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5.token, n. (174) - знак; примета, признак;

6.to expend (174) - тратить, расходовать;

7.to throw the past into smb.'s teeth (175) - укорять прошлым;

8.morbid, adj. (175) - болезненный, нездоровый; болезненно впечатлительный;

9.petty, adj. (175) - мелкий, незначительный, маловажный; мелочный; узкий, ограниченный;

10.to long (175) - страстно желать, стремиться; тосковать;

11.to give smb. credit for sth. (176) - поверить чему-л.;

12.perturbation, n. (177) - волнение, смятение, расстройство;

13.sultry, adj. (178) - знойный, душный;

14.to summon up one's resolution (179) - решиться;

15.abject, adj. (180) - жалкий, презренный;

16.to thrive (180) - процветать, преуспевать;

17.inept, adj. (180) - неспособный; неподходящий, неуместный;

18.not to matter a rap (181) - не иметь никакого значения );

19.liable, adj. (182) - вероятный, возможный;

20.magnanimous, adj. (183) - великодушный;

21.to condone (183) - мириться, смотреть сквозь пальцы;

22.infidelity, n. (183) - неверность; неверие, безбожие.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

poignant, oscillate, perturbation, magnanimous.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

poignant, nuisance, to expend, morbid, petty, to long, perturbation, to thrive, inept, to condone.

1.to overlook, to forgive, to excuse to tolerate, to pardon;

2.gloomy, depressed, morose, sullen;

3.to prosper, to flourish, to succeed, to advance;

4.pest, annoyance, bother, problem;

5.unsuitable, inappropriate, unfitted, out of place;

6.distressing, bitter, intense, acute, pungent;

7.contemptible, miserly, paltry, worthless;

8.disturbance, uneasiness, anxiety, derangement, discomposure;

9.to exhaust, to use up, to employ;

10.to yearn, to crave, to desire, to hanker for, to dream.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to look smb. full in the face (173);

2.to be confined (174);

3.to throw the past into smb.'s face (175);

4.to give smb. credit for sth. (176);

5.to summon up one's resolution (179);

6.not to matter a rap (181).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. Say who made these utterances and under what circumstances. Comment on the feelings that prompted the utterances and the moral implication they suggest:

1."Am I the father?"

"I don't know," she said.

2."This isn't the place for a woman in your condition."

3."You must know that by bringing you here I've condoned the offence."

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.a short quick breath through the mouth, esp. because of surprise, pain or shock (172);

2.a thing that you take or an action that you make which expresses your feelings and intentions (174);

3.an enclosed area which contains a group of buildings (178);

4.uncomfortably warm and with air that is slightly wet (178);

5.not having any respect for yourself; not proud or brave (180);

6.very likely to happen (182);

7.a child, esp. one who behaves badly (182);

8.very generous and honourable, esp. towards an enemy (183);

9.not being loyal or faithful (183).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found. VII. Write the summary of the chapters.

VIII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

вселить ужас (172); вспышка гнева (173); выиграть время (173); вызвать восклицание (173); тень сильного волнения (174); сильно нуждаться в сочувствии (175); не вызывать страха (179); нелепое заявление (182).

IX. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Kitty breaks the news to Walter. Dwell on her inner struggle before she told her husband all the truth. Point out the signs of Walter's changing somewhat to her after the talk. Account for the change.

2.Walter insists on Kitty's leaving Mei-tan fu. Give his reasons. Comment upon what he told her about his aim in having brought her there. Do you think him vindictive?

3.Discuss a change in Kitty's personality brought about by her life in Mei-tan-fu. Find proof that the change was not too deep.



