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Halilov (ed), Physics of spin in solids.2004

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Spin-dependent Tunnel Currents for Metals or Superconductors

the terms Jib,↑(). They reflect the existence of the electron-hole pairing [24, 29], originate from the interband Green’s function G12, and have another structure than the remaining terms induced by conventional normal Green’s functions G11 = G22 and G33 (see discussion in Refs. [60, 62]). To a large extent G12 is analogous to the anomalous Gor’kov Green’s function F, which, however, determines not a quasiparticle but a Josephson tunnel current [66]. The appearance of the terms (6) leads to the drastic asymmetry of the CVC of non-symmetrical tunnel junctions involving CDWMs [62] as opposed to symmetrical CVC for similar non-symmetrical junctions based on conventional superconductors [67]. It should be born in mind that those current components depend on the sign of Σ, whereas the thermodynamical properties of CDW superconductors are degenerate with respect to this sign [36, 68].

When a CDW metal is normal, the expressions for the components (5) and (6) remain the same with an accuracy of |Σ| substituted for D. At the same time, the nd components are calculated explicitly for arbitrary

T :



(1 − µ) (1 P ) V








and the current contribution Jnd = Jnd,↓ + Jnd,↑ from the nd FS section

obeys the Ohm’s law






Jnd = (1 − µ)





Conductivities Gf,s(V ) can be obtained by di erentiating relevant Eqs. (4)-(6). At T = 0, the corresponding analytical expressions become



(V ) =

(1 − µ) (1 ± P )

sgn(V ) (eV





H) f (eV, H, ∆),





















(V ) =

µ (1 ± P )

sgn(V ) (eV


H) f (eV, H, D),


























(V ) =

µ (1 ± P ) Σ

sgn(V )f


(eV, H, D).
















Naturally, for normal CDW metals the sum of the nd terms gives the constant (1Rµ) .

3.3Results and discussion

Below we show the results obtained for the dependences of the dimensionless conductance RdJ/dV of the CDWM-I-FM junction on the

Results and discussion

































































Figure 1. Dependences of di erential conductances on bias voltage V across the tunnel junction made up of charge-density wave metal (CDWM) and ferromagnet (FM) for various external magnetic fileds H. See explanations in the text.

dimensionless bias voltage eV /|Σ0|. The dimensionless parameters of the problem are the reduced external magnetic field h = µBH/|Σ0|, the reduced temperature t = kBT /|Σ0| and the polarization P . Here µB is the e ective Bohr magneton and kB is the Boltzmann constant.

The key result of this paper is represented by Fig. 1. It is readily seen that G(V ) is asymmetrical, contrary to what is appropriate for superconductors [67]. Mathematically it stems from an almost total compensation between Gd(V ) and Gib(V ) peculiarities at voltages of one sign and their enhancement at voltages of the other sign (for the adopted choice Σ > 0 it means negative and positive V , respectively). In the absence of the external magnetic field and spin polarization this result was obtained by us earlier [61, 62]. When H is switched on, the electronic DOS peak splits as in the case of superconductors [1, 18]. Unfortunately, the spin-splitting is noticeable only for a certain branch (V > 0 for the case Σ > 0; see below). Thus, although a simple algebraic procedure of Tedrow and Meservey of finding P from values of G for certain V and H, deduced for S-I-FM junctions [1, 5], seems to fail for CDWM-I-FM ones, the advantage of the set-up proposed here to detect spin-polarization-induced changes consists in the amplification of the spin-splitting e ect for one CVC branch and a larger scale of Σ in comparison to ∆.

Nevertheless, CVCs are very sensitive to the value of P . Moreover, they crucially depend on the sign of Σ in CDWM. Let us first consider the case Σ > 0 [Fig. 2, panel (a)]. One can see how the phenomenon of



Spin-dependent Tunnel Currents for Metals or Superconductors










































































































Figure 2. The same as in Figure 1 but for various FM polarizations P . Panels correspond to di erent sign of the dielectric order parameter Σ in CDWM. See explanations in the text.

spin-splitting reveals itself under the action of the magnetic field when a CDWM constitutes a tunnel junction with a nonmagnetic electrode (P = 0) and how for a ferromagnetic counter-electrode (P = 0) this picture is distorted and the minority-spin peak, which is situated closer to the zero bias, disappears with increasing P , so that for the complete polarization (P = 1, this limit is attainable in half-metallic ferromagnet [69–72]) only one (majority) peak retains.

For the case Σ < 0 [Fig. 2, panel (b)] the minority-spin peak also disappears with increasing P , but now it is situated farther from the zero bias than the majority one. Hence, the “modified” symmetry realtionship

G(Σ, V ) = G, −V )


obtained [61, 62] for junctions made up of nonferromagnetic normal and/or superconducting CDW electrodes (cf. P = 0 curves on both panels) is no more valid. Then di erent Σ signs can be distinguished by CVC measurements. It is worth to underline once more that the actual Σ sign in a specific junction might occur at random, induced by unpredictable fluctuations, since the free energy of CDW normal or superconducting metals does not depend on this sign [36, 68].

