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B. It was “Clermont”.


B:It happened because of greater speed and directness.


B:Millions of immigrants reached the new territories.

6.A: …?

B:They gave land and lent money at low interest rate.

7.A: …?

B:It was done to provide a balanced transportation system.


B:I think, for over 72, 000 km.


B:Only in densely populated areas.


B:Car-pooling or “share-the-ride” and “park-’n-ride”.


B:From central shopping areas, on university campus and in school zones.

Exercise 5. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1.Most … America’s largest cities first grew … ocean harbors and … rivers.

2.The first commercially successful steamboat in the world appeared … the Hudson . River … New York.

3.Police strictly enforce speed limits … and … the cities.

4.This system works best and most profitably … densely populated areas.

5.The Americans had a great advantage when it came …boats and ships.

6.Many universities forbid … students to have cars … campus.

7.This railroad is running trains … a route … more than 200 km.

8.Most … Americans adhere …speed limits.

9.Compared …railroad passenger transport …other countries, this company is … relatively little importance.

10.Fords and Chevys became available … millions … Americans.

11.This extensive network … roads and highways enables … Americans to travel freely and comfortably wherever they want.

12.The significance … railroad …passenger service has declined since the early decades of the 20-th century.

13.The materials needed …constructing …railroads stimulated many industries.

14.Many people think that America is one big parking lot, clogged …cars and trucks, covered …concrete.


15.Afterwards the railroad began to win … … the steamboat.

16.Urban areas in the United States take … less than 2 percent …the country’s total land area.

17.Experience has shown that many people still prefer to go … car.

Exercise 6. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary:

1.How do they move cargo within this area?

2.Rural areas occupy the largest part of this country.

3.Local authorities officially disallowed cars in that area.

4.This area is open to cyclists and walking people.

5.They moved the borders forward at an unprecedented rate at the end of the 19-th century.

6.Trains transport goods inexpensively.

7.The company is efficient on the world market.

8.There is a special library entrance for disabled people.

9.Anti smoking laws are very strict in some countries.

10.The banks are paying little percentage of deposited money to depositors now.

11.One of the main role of the police is to make sure that driving laws are obeyed.

12.Most drivers obey driving and drinking laws.

13.A lot of freight is moved along rivers inside the country.

14.This company transports products in large quantities all over the country.

15.Steamers replaced clippers.

16.They never start driving faster near school zones.

17.You should look at the schedule to see when the last train leaves.

18.There are too many cars in the area.

19.My beautiful table was spoiled by cigarette burns.

20.You can leave your car in a specialized area.

21.Gas makes air dirty.

Exercise 7. Find the opposites:

1.Steamers lost to clippers.

2.You can find many plants and factories downtown.

3.Public transport makes economic sense only in rural areas.

4.Many drivers do not obey laws limiting speed.

5.There are few cars in the area.

6.The ship is in the ocean now.

7.She is a recidivist.

8.Bus is gradually losing its leading position in the US.


9.American government has always done a lot to make the lands beyond the border inaccessible.

10.They transport small amount of products.

11.There are few people living in this region.

12.It is an intercity train.

13.They suffered losses.

14.Cycling is permitted in this part of the city.

15.There are many roads for pedestrians.

16.That beautiful landscape was improved by the large amount of gas stations.

17.Many cities and towns were destroyed around harbors and along rivers.

18.This type of car is meant for healthy individuals.

19.Are there many drivers in the street?

20.They are a land nation.

21.That bus company operates in the suburbs.

Exercise 8. Insert the words from the vocabulary:

1.It is very expensive to drive to work every day for people living in the suburbs. That is why automobile owners organized ... to to take turns in driving several neighbors to work.

2.If the authorities of American states want to decrease the amount of car accidents they must ... and ....

3.In order to move freely from one city/town to another it is necessary to ....

4.Using ... you can avoid traffic jams.

5.Where am I to leave the car? There is no ...!

6.The air is ... by large amount of cars.

7. ... helps move quickly and freely across the US.

8.Drivers who speed near school zones pay large....

