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Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine

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Chromosomes 2 and 16

As was discussed in Chapter 5, there is some evidence of clinically recognizable syndromes associated with UPD2 and UPD16. Most cases have been diagnosed through mosaicism on prenatal diagnosis (particularly CVS), or because of trisomy 2 or trisomy 16 detected in the placenta, studied because of growth retardation. These cases are thus the result of meiotic nondisjunction with trisomy rescue; phenotypic anomalies may result from (undetected) fetal mosaicism for the chromosome in question.

The recurrence risk will be theoretically low for both siblings and offspring of patients with UPD2 or UPD16, unless one of the parents has an undetected (germinal or low-percentage somatic) mosaicism for the trisomy.


The possibility of uniparental disomy and its potential effects needs to be considered in a number of situations in prenatal diagnosis:

(i)Chromosomal mosaicism detected on chorionic villus sampling or on amniocentesis

(ii)De novo or inherited translocations, inversions, and chromosomal markers

Chromosomal Mosaicism and Trisomy Rescue

The mechanisms by which UPD occurs are reviewed in Chapter 3. The production of holochromosomal UPD is the result of three principal mechanisms: gamete complementation, duplication of a monosomy, and loss of a chromosome following a trisomic conception (trisomy rescue). The latter mechanism appears to be responsible for the majority of cases of UPD. This is particularly true for those cases detected through prenatal diagnosis, where a relationship between increased maternal age and UPD has been documented (Ledbetter and Engel, 1995; Engel, 1993; Kalousek et al., 1991; Ginsberg et al., 2000). Trisomy rescue with the concomitant risk of UPD may be suspected because of the coexistence of normal and trisomic cell lines in chorionic villi (Engel, 1993; Robinson et al., 1997; Kalousek et al., 1991).

Chromosomal mosaicism (Level III, defined as a chromosomal anomaly present in some cells from at least two independent cell cultures) (Hsu et al., 1992) detected on amniocentesis is generally indicative of a fetal (fetoplacental) origin. Additional cytogenetic studies (second sample, umbilical cord blood sample), along with ultrasound examination may help resolve counseling issues concerning the extent of fetal mosaicism. In addition, depending on the chromosome implicated, the possibility of UPD needs to be investigated. For example, a low percentage of trisomy 15 cells, in a case of normal pregnancy evolution and ultrasound screen, should be tested for UPD15 since its presence would indicate Angelman or PraderWilli syndrome in the fetus.


Figure 1 Schematic representation of true fetoplacental mosaicism (a) as compared to confined placental mosaicism (CPM) (b).



When chromosomal mosaisicm or a discrepant chromosomal result is observed in the study of chorionic villus samples, the abnormal cells may be limited to the placenta, a situation known as confined placental mosaicism (CPM, Figure 1) (Kalousek and Dill, 1983; Johnson et al., 1990; Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B). The risk of associated uniparental disomy is limited to chromosomal errors of meiotic origin, followed by trisomy rescue. On the other hand, CPM is more often the result of a mitotic (postzygotic) error occurring in placental tissues with no associated risk of UPD.

The following factors point to meiotic nondisjunction in the etiology of trisomic cells, thus putting the fetus at increased risk for both residual fetal mosaicism and UPD (Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997A and B; DeLozier-Blanchet et al., 1995; Robinson et al., 1997):

(i)The proportion of abnormal cells. The higher the percentage of chromosomally abnormal cells, the more likely a meiotic origin of the anomaly (Kalousek et al., 1991; Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B).

(ii)The type of mosaicism (Figure 2). Type III mosaicism (abnormal cell line present in both cytotrophoblast and cultured mesodermal core cells (longterm culture) is the combination most indicative of a meiotic error. However, mosaicism of level I (short-term culture) or II (aneuploidy cultured cells from mesodermal core) is still associated with a meiotic origin in some cases (Leschot et al., 1989; Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B).

(iii)The chromosome implicated. Some autosomal trisomies, e.g., 3 and 7, are relatively often involved in CVS mosaicism, but rarely confirmed in the

Figure 2 Representation of the three types of chromosomal mosaicism observed on CVS mosaicism: In type I, (a) the anomaly is seen only in cytotrophoblast; in type II, (b) only in cultured cells derived from the mesodermal core of the villi; and in type III, (c) in cells from both embryologic origins.


fetus. Others, such as trisomy 15 and 16, are more likely to be confirmed on amniocentesis and fetal biopsies, and associated with an abnormal phenotype. Still others, such as trisomies 2 and 22, are generally due to CPM but occasionally represent true mosaicism and thus need to be further investigated (Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B; Leschot et al., 1989; Wolstenholme, 1996).

