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Грамматическая контрольная работа № 3 (1).doc
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Вариант 3

1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя условные придаточные предложения:

  1. Если вы подождёте меня, мы пойдём туда вместе.

If you wait for me, we shall go there together.

  1. Он не закончит свою работу вовремя, если вы ему не поможете.

He will not finish his work in time unless you help him.

  1. Если бы у них был автомобиль, они бы поехали за город.

If you had a car, they would go to the country.

  1. Если бы двигатель был отремонтирован вчера, мы бы покинули порт.

Had the engine been repaired yesterday, we should have left the port.

  1. Если бы я увидел вас вчера, я бы дал вам мой учебник.

If I had seen you yesterday, I should have given you my textbook.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия и причастия:

  1. A Polish delegation arrived in Volzhsky with the object of conducting trade negotiations.

Польская делегация приехала в Волжский с целью проведения торговых переговоров.

  1. You will never speak good English without learning grammar.

Вы не заговорите по-английски хорошо пока не выучите английскую грамматику.

  1. Smoking is not allowed here.

Курение здесь запрещено.

  1. The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.

Восходящее солнце было закрыто тучами.

  1. Having left school, he went to work in a factory.

Окончив школу, он пошёл работать на завод.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя герундий или причастие:

  1. Чтение по-английски необходимо каждому инженеру.

Reading English is necessary for every engineer.

  1. Закончив испытания, он записал результаты.

Having finished the test, he put down the results.

  1. Проблемы, обсуждённые на последней конференции, были интересны.

The problems discussed at the last conference were interesting.

  1. То, что он прочёл эту статью, помогло ему с курсовой работой.

His having read that article helped him with the term work.

  1. Книга, переведенная с английского языка, интересная.

The book translated from English is interesting.

4. Выберите правильный вариант, указанный в скобках, для условных придаточных предложений:

  1. If you (go, will go) to America, you will see a lot of monuments and museums.

If you go to America, you will see a lot of monuments and museums.

  1. If I were you, I (would go, would have gone) to Berlin by plane.

If I were you, I would go to Berlin by plane.

  1. They (will do, would do) it, if they have the necessary material.

They will do it, if they have the necessary material.

  1. If he had stayed in New York a little longer, he (would have visited, would visit) many interesting places.

If he had stayed in New York a little longer, he would have visited many interesting places.

5. If the weather conditions (was, had been) favourable, the construction of the bridge would have been completed in time.

If the weather conditions had been favourable, the construction of the bridge would have been completed in time.

5. Выберите правильную форму герундия, указанную в скобках:

  1. I am surprised at your (having missed, being missed) so many lessons this term.

I am surprised at your having missed so many lessons this term.

  1. I remember (being given, having given) this instruction.

I remember having given this instruction.

  1. We prefer new methods of work (being used, have used).

We prefer new methods of work being used.

  1. I remember (having shown, being shown) her the letter.

I remember having shown her the letter.

  1. We prefer (having used, using) new methods of work.

We prefer using new methods of work.