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to resume one's work (184) - возобновить, продолжить работу;

2.haphazard, adj. (184) - случайный; бессистемный;

3.preternatural, adj. (185) - сверхъестественный, противоестественный;

4.to feel all thumbs (186) - чувствовать себя неуклюжим, неловким;

5.to have an inkling of sth. (186) - иметь слабое представление о чем-л.;

6.fugitive, adj. (186) - беглый; мимолетный;

7.riddle, n. (186) - загадка;

8.on a pretext (189) - под предлогом;

9.to reprove (190) - порицать, делать выговор;

10.to offend (194) - обижать, оскорблять, задевать;

11.to set one's mind at rest (194) - успокоиться;

12.to repent (195) - раскаиваться, сокрушаться, сожалеть;

13.devotion, n. (196) - преданность, сильная привязанность; посвящение себя чему-л.;

14.obtuseness, n. (197) - тупость, глупость;

15.paunch, n. (198) - брюшко, животик;

16.vulnerable, adj. (198) - уязвимый, ранимый;

17.to make amends (199) - возмещать убытки, делать компенсацию;

18.to make haste (203) - торопиться;

19.maze, n. (204) - лабиринт; путаница;

20.haggard, adj. (206) - измученный, изможденный;

21.delirium, n. (209) - бред, бредовое состояние; исступление.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. a) Transcribe the following: sojourn, reverie, ardour, envisage.

b) Say what language they were borrowed from.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

haphazard, preternatural, fugitive, to reprove, to offend, devotion, to repent, obtuseness, vulnerable, haggard.

1.to regret, too be sorry, to mourn, to lament, to atone;

2.gaunt, careworn, fretted, emaciated, weary;

3.to insult, to outrage, to affront, to wound;

4.abnormal, mysterious, supernatural, extraordinary, peculiar;

5.feeble-mindedness, dullness, witlessness, sluggishness;

6.accidental, chancy, fortuitous, random;

7.to blame, to reproach, to rebuke, to admonish;

8.consecration, devotedness, piety, zeal, adherence;

9.avoiding, evading, elusive, transient;

10.defenseless, unsafe, assailable, unprotected, helpless, weak. b) Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c) Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to resume one's work (184);

2.to feel all thumbs (186);

3.to have an inkling of sth. (186);

4.on a pretext (189);

5.to be opposed to sth. (193);

6.to set one's mind at rest (194);

7.to make amends (199);

8.to keep a tight hold on one's nerves (203);

9.to make haste (203);

10.to give one a pang (206).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. Paraphrase or explain:

1.They (the hands) suggested the breeding of uncounted centuries. (185)

2."Men are incalculable; I thought you were like everybody else and now I feel that I don't know the first thing about you." (188)

3.One day, firmly convinced that a heretic could know nothing of such matters, she told Kitty of the Annunciation. (189)

4.She had an idea that he would welcome an uprush of emotion which would liberate him from his nightmare of resentment. (191)

5. ... in the shadow of the shuttered shops sometimes a form seemed to be lying, but you didn't know whether it was a man who slept to awake at dawn or a man who slept to awake never; ... (204).

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.the hard white substance from which the tusks of some animals such as elephants are made (185);

2.sth. which is confusing or a problem which is difficult to solve (186);

3.the period during which a woman is in bed for the birth of her child (189);

4.a field with grass and often with flowers in it (189);

5.very ordinary (192);

6.weaving different coloured threads onto a special cloth (194);

7.a fat stomach, esp. on a man (198);

8.a complicated group of paths and passages (204);

9.a feeling of bitterness and hate (208);

10.the state of being unable to think or speak clearly because of fever, excitement or mental confusion (209). b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Give the corresponding verbs, translate them:

self-control, self-defence, self-denial, self-possession, self-respect, self-sacrifice, self-neglect, self-support, self-humiliation.

VIII. Give your own opinion of the following utterances:

1."A well-bred woman does nothing which shall make people talk of her." (194)

2."... men often have a deeper feeling for their daughters then they ever have for their sons." (196)

3."There is only one way to win hearts and that is to make oneself like unto those of whom one would be loved." (196)

IX. Interpret the following utterances after stating whom they belong to and in what circumstances they were made:

1.It is all the same way and it leads nowhither.

2.This is a pretty kettle of fish.

3.The dog it was that died.

