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Судоводы - 9 семестр / Видищева Т.В., Монастырская О.И. - English in Maritime Business and Law (2014)

22.39 Mб

duplicate of the consignment note in an appropriate manner and return the duplicate to the


The consignment note

shall not have effect as a bill of lading. It must be made out for each consignment, (see annex 4)

It must contain the following particulars:

a)the place at which and the day on which it’s made out;

b)the name and address of the consignor;

c)the name and address of the carrier who has concluded the contract of carriage;

d)the place and the day of taking over of the goods;

e)the place of delivery;

f)the name and address of the consignee;

g)the description of the nature of the goods and the method of packing;

h)the number of packages and the special marks and numbers;

i)a detailed list of the documents which are required by customs or other administrative authorities and are attached to the consignment note;

j)the costs relating to carriage, e.g. carriage charge, customs duties, etc.

Where applicable the consignment note should also contain the following data:

a)the costs which the consignor undertakes to pay;

b)the agreed transit period;

c)the agreed route;

d)the amount of the cash on delivery charge.

The consignment note shall be prima facie evidence of the conclusion and the conditions of the contract of carriage and the taking over of the goods by the carrier.

Liability oftheparties under the contract of carriage in case ofloss or damage to the goods

When partial loss or damage is discovered by the carrier or alleged by the person entitled, the carrier must without delay, and if possible in the presence of the person entitled, draw up a report stating the condition of the goods, their mass and, as far as possible, the extent o f the loss or damage, its cause and the time of its occurance, according to the nature of the loss or damage.

Claims relating to the contract of carriage must be addressed in writing to the carrier against whom an action may be brought.

To make the claim the consignor must submit the duplicate of the consignment note. Failing this he must produce an authorization from the consignee or furnish proof that the consignee has refused to accept the goods.

To make the claim the consignee must produce the consignment note if it has been handed over to him.

Actions based on the contract of carriage may be brought only against the first carrier, the last carrier or the carrier having performed the part of the carriage on which the event giving rise to the proceedings occurred.

If the plaintiff has a choice between several carriers, his right to choose shall be extinguished as soon as he brings an action against any of them; this shall also apply if the plaintiff has a choice between one or more carriers and a substitute carrier.


1. What is thefunction o f a consignment note?

2. What types o f a carrier are there in the contract o fcarriage?

3.What obligatory particulars should be included in a consignment note?

4.What is confirmed by a consignment note?

5.What information should be included in a carrier’s report under the contract of carriage?


What should be done by the parties o f the contract o f carriage when making a




Who acts as a defendant at the litigation?

P a r t 2


General cargo - генеральный груз

Bulk cargo - насыпной, навалочный, наливной груз

Bulky cargo - громоздкий, объемистый груз

Dry bulk cargo - навалочный ip>s

Heavy cargo (heavy- lift,extra-weight) -тяжеловесный груз

Liquid cargo - жидкий груз

Refrigerated cargo - рефрижераторный груз

Airwaybill - авиагрузовая накладная

To deteriorate - ухудшать(ся)

Haulage company - компания наземных перевозок

Grouped consignment - сборная партия груза

Groupage B/L - коносамент на сборную партию груза

Forwarding agent - экспедитор

Intermediary- посредник

Forwarding agent’s Certificate o fReceipt - Акт приемки экспедитором

Railway company - компания железнодорожных перевозок

Goods train - товарный поезд

Passenger train - пассажирский поезд

Express train - поезд-экспресс

Rail consignment note - железнодорожная накладная

International Consignment Note (CMR) - транспортная накладная

In shifts- (о работе) посменно

A manifest - декларация груза и пассажиров (самолета или поезда)

A delivery order- указание о доставке; распоряжение о выдаче товара со склада или о выдаче части груза по коносаменту

Trucking Со- компания грузового автотранспорта

Runway - взлетная полоса

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions

A good transport system is necessary if goods are to be traded efficiently. A consignor (someone who dispatches goods) can choose to send his consignment (goods) to the consignee (the person who receives the goods) by:


-Land, by road or by rail

-Water, which covers both domestic (national) and ocean (international) shipping.


When choosing the most suitable form of transport, the consignor has to consider:

- What kind of goods are to be sent - perishable goods have to be transported more quickly than non-perishable goods, for example.

-T he place of destination - not all destinations can be reached by all forms of transport.

- The cost of each form of transport, how fast it is and how safe. The consignor may have to decide whether speed is more important than safety, for example.

Types o f c a r g o

When goods are being transported they are called ‘cargo’.

-General cargo - goods sent packed in boxes, cases, crates

-Bulk cargo - large quantities of items such as sand, grain and coal when sent unpacked.

- Bulky cargo - large individual items such as cars which have to be sent unpacked.

-Perishable cargo - goods with short storage period

-Dry bulk cargo - goods loaded and discharged by cranes with grabs or by pumps

-Liquid cargo - cargo which is carried in tankers

-Refrigerated cargo - cargo which is shipped in refrigerating plants

A ir tr a n s p o r t

Air transport is chosen when the goods are valuable, fragile, urgently needed. Some goods deteriorate, e.g. flowers (perishable goods).


