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Measurement and Control Basics 3rd Edition (complete book)

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Final Control Elements


In Chapter 1, we introduced the concept of process control and defined its three elements: measurement, evaluation, and final control. The final control element is probably the most important because it exerts a direct influence on the process. Final control devices contain the essential pieces of equipment to convert the control signal (generated by a process controller) into the action needed to correctly control the process.

In this chapter, we discuss the fundamentals of final control devices, such as control valves, motors, and pumps. Because control valves are the single most common type of final control element in process control, we will discuss them first and in the greatest detail.

Control Valve Basics

A control valve is simply a variable orifice that is used to regulate the flow of a process fluid according to the requirements of the process. Figure 10-1 illustrates a typical globe-type control valve body in both the fully open and fully closed positions. In a control valve, an actuator that is connected to the valve’s plug stem and moves the valve between the open and closed positions to regulate flow in the process. The valve body is mounted in the process fluid line and is used to control the flow of fluid in the process.

The body of a control valve is generally defined as the part of the valve that comprises the main boundary, including the connecting ends. Valves are classified into two general types based on the movement of the valve’s closure part: linear and rotary.


276 Measurement and Control Basics

Valve stem

Valve plug


Valve body




a) Valve fully open

b) Valve fully closed

Figure 10-1. Typical globe-type control valve

Types of Control Valves

Though there are many kinds of valves, the most common types are globe, gate, diaphragm, butterfly, and ball valves. The globe valve, which is of the linear movement type, is most common of these five types. In a globe valve, the plug is attached to a stem, which is moved linearly in a cavity with a somewhat globular shape to regulate flow (see Figure 10-1).

A flat or wedge-shaped plate that is moved into or out of the flow path to control flow characterizes the gate valve. These valves are widely used for manual on/off service, but a few designs are used in throttling service.

Diaphragm valves are linear-motion valves with flexible diaphragms that serve as flow closure members. Diaphragm valves are mainly used with difficult fluids such as corrosive liquids or slurries. The valve body can be lined with glass, plastic, or Teflon. The diaphragm is normally rubber, but in some cases it is Teflon, which, however, requires a high closure force.

The butterfly is by far the most common rotary-motion control valve. Butterfly valves range in size from one-half inch to over two hundred inches. In the very large pipe sizes, the butterfly valve is the only costeffective solution for the control valve application.

The ball valve is also a rotary-motion valve. The part that closes the flow is a sphere with an internal passageway. The ball valve is the most widely used control valve after the globe valve. Advances in seal design and sealing material enable the ball valve to offer tight shutoff. Because of this feature it is now widely used in on/off service for batch processes.

Control Valve Characteristics

The valve’s flow characteristic is the relationship of the change in the valve’s opening to the change in flow through the valve. The most fre-

Chapter 10 – Final Control Elements


quently used characteristics are quick opening, linear, and equal percentage, as shown in Figure 10-2.

% Flow


Quick opening


Equal percentage


% Travel



Figure 10-2. Flow characteristic curves of common valves

The quick-opening valve is predominantly used for on/off control applications. A relatively small movement of the valve stem causes the maximum possible flow rate through the valve. For example, a quick-opening valve may allow 85 percent of the maximum flow rate with only 25 percent stem travel.

The linear valve has a flow rate that varies linearly with the position of the stem. This relationship can be expressed as follows:













X max
















flow rate







maximum flow rate




stem position







maximum stem position


The equal percentage valve is manufactured so that a given percentage change in the stem position produces the same percentage change in flow. Generally, this type of valve does not shut off the flow completely in its limit of travel. Thus, Qmin represents the minimum flow when the stem is at one limit of its travel. At the fully open position, the control valve

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allows a maximum flow rate, Qmin. So we define a term called rangeability (R) as the ratio of maximum flow (Qmax) to minimum flow (Qmin):

R =






Example 10-1 shows how to determine the rangeability of a typical equal percentage valve.


Problem: An equal percentage valve has a maximum flow of 100 gal/min and a minimum flow of 2 gal/min. Find its rangeability (R).