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Kitty has a cup of tea with the Manchu. Dwell on the latter's appearance and manner. Why was Kitty so interested in meeting the woman? What was she looking for? Did the meeting help her to find it? Comment upon Waddington's words on the way back.

2.Discuss the attitude the nuns took up to Kitty. Why were they excited about her condition? Do you think they misjudged the Fane's relation?


Kitty's state of mind after her new life experience. How did she regard her infidelity now? Why didn't she regard


it as wicked? Do you share her opinion? Speak about the change in her attitude to Townsend and Walter.

4.Walter is taken ill. Kitty comes to see the last of him. Comment on Kitty's attempts to give him peace of mind and their effect. Why couldn't Kitty interpret Walter's last words?

5.Gather all information of Colonel Yu and give your opinion of him. What made him stay for hours at Walter's deathbed?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.serene, adj. (213) - ясный, спокойный, тихий, безоблачный, безмятежный;

2.futile, adj. (214) - бесполезный, тщетный; несерьезный, пустой;

3.misery, n. (214) - страдание;

4.dupe, n. (215) - простофиля, жертва обмана;

5.to conform to sth. (216) - согласовываться с чем-л., соответствовать чему-л.;

6.wary, adj. (216) - осторожный, подозрительный, настороженный;

7.to die a martyr (217) - погибнуть мучеником;

8.to wane (219) - идти на убыль, ослабевать, подходить к концу;

9.not to care two straws (221) - не интересоваться, не беспокоиться, ни в грош не ставить;

10.to be reluctant to do sth. (221) - не иметь желания делать что-л.;

11.immune, adj. (222) - невосприимчивый; освобожденный; неприкосновенный;

12.deprecating, adj. (224) - пренебрежительный, неуважительный;

13.to have one's tongue in one's cheek (228) - держать язык за зубами;

14.despicable, adj. (229) - презренный;

15.to keep out of smb.'s way (230) - держаться от кого-л. подальше;

16.audacity, n. (230) - смелость, наглость;

17.to degrade (230) - унижать; приходить в упадок, деградировать;

18.valiant, adj. (230) - храбрый, доблестный;

19.effusive, adj. (231) - экспансивный, несдержанный, чрезмерный;

20.to bear smb. a grudge (234) - затаить злобу, иметь зуб на кого-л.;

21.to make much of smb. (235) - высоко ценит, быть высокого мнения;

22.to be entitled to sth. (240) - иметь право на что-л.;

23.amenity, n. (240) - приятность мягкость; приятное обхождение;

24.bereavement, n. (240) - тяжелая утрата;

25.to pull smb.'s leg (241) - подшучивать над кем-л., разыгрывать кого-л., водить за нос.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. a) Transcribe the following:

serene, martyr, the Pyrenees, ulcer, mauve, balderdash, bereavement.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

futile, misery, wary, immune, deprecating, despicable, audacity, valiant, effusive.

1.free, exempt, unsusceptible, resistant;

2.talkative, unrestrained, outgoing, verbose;

3.belittling, deploring, expostulating, disparaging;

4.brave, courageous, dauntless, valorous;

5.trifling, trivial, inefficient, fruitless, bootless;

6.detestable, abject, contemptible, base, mean;

7.suffering, grief, sorrow, despair, wretchedness;

8.boldness, brazenness, courage, pluck, effrontery;

9.alert, careful, cautious, discreet, circumspect.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to conform to sth. (216);

2.to die a martyr (217);

3.not to care two straws (221);

4.to be reluctant to do sth. (221);

5.to have one's tongue in one's cheek (228);

6.to keep out of smb.'s way (230);

7.to bear smb. a grudge (234);

8.to make much of smb. (235);

9.to be entitled to sth. (240);

10.to pull smb.'s leg (241).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. Say what you find: a) despicable; b) degrading; c) imprudent in human behaviour. Begin your sentences as in the model, use the active vocabulary of all the chapters.

Model: 1. It strikes me to be despicable to kick up rows in public.

