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Theatre - Part 3

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2. Transcribe and translate the words:

1. topper, n


/ˈtɒp ər/

tall, cylindrical hat

2. angular, adj


/ˈæŋ gyə lər/

bony, lean, or gaunt

3. masseuse, n



a woman who provides massage

4. feller, n


/ˈfɛl ər/


5. mimicry, n


/ˈmɪm ɪk ri/


6. dazzle, v


/ˈdæz əl/

to astonish with delight

7. exemplary, adj

пример для подражания

/ɪgˈzɛm plə ri/

serving as a model

8. brazen, adj


/ˈbreɪ zən/

shameless or impudent

9. audacity, n


/ɔˈdæs ɪ ti

effrontery or insolence

10. bubbling, adj




11. woebegone, adj


/ˈwoʊ bɪˌgɔn/


12. huskily, adv


/ˈhʌs kilɪ/


13. exhilarate, v


/ɪgˈzɪl əˌreɪt/

brace up?

14. alimony, n


/ˈæl əˌmoʊ ni/

supply of the means of living

15. prattle, v


/ˈpræt l/


16. ample, adj


/ˈæm pəl/

generous, free

17. matinee, n

дневное представление

/ˌmæt nˈeɪ/

daytime performance

18. grease, v



make smth dirty

19. decency, n


/ˈdi sən si/


20. inkling, n


/ˈɪŋk lɪŋ/

a slight suggestion

V. Translation.

Она убедила Чарльза, что многим обязана Майклу, и, потом, у них был ребенок; она не могла позволить ему вырасти с тяжким бременем осознания, что его мать — дурная женщина. Деревья деревьями, но у нее не будет ни минуты душевного покоя на этой прекрасной вилле в Италии, если она будет мучиться от мысли, что Майкл несчастен, а за ее ребенком приглядывают незнакомые люди. Нельзя ведь думать только о себе? С чувствами других тоже стоит считаться. Она была так мила и женственна! Иногда она спрашивала Чарльза, почему он не разведется с женой и не женится на какой-нибудь милой девушке. Ей была невыносима мысль, что из-за нее он портит себе жизнь. Чарльз отвечал, что только ее он любит и будет любить до конца своих дней.

— Как печально! — говорила Джулия.

Все же она всегда была начеку, и если замечала какую-нибудь женщину, имеющую виды на Чарльза, то делала все, чтобы разрушить ее планы. Джулия, не мешкая, устраивала сцену ревности, если опасность казалась ей особенно велика. Они уже давно пришли к соглашению: не на словах, конечно, но при помощи осторожных намеков и отдаленных иносказаний, со всем тактом, которого можно было ждать от Чарльза, при его воспитании, и от Джулии, при ее добром сердце, — что если с Майклом что-нибудь случится, что они так или иначе избавятся от леди Чарльз, и тогда смогут пожениться. Но у Майкла было великолепное здоровье.

3. Phrases.

1) to knock all of heap by smth — сразить наповал (ошеломить) (to stun, to take aback, to strike someone)

When she noticed some fresh flowers in a vase at her dressing-table. It was from Thomas Fennell. Julia didn’t suppose who it was and Evie said that it would be some feller knocked all of a heap by her fatal beauty.

2) to humiliate smb — унижать, оскорблять (to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect)

A large party at Dolly de Vries’s villa and Julia was being made much of. Charles Tamerley knew that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate the young woman and agered went out of his way to be nice to her.

3) to be jittery — сильно нервничать (extremely tense and nervous)

Julia was dating with Charles and when she found out that his wife left him and threatened to bring proceedings for divorce Julia did not want to appear as intervener.

4) to slacken one’s pace — замедлить шаг (moving very slowly)

Many people recognized her as she threaded her way through the crowd in Oxford Street, and though she looked straight ahead of her she was conscious of their glances. She coudn't go anywhere without people staring at her.She slackened her pace a little.

5) to take a pew — присесть (take a seat)

Julia came to Tom’s room which was fairly large but dingily furnished. On the table was a plate of cakes and two cups a sugar basin and a milk-jug. He said her to take a pew while he’ll made a tea.

6) in for a penny, in for a pound — назвался груздем — полезай в кузов (if you're going to take a risk at all, you might as well make it a big risk.)

Situation between Julia and the spaniard, he left his toothbrush in the lavabo and can’t go to sleep unless he brushes teeth then he asked about having a glass of champagne. Julia understood that it was his champagne and his compartment and decided in for a penny in for a pound.

7) to be a putup job — подстроенная работа (a prearranged matter; a contrived affair)

The spaniard talked about her previous carriage that she couldn’t possibly have slept there because of noisy man.J was sorry but he said that if the worst comes to the worst he’ll curl up in the corridor outside her door. Julia started to suspect that this was all a put-up job.

8) to give smb a nasty turn — заставить душу уйти в пятки

7. Questions.

3) The room into which he led her was fairly large, but dingily furnished. On the table was a plate of cakes and two cups, a sugar basin and a milk-jug. The crockery was of the cheapest sort. The room reminded her very much of some of the lodgings she had lived in when she was first on the stage.

4) At the beginning she did not take it seriously and believed that she was doing a good action. When J was coming to his flat she thought that It would be wonderful for him in after years to be able to tell his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him when he was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office. And if they didn't believe him he'd have her photograph to prove it, signed yours sincerely. However after some time she attached to him and started to experience strong feelings for him.

5) Probably comparing herself with the wife and the child of that Spanish man, she finds men like him disgusting, because you never know what they can do. Firstly she didn’t like this affair and felt offended, but in fact his passion impressed her, and she was looking for a man like him for years after the thing happened.

6) Julia is a very conversational character. On the one hand, she does not respect such behavior, but on the other, she wants this.

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