One should also bear in mind the possibility of the CVC fluctuationinduced “symmetrization” if a hypothetical small extra term in the system Hamiltonian proportional to eV Σ exists [59]. Then the measured CVC would consist of di erent bias branches for Σ > 0 and Σ < 0 cases, respectively. For nonmagnetic electrodes this phenomenon, due to the

Results and discussion


















































































































































Figure 3. Hypothetical “symmetrization” e ect for CDWM-FM tunnel junction. See explanations in the text.

Eq. (15), might result in a totally symmetrical CVC (see Fig. 3, dashed curves). But for P = 0 the relation (15) is not fulfiled and the nonsymmetricity of CVCs becomes unavoidable (solid curves). Unfortunately, such CVCs are possible where the peculiarities are almost unnoticable, although the CDW order parameter Σ is nonzero and may be arbitrarily large.

It is natural that all many-body features mentioned above are due to the gapped FS sections, so that when the gapping degree µ decreases, the spin-splitting and the very G(V ) peculiarities at eV = |Σ|±µBH are reduced and disappear, as is demonstrated in Fig. 4. The controlling parameter µ can be changed in situ, e. g., by application of an external pressure. Furthermore, CVCs turned out to be a sensitive probe of µ.

The smoothing e ect of temperature is shown in Fig. 5. Already at a relatively small value t = 0.2 the Zeeman splitting becomes unobservable. However, since we can select CDW metals with Td’s of the order of 10 15 K to ensure the accesible magnetic fields H ≈ 180 280 kOe, temperatures required to detect paramagnetic e ects will be quite convenient from the technical point of view.

If a CDW metal becomes superconducting at Tc < Td, which is not a rare case [24], two gaps ∆ and D emerge on FS sections and, generally speaking, it should be four spin-splitted peaks for each voltage sign. Usually both gaps di er substantially in amplitude, as is the case, e.g., in 2H -TaS2, where Tc 0.65 K and Td 77 K, or in Li0.9Mo6O17, where Tc 1.7 K and Td 25 K. The A15 compounds are the only exceptions, for which Tc and Td are of the same order of magnitude [24, 73]. As


Spin-dependent Tunnel Currents for Metals or Superconductors





























































Figure 4. The same as in Figure 1 but for various degrees µ of the Fermi surface degeneracy in the CDWM.

Figure 5. The same as in Figure 1 but for various temperatures T .

Results and discussion


















































Figure 6. The same as in Figure 1 but for the tunnel junction made up of chargedensity wave superconductor (CDWS) and FM. See explanations in the text.

an example, we considered an intermediate situation with the control parameter δ0 0/|Σ0| = 0.3 (see Fig. 6). Here ∆0 is a superconducting gap for T = 0 in a hypothetical state where the CDW order

−µ 1

parameter is absent. The actual ∆(0) = (∆0Σ0 ) 1−µ suppressed by the CDWs is smaller than ∆0, namely, for the chosen set of parameters δ(0) ∆(0)/Σ0 = 0.22. The numerical results are somewhat unexpected, since for the positive V -branch we see a paramagnetic splitting of the D-peak only (here we can distinguish merely the majority peak for ∆). At the same time, for negative biases, for which the whole D-region is almost structureless, a spin-splitting of the ∆-peak is clearly seen. This asymmetry should be observed for any P ≥ 0 with a noticeable minorityspin contribution to the electronic DOS. Thus, the same measurements can discriminately reveal spin-dependent properties determined by both superconductivity and CDWs. At the same time, those “additional” peaks may make applicable here the Tedrow’s and Meservey’s procedure of determining P of ferromagnet counter-electrodes.

Of course, the type of asymmetry displayed in Fig. 6 is appropriate only to CDWs with Σ > 0. For Σ < 0 the CVC branches will have di erent properties with splitted D-peaks manifesting themselves for

V< 0 and splitted ∆-peaks revealed for V > 0.

In conclusion, we would like to indicate several possible candidates

for the CDW partner of ferromagnets in tunnel sandwiches. Organic CDW metals α-(ET)2MHg(SCN)4 (M = K, Tl, Rb) have been already mentioned. The main weak point of this materials is the presence of a

38 Spin-dependent Tunnel Currents for Metals or Superconductors

heavy element Hg, which is dangerous because of the possible spin-orbit smearing of the spin-splitted G(V ) peaks. A two-leg ladder compound Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 also seems very promising. Really, Ca doping alters Td and |Σ| over a remarkably wide range from 210 K and 130 meV, respectively, for x = 0 to 10 K and 130 meV for x = 9 [74]. The old good 2H-NbSe2 with Tc = 7.2 K and Td = 33.5 K [24] might be taken into account too. On the whole, the spread of the fruitful ideas earlier applied to superconductors [1, 18] to normal and superconducting metals partially gapped by CDWs seems useful for studying those strongly correlated objects.


A. M. G. is grateful to the Mianowski Foundation for support of his visit to Warsaw University. The research has been partly supported by the NATO grant PST.CLG.979446.


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