1.Air transport is fast

2.It is a secure form of transport;

It means that insurance costs are low. Besides, insurance tends to be cheaper as consignments spend less time in transit.

3. There is no limitation as to distance.


1.It is relatively expensive.

With bulk consignments air is much more expensive, and can be uneconomical

2. It is not practical for short distances.

3. It may be necessary to send the goods some distance to reach the cargo terminal of an airport.

The transport document necessaiy when goods are dispatched by air is the air waybill


The air waybill isn’t a document of title and can’t be negotiated (see annex 3). However, the exporter has a right of disposal to the goods, which means that on presenting his copy of the air waybill, he can stop the goods during their journey, have the goods delivered to a different consignee from the consignee mentioned on the air waybill, or have


the consignment returned. This is useful if the exporters discover after dispatching the goods that the consignee may not be able to pay for them.

The air waybill is made up of 3 originals and several copies (TTL 12).

-Original 1 is marked “For carrier” and is kept by the airline once it has been signed by the consignor or his agent.

-Original 2 is marked “For consignee” and travels with the goods

-Original 3 is marked “For shipper” and is returned to the exporter once it has been signed by the airline.

An Airlines Co may have 3 departments: Import, Export and Operations. Each of the staff may work in all three departments and in shifts.

As soon as a manifest is made at the airport of departure the Import Department can make a computer printout of this document. Using the above it’s known in advance which shipments will be on board the plane. Then the shipments are divided into 3 categories.

First a delivery order is made for the shipments that have their basic headquarters airport as their final destination.

The second group is shipments with a destination that the Co doesn’t serve. A transfer manifest must then be made for the second group.

The third group is made by shipments destined for a city where their airline is represented. The shipments are prepared for further transportation by road feeder service, which means shipment by truck. The company usually uses an independent trucking Co to deliver cargo to and from cities that the Airline Co serves.

When the plane arrives one of the staff goes out on the runway to collect the original airwaybills and manifests. Back in the office the airwaybills copies are made and sorted out in three piles mentioned above. The manifest is also transferred to customs via computer so that they know what is being transported.

Railway transport

If goods are transported by train, the carrier is the railway company. The price of railway transport depends on how fast the goods are to travel: the slow goods train is cheaper than the passenger train, and the express train is the fastest and most expensive of all.



1. Virtually all types of cargo can be

1. The railway may be effected by strikes



2. Virtually any distance can be covered

2. There is a relatively high risk of theft

Large quantities can be transported


The transport document needed for railway transport is the rail consignment note.



R o a d tr a n sp o r t

Goods which need careful handling, such as fruit, are often sent by road, as they need to be loaded and unloaded once. Normally they are sent as general cargo. The carrier responsible for transporting goods by road is the haulage company.



1. It is very fast over short distances

1. Only small quantities can be



2.The extensive road network means that most destinations can be reached

3.It’s relatively secure - even valuable items such as cash reserves can be transported by specialist companies

2.There is relatively high risk of accidents and delays through traffic jams

3.It’s expensive and time-consuming over longer distances; intercontinental

transportation is virtually impossible

Another advantage of sending goods by road (although it’s possible with other means of transport) is the opportunity of using a grouped consignment service. If a trader only has a small quantity of cargo to send, he can collaborate with other sellers with small consignments all going to the same destination.

The various parts of consignments are then sent together as one whole consignment, which reduces the transport costs for everybody involved.

One of the people who organizes grouped consignments is theforwarding agent. He is the intermediary between the buyer, seller and carriers. Other services which he provides are delivering goods from the seller to the carrier, transporting goods with his own lorries, arranging special packaging and providing storage space for goods which are to be dispatched at a later date.

The transport documents essential to road transport are the International Consignment Note (CMR) if a haulage company is used and the Forwarding Agent’s Certificate o f Receipt (FCR) for transportation by a forwarding agent.

Consignment notes like the AWBs are not documents of title so ownership of the document doesn’t mean ownership of the goods. They are not negotiable, i.e. they cannot be bought, sold, transferred by the consignor (the exporter), or the consignee (the importer).

1.What key points should be taken in consideration to choose the best mode o f transportation?

2.What types o f cargo do you know?

3.What modes o f transportation are usedfor transporting goods?

4.What documents are usedfor different air/road/railway transportation?

5.What’s thefunction o f the airwaybill?

6.Who can arrangefor grouped consignment?

7.What’s the airwaybill made up of?


Exercise 2. Divide thefollowing goods into cargo groups

Exercise 3. Whichform orforms oftransport wouldyou choosefor thefollowing consignments, and why? What kind ofcargo is involved in each case?

1.A large consignment of cars from Hamburg to Dresden.

2.A small consignment of flour from Wales to London.

3.A small consignment of china from London to Kiev.

4.An urgently needed consignment of tea from Bombay to Boston.

5.A consignment of diamonds from Cape Town to Cairo.

6.A large consignment of coal from Sheffield to Leeds (both in the north of England).


Exercise 4. Study the quotationfor delivery by air. Answer thefollowing questions

UniversalAirways Ltd.

