


$params = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["' . $horseRacingEventTypeId . '"], "marketCountries":["GB"],

"marketTypeCodes":["WIN"], "marketStartTime":{"from":"' . date('c') . '"}}, "sort":"FIRST_TO_START",

"maxResults":"1", "marketProjection":["RUNNER_DESCRIPTION"]}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listMarketCatalogue', $params);

return $jsonResponse[0]->result[0];


function printMarketIdAndRunners($nextHorseRacingMarket)


echo "MarketId: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketId . "\n";

echo "MarketName: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketName . "\n\n";

foreach ($nextHorseRacingMarket->runners as $runner) {

echo "SelectionId: " . $runner->selectionId . " RunnerName: " . $runner->runnerName . "\n";



Calling listMarketCatalogue to get next UK horse racing market and print the marketId and runners - Rescript

printMarketIdAndRunners(getNextUkHorseRacingMarket($appKey, $sessionToken, $horseRacingEventTypeId);

function getNextUkHorseRacingMarket($appKey, $sessionToken, $horseRacingEventTypeId)


$params = '{"filter":{"eventTypeIds":["' . $horseRacingEventTypeId . '"], "marketCountries":["GB"],

"marketTypeCodes":["WIN"], "marketStartTime":{"from":"' . date('c') . '"}}, "sort":"FIRST_TO_START",

"maxResults":"1", "marketProjection":["RUNNER_DESCRIPTION"]}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listMarketCatalogue', $params);

return $jsonResponse[0];


function printMarketIdAndRunners($nextHorseRacingMarket)


echo "MarketId: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketId . "\n";

echo "MarketName: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketName . "\n\n";

foreach ($nextHorseRacingMarket->runners as $runner) {

echo "SelectionId: " . $runner->selectionId . " RunnerName: " . $runner->runnerName . "\n";



Calling listMarketBook to get volatile price data and print the marketId and runners with best available prices - JSON-RPC

printMarketIdAndRunnersAndPrices($nextHorseRacingMarket, getMarketBook($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId));

function getMarketBook($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId)


$params = '{"marketIds":["' . $marketId . '"], "priceProjection":{"priceData":["EX_BEST_OFFERS"]}}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listMarketBook', $params);

return $jsonResponse[0]->result[0];


function printMarketIdRunnersAndPrices($nextHorseRacingMarket, $marketBook)


function printAvailablePrices($selectionId, $marketBook)


// Get selection

foreach ($marketBook->runners as $runner)

if ($runner->selectionId == $selectionId) break;

echo "\nAvailable to Back: \n";

foreach ($runner->ex->availableToBack as $availableToBack)

echo $availableToBack->size . "@" . $availableToBack->price . " | ";

echo "\n\nAvailable to Lay: \n";

foreach ($runner->ex->availableToLay as $availableToLay)

echo $availableToLay->size . "@" . $availableToLay->price . " | ";


echo "MarketId: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketId . "\n"; echo "MarketName: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketName;

foreach ($nextHorseRacingMarket->runners as $runner) { echo



echo "SelectionId: " . $runner->selectionId . " RunnerName: " .

$runner->runnerName . "\n";

echo printAvailablePrices($runner->selectionId, $marketBook);



Calling listMarketBook to get volatile price data and print the marketId and runners with best available prices - Rescript

printMarketIdAndRunnersAndPrices($nextHorseRacingMarket, getMarketBook($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId));

function getMarketBook($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId)


$params = '{"marketIds":["' . $marketId . '"], "priceProjection":{"priceData":["EX_BEST_OFFERS"]}}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'listMarketBook', $params);

return $jsonResponse[0];


function printMarketIdRunnersAndPrices($nextHorseRacingMarket, $marketBook)


function printAvailablePrices($selectionId, $marketBook)


// Get selection

foreach ($marketBook->runners as $runner)

if ($runner->selectionId == $selectionId) break;

echo "\nAvailable to Back: \n";

foreach ($runner->ex->availableToBack as $availableToBack)

echo $availableToBack->size . "@" . $availableToBack->price . " | ";

echo "\n\nAvailable to Lay: \n";

foreach ($runner->ex->availableToLay as $availableToLay)

echo $availableToLay->size . "@" . $availableToLay->price . " | ";


echo "MarketId: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketId . "\n"; echo "MarketName: " . $nextHorseRacingMarket->marketName;

foreach ($nextHorseRacingMarket->runners as $runner) { echo



echo "SelectionId: " . $runner->selectionId . " RunnerName: " .

$runner->runnerName . "\n";

echo printAvailablePrices($runner->selectionId, $marketBook);



Place bet on first runner of the market. Stake is below minimum to prevent actual bet placement - JSON-RPC

printBetResult(placeBet($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId, $selectionId));

function placeBet($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId, $selectionId)


$params = '{"marketId":"' . $marketId . '", "instructions":

[{"selectionId":"' . $selectionId . '", "handicap":"0",






"persistenceType":"LAPSE"} }], "customerRef":"fsdf"}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'placeOrders', $params);

return $jsonResponse[0]->result;


function printBetResult($betResult)


echo "Status: " . $betResult->status;

if ($betResult->status == 'FAILURE') {

echo "\nErrorCode: " . $betResult->errorCode;

echo "\n\nInstruction Status: " . $betResult->instructionReports[0]->status; echo "\nInstruction ErrorCode: " .

$betResult->instructionReports[0]->errorCode; } else

echo "Warning!!! Bet placement succeeded !!!";


Place bet on first runner of the market. Stake is below minimum to prevent actual bet placement - Rescript

printBetResult(placeBet($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId, $selectionId));

function placeBet($appKey, $sessionToken, $marketId, $selectionId)


$params = '{"marketId":"' . $marketId . '", "instructions":

[{"selectionId":"' . $selectionId . '", "handicap":"0",






"persistenceType":"LAPSE"} }], "customerRef":"fsdf"}';

$jsonResponse = sportsApingRequest($appKey, $sessionToken, 'placeOrders', $params);

return $jsonResponse;


function printBetResult($betResult)


echo "Status: " . $betResult->status;

if ($betResult->status == 'FAILURE') {

echo "\nErrorCode: " . $betResult->errorCode;

echo "\n\nInstruction Status: " . $betResult->instructionReports[0]->status; echo "\nInstruction ErrorCode: " .

$betResult->instructionReports[0]->errorCode; } else

echo "Warning!!! Bet placement succeeded !!!";




Debian linux Installation

Run the scripts

Code Snippets

Dealing with SSL in PHP

Calling API-NG with JSON-RPC protocol

Calling API-NG with Rescript protocol

Calling listEventTypes to obtain and extract Horse Racing Event Type ID - JSON-RPC

Calling listEventTypes to obtain and extract Horse Racing Event Type ID - Rescript

Calling listMarketCatalogue to get next UK horse racing market and print the marketId and runners - JSON-RPC

Calling listMarketCatalogue to get next UK horse racing market and print the marketId and runners - Rescript

Calling listMarketBook to get volatile price data and print the marketId and runners with best available prices - JSON-RPC

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