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Meetings and Negotiations.doc
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3. Read the conversation. Pay attention to the expressions used in it.

Bill: - We need to decide whether to take that business trip to Europe or not. Basically, it is a decision to expand our sales (продвинуть наш товар) into the European market. I’d like to hear your ideas.

Tom: - I’m in favour of it. It’s a great idea. It will put us ahead of the competition.

Michelle: - Personally, I’m against it. I don’t think it’s cost-effective (прибыльно с учетом затрат).

Carlos: - It’s an interesting idea, but I’m undecided. I vote against it.

Paul: - I agree with Carlos. Do we have the money to do a good job?

Tom: - Let’s look at our budget again. I am confident the benefits will overweigh the costs (выгоды перевесят затраты).

Michelle: - Sorry, I cannot agree with you. I don’t think it will work. All we can do is to work up pro forma.

Paul: - Excuse me, would you mind repeating that?

Michelle: - Sure. What I’m saying is that I don’t know if we can see if the profits will be greater than our costs (выгоды будут больше затрат).

Bill: - Let’s stop here. I think we have a serious disagreement at this point. We will continue this afternoon.

The Art of Negotiating

Negotiate [ni’gouζiet] means to try to reach agreement by discussion. But to reach an agreement is not so easy because each side has their own interests and should have much profit.


  1. Planning. Make sure you prepare properly. The less you prepare, the more you will be at a disadvantage and the less you will be to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

  2. Research. Try to find out as much as you can about your opposite number and his business. Use the resources from a business library and talk to your business contacts.

  3. Goals. Decide what your goals are. Remember you are looking for a win-win situation of benefit for both parties.

  4. Limits. Knowing your negotiating limits and their reasons will help you negotiate more confidently and comfortably.

  5. Strategy. Plan you negotiating strategy carefully, taking into consideration the personality of your opposite number, as well as your own strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Rapport [ræ’po:] (связь, отношение). Try to establish a good rapport with your opposite number from the moment you first meet, whether or not you already know each other.

  2. Parameters. Confirm the subject and purpose of your negotiation early on and try to establish areas of common ground and conflict.

  3. Listen! Listening attentively at every stage of your negotiation will help you to avoid misunderstanding and create a spirit of cooperation.

  4. Attitude. Be constructive, not destructive – treat your opposite number with respect and tact.

  5. Approach. Keep your objectives in mind – and try to keep a clear head.

  6. Flexibility. Be prepared to consider arrangement of alternatives and try to make creative suggestions for resolving any problems. Be prepared to make concessions and to compromise.

  7. Review. Summarise and review your progress at regular intervals during negotiation.

  8. Agreement. When you have reached agreement, close the deal firmly and clearly. Confirm exactly what you have reached.

  9. Confirmation. Write a follow-up letter to confirm in writing the points agreed.


  1. Simplicity. Keep your language simple and clear. Use short words and sentences.

  2. Clarity. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand.

These are some useful phrases to use during the negotiation.

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