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V. Put in the correct prepositions.

  1. Concrete is one … the constructive building materials.

  2. Concrete is a mixture ... water, cement and aggregates.

  3. There are four stages ... producing concrete.

  4. Concrete may be prepared right ... a building site.

  5. It may also be prepared ... a factory.

  6. The kind of concrete depends ... the aggregates used.

  7. Concrete has many advantages ... other building materials.

  8. The strength of any concrete is influenced ... many factors.

  9. Concrete is widely used ... construction ... supporting elements.

VI. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Бетон – особый конструктивный материал.

  2. Его издавна использовали египтяне, греки и римляне.

  3. Бетон – композиционный материал, полученный в результате твердения рационально подобранной смеси из вяжущего материала, заполнителя и воды.

  4. В производстве бетона четыре стадии: 1) приготовление сырья, 2) его перемешивание, 3) формование и 4) твердение.

  5. Плотность бетона зависит от плотности цементного камня, плотности заполнителей и степени уплотнения.

  6. Конструкции из монолитного бетона изготавливают непосредственно на строительной площадке, а сборные конструкции – на заводе.

  7. Бетон является главным строительным материалом, который применяют во всех областях строительства.

VII. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is concrete?

3. What stages are there in producing concrete?

4. What properties does concrete have?

5. What kinds of concrete do you know?

6. What does the kind of concrete depend on?

7. Speak about cellular concrete.

8. What factors influence the strength of any concrete?

9. Where is concrete widely used today?

10. Why is concrete one of the main building materials in construction world?

VIII. Speak about concrete as one of the main building materials today. Make use of the key words and expressions.

Constructive material, its composition, stages in producing, the resulting material, the kind of concrete, depends on, methods in producing, the strength of any concrete, is influenced by, wide application, will be required in future, concrete structures, economic, safe and sound = strong.

  1. I`ll speak about… – я расскажу о…

  2. If I`m not mistaken… – если я не ошибаюсь…

  3. Now just a few words about… – сейчас несколько слов о…

  4. Technical characteristics of…are… – техническими характеристиками являются…

  5. It is no doubt that… – нет сомнения в том, что…

  6. In conclusion I`d like to say that… – в заключение мне бы хотелось сказать, что…

Grammar: Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple.

1. A: …… (you/ever/be) to Paris?

B: Yes, we …… (spend) a month in Paris two years ago.

2. A: …… (you/see) Janice at the party?

B: No, I …… (see) her for weeks.

3. A: … (Fred/visit) his grandparents in Italy?

B: Yes, he … (go) to Italy last summer to see them.

4. A: I … (eat) at Martin’s Steak House last night – the food was delicious.

B: That’s my favourite restaurant. I … (eat) there many times.

5. A: … (Mum/speak) to Jim?

B: Yes, she … (call) him this morning.

6. A: … (Michael/buy) a CD player?

B: No, he … (not/save up) enough money yet.

7. A: …… (you/buy) a dress for the wedding yet?

B: No, I …… (not/find) anything that I really like.

8. A: …… (Sara/come) home from work yet?

B: No, she …… (called) and ……(say) that she is going to come home late tonight.

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