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to punch the ticket – закомпостировать билет an overnight train – ночной поезд

a day coach – дневной поезд

an inquiry office – справочное бюро sleeping accommodation – места для сна sitting accommodation – сидячие места a compartment car – купейный вагон

a sleeper – спальный вагон

an upper berth – верхняя полка bedclothes (bedding) – постельное белье a guard – проводник

to change trains (to make a changing) – делать пересадку to board a train – садиться на поезд

to get off a train – выходить из поезда non-stop flight – беспосадочный перелет refuel – заправляться горючим

on the appointed day – в назначенный день

to proceed to the airport – отправляться в аэропорт to board the plane – садиться в самолет

boarding the plane – посадка в самолет on board the plane – на борту самолета to weigh – взвешивать

an attendant – обслуживающее лицо to attach – прикреплять

take-off – вылет самолета (вылетать) a runway – взлетно-посадочная полоса

a reclining seat – откидывающееся назад сиденье

adjustable to some positions – регулируемый на несколько положений an altitude – высота полета

to be airsick – страдать воздушной болезнью

Role play

Work in group: discuss your future traveling, choose the mean of travel with detailed arguments. Play out your actions when

-asking for information at the inquiry office,

-buying tickets at the booking office,

-boarding your mean of travel.




prominent – известный evil spirits – злые духи spanking – трепка, взбучка superstition – суеверие

pin – прикалывать

blindfolded – с завязанными глазами suspend over – подвешивать на

spot – место

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

trinket – безделушка stick – палка buttocks – ягодицы

Long ago, before early people had a way of marking time, little attention was paid to a person’s birthday. When birthdays were first starting to be celebrated, they were only held in honour of prominent men in a country. Today, birthdays are celebrated by the young and the old alike all around the world.

The reason why we have birthday parties goes back to when people believed that good and evil spirits appeared when a child was born and influenced that child for life. These people also believed that it was dangerous for a person to have a change in his or her life. This led people to believe that birthdays were filled with danger since each year marked a change in a person’s life. These beliefs brought about the custom of having birthday parties. They considered that surrounding the birthday person with friends, family and good wishes would scare the evil spirits away. It was an especially good influence if the wellwishers presented gifts along with their wishes. There would also be greater protection from the evil spirits if the gifts and wishes were presented early in the day. Credit is given to the Germans for starting celebrations of children’s birthdays (kinderfeste).

The custom of putting candles on birthday cake started in Germany about 200 years ago. Germans were known to be excellent candle makers. One day they began to make little tiny candles and started the tradition of putting the candles on the cake. It was also decided by these candle makers that it meant good luck if you could blow out all the candles on your cake in one blow.

About 100 years ago, Mildred Hill and Patty Hill of America wrote the song,

“Happy Birthday to You”. This song was a huge hit all over the world. It is used in many different countries with a few modifications.

Have you ever received a card for your birthday? The custom of making birthday cards started in England about 100 years ago. Now people everywhere make birthday cards and send them to friends and family to wish them a happy birthday.

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