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Lexical exercises

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

a) personal vs personnel

1. The letter was marked "Personal".

2. The president made a personal visit to the local university and spoke with the students.

3. These are my personal belongings.

4. The personnel department deals with recruitment and problems of the staff.

5. She gave up her job for personal reasons.

6. We need to change the management personnel of the company

b) give up smth

1. ... finally, he gave up smoking.

2. ... in the end, he gave up his job.

3. ... but she didn't give up hope.

4. ... to my regret she gave up her studies.

Exercise 2. Answer these questions using: interest, to be of interest, to arouse interest, to show an interest, to have (an) interest, to express (an) interest, to lose interest

1. How can one arouse employer's interest?

2. Do you show an interest in politics?

3. What subjects on your curriculum are of particular interest to you?

4. What are your interests and hobbies?

5. Are people losing all interest in election?

Exercise 3. Answer the questions, using:

а) relations (отношения), attitude (отношение)

1. Do people have a more relaxed attitude to their work these days?

2. Are attitudes towards older people changing in our country?

3. With what countries do we traditionally have good relations?

b) to succeed in (smth, doing smth)

1. What skills do people need to succeed in today's economy/in finance/in business?

2. What personal qualities do people need to succeed as managers?

3. Do you hope to succeed in the career you've chosen?

4. Do you always succeed in examinations?

Exercise 4. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box. Some words are used not only once.

  1. spend, get, start, gained, enjoy, leave, take

Most people ... a third of their lives at work. So it is important for people to ... their work. And enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

People in Britain can ... work at the age of sixteen, though many young people stay at school after this age. When young people ... school at the age of sixteen they can ... a low-paid job working in a shop or a factory. At the same time they can ... one day a week at a college of further education. Many young people wishing to ... a practical skill - for example, car mechanics, hairdressers etc. — do this. At the end of their college training they... a qualification. It is a good beginning to ... a career because such young people have ... practical experience in their job which is important for their promotion.

2. abilities, to liquidate, to communicate, respect, conditions, fostering, industry, praised, relationship, to shape, to regard, attitude, capacity.

1) One of the most important tasks of the Revolution was … illiteracy in Russia.

2) Russian school creates the best possible … education for the younger generation.

3) We must envisage the … of feeling of patriotism.

4) To make his work more successful a teacher should … his pupils’ interests.

5) Together with education pupils learn how … with each other.

6) His report was good and the teacher … him.

7) I … him for his broad erudition and knowledge.

8) Thanks to his … he could prepare for exams in a short period of time.

9) What is your … to this new teaching method?

10) Many films tell about … between teachers and pupils.

11) Children’s …can be developed in the course of studies.

12) The teacher helps … a child’s character

13) Psychologists say that there is no limit to the … of our memory

Exercise 5. Read the text, insert prepositions where necessary, say what the Employment Service in Britain does for people seeking jobs.

There are many ways in which people find jobs. These include replying ... advertisements in the national, local or specialist press, direct approaches ... employers and through a job centre or employment agency.

A lot of governments provide a range of services ...job seekers ... employment services.

The Employment Service in Britain gives information ... job opportunities, vocational training programs, about how to raise skill levels. Much attention is given ... school-leavers, students, and graduates who are seeking jobs because ... some areas of Britain a lot of young people are out of work. There are areas with high youth unemployment. The British government has introduced a large number... programs to give school-leavers and young people a better chance ... getting full-time or part-time jobs. Besides, those who fail to find a job, get unemployment benefits.

American students are also fond ... getting temporary or part-time jobs, especially... the summer. Many students work as counselors in summer camps ... young children. Most students work ... supermarkets or in fast food restau­rants. Others take jobs as messengers, delivery people or sales clerks. Occa­sionally, students work ... some of these jobs during the school year as well as during the summers.

Exercise 6. Match the pairs of equivalents from two columns:

cushy job

не пыльная работа

demanding job

ответственная работа

out of job

постоянная работа

full-time job

Низкооплачиваемая работа

menial job

работа на не полный рабочий день

part-time job

работа на полный рабочий день

steady job

без работы

Text 1

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.