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Analyzed sources

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DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.011

UDC 811.133.1

Punctuation interference during translation (on the example of the french language of moroccan bilinguals) e.V. Kashkina, t.V. Gilyarovskaya

Voronezh State University,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of

French philology

Elena Viktorovna Kashkina

e-mail: uelha@bk.ru

Voronezh State University,

Teacher of

French Philology Department

Tatiana Viktorovna Gilyarovskaya

e-mail: tatyana_gilyar@mail.ru

Statement of the problem. This work is devoted to the study of some of the features of the translation of punctuation marks. Attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the translation of punctuation in French under the influence of the Arabic language of the Maghreb countries. The translation of punctuation is considered on the example of a work of fiction, the text of which is as close as possible to the spoken French language of the inhabitants of the suburbs of the metropolis and Francophones in North Africa. An analysis of the punctuation elements that organize the text space, which are used by the author and the translator, makes it possible to draw a conclusion about different punctuation-graphic ways of reflecting the inner and outer world, as well as the information contained about a special mode of language that conveys special modes of consciousness.

Results. Questions of interference in translation occupy an important place in connection with the interest in such a phenomenon as language variants; the problem of translation of punctuation is an important part of it. First, because punctuation marks themselves are ambiguous. Also, translation difficulties are associated with the author's use of punctuation marks and their combinations. And finally, the cases of punctuation interference presented in our study should be taken into account when translating from the French language operating in the Maghreb region.

Conclusion. This study and analysis of the richness of the prosodic component of the French language of the suburbs demonstrates, in particular, that oral speech is still present in a large part of the discourse of artistic practices of French-speaking writers of the XX-XXI centuries. In the French text by the Maghreb writer Faiza Gen «Kiffe kiffe demain» (Faїza Guène «Kiffe kiffe demain»), we find punctuation marks that emphasize the oral nature of statements in every possible way, reproducing pauses and emotions in writing. These are cases with a period and an exclamation mark and a question mark; especially the frequent use of ellipsis, which sometimes seems out of place. The author most likely does this for two reasons: to maximize the authenticity of living speech and to show the uniqueness of the French language in the North African region. Punctuation interference gets its meaning in the syntactic structure of a statement. At the same time, the grammatical structure of the Arabic language has its own distinctive features in the form-content relationship of all grammatical units, which is observed in the interference inherent in the speech of Moroccans in French in spontaneous oral speech.

Key words: multilingualism, bilingualism, variants of the French language, translation and interference, punctuation interference, Arabic language French.

For citation: Kashkina E.V. Punctuation interference during translation (on the example of the French language of Moroccan bilinguals) / E.V. Kashkina, T.V. Gilyarovskaya // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 112-121.

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