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Практические задания


Использования форм сослагательного наклонения

Present Subjunctive и should + Infinitive

Ex. 1. Complete the following. In many sentences there is more than one possible completion.

Model : Mr. Adams insists that we be careful in writing.

  1. They requested that we not __________ after midnight.

  2. She demanded that I ___________ her the truth.

  3. I recommended that Jane ______________to the head of the department.

  4. I suggest that everyone ____________ a letter to the government.

  5. It is essential that I ____________ you tomorrow.

  6. It is important that he __________ the director of the English program.

  7. It is necessary that everyone ____________ here on time.

Ex. 2. Give the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Some of the verbs are passive.

  1. Her advisor recommended that she (take) _____________ five courses.

  2. He insisted that the new baby (name) ___________after his grandfather.

  3. The doctor recommended that she (stay) ____________ in bed for a few days.

  4. The students requested that the test (postpone) _________, but the instructor decided against the postponement.

  5. I requested that I (permit) ___________ to change my class.

  6. It is essential that pollution (control) _________ and eventually (eliminate) ________.

  7. It was such a beautiful day that one of the students suggested we (have) ___________ class outside.

  8. The movie director insisted that everything about his productions (be) _____________ authentic.

  9. It is vital that no one else (know) __________ about the secret government operation.

  10. She asked that we (be) ____________ sure to lock the door behind us.

  11. It is essential that no one (admit) _____________ to the room without proper identification.

  12. It is important that you (be, not) ___________ late.

  13. It is imperative that he (return) ____________ home immediately.

  14. The governor proposed that a new highway (build) _____________ .

  15. She specifically asked that I (tell, not) ______________ anyone else about it. She said it was very important that no one else (tell) ________________ about it.

Ex. 3.Transform the following sentences using the verbs: to suggest, to demand etc.

Pattern: I ask you to look through the obtained data thoroughly.

I request that you (should) look through the obtained data thoroughly.

  1. Our advice is to reserve the word “distribution” for the open interval and to use the terminology “continuous linear functional” for the closed interval.

  2. His suggestion was: first we allow S to include only Φ (x) and not all continuous (x)

  3. He said: “The problem must be recognised for two-dimensional case”.

  4. It was recommended for him to begin solving the task with a particular case.

  5. His proposal was to re-examine the definition of potential energy before discussing stability or instability.

  6. The lecturer asked the student to give the precise and definite description of the case.

  7. Only logarithmic plots for each point are suggested to be made.

  8. The solution for the problem is unlikely to occur under the terms in question.

  9. The atomic energy is natural to be used for industrial purposes.

Ex. 4. Replace the sentences with the For-phrase with the complex ones using the Subjunctive Mood and translate into Russian:

  1. It is necessary for us to consider the properties of the computing units used when choosing the time scale.

  2. It is essential for the parametric equations of the transformation to be written in the form (3.50).

  3. It is required for a positive constant to admit travelling waves into the mat.

  4. In order to approximate the linear region, it is necessary for a single row of vortices which travels in the X-direction as shown in figure 3 to be useful.

  5. It is desirable for computers to give us new qualitative and quantitative information on non-linear systems in a highly effective manner.

  6. It is impossible for errors arising in the course of the computation to be divided into three types in these cases.

  7. It is necessary for the same mathematical axioms, which give rise to different sets of theorems, to be explicit.

  8. It is important for us to review Euclid’s contribution to number theory.

  9. It is necessary for essence of the properties of matter to be understood for constructing new physically justified and practically necessary models.

  10. It is possible for the probability laws to be classified into families on the basis of similar functional forms.

  11. It is possible for any probability to be expressed by a real number.

  12. It is possible for mathematical sentences to be written as open sentences.

  13. It is convenient for some auxiliary signs and symbols to be introduced into the alphabet of a formalized theory.

  14. It is important for the program introduced to be carefully examined.

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Subjunctive Mood:

1. Возможно, что теорема Ферма неразрешима в рамках теории чисел.

2. Возможно, чтобы вид этого уравнения был достаточно удобным,

3. Существенно, что квадратичная форма в случае с положительными коэффициентами имеет место.

4. Желательно, чтобы этот метод был усовершенствован.

5. Необходимо, чтобы эта функция была ограничена на бесконечности.

6. Возможно, что они получили нужные результаты.

7. Очень важно, чтобы они пришли к единому мнению.

8. Необходимо, чтобы студенты изучали иностранный язык.

9. Желательно, чтобы результаты исследования были получены как можно скорее.

10. Необходимо, чтобы эта проблема была решена разными способами.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Subjunctive Mood:

    1. Очень важно, чтобы он пришел вовремя.

    2. Необходимо, чтобы мы знали основные законы природы.

    3. Важно, чтобы они присутствовали на конференции.

    4. Необходимо, чтобы этапы работы были хорошо проанализированы.

    5. Необходимо, чтобы эта теорема была доказана.

    6. Желательно, чтобы задание еще раз было проанализировано.

    7. Необходимо, чтобы все необходимые операции были выполнены на компьютере.

Ex. 7. Replace the simple sentences with the complex ones using the Subjunctive Mood:

  1. He ordered every possible chance to be taken into consideration.

  2. They proposed us to use the data obtained at once.

  3. The supervisor suggested him to prepare his report properly.

  4. Many parents advise their children to enter Novosibirsk State University.

  5. We require the given law to hold in every domain.

  6. We insist upon the calculation to proceed as fast as possible so as to reduce the time required for the investigation of the given problem to the absolute minimum.

  7. We require the transformation rules to be such that it is merely a mechanical procedure to determine whether or not a given sequence of formulas is a proof.

  8. The professor requested his post-graduate students to take part in his research.

  9. I proposed them to realize their plans.

  10. They supposed us to take part in this conference.

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