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Pro ASP.NET 2.0 In CSharp 2005 (2005) [eng]

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198 C H A P T E R 6 S TAT E M A N A G E M E N T

Clearly, there’s no shortage of choices for managing state in ASP.NET! Fortunately, most of these state management systems expose a similar collection-based programming interface. The two exceptions are the query string (which is really a way of transferring information, not maintaining it) and profiles.

This chapter explores all the approaches to state management shown in Table 6-1 and Table 6-2, but not those in Table 6-3. Caching, an indispensable technique for optimizing access to limited resources such as databases, is covered in Chapter 11. Profiles, a higher-level model for storing userspecific information that works in conjunction with ASP.NET authentication, is covered in Chapter 24. However, before you can tackle either of these topics, you’ll need to have a thorough understanding of state management basics.

In addition, you can always write your own custom state management code and use back-end server-side resources to store information. The most common example is one or more tables in a database. The drawback with using server-side resources is that they tend to slow down performance and can hurt scalability. For example, opening a connection to a database or reading information from a file takes time. In many cases, you can salvage these approaches by using caching to supplement your state management system. You’ll explore your options for using and enhancing database access in Part 2.

View State

View state should be your first choice for storing information within the bounds of a single page. View state is used natively by the ASP.NET web controls. It allows them to retain their properties between postbacks. You can add your own data to the view state collection using a built-in page property called ViewState. The type of information you can store includes simple data types and your own custom objects.

Like most types of state management in ASP.NET, view state relies on a dictionary collection, where each item is indexed with a unique string name. For example, consider this code:

ViewState["Counter"] = 1;

This places the value 1 (or rather, an integer that contains the value 1) into the ViewState collection and gives it the descriptive name Counter. If there is currently no item with the name Counter, a new item will be added automatically. If there is already an item indexed under the name Counter, it will be replaced.

When retrieving a value, you use the key name. You also need to cast the retrieved value to the appropriate data type. This extra step is required because the ViewState collection stores all items as generic objects, which allows it to handle many different data types.

Here’s the code that retrieves the counter from view state and converts it to an integer:

int counter;

if (ViewState["Counter"] != null)


counter = (int)ViewState["Counter"];


If you attempt to look up a value that isn’t present in the collection, you’ll receive a NullReferenceException. To defend against this possibility, you should check for a null value before you attempt to retrieve and cast data that may not be present.

Note ASP.NET provides many collections that use the same dictionary syntax. This includes the collections you’ll use for session and application state as well as those used for caching and cookies. You’ll see several of these collections in this chapter.



A View State Example

The following code demonstrates a page that uses view state. It allows the user to save a set of values (all the text that’s displayed in all the text boxes of a table) and restore it later. This example uses recursive logic to dig through all child controls, and it uses the control ID for the view state key, because this is guaranteed to be unique in the page.

Here’s the complete code:

public partial class ViewStateTest : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


// Save the current text. SaveAllText(Table1.Controls, true);


private void SaveAllText(ControlCollection controls, bool saveNested)


foreach (Control control in controls)


if (control is TextBox)


// Store the text using the unique control ID. ViewState[control.ID] = ((TextBox)control).Text;


if ((control.Controls != null) && saveNested)


SaveAllText(control.Controls, true);




protected void cmdRestore_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


// Retrieve the last saved text. RestoreAllText(Table1.Controls, true);


private void RestoreAllText(ControlCollection controls, bool saveNested)


foreach (Control control in controls)


if (control is TextBox)


if (ViewState[control.ID] != null) ((TextBox)control).Text = (string)ViewState[control.ID];


if ((control.Controls != null) && saveNested)


RestoreAllText(control.Controls, true);





Figure 6-1 shows the page in action.

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Figure 6-1. Saving and restoring text using view state

Storing Objects in View State

You can store your own objects in view state just as easily as you store numeric and string types. However, to store an item in view state, ASP.NET must be able to convert it into a stream of bytes so that it can be added to the hidden input field in the page. This process is called serialization. If your objects aren’t serializable (and by default they aren’t), you’ll receive an error message when you attempt to place them in view state.