2.I think it is degrading to feel all thumbs in somebody's presence.

3.I find it is imprudent to go about bare-headed in frosty weather.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.someone who has been tricked (215);

2.to weaken in strength or influence (219);

3.showing many bright colours which change with movement (230);

4.a man who behaves badly to women (234);

5.a break in the skin or on the surface of an organ inside the body, which does not heal naturally (235);

6.a place where two bones are connected (238);

7.nonsense; sth. that is stupid or not true (239);

8.sth. that is intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for the people (240);

9.the experience of having a close relative or friend who has died (240).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Give the corresponding abstract nouns and translate them: futile, reluctant, despicable, to degrade, wicked, petty, grave.

VIII. Say who made these utterances and under what circumstances. Comment on the feelings and motives that prompted the utterances and the moral implication they suggest:

1.Have you ever been to a symphony concert?

2.Walter died of a broken heart.

3.I wish he could have minded his own business.

4.The only thing that counts is the love of duty.

5.You can't go and live all by yourself in your own house.

6.He was a thundering good chap, and he'll be missed here more than I can say.

IX. Discuss why these things happened or did not happen;

1.They gave up everything, their home, their country, love, children, freedom.

2.He was actually experimenting on himself.

3.She didn't want the Mother Superior to see into your heart.

4.The convent doors closed for the last time behind her.

5.She wondered if all her fellows had in their hearts shameful secrets which they spent their time guarding from curious glances.

6.She wished Dorothy Townsend would go away.

7.Kitty didn't understand. She did not know what amends Charlie's wife owed her.

8.He began talking of the autumn race meeting, and the polo ... and a chat he had had that morning with the Governor.

9.For a moment she had a picture before her heart's eye of the beggar ... who had lain dead against the compound wall.

10.Dorothy had had a letter from him, and he had said all manner of things about her devoted work at the convent, about her courage and her self-control.

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Walter's burial. Discuss Kitty's state of mind during the burial and after it. Does it strike you as unusual under the circumstances?

2.Kitty's talk with Waddington after the burial. How did Kitty treat the nuns, their work and way of life? What weak point did she find in their out look? Comment upon Waddington's words about the meaning of human life.

3.Waddington breaks the news of the cause of Walter's death. How did Kitty react to it? Compare Waddington's version of the cause with Kitty's. Which was closer to the truth?

4.The Mother Superior insists on Kitty's leaving Mei-tan-fu. Why could she not understand Kitty's reluctance to go? Point out facts confirming that she liked and respected Kitty.

5.Kitty's thoughts, feelings and plans on the way to Hong Kong. What did she appreciate most of all in her newly-acquired freedom? Why did she find it despicable to lie to herself?

6.Dorothy takes Kitty by surprise. What motives prompted Dorothy to offer Kitty hospitality? Why was Kitty reluctant to take the offer? Do you think Dorothy knew about he husband's love affair with Kitty?

7.Why didn't Townsend in the least look as Kitty had pictured him? Comment on his manner during Kitty's stay. Find proof that he did not quite share his wife's respect for Kitty.

8.Kitty's way of life at the Townsend's. What made her recall Mei-tan-fu every now and then? Comment on the change in her estimation in Hong Kong.

XI. Questions for analysis and detailed discussion:

1.Sum up Walter's life. Say what role Kitty played in it and what role she might have played.

2.Give a character sketch of Waddington.

3.Compare the Kitty that arrived in Hong Kong with the Kitty that had left it several weeks before.

4.Discuss the way of life of Hong Kong's colonial administration.

5.Specify the place in chapter LXIX that comes close to the explanation of the title of the novel. Give a summary of the view on life at large as expressed in it.