Airline House, Palace Road, London SW1

Directors: Sir Bernard Hullings, E.M. Marchant FCA,

D.L. Owen ACA, B. Friens MA

Telephone: 071 638 4129

Reg. No.: London 281395

Telex: 381215

Vat No: 85 1162788



Fax: 071 638 5551


Mr N. Jay

18 June 20-

British Crystal Ltd..


Glazier House


Green Lane


Derby DEI 1RT


Dear Mr Jay,


Thank you for your enquiry of 15 June.


We will be able to send your consignment to Riyadh within 24 hours of delivery to Heathrow. The cost of freight Heathrow/Riyadh is £10.60 per kilo, plus £8.50 air waybill, and £54.00 customs clearance and handling charges. But you will have to arrange your own insurance. There are three flights a week from London to Saudi Arabia, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Please fill in the enclosed Despatch Form and return it to us with the consignment and commercial invoices, one of which should be included in the parcel for customs inspection.

Yours sincerely,


R. Laden

Cargo Manager


1.What other charges are there besides the freight charges?

2.Are there daily flights to Saudi Arabia?

3.Why should an invoice be included in the parcel?

4.Who will arrange insurance?

Exercise 5. Study the requestfor a quotationfor delivery by road.

Compose a reply to Mr. Cliff's letter, using thefollowing terms



Consignment (2)









Dear Mr Cliff, In (1)









10 November,



$75.50 for picking up and












premises. This includes

loading and



If you fill out the Despatch Note(7)



, and let us know 2 days

before you want the(8)



made, our driver will hand you a













Yours sincerely,






Exercise 6. Translate into English

1.Так как Ваши грузы скоропортящиеся, то определяющим фактором, влияющим на эффективность перевозки, является срок доставки.

2.Наши заказчики боятся, что их продукция может быстро выйти из моды, кроме того, многие поставляемые грузы хрупкие, а при авиаперевозках они доставляются быстро и в сохранности. Наши заказчики это очень ценят. И хотя ставки высоки по сравнению с другими видами транспорта, экономия в затратах на страхование и упаковку компенсирует это.

3.Из порта назначения груз будет доставлен получателю автомобильным транспортом.

4.То, что Ваш груз пришел не в срок, явилось результатом затора на дорогах. Вам не надо было отправлять груз автомобилем.

5.Я предлагаю воспользоваться услугами железнодорожного транспорта. Он

перевозит грузы по регулярному расписанию, на него практически не влияют погодные условия и загруженность на дорогах.

6.Потеря или повреждение груза могут быть результатом неправильного выбора транспортного средства.

7.Договор перевозки должен подтверждаться накладной, которая соответствует

принятому образцу.

8.Накладная служит подтверждением фактов заключения и условий договора перевозки и приема груза перевозчиком.

9.Одним из пунктов накладной является сумма наложного платежа (оплата наличными), оплачиваемого по доставке.

10.Накладная не должна выполнять функцию коносамента. Она составляется на каждую отправку.






Vo c a b u la r y

Palletized cargo - паллетизированный груз, уложенный на поддоны

То be built up on a ULD - закладывать в УЛД, формировать в УЛД

Unit Load Device - грузовой модуль, укрупненная грузовая единица

Expertise - знания, опыт

Transfer, transhipment - перевалка

Container freight station - контейнерная товарная станция, склад формирования (консолидации) контейнеров, расформирования (деконсолидации) контейнеров

Тоforward - отправлять

То track and trace cargo - отслеживать груз

То adhere strictly to documentary credit terms - строго соблюдать условия документарного аккредитива

То expedite, to speed up - ускорять

To procure the service - обеспечить обслуживание

Ancillary documentation -служебная документация

LCL(Less than Container Load)- контейнер содержит более одной коносаментной партии и сформирован грузами нескольких отправителей

FCL(Full Container Load) -полный контейнерный груз; контейнер содержит груз одного отправителя

LCL/LCL (LCL fo r delivery LCL) - контейнер загружается и разгружается перевозчиком

LCL/FCL (LCL fo r delivery FCL) - контейнер загружается перевозчиком, разгружается получателем

FCL/FCL (FCL fo r delivery FCL; doorto- door) - условие перевозки полностью груженных контейнеров «от двери до двери», погрузка/выгрузка за счет


FCL/LCL (FCL fo r delivery LCL; door -to- pier) - условие перевозки контейнера с учетом его полного использования одним грузоотправителем и выгрузки перевозчиком для сдачи грузов различным получателям

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions

An increasing importance is being placed upon the Freight Forwarder, as he takes over many of the functions of the traditional shipowner/carrier yet retains interested in the cargo.

F r e ig h t F o r w a r d e r is a firm specialising in the export and/or import of goods (by sea, air, road or rail) on behalf of merchants (in shipping documents the shipper can be called so), private individuals. When a shipment is being arranged, the forwarder is the exporter’s agent. When handling imports the forwarder is the consignee’s agent or’receiver’. In its contractual relationships with the sea carrier, the forwarder is the shipper, since it’s the party making the contract of carriage with the carrier.


Соседние файлы в папке Судоводы - 9 семестр