The European Collaborative Research on Mosaicism in Chorionic Villus Sampling (EUCROMIC 1986–1996) (Vejerslev and Mikkelsen, 1989; Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997A and B) investigated mosaicism or fetoplacental discrepancies in over 126,000 samples. Several other large series (Simoni et al., 1986; Wolstenholme et al., 1994; Kalousek et al., 1991) have also investigated clinical and cytogenetics correlations. The majority of these discrepancies (between the results of CVS and amniocentesis or fetal tissues) are apparently due to confined placental mosaicism, suggesting that the origin of this mosaicism is most often mitotic. The relationship between CPM and true fetoplacental mosaicism varies as a function of the particular chromosome (Table 1). It is more likely that trisomy 21 be confirmed, for example, than trisomy 13 or 18. Even for these three autosomes, the proportion of fetal mosaicism that is confirmed after mosaic results on CVS is less than half according to the largest study specifically addressing this question (Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B). A second example of an autosomal trisomy needing extensive investigation is trisomy 15; about half of mosaic or discrepant results involving chromosome 15 have a meiotic origin, the others being apparently of a postconceptional nature [European Collaborative Research on Mosaicism in CVS (EUCROMIC), 1999; Robinson et al., 1997]. There is thus a need to further investigate

TABLE 1 CVS Mosaicism for Single Autosomal Trisomiesa

Confirmed as True Fetal

Never Confirmed as True Fetal



























a Based on the study of 769 autosomal trisomies with sufficient cytogenetic and=or clinical follow-up, as part of the EUCROMIC collaboration

bLess than 20 cases involving this chromosome were studied. Source: Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997A and B and unpublished.



potential fetal mosaicism (by mesodermal core cell culture, amniocentesis, or cordocentesis) as well as to rule out UPD15 in the disomic cells from the fetus.

One of the goals of the EUCROMIC ancillary studies was to investigate the frequency and nature of UPD in cases of fetoplacental discrepancies after CVS. The retrospective study used DNA polymorphic analysis in children=fetuses and their parents to determine, in 105 conceptuses, the proportion of cases with UPD (DeLozier-Blanchet et al., 1995B). Seventeen of the 105 (16%) had UPD for chromosomes 2, 9, 11, 15, 16, and 22. For these chromosomes, a meiotic origin of the chromosomal error was thus confirmed. For chromosomes 15 and 16, the proportion of UPD cases approached the theoretical 1=3 to be expected if all cases were meiotic. No case of UPD was observed for chromosomes 7, 8, 13, 18, 21 or the sex chromosomes, suggesting that CPM for the latter chromosomes is most often of mitotic origin. A British study also concluded that trisomies for chromosomes 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 are most often due to mitotic nondisjunction (Wolstenholme, 1996).

A similar proportion of UPD (17 of 91 cases, about 19%) was observed in placentas studied postabortion or at term for a variety of reproductive pathologies (intrauterine growth retardation being the major indication) (Robinson et al., 1997), as was found in the above-cited EUCROMIC study.

In summary, these data are particularly important for genetic counseling in prenatal diagnosis. When chromosomal analysis of CVS reveals ‘‘ambiguous’’ results, e.g., mosaicism or a nonmosaic chromosomal aberration unlikely to exist in fetal cells, it is necessary to confirm or refute the finding in cells of a different origin; this may be done on a longterm culture of mesodermal cells from chorionic villi, an amniocentesis, or a fetal blood sample. Monitoring of the pregnancy with ultrasound, as well as genetic counseling, is necessary (Leschot et al., 1989; Vejerslev and Mikkelsen, 1989). However, present experience would suggest that follow-up invasive tests are probably not necessary for some aneuploidies, such as trisomies 3 or 7, particularly when the proportion of abnormal cells is less than 20% (DeLozier-Blanchet et al., 1995A; Wolstenholme, 1996).