To make your objects serializable, you need to add the Serializable attribute before your class declaration. For example, here’s an exceedingly simple Customer class:

[Serializable] public class Customer


public string FirstName; public string LastName;

public Customer(string firstName, string lastName)


FirstName = firstName; LastName = lastName;



Because the Customer class is marked as serializable, it can be stored in view state:

// Store a customer in view state.

Customer cust = new Customer("Marsala", "Simons"); ViewState["CurrentCustomer"] = cust;

Remember, when using custom objects, you’ll need to cast your data when you retrieve it from view state.



// Retrieve a customer from view state. Customer cust;

cust = (Customer)ViewState["CurrentCustomer"];

For your classes to be serializable, you must meet these requirements:

Your class must have the Serializable attribute.

Any classes it derives from must have the Serializable attribute.

All the private variables of the class must be serializable data types. Any nonserializable data type must be decorated with the NonSerialized attribute (which means it is simply ignored during the serialization process).

Once you understand these principles, you’ll also be able to determine what .NET objects can be placed in view state. You simply need to find the class information in the MSDN Help. Find the class you’re interested in, and examine the documentation. If the class declaration is preceded with the Serializable attribute, the object can be placed in view state. If the Serializable attribute isn’t present, the object isn’t serializable, and you won’t be able to store it in view state. However, you may still be able to use other types of state management, such as in-process session state, which

is described later in the “Session State” section.

The following example rewrites the page shown earlier to use the Hashtable class. The Hashtable class is a serializable dictionary collection that’s provided in the System.Collections namespace. Because it’s serializable, it can be stored in view state without a hitch. To demonstrate this technique, the page stores all the control information for the page in the hashtable and then adds the hashtable to the view state for the page. When the user clicks the Display button, the hashtable is retrieved, and all the information it contains is displayed in a label.

public partial class ViewStateObjects : System.Web.UI.Page


// This will be created at the beginning of each request. Hashtable textToSave = new Hashtable();

protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


//Put the text in the Hashtable. SaveAllText(Table1.Controls, true);

//Store the entire collection in view state. ViewState["ControlText"] = textToSave;


private void SaveAllText(ControlCollection controls, bool saveNested)


foreach (Control control in controls)


if (control is TextBox)


// Add the text to a collection. textToSave.Add(control.ID, ((TextBox)control).Text);


if ((control.Controls != null) && saveNested)


SaveAllText(control.Controls, true);




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protected void cmdDisplay_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


if (ViewState["ControlText"] != null)


// Retrieve the hashtable.

Hashtable savedText = (Hashtable)ViewState["ControlText"];

// Display all the text by looping through the hashtable. lblResults.Text = "";

foreach (DictionaryEntry item in savedText)


lblResults.Text += (string)item.Key + " = " + (string)item.Value + "<br />";





Figure 6-2 shows the result of a simple test, after entering some data, saving it, and retrieving it.

Figure 6-2. Retrieving an object from view state

Retaining Member Variables

Unlike control properties, member variables that you add to your web-page classes are never saved in view state. Interestingly, you can work around this limitation using view state.



You have two basic approaches. The first is to create a property procedure that wraps view state access. For example, in the previous web page you could provide the control text hashtable as a property like this:

private Hashtable ControlText




if (ViewState["ControlText"] != null)

return (Hashtable)ViewState["ControlText"]; else

return new Hashtable();


set {ViewState["ControlText"] = value;}


Now the rest of your page code can freely use the ControlText property, without worrying about how it’s being retrieved.

The other approach is to save all your member variables to view state when the Page.PreRender event occurs and retrieve them when the Page.Load event occurs. That way, all your other event handlers can use the member variables normally.

Keep in mind when you use either of these techniques you must be careful not to store needless amounts of information. If you store unnecessary information in view state, it will enlarge the size of the final page output and can thus slow down page transmission times.

Assessing View State

View state is ideal because it doesn’t take up any memory on the server and doesn’t impose any arbitrary usage limits (such as a timeout). So, what might force you to abandon view state for another type of state management? Here are three possible reasons:

You need to store mission-critical data that the user cannot be allowed to tamper with. (An ingenious user could modify the view state information in a postback request.) In this case, consider session state. Alternatively, consider using the countermeasures described in the next section. They aren’t bulletproof, but they will greatly increase the effort an attacker would need in order to read or modify view state data.

