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C++ For Mathematicians (2006) [eng]

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C++ for Mathematicians

string::size_type idx;

// or std::string::size_type idx;

idx = s.find(pat);


if (idx != string::npos) {

cout << "The substring \"" << pat

<< "\" was found at position " << idx << endl;


else {

cout << "The substring \"" << pat << "\" was not found" << endl;


return 0;


Here are two runs of the program.

Enter substring --> ssi

The substring "ssi" was found at position 2

Enter substring --> sse

The substring "sse" was not found

Closely related to find is the rfind method. The statement s.rfind(pat) returns the index of the last occurrence of pat in s, or string::npos if pat cannot be found.

Two additional string searching methods are provided: find_first_of and find_last_of. The expression s.find_first_of(pat) searches the string s for a character that is found in pat and returns its index. If none of the characters in pat is present in s, then string::npos is returned. Here is a program to illustrate how this works.

#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main() {

string s = "Mississippi"; string pat;

cout << "Enter substring --> "; cin >> pat;

string::size_type idx;

// or std::string::size_type idx;

idx = s.find_first_of(pat);

if (idx != string::npos)


cout << "One of the characters \"" << pat

<< "\" was found at position " << idx << endl;


else {

cout << "None of the characters\"" << pat << "\" was found" << endl;


return 0;


Strings, Input/Output, and Visualization


Here are two executions of this code.

Enter substring --> aeiouy

One of the characters "aeiouy" was found at position 1

Enter substring --> wxyz

None of the characters"wxyz" was found

The expression s.find_last_of(pat) method gives the index of the last character in s that is also in pat, or string::npos if no such character exists.

14.2.4 Converting between string and char* types

Conversion from a null-terminated character array (type char*) to a string is easy. If word is a char* (character array) and s is a string, the assignment

s= word; does the job. Alternatively, we can convert word to a string when

sis declared:

string s(word);

Finally, we can write string(word) to convert word into a string.

The conversion from a string to a char* is more complicated. The string class includes a method called c_str for this purpose. The expression s.c_str() returns a pointer to an unmodifiable, null-terminated character array with the same contents as s.

string s = "Leonhard Euler"; const char* word = s.c_str(); cout << word << endl;

Notice that word is declared const; omitting this keyword results in an error. If you need to do further processing on the character array returned by c_str, you need to copy the characters into another char* array and work on that copy.

Fortunately, one rarely needs to convert a string to a char*. The exception is when we wish to use a procedure that takes a char* argument, but no string alternative is available. (For an example, see Exercise 14.1.)

14.3Command line arguments

In all the programs we have presented thus far, data are entered into the program using a prompt/response paradigm:

cout << "Enter n --> "; cin >> n;

An alternative mechanism for sending a few values to a program is to use command line arguments. For example, a greatest common divisor program, named gcd,


C++ for Mathematicians

would be invoked from the terminal by typing gcd 289 51. The arguments are sent to main as character arrays, "289" and "51". The main procedure then needs to convert these to integers, send those values to a gcd procedure, and print the result. Here is how all of this is accomplished.

The first step is to declare main in a different manner. Thus far in this book, main has been always declared as int main(). In this version, no arguments are sent to main and an integer value is to be returned. The alternative declaration for main specifies arguments:

int main(int argc, char** argv) { ... }

The first argument is an int value that specifies the number of arguments typed on the command line. The name of the program itself is considered an argument, so this number is always at least one. The name of this argument is not required to be argc (for “argument count”) but this convention is nearly universal, so you are encouraged to follow suit.

The second argument, named argv, is an array of character arrays (hence the double star). This need not be named argv, but this name is also nearly universally used for this purpose.

When main is invoked, this array is populated as follows: the character array in argv[0] is the name of the program. The arrays argv[1] through argv[argc-1] are the other arguments on the command line. An example makes this clear.

Program 14.2: A program that illustrates how to access command line arguments in a main.

1 #include <iostream>

2using namespace std;


4 int main(int argc, char** argv) {

5for (int k=0; k<argc; k++) {

6cout << "argv[" << k << "] is " << argv[k] << endl;


8 return 0;


Suppose this program is compiled and the executable is called test-main. If the program is run with the command line

./test-main one two 3 negative-four



the following output results.






is ./test-main








is one






is two






is 3






is negative-four







Note that in this case, argc equals 5 accounting for the name of the program and the four additional arguments passed to the program.

2This program only generates a warning on my compiler. On my computer, the output of this program is n1 = -1073743042 because the address of argv[1], when converted to a signed integer, is −1073743042.
long n1 = atol(argv[1]);
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "gcd.h"
4 using namespace std;
6 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
7 if (argc != 3) {
8 cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " n1 n2" << endl; 9 cerr << "to find the gcd of n1 and n2" << endl; 10 return 1;
Here is a sample program to illustrate their use.
Program 14.3: A program to calculate the gcd of two values specified on the command line.