Solution: The rangeability is as follows:

R = Qmax


= 100gal / min =

R 50 2gal / min

Control Valve Actuators

Control valve actuators translate a control signal (normally 3 to 15 psi or 4 to 4 ma) into the large force or torque that is needed to manipulate a valve. There are two common types of actuators: electric and pneumatic. Electric motor actuators are used to control the opening and closing of smaller rotary-type valves such as butterfly valves. However, pneumatic actuators are used more widely because they can effectively translate a small control signal into a large force or torque. The force generated by the pneumatic valve actuator is based on the definition of pressure as force per unit area:



F = ∆ PA







= the differential pressure (Pa)




the area (m2)




the force (N)


If we need to double the force for a given pressure, we only need to double the area over which the pressure is applied. Very large forces can be developed by the standard 3-15 psi (20 – 100 KPa) control signal. Many types of

Chapter 10 – Final Control Elements


pneumatic valve actuators are available, but the most common is the diaphragm type shown in Figure 10-3. The pneumatic diaphragm valve actuator can be designed as a direct-acting type (as shown Figure

10-3) or as reverse-acting (as shown in Figure 10-4).

3 psi

15 psi



Air hole

Air hole






Valve shaft

Valve shaft


a) Low pressure state

b) High pressure state

Figure 10-3. Direct-acting pneumatic valve actuator

Valve shaft


Pressure In

Air hole


Figure 10-4. Reverse-acting pneumatic valve actuator

Figure 10-3a shows the actuator with a low-pressure (3 psi) signal applied. This signal ensures that the spring maintains the diaphragm and the connected valve shaft in the position shown. The pressure on the opposite or spring side of the diaphragm is maintained at atmospheric pressure because there is a hole opened to the atmosphere on the bottom right side

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of the actuator. Increasing the control signal pressure applies a force on the diaphragm that moves the diaphragm and the connected valve shaft down against the spring. Figure 10-3b shows this action in a case where the maximum control signal of 15 psi (100 pascals) produces the maximum travel for the valve shaft.

The pressure and force applied are linearly related, as given by F = PA. The compression of the spring is linearly related to force according to Hooke’s law, as follows:



F = k d







= force in Newtons (N)




the spring constant in N/m




is spring compression or expansion in meters (m)


So, the shaft position is linearly related to the applied control pressure by the following:


















= the shaft travel in meters



= the applied pressure control signal in Pascals (Pa)



= the diaphragm area in m2




= the spring constant in N/m


A reverse-acting pneumatic diaphragm valve actuator is shown in Figure 10-4. When a pressure signal is applied, the valve shaft moves in the direction opposite that of the direct-acting actuator, but it follows the same operating principle. In the reverse-acting actuator, the valve shaft is pulled into the actuator by the application of a pressure control signal.

Example 10-2 provides a typical calculation for sizing the diaphragm of a valve actuator.

Valve Sizing for Liquids

Sizing a control valve incorrectly is a mistake both technically and economically. A valve that is too small will not pass the required flow, and this will impact the process. A valve that is oversized will be unnecessarily expensive, can lead to instability, and can make it more difficult to control flow in a process.

Chapter 10 – Final Control Elements



Problem: Assume that a force of 500 N is required to fully open a control valve that is equipped with a pneumatic diaphragm valve actuator. The valve input control signal for the actuator has a range of 3 to 15 psi (20 to 100 kPa). Find the diaphragm area that is required to fully open the control valve.

Solution: The area is calculated using Equation 10-3, as follows:

F = ∆ PA

Since the pressure signal required to open the valve fully is 100 kPa we have the following:

A =




= 5x103 m2





1x105 Pa

To select the correct-sized valve for a given application you must know what process conditions the valve will actually encounter in service. The technique used to size control valves is a combination of fluid flow theories and flow experimentation.