You need to store information that will be used by multiple pages. In this case, consider session state, cookies, or the query string.

You need to store an extremely large amount of information, and you don’t want to slow down page transmission times. In this case, consider using a database, or possibly session state.

The amount of space used by view state depends on the number of controls, their complexity, and the amount of dynamic information. If you want to profile the view state usage of a page, just turn on tracing by adding the Trace attribute to the Page directive, as shown here:

<%@ Page Language="c#" Trace="true" ... %>

Look for the Control Tree section. Although it doesn’t provide the total view state used by the page, it does indicate the view state used by each individual control in the Viewstate Size Bytes column (see Figure 6-3). Don’t worry about the Render Size Bytes column, which simply reflects the size of the rendered HTML for the control.

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Figure 6-3. Determining the view state used in a page

Tip You can also examine the contents of the current view state of a page using the ASP.NET Development Helper described in Chapter 2.

To improve the transmission times of your page, it’s a good idea to eliminate view state when it’s not needed. Although you can disable view state at the application and page level, it makes most sense to disable it on a per-control basis. You won’t need view state for a control in three instances:

The control never changes. For example, a button with static text doesn’t need view state.

The control is repopulated in every postback. For example, if you have a label that shows the current time, and you set the current time in the Page.Load event handler, it doesn’t need view state.

The control is an input control, and it changes only because of user actions. After each postback, ASP.NET will populate your input controls using the submitted form values. This means the text in a text box or the selection in a list box won’t be lost, even if you don’t use view state.

Tip Remember that view state applies to all the values that change, not just the text displayed in the control. For example, if you dynamically change the colors used in a label, you’ll need to use view state even if you don’t dynamically set the text. Technically, it’s the control’s responsibility to use view state, so it is possible to create a server control that doesn’t retain certain values even if view state is enabled. This might be used to optimize performance in certain scenarios.

To turn off view state for a single control, set the EnableViewState property of the control to false. To turn off view state for an entire page and all its controls, set the EnableViewState property of the page to false, or use the EnableViewState attribute in the Page directive, as shown here:

<%@ Page Language="c#" EnableViewState="false" ... %>



Even when you disable view state for the entire page, you’ll still see the hidden view state tag with a small amount of information. That’s because ASP.NET always stores the control hierarchy for the page at a minimum, even if view state is disabled. There’s no way to remove this last little fragment of data.

Trimming View State in a List Control

In some controls, disabling view state may break a feature you rely on. Although the situation has improved with the creation of control state (a privileged section of view state used by the control, which you’ll learn about in Chapter 27), some problems still remain. This is particularly the case with existing controls, which sometimes can’t be updated to use control state without introducing behavior changes that could break existing ASP.NET 1.x pages.

One example is how list controls such as ListBox and DropDownList track selection. Imagine you create a page where you need to fill a drop-down list with hundreds of entries. If the list isn’t expensive to create (for example, if you’re retrieving it directly from memory or the cache), you might choose to disable view state for the list control and rebuild the list at the beginning of each postback. Here’s an example that simply fills a list with numbers:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)





The problem this causes is that once you disable view state, you ensure that the user’s list selection is lost every time the page is posted back. That means you won’t be able to retrieve any information from the SelectedIndex or SelectedItem properties. Similarly, the SelectedIndexChanged event won't fire.

You have one way to remedy this problem. Although the selection information is lost, the user’s choice is actually still maintained in the Request.Forms collection (a collection of posted values that’s present for backward compatibility with ASP pages). You can look up the selected value using the control name, and you can use code such as this to reset the proper selected index:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)




if (Page.IsPostBack)


lstBig.SelectedItem.Text = Request.Form["lstBig"];



Note Clearly, this could represent a situation where you need to rethink your user interface to be more usable. For example, a better design might be to ask the user a preliminary question to narrow down the number of list entries. You might even want to model the whole process with a Wizard control. But assuming you really do need a list with a huge number of entries, you’ll need to understand how to optimize its view state usage.

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View State Security

As described in earlier chapters, view state information is stored in a single Base64-encoded string that looks like this:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="dDw3NDg2NTI5MDg7Oz4="/>

Because this value isn’t formatted as clear text, many ASP.NET programmers assume that their view state data is encrypted. It isn’t. A clever hacker could reverse-engineer this string and examine your view state data in a matter of seconds, as demonstrated in Chapter 3.