Strings, Input/Output, and Visualization


The command line arguments are sent to main as character arrays. Often, we want to convert these values to integer or double values. Unfortunately, the following does not work.

int main(int argc, char** argv) { int n1;

n1 = argv[1]; // INCORRECT cout << "n1 = " << n1 << endl; return 0;


There are two problems—one minor and one serious—with the line flagged with the comment INCORRECT. The minor issue is that we did not check if argc is at least 2; if argc is only 1, then argv[1] is not a valid element of the argv array. The serious error is that the statement n1 = argv[1]; does not convert the character array into an integer. Even if argv[1] holds a valid representation of a decimal integer, say "89", the statement does not convert the character array into the expected integer value, 89. Unfortunately, on some compilers, this might not be an error.2

To convert a character array to the numerical value it represents, use one of the following procedures (these are built in to C++).

atoi(word) converts the character array in word to an int value. Thus, if word holds "-51", then atoi(word) returns the value −51.

atol(word) converts the character array in word to a long integer value.

atof(word) converts the character array in word to a float value.

atod(word) converts the character array in word to a double value.


C++ for Mathematicians

14long n2 = atol(argv[2]);

15cout << gcd(n1,n2) << endl;


17return 0;


Notice that lines 7–11 check that the appropriate number of arguments are given to the program; if not, the program prints an error message and a reminder of how it



should be used. Here is a sample session using this program.





$ ./gcd

51 289













$ ./gcd






Usage: ./gcd n1 n2





to find

the gcd of n1 and n2





$ ./gcd

hello Gauss



















Notes: The dollar sign is the computer’s shell prompt (not something the user types and not considered a command line argument). The first invocation of the program is properly formatted and the result is typed on the screen. The second invocation has an incorrect number of command line arguments; the program detects this and prints the error message. In the final invocation of the program the arguments ought to be numbers, but instead we send nonsense (hello and Gauss). We request that these be converted to long values (lines 13–14). However, atol, unable to recognize these character arrays as representations of numbers, returns the value 0. A more sophisticated program could examine the contents of argv[1] and argv[2] to see if they held properly formatted numbers; if not, an error message would be generated.

14.4Reading and writing data in files

14.4.1 Opening files for input/output

The input/output objects cin, cout, and cerr are designed for transferring data from the computer’s keyboard or to the computer’s screen.3 Often, however, we want to read data from a file (i.e., a document) or to write the results of our computation into a file (for later processing, or inclusion in a report or email message).

3On most computers it is possible to redirect these input/output streams so that data, that would normally be written to the screen, are sent to a file (or another program) instead.

Strings, Input/Output, and Visualization


Fortunately, it is not difficult to declare input and output streams. These are objects like cin and cout, but rather than being associated with the keyboard or the screen, they are associated with a file on the computer’s hard drive.

Computer files are of two sorts: plain text (or ASCII) and binary. Plain text files contain only the ordinary characters (of the sort that can be held in a char variable); that is, lowerand uppercase Latin letters, numerals, punctuation, and blank space. They do not contain letters from other character sets (e.g., Chinese) or other types of data. Examples of plain text files are .cc and .h files for programming, TEX and LATEX files, PostScript documents, and .html Web pages. Binary files, on the other hand, contain characters beyond the ASCII set or other types of data (including images, sounds, etc.). Examples of binary files include Microsoft Word documents, multimedia files (from .jpg photographs to .wmv video), PDF documents, and executable programs (built from your C++ code).

We focus our attention solely on reading and writing plain text files. Although C++ is capable of dealing with binary files, it is more complicated to handle such data. For special situations, you may be able to find publicly available C++ procedures for reading and writing specific types of data (e.g., .jpg files).

To read and write from files, include the directive #include <fstream> at the beginning of your program. The fstream header defines two important classes: ifstream for input file stream and ofstream for output file stream.

The first step is to declare an object of type ifstream or ofstream. In both cases, we provide a single argument giving the name of the file to be read/written; the argument is a character array (type char*). The constructors look like this:

ifstream my_in("input_file"); ofstream my_out("output_file");

The first sets up my_in to read data from a file named input_file and the second writes data to a file named output_file. Before we do either of these, there are a few important cautionary notes.

The file input_file might not exist or might not be readable by your program (e.g., if you do not have sufficient privileges to read that file). So, before attempting to read data from that file, we perform the following simple test.

if (my_in.fail()) {

cerr << "Unable to read the file input_file" << endl; return 1;


Input streams contain methods named fail and good. If (and only if) the stream is in a good state, then good() returns true and fail() returns false. Thus, if the file cannot be opened, my_in.fail() returns true.

It is important to do a test such as this or else the rest of your program may run into trouble.

A program also uses the good and fail methods to detect when an input file has been exhausted; see Section 14.4.3.


C++ for Mathematicians

Likewise, it might not be possible for the program to write to output_file (the disk might be locked, another program might be using the file, or your program may lack sufficient privileges to write a file in the particular directory). To test if the output file was opened successfully, use code such as this:

if (my_out.fail()) {

cerr << "Unable to write to the file output_file" << endl; return 1;


For output, please be aware that opening an existing file for output completely erases the file. There’s no second chance. The file is not moved to the “trash” or recoverable in any way.