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.insolence, adj. (242) - оскорбительное высокомерие, наглость, дерзость;

2.to be hard on smb. (242) - быть слишком строгим с кем-л.;

3.compunction, n. (244) - угрызения совести, раскаяние;

4.to dissolve (246) - растворять(ся), таять; постепенно исчезать, испаряться;

5.desolation, n. (248) - одиночество, заброшенность; горе, отчаяние;

6.to liken oneself to smb. / sth. (248) - уподобляться кому-л. / чему-л.;

7.commiserating, adj. (248) - сочувствующий, выражающий соболезнование;

8.at all costs (249) - любой ценой;

9.to make inquiries (249) - наводить справки;

10.to take on lease (250) - арендовать;

11.susceptibility, n. (250) - впечатлительность, восприимчивость; чувствительность, обидчивость;

12.fraught, n. (251) - полный, преисполненный; чреватый;

13.fatuous, adj. (254) - глупый, дурацкий;

14.supplication, n. (255) - мольба, просьба;

15.pitfall, n. (256) - ловушка, западня;

16.to affront (256) - смотреть в лицо (опасности, смерти);

17.to dote on smb. (257) - любить кого-л. до безумия;

18.ailment, n. (258) - нездоровье;

19.to wring (266) - жать; выжимать; скручивать;

20.reminiscence, n. (269) - воспоминание; черта, напоминающая что-л.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. a) Transcribe the following:

egret, rickshaw, fraught, buoyant, reminiscence.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

insolence, compunction, to dissolve, commiserating, desolation, susceptibility, fraught, to affront, fatuous, to wring.

1.abounding, laden, filled, full;

2.impertinence, impudence, boldness, arrogance;

3.to twist, to wrench, to squeeze, to contort;

4.sensitivity, perceptivity, awareness;

5.to encounter, to confront, to face, to meet;

6.shame, guilt, remorse, regret, contrition;

7.sympathetic, compassionate, condoling, pitying;

8.dim-witted, dense, inane, dull, foolish, silly;

9.gloom, loneliness, grief, misery, wretchedness;

10.to melt, to fuse, to soften, to vanish, to fade.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.(to happen) by chance or by design (241);

2.to keep smb.'s company (242);

3.to be hard on smb. (242);

4.to liken oneself to smb. / sth. (248);

5.at all costs (249);

6.to make inquiries (249);

7.to take on lease (250);

8.to dote on smb. (257);

9.to fly into a passion (258).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. Give all word combinations you have learnt while reading "The Painted Veil" with the verbs: to make, to give, to put, to know, to take, to get, to come, to do.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.having decayed (243);

2.a rough and sometimes violent man (245);

3.a small piece of partly burnt coal or wood (246);

4.the process of asking in an anxious way (255);

5.an unexpected difficulty (256);

6.family and relatives (257);

7.illness (258);

8.the state of being quiet, gentle and willing to do what other people want you to do (261). b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Recall the situations from the chapters under discussion relying on the prompts:

1.You can hardly expect me to forget that you sent me to almost certain death without a shadow of compunction.

2.I'm not that hateful, beastly, lustful woman. I disown her.

3.It's so unreasonable, the way you look at it; it's so morbid.

4.Well, I'm fairly broadminded, but sometimes you say things that positively shock me.

5.He would heave a sigh of relief when ... he had finally seen her off.

6. ... he had never counted in the house and had been taken for grunted ...

7. ... now this chance to break entirely with the past had offered him freedom. 8. ... I make no claims on you because I'm your daughter, you owe me nothing. 9. ... I want her to take life like a free man and make a better job of it than I have.

10.She could not know what the future had in store for her ...

VIII. Say who made these utterances and under what circumstances:

1.She is one in a thousand. I should never have had a moment's peace if we'd bolted.

2.It was fair game.

3.He died because of you and me.

4.Have you ever thought that you owned her any loyalty?

5.Am I by any chance the father?

6.The offer arrived too late to tell your poor mother.

IX. Make a list of proverbs Townsend used when he talked to Kitty. Say what he implied by them and why he, of all people, resorted to them. (Add those from chapters XX and XXI.)

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Townsend and Kitty have a talk by themselves. Why couldn't Townsend do without that talk? Pay attention to his speech and manner.