If you want to make view state secure, you have two choices. First, you can make sure that the view state information is tamper-proof by using a hash code.

You do this by adding the EnableViewStateMAC attribute to the Page directive in your .aspx file, as shown here:

<%@ Page EnableViewStateMAC="true" %>

A hash code is a cryptographically strong checksum. Essentially, ASP.NET calculates this checksum based on the current view state content and adds it to the hidden input field when it returns the page. When the page is posted back, ASP.NET recalculates the checksum and ensures that it matches. If a malicious user changes the view state data, ASP.NET will be able to detect the change, and it will reject the postback.

Hash codes are enabled by default, so if you want this functionality, you don’t need to take any extra steps. Occasionally, developers choose to disable this feature to prevent problems in a web farm where different servers have different keys. (The problem occurs if the page is posted back and handled by a new server, which won’t be able to verify the view state information.) To disable hash codes, you can use the enableViewStateMac attribute of the <pages> element in the web.config or machine.config file, as shown here:

<configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0"> <system.web>

<pages enableViewStateMac="false" />




Note This step is strongly discouraged. It’s much better to configure multiple servers to use the same key, thereby removing any problem. Chapter 5 describes how to do this.

Even when you use hash codes, the view state data will still be readable. To prevent users from getting any view state information, you can enable view state encryption. You can turn on encryption for an individual page using the ViewStateEncryptionMode property of the Page directive:

<%@Page ViewStateEncryptionMode="Always">

Or you can set the same attribute in the web.config configuration file:

<pages viewStateEncryptionMode="Always">

Either way, this enforces encryption. You have three choices for your view state encryption setting—always encrypt (Always), never encrypt (Never), or encrypt only if a control specifically requests if (Auto). The default is Auto, which means a control must call the Page.RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption() method to request encryption. If no control calls this method to indicate it has sensitive information, the view state is not encrypted, thereby saving the encryption overhead.



On the other hand, a control doesn’t have absolute power—if it calls Page.RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption() and the encryption mode is Never, the view state won’t be encrypted.

When hashing or encrypting data, ASP.NET uses the computer-specific key defined in the <machineKey> section of the machine.config file, which is described in Chapter 5. By default, you won’t actually see the definition for the <machineKey> because it’s initialized programmatically. However, you can see the equivalent content in the machine.config.comments files, and you can explicitly add the <machineKey> element if you want to customize its settings.

Tip Don’t encrypt view state data if you don’t need to do so. The encryption will impose a performance penalty, because the web server needs to perform the encryption and decryption with each postback.

Transferring Information

One of the most significant limitations with view state is that it’s tightly bound to a specific page. If the user navigates to another page, this information is lost. This problem has several solutions, and the best approach depends on your requirements.

The Query String

One common approach is to pass information using a query string in the URL. You will commonly find this approach in search engines. For example, if you perform a search on the Google website, you’ll be redirected to a new URL that incorporates your search parameters. Here’s an example:


The query string is the portion of the URL after the question mark. In this case, it defines a single variable named ask, which contains the “organic+gardening” string.

The advantage of the query string is that it’s lightweight and doesn’t exert any kind of burden on the server. Unlike cross-page posting, the query string can easily transport the same information from page to page. It has some limitations, however:

Information is limited to simple strings, which must contain URL-legal characters.

Information is clearly visible to the user and to anyone else who cares to eavesdrop on the Internet.

The enterprising user might decide to modify the query string and supply new values, which your program won’t expect and can’t protect against.

Many browsers impose a limit on the length of a URL (usually from 1 to 2 KB). For that reason, you can’t place a large amount of information in the query string and still be assured of compatibility with most browsers.

Adding information to the query string is still a useful technique. It’s particularly well suited in database applications where you present the user with a list of items corresponding to records in a database, like products. The user can then select an item and be forwarded to another page with

detailed information about the selected item. One easy way to implement this design is to have the first page send the item ID to the second page. The second page then looks that item up in the database and displays the detailed information. You’ll notice this technique in e-commerce sites such as Amazon.com.