These is an alternative way to open an output file that does not overwrite the existing file. We may open an output file so that data written to that file are appended to the end of the file. If this is what is desired, use the following constructor.

ofstream my_out("output_file", ios::app);

A file stream may be associated with a file after it is declared using the open method. Here is an example.

ifstream my_in; ofstream my_out;

// intervening code my_in.open("input_file"); my_out.open("output_file");

Alternatively, to append data to an output file, use this statement:

my_out.open("output_file", ios::app);

Generally, it is not necessary to close a file—the file associated with a stream is automatically closed when the stream goes out of scope. However, there are times when we need to close a file explicitly. In that case, we use the close() method.

One instance when we would use the explicit open and close methods is when the command line arguments name files that we want to process. Consider the following example.

Program 14.4: A program the processes files specified on the command line.

1 #include <iostream>

2#include <fstream>

3using namespace std;


5 int main(int argc, char** argv) {

6ifstream in;


8 for(int k=1; k<argc; k++) {


Strings, Input/Output, and Visualization


10if (in.fail()) {

11cerr << "*** Unable to process file " << argv[k] << endl;


13else {

14cerr << "Working on file " << argv[k] << endl;

15// do whatever we need to do with the file named in argv[k]

16// in >> variables; etc; etc;





21return 0;


The main for loop is bracketed by calls to in.open and in.close (see lines 9 and 18). Each command line argument is supposed to name a file. We try to open the file for input; if this is not successful (line 10) we print an error message and move on. Otherwise, we process the file in whatever way would be appropriate, presumably until we reach the end of that file.4 We then close the file (line 18).

Before we step to the next file we invoke the ifstream’s clear() method. This resets any error conditions triggered by the ifstream, and there are two likely error conditions that would arise in this program: inability to open the file and reaching the end of the file. After one of these events occurs, the expression in.good() yields the value false (and in.fail() yields true) until we cancel the error condition with in.clear().

14.4.2 Reading and writing

Once the stream object is declared and we have tested that the file has been successfully opened, we can use the usual << (for ofstream) and >> (for ifstream) operators for writing/reading the file. Here is an example.

Program 14.5: A program that illustrates writing data to a file.

1 #include <iostream>

2#include <fstream>

3using namespace std;


5int main() {

6const char* output_file_name = "example.out";


8 ofstream my_out(output_file_name);

9if (my_out.fail()) {

10cerr << "Unable to open the file " << output_file_name

11<< " for writing." << endl;

12return 1;



4End of file detection is explained in Subsection 14.4.3.


C++ for Mathematicians

15for (int k=1; k<=10; k++) {

16my_out << k << " ";


18my_out << endl;


20return 0;


After this program is compiled and run, a file named example.out is created and its contents look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14.4.3 Detecting the end of an input file

When reading data from a file, a program might not know a priori how many data are in the file. For example, the file may contain many integers and it’s the program’s job to sum those integers. To do this, the program repeatedly requests input (using the >> operator) until it reaches the end of the file.

The question is, how does a program tell when it has reached the end of an input file? The solution is to use the ifstream’s good and fail methods.

When a file has been exhausted, the expression ifstream.fail() yields the value true. The following program illustrates how to use this idea; it sums the numbers it finds in the file example.out generated by Program 14.5.

Program 14.6: A program that sums the integer values it finds in a file.

1 #include <iostream>

2#include <fstream>

3using namespace std;


5int main() {

6const char* input_file_name = "example.out";


8 ifstream my_in(input_file_name);

9if (my_in.fail()) {

10cerr << "Unable to open the file " << input_file_name

11<< " for input." << endl;

12return 1;


14int n;

15int sum = 0;

16while (true) {

17my_in >> n;

18if (my_in.fail()) break;

19sum += n;


21cout << "The sum of the numbers is " << sum << endl;


23 return 0;

24 }

Strings, Input/Output, and Visualization


Focus your attention on lines 16–20. The loop is controlled by the construction while (true) {...}. The loop runs forever until the break on line 18 is reached. When my_in.fail() is evaluated one of two things happens: either (a) the program has successfully read an integer into n or else (b) there are no more values left in the file to be found (because we have reached the end of the file). In case (a), my_in.fail() evaluates to false. However, in case (b), it evaluates to true. Therefore, the loop continues as long as the input is successful. Once the end of the input file is reached, the loop terminates and the sum of the values in the file is



written to the computer screen. The output of this program looks like this:













The sum of the numbers is 55








14.4.4 Other methods for input

The >> operator handles most input needs. When handling character data, however, it is sometimes useful to be able to deal with single characters and with full lines of text.

The get method is used to read a single character from an input stream. Here’s an example.

char ch; cin.get(ch);

if (cin.good()) {

cout << "We read the character " << ch << endl;


else {

cout << "No more input available" << endl;


The statement cin.get(ch) reads a single character from the stream cin and stores the result in the variable ch.

The expression cin.get(ch) is not equivalent to cin >> ch. The former reads the next character available no matter what, but the >> statement skips any white space before reading a character. Consider this program.

#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main() {

char ch;

cout << "Type something -->"; cin >> ch;

cout << "We read the character ’" << ch << "’" << endl; cin.get(ch);

cout << "We read the character ’" << ch << "’" << endl;

return 0;


Here are some sample executions of the code.