Daniel Bernoulli was one of the first scientists to take an interest in the flow of liquids. Using the principle of conservation of energy, he discovered that as a liquid flows through an orifice the square of the fluid velocity is directly proportional to the pressure differential across the orifice and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid. In other words, the greater the pressure differential, the higher the velocity; the greater the fluid density, the lower the velocity. Equation 10-6 gives this relationship:

v = K






In addition, as we saw in Chapter 9, you can calculate the volumetric flow of liquid by multiplying the fluid velocity by the flow area, or Q = Av. As a result, the volumetric flow through an orifice is given by the following:

Q = KA






If Equation 10-7 is expressed in U.S. engineering units, then volumetric flow (Q) is in gallons per minute (gpm), pressure differential (P) is in psi, and specific gravity (G) and the flow area (A) are in square inches. Letting

282 Measurement and Control Basics

the constant (C) account for the proper units of flow we obtain the following:

Q = CA






Although Equation 10-8 has a strong theoretical foundation, it does not take into account the energy losses caused by turbulence and friction as the fluid passes through the orifice. We can compensate for this by adding a discharge coefficient (Cd) that is different for each type of flow orifice:

Q = Cd CA






Since the flow area is also a unique function of each type of flow orifice, we can combine all three of these terms into a single coefficient. When applied to valves, this coefficient is called the valve-sizing coefficient (Cv). Replacing the three terms Cd, C, and A with Cv we obtain the equation for liquid flow through a control valve:

Q = Cv






Example 10-3 illustrates how to calculate the volumetric flow through a control valve.


Problem: Water flows through a 2-in. control valve with a pressure drop of 4 psi. Find the volumetric flow rate if the control valve has a Cv of 55.

Solution: Using Equation 10-10,

Q = Cv




we obtain the following:

Q = 55 4 gpm = 110gpm


The valve-sizing coefficient Cv is experimentally determined for each different size and style of valve by using water in a test line under carefully

Chapter 10 – Final Control Elements


controlled standard conditions. Figure 10-5 shows the standard test piping arrangement established by the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI) to measure Cv data uniformly. Using this test setup, control valve manufacturers determine and publish Cv valves for their valves. These published Cv make it relatively easy to compare the capacities of the various valves offered by manufacturers.



Control Valve



Under Test












Figure 10-5. Test piping for Cv measurements

To determine the Cv for a valve that controls the flow of water or other liquids that behave like water, we rearrange the liquid valve sizing equation (Equation 10-10) as follows:

Cv = Q






This equation is based on ideal liquids, but viscous conditions can result in significant sizing since manufacturers’ published Cv values are based on test data using water. Although most valve applications involve liquids whose viscosity corrections can be ignored, you should consider liquid viscosity in each application that requires you to select a valve.

A careful review of the basic valve liquid flow equation (Equation 10-10) will help you develop a feel for what Cv really means. Consider a case where water at 60°F flows through a valve. Here the specific gravity (G) is equal to 1. Let's also assume that a 1-psi pressure differential is maintained across the valve. Under these conditions, the entire square root factor becomes 1. This specific example shows that Cv is numerically equal to the number of U.S. gallons of water that will flow through the valve in one minute when the water temperature is 60°F and the pressure differential across the valve is 1 psi. Thus, Cv provides an index for comparing the liquid flow capacities of different types of valves under a standard set of operating conditions.

The valve-sizing coefficient Cv varies with both the size and style of valve. By combining published Cv data, the basic liquid sizing equation, and your actual service conditions, you can select the correct valve size for any

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given application. Typical values of Cv for different-sized valves are shown in Table 10-1.

Example 10-4 illustrates the sizing and selection process for a typical liquid service application.


Problem: Calculate the Cv and select the required valve size from

Table 10-1 for a valve that must regulate 300 gal/min of ethyl alcohol with a specific gravity of 0.8 at a pressure drop of 100 psi.

Solution: You can find the valve-sizing coefficient by using Equation 10-11:


= Q





Then, substitute the process parameters into this equation to obtain Cv:




= 300





Cv = 26.8

Based on this value of Cv , you should select a 1-½ in. valve for this application.

Table 10-1. Typical Valve-Sizing Coefficients

Valve Size, in.
















1 ½
























Flashing and cavitation within a control valve are two other conditions that can significantly effect the sizing and selection of control valves. These two related phenomena limit flow through control valves under cer-

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