9.There are ... that move people downtown from suburbs.

10.It is easy to pay on the loan because of ....

11.They are a great ...: their merchant shipping is one of the largest in the world.

12.If the government wants its people to move freely within the country it must ....

13.The demand on goods made of metal is growing. This fact ....

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1.Пароход стал преобладающим транспортным средством в Америке после Гражданской войны.

2.Многие люди предпочитают делать покупки в торговых центрах.

3. Если вы нарушите правила дорожного движения, вам придется заплатить



4.Строительство железной дороги стимулировало развитие многих отраслей промышленности.

5.Пароходы способствовали расширению границ страны, доставляя иммигрантов в новые районы, а также перевозя грузы по низкой стоимости.

6.Эта система общественного транспорта работает прибыльно только в густонаселенных территориях.

7.Система дорог и скоростных шоссе позволяет путешествовать свободно туда, куда вы хотите.

8.Существует ошибочная точка зрения, что Америка – это огромная стоянка, переполненная машинами.

9.В этом университете студентам запрещено оставлять машины на

территории кампуса.

10.Работа городского транспорта и междугородние перевозки обеспечиваются многими государственными и частными компаниями.

11.Товарные поезда очень важны для перевозки так называемых основных грузов, таких как уголь и зерно.

12.Во многих городах автомобильное движение запрещено на центральных улицах.

13.Удивительно, что американцы имеют репутацию вежливых водителей.

14.Мы должны принять более жесткие законы о вождении в нетрезвом виде для защиты школьников.

15.Недавно он был оштрафован за нарушение правил об ограничении скорости.

Communicative Exercises

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree developing the following sentences into monologues of 5-7 sentences:

1.Wooden ships have no future.

2.There is no economic sense in developing public transport in small towns.

3.Trains are the most popular for moving passengers and freight in Russia.

4.It is more logical to develop motorways and highways than railroad in the US.

5.It is enough to make tough driving law in order to decrease the amount of car accidents.

6.It's easy to get a driving license.

7.All drivers in the world are polite and courteous.


Exercise 2. Use the vocabulary of the Unit to act out dialogs discussing:

1.Advantages and disadvantages of traveling by ship, train, bus, and car.

2.Driving laws in your country and abroad.

3.Public transport at home and abroad.

4.Railroad system at home and abroad.

5.The system of motorways and highways and services for drivers at home and abroad.

6.Environmental problems connected with transport and ways of solving them at home and abroad.

Exercise 3. Speak on:

1.Advantages and disadvantages of different ways of traveling.

2.Difference between American and Russian transportation system.

3.Past, present and future of your favorite means of transport.



1.Богацкий И.С. и др. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Киев, 1997.

2.Выборова Г.Е., Махурян К.С. и др. Advanced English. М., 1997.

3.Полякова Т.Ю. и др. Английский язык для инженеров. М., 2000.

4.Hewitt K. Understanding Britain. – 2nd ed. – Oxford, 1996.

5.O'Driscoll J. Britain. – Oxford University Press, 1996.

6.Stevenson D. K. American Life and Institutions. – Ernst Klett Verlag, 1998.



Введение……………………………………………………………………..3 Unit 1 Family Life……………………………………………………………4 Unit 2 Working Day and Leisure……………………………………………23 Unit 3 Education…………………………………………………………….44 Unit 4 Meals………………………………………………………………....60 Unit 5 Shops and Shopping………………………………………………….76 Unit 6 Great Britain………………………………………………………… 89 Unit 7 USA………………………………………………………………….110 Unit 8 Transportation……………………………………….........................124 References .....................................................................................................136 Contents…………………………………………………………………….137


Светлана Викторовна Андросова,

канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Светлана Викторовна Деркач,

канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Ольга Николаевна Морозова,

канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Лариса Михайловна Левентова,

доц. кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Людмила Олеговна Блохинская,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Людмила Витальевна Васильева,

ассистент кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ;

Юлия Петровна Иванашко,

ассистент кафедры иностранных языков № 1 АмГУ

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