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Главы 7-8.doc
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Achievement test

Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space.

  1. And in all the above cases _____ and dead freight paid by Sellers in connection with the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit are to be repaid by Buyers.

  2. The weight stated in the Bill of Lading is to be considered final and _____ upon both parties.

  3. These _____ are to be sealed by Sellers as well as by the Master of the vessel.

  4. Sellers are to insure the goods for their account against usual marine risks including risks of _____.

  5. The Insurance Policy is to be made out in the _____ of Buyers or another person according to their instructions and is to be sent together with other _____ documents.

  6. Sellers have the right to _____ one tanker for another informing Buyers thereof.

  7. _____ time to commence 6 hours after such _____ of readiness is handed in by the Master, berth or no berth.

  8. In case of _____ of the quality of the goods actually delivered by Sellers with the contract specification, any _____ for the quality of the goods may be made within 2 months of the date of delivery.

  9. All _____ and additions to the present contract are valid if only made in writing and _____ by both parties.

  10. Should the Buyers fail to _____ the terms of payment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyers shall have to pay to the Sellers a _____ of 0.15 per cent of the value of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract for each day of the _____ within 30 days.

1 Текст данного соглашения может представлять значительную сложность для студентов-экономистов, поскольку содержит большое количество юридической терминологии. В связи с этим мы сочли необходимым в конце данного урока привести полный перевод текста соглашения на русский язык.


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