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Our institute

Ex. I. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

sanatorium [sænə'tɔ:riəm] – санаторий

championship ['t∫æmpjən∫ip] – первенство, чемпионат

quality [´kwoliti] – качество

successfully [sək´sesfəli] – успешно

commerce [´komə:s] – торговля; коммерция

assessment [ə´sesmənt] – оценка; оценивание

supervise [´sju:pəvaiz] – наблюдать

schedule [´∫edju:l] – расписание

amateur [´æmətə:] – любительский

facilities [fə´silitiz] – возможности; оборудование; средства

accommodation [ə¸kɔmə´dei∫ən] – жилье

tutorial [tju:´tɔ:riəl] – консультация

permission [pə´mi∫(ə)n] – разрешение

at/in smb.’s disposal [di´spouzəl] – в чьем-либо распоряжении

honour [´onə] – 1.честь; 2.почет; 3. pl.универ. отличие (при сдаче экзаменов)

initiation [i˛ni∫i´ei∫(ə)n] – посвящение

entertainment [˛entə´teinmənt] – развлечение; представление

prestigious [pres'ti:Zəs] – престижный

contractual [kən'trækt∫uəl] – договорный

Ex.II. Read the following international words and guess their meanings. Check the words in bold type in the dictionary:

Course, period, theoretical, lecture, combine, seminar, problem, practical, process, mathematics, mechanics, test, geometry, economics, contractual, basis, region, final, sanatorium, collection, instruction, literature, experiment, faculty, mechanical, sport, application, national, balance, club, traditional, festival, ritual, concert, talent, academic, stadium, centre, design, laboratory, special.

Topical Vocabulary

Ex. III. Study the following words and word combinations. They will help you to understand the text and speak on the topic. Try to remember them.

to train – обучать, готовить (специалистов)

full-time department – дневное отделение

correspondence department – заочное отделение

to provide – обеспечивать, снабжать

bachelor – бакалавр

to deliver lectures (to give lectures) – читать лекции

test – зачет

to improve one’s skills – совершенствовать чьи-л. умения

to require – требовать

to earn credits – получать зачеты

to pass an examination – сдать экзамен

to take an examination – сдавать экзамен

to award a diploma – присуждать (выдавать) диплом

thesis – диссертация

to attend – посещать

to develop one’s know-how – развивать чьи-либо умения

tuition – обучение

free of charge – бесплатно

to admit to … – принимать в (институт)

to get a grant – получать стипендию

to house – вмещать, содержать

to receive – получать

up-to-date equipment – современное оборудование

a refectory – столовая (студенческая)

honour(s)-student – студент, выдержавший экзамен с высшей оценкой

non-resident student – иногородний студент

students’ council – студсовет

free medical care – бесплатное медицинское обслуживание

available – имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный

to offer – предлагать

research – научное исследование

award – награждать; присуждать

complete – заканчивать; завершать

staff – штат; персонал

graduate n – выпускник

graduate v – заканчивать высшее заведение

cause – причина

society – общество

tutorial – консультация

at/in smb.’s disposal – в чьем-либо распоряжении

postgraduate course – аспирантура

to complete one’s research – заканчивать научно- исследовательскую


to carry out – выполнять

a students’hostel – студенческое общежитие

instructions – методические указания

Ex. IV. Read the words and say what words they are formed from.

Education, specialist, mechanical, combination, delivering, permission, government, vocational, additional, successfully, collection, gateway, application, researcher, establishment, professional, development.

Ex. V. a) Practise conversion. Form new words according to the model


Noun Verb

Head to head

голова, глава возглавлять

b) Fill in blank spaces of the following table with correct words. Consult the dictionary if necessary.



to balance




to cause




to house




to end




to base




to work




to mark




to use




to study




to help


Ex. VI. Find in the text given below the words formed with the help

of conversion and define what part of speech they belong to.

Ex. VII. a) Read and translate the following word combinations formed according to the model N+N.

Food industry, assessment method, summer vacation, schedule change, laboratory work, computer center, student life, recreation centre, Tom river bank, research skill, course length, government scholarship.

b) Make up your own sentences with these word combinations.

Ex.VIII. Revise the forms of the verbs. Complete the table with the missed forms.





































Ex. IX. Choose the word that is similar or synonymous to the underlined word.

vary – change – fix – check

get – give – receive – offer

train – qualify – combine – teach

term – seminar – semester – method

begin – end – finish – continue

design – break – construct – build

develop – provide – reflect – supply

Ex. X. a) Make up as many word combinations as you can and translate them into Russian.

1. to get 1. production

2. to attend 2. permission

3. express 3. specialists

4. higher 4. a diploma

5. to improve 5. lectures

6. up-to-date 6. care

7. to train 7. credits

8. postgraduate 8. education

9. to award 9. equipment

10. medical 10. skills

11. to earn 11. course

12. stable 12. grants

b) Make up sentences with these word combinations.

Ex. XI. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words.

1. This student has a good mark in English.

2. Two of students were marked absent.

3. The rector ruled the Institute with a firm hand.

4. As a rule our graduates are well prepared for their professional activities.

5. He is the only man for this position.

6. I can only speak French.

Ex. XII. Make up sentences from the words given below:

1. Begins, in June, year, and, academic, ends, in September.

2. Mostly, tuition, charge, is, free of.

3. Some, has, libraries, it, scientific.

4. All over, they, abroad, work, and, the country.

5. Takes, and, a lecture, notes, listens to, a student.

Ex. XIII. Read and translate the text into Russian.