2.How did Kitty regard her fall? Can you justify it psychologically? Whom did she blame for it?

3.Kitty makes arrangements before leaving Hong Kong. Discuss her last talk with Townsend. Compare what she had told Walter about her child's father with what she told Townsend.

4.Speak about the changes in the Garstin family. Account for Kitty's reaction to her mother's death. What did Mrs. Garstin's death mean for the whole family?

5.Kitty discusses her future with her father. Comment on the change in her attitude to him.

6.Dwell on the closing paragraph of the novel. Is it optimistic? Do you find Kitty's ideas of the future convincing?

XI. Questions for analysis and detailed discussion:

1.Why was it necessary for Townsend to degrade Kitty in order to regain his conceit? Was his victory final?

2.Most English critics were shocked by Kitty's relapse and attacked the author for it. Maxwell Anderson, an

American critic, called this turn of the novel a masterstroke. Why this difference of opinions? Do you agree with Anderson?

3.What moral lesson did Kitty's relapse teach her? What change in her attitude to people did it evoke?

4.What evolution did Kitty's opinion of Townsend undergo? Which phrase of hers summed him up?

5.When Kitty spoke with Townsend and, later, with her father, she managed to shock them. What exactly did each of them find shocking? Was it Kitty's choice of words or the subject of the talk?

6.How do you picture Kitty's future?



I. Revise the active vocabulary.

II. Enumerate the personages of the novel. Specify the dynamic and the static ones. Group them into the major characters and the minor personages. Point out those who may be considered the author's mouthpiece.

III. Discuss Kitty as the protagonist of the story.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1.What was Kitty's social background? In what way was she brought up? To what extent is she the product of her environment?

2.Can Kitty be regarded as the modern woman? What essential qualities does she lack? What are the essential features of the modern woman, in the author's opinion? Where and how does the author give to understand that the modern woman still belongs to the future? Is loose feminine morality part of the past or of the future according to the author?

3.In what spheres of life does Kitty look for a meaningful pattern of life? What patterns does the line Walter - Townsend - the nuns - the Munchu offer? Why does Kitty reject each of the patterns? Which of the patterns proves the most difficult for Kitty to reject?

4.What stages does Kitty's spiritual evolution pass? Why does it go hand in hand with her estimation of Townsend and adultery, and her self-estimation?

5.In critics there exists a view stating that Kitty is a worthless philistine and denying her spiritual evolution or progress. Do you agree with it? Can you regard Kitty as a positive character?

6.What is the main idea of the novel?


Предисловие …………………………………………….. 3

Lesson 1.

W. S. Maugham ………………………………………….. 6

The Painted Veil

Lesson 2.

Chapters 1-3 …………………………………….………….9

Lesson 3.

Chapters 4-6 ……………………………………………… 12 Lesson 4.

Chapters 7-9 ……………………………………………… 15 Lesson 5.

Chapters 10-13 …………………………………………… 18 Lesson 6.

Chapters 14-15 …………………………………………… 21 Lesson 7.

Chapters 16-18 …………………………………………… 23 Lesson 8.

Chapters 19-21 …………………………………………… 26 Lesson 9.

Chapters 22-23 …………………………………………… 30 Lesson 10.

Chapters 24-27 …………………………………………… 33 Lesson 11.

Chapters 28-34 …………………………………………… 36 Lesson 12.

Chapters 35-38 …………………………………………… 40 Lesson 13.

Chapters 39-43 …………………………………………… 43 Lesson 14.

Chapters 44-48 …………………………………………… 47 Lesson 15.

Chapters 49-55 …………………………………………… 50 Lesson 16.

Chapters 56-57 …………………………………………… 53 Lesson 17.

Chapters 68-63 …………………………………………… 56 Lesson 18.

Chapters 64-74 …………………………………………… 59 Lesson 19.

Chapters 75-80 …………………………………………… 63 Lesson 20.

Discussion of the novel …………………………………… 67

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