The situation of mosaicism=discrepancy on CVS for the autosomal trisomies 13, 18, and 21 is worth special consideration. Even for these ‘‘viable’’ trisomies, less than half of all cases will be confirmed in the fetus (Hahnemann and Vejerslev, 1997B). Amniocentesis, as well as ultrasound monitoring, is required in continuing pregnancies. However, UPD testing is not warranted, given that chromosomes 13 and 21 do not appear to contain imprinted genes, and no case of UPD18 has been reported to date (see Chapter 4).

For chromosome 15, however, UPD testing as well as amniocentesis for potential fetal mosaicism is indicated, since some 50% of cases of CVS mosaicism are meiotic [Robinson et al., 1996; European Collaborative Research on Mosaicism in CVS (EUCROMIC), 1999].

Suggested guidelines for UPD testing in association with prenatal diagnosis are presented in Table 2.

The finding of chromosomal mosaicism on CVS, even in the absence of fetal aneuploidy and=or UPD, may warrant that the pregnancy be considered high-risk. When CPM is widespread (thus probably of meiotic origin), reproductive patholo-


TABLE 2 Prenatal Diagnosis and UPD Testing

Suggestions for testing: Analysis should be offered only for chromosomes with an imprinting-associated phenotype

Significant Risk of UPD

Lower Risk of UPD



On Amniocentesis

On Amniocentesis

Level III mosaicism

Level II mosaicism for trisomies 15 and 16

Structural anomaly (inherited or de novo)

Structural anomaly involving chromo-

of chromosomes 2, 14, 15, 16, 22

somes 7 or 11



Type II and III mosaicism=discrepancies

Any mosaicism involving chromosomes 2,

involving chromosomes 15, 16

7, 11, 15, 16, 22

Structural anomaly involving chromo-

Structural anomaly of chromosomes 6, 7,

somes 14, 15, 22




gies including fetal demise and intrauterine growth retardation may occur (Johnson et al., 1990; Kennerknecht and Terinde, 1990; Kalousek et al., 1991). A EUCROMIC ancillary study found an increased incidence of low birthweight with CPM for chromosomes 8, 13, 16, and 22 (DeLozier-Blanchet et al., 1996).

Parental Translocations, Inversions and Chromosomal Markers

As discussed in Chapters 3 and 7, centric chromosomal fusions in association with UPD have been observed mainly for chromosomes 14 and 15. Whether de novo or inherited, apparently balanced heterologous translocations merit molecular investigation of potential UPD. The proportion of such conceptuses that actually do present UPD is, however, less than 1% (James et al., 1994; Berend et al., 2000) as presented earlier in this chapter. Prenatal testing for UPD of chromosomes with no known imprinting pathology, such as 13 and 21, should be discouraged, since the UPD apparently does not cause phenotypic abnormality (Ledbetter and Engel, 1995; Kotzot, 1999).

As for the unusual situation of de novo homologous translocations, a number of cases of UPD14 or UPD15 have been associated with such translocations. UPD should therefore be systematically considered in all prenatally tested cases with de novo centric fusion of homologues for imprinted chromosomes. Although the frequency of UPD in homologous chromosomal fusion is not known, it appears to be high in this class of patients, since one-half of these might be of meiotic origin, thus implying trisomy rescue to yield diploid genomes.

All homologous parental fusions should lead to monosomic or trisomic offspring. The finding of an offspring having inherited such a translocation is thus unexpected and implies gamete complementation or trisomy rescue for the chromosome involved in the fusion. Inherited homologous fusions, in offspring with balanced chromosomal complements (no associated trisomy), have been seen only for chromosomes 13 and 22 (Chapters 4 and 5).



Balanced Reciprocal Translocations

The risk of imprinting disorders is mostly related to translocations involving chromosomes 11, 14, and 15. As already noted in Chapter 3, they contribute principally to deletions—or duplications—of imprinted domains through meiotic recombination, rather than leading to nondisjunction and UPD. Here, of course, the sex of the transmitting parent will determine the phenotype. For instance, AS or PWS will be seen when a t(15;22) results in a 15q11-q13 deletion from either a mother (AS) or a father (PWS). Prenatal diagnosis should be offered to investigate both the cytogenetic and appropriate DNA polymorphisms of the fetus.

Peri and Paracentric Inversions

These may also be a predisposing factor in UPD for the chromosome involved in the rearrangement, although this must be even rarer than deletions or alterations potentially arising from meiotic recombination. Prenatal diagnosis could be offered to exclude recombination aneusomy and might include UPD analysis in cases where the inversion concerns chromosomes known (6, 7, 11, 14, 15) or suspected (2, 16) to harbor imprinted genes.

Small Marker Chromosomes

These are found in UPD cases under two sets of circumstances, namely, as the tiny remnant of an incompletely rescued trisomy or as a fragment of a truncated monosomic chromosome entirely duplicated in the uniparental pair (James et al., 1995). Prenatal molecular analysis is essential when the marker chromosome may carry imprinted genes; this is particularly important for chromosome 15, as it is involved in cases of Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes (see Chapters 3, 6 and 7). Nearly half of all extra structurally abnormal chromosomes are invdup15. The most common form of the marker has been a type I (small) invdup15 (Webb, 1994), as reviewed in Chapter 3. Markers chromosomes have been associated with UPD only for a few other chromosomes, such as 6 and 21 (Chapter 3).

Prenatal Diagnosis when a Previous Pregnancy Involved UPD

An assessment of the index case and parents is needed to check on the cytogenetic parameters reviewed above. In the case of a chromosomal rearrangement, particularly if inherited, the risk of recurrence may be difficult to calculate, but would appear sufficient to justify a full prenatal work-up of subsequent pregnancies. Usually, no parental cytogenetic markers will be apparent but an increased parental age may be noted as UPD more often arises from an aneuploid event, chiefly a trisomy secondarily turned into a disomy. Genetic counseling in UPD without specific chromosomal rearrangements should address the problem of a subsequent fetus with aneuploidy more so than the problem of a recurrence of UPD.


In summary, the exclusion of UPD can be recommended in prenatal diagnosis in the following situations:

(i)Detection of mosaicism for a numerical chromosomal anomaly on either amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling

(ii)Presence of a structural chromosomal anomaly (translocation, inversion, marker), whether familial or de novo, whenever that particular chromosome is known to contain imprinted genes and is associated with an abnormal phenotype

UPD testing should not be performed for chromosomes where UPD has not been reported in association with a recognizable phenotype or structural=developmental anomaly, as no information on the prognosis could be provided.

The probability of UPD is low in most cases, but increases whenever:

(i)There is a high percentage of abnormal cells (or the mosaicism is of type III).

(ii)Chromosomes 14, 15, or 16 are involved.

(iii)An abnormal phenotype, with fetal malformation or gestational pathology, is present.

(iv)A risk factor for nondisjunction, including increased maternal age, is present.

Genetic counseling and psychological support are essential in such cases of prenatal diagnosis, with prognostic uncertainty and multiple laboratory tests.


As UPD could potentially explain the following situations, molecular investigation should be considered when:

(i)Two distinct disorders are present in the same individual. The first molecularly proven cases of UPD7 were of this type (Chapters 1 and 4) (Spence et al., 1988), e.g., the individuals had both cystic fibrosis through homozygosity for a CF mutation due to maternal UPD7, as well as very short stature (due to the absence of the paternal copy of imprinted genes).

(ii)An autosomal recessive disorder in which only one parent is a carrier (Chapters 1 and 4). Since the recurrence risk will be much lower if the recessive phenotype results from UPD than through biparental transmission of the mutant gene, testing for UPD might be done in certain cases homozygous for an identical mutation or haplotype.

(iii)When an individual has two copies of a unique parental chromosomal heteromorphism (Betz et al., 1974; Carpenter et al., 1982).


(iv)In recognized clinical syndromes of unknown origin, particularly where the disorder has been associated with various chromosomal rearrangements and=or transmitted preferentially by one sex (e.g., Russell-Silver syndrome). In such disorders, the UPD might be expected to be holochromosomic in some patients and segmental in others.

Recent series have looked for UPD in empirically predisposed groups. In one study, an excess of UPD was found in individuals with unclassified developmental defects whose mothers were over 35 at the time of their birth, versus those whose mothers were under 35 (Ginsburg et al., 2000). Similar frequency estimates could be done, e.g., for early spontaneous pregnancy loss or to embryos that do not develop after in vitro fertilization.


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