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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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tenotomy /tə nɒtəmi/ noun a surgical opera-

tion to cut through a tendon

tenovaginitis / tenəυ v d na t s/ noun inflammation of the tendon sheath, especially in the thumb

TENS /tens/ abbreviation a method of treating pain by applying electrodes to the skin. Small electric currents are passed through sensory nerves and the spinal cord. This suppresses the transmission of pain signals. a TENS unit or machine Full form transcutaneous electrical

nerve stimulation

tense /tens/ adjective 1. (of a muscle) contracted 2. nervous and worried The patient was very tense while she waited for the report

from the laboratory.

tension / tenʃən/ noun 1. the act of stretching or the state of being stretched 2. an emotional strain or stress

tension headache / tenʃən hede k/ noun a headache all over the head, caused by worry and stress

tension pneumothorax / tenʃən nju məυθɔ r ks/ noun a condition of the pneumothorax in which rupture of the pleura forms an opening like a valve, through which air is

forced during coughing but cannot escape tensor / tensə/ noun a muscle which makes a

joint stretch out

tent /tent/ noun a small shelter put over and around someone’s bed so that gas or vapour

can be passed inside

tentorium cerebelli /ten tɔ riəm serə beli/ noun a part of the dura mater which separates the cerebellum from the cerebral hemispheres tera- /terə/ prefix 1012. Symbol T

terat- / terət/, terato- / terətəυ/ prefix con-

genitally unusual

teratocarcinoma / terətəυkɑ s nəυmə/ noun a malignant teratoma, usually in the testes

teratogen /tə r təd en/ noun a substance which causes the usual development of an embryo or fetus to be disrupted, e.g. the German

measles virus

teratogenesis / terətə d enəs s/ noun an unusual pattern of development in an embryo

and fetus

teratogenic / terətə d en k/ adjective 1. having the tendency to produce physical disorders in an embryo or fetus 2. relating to the production of physical disorders in an embryo

or fetus

teratology / terə tɒləd i/ noun the study of the unhealthy development of embryos and fetuses

teratoma / terə təυmə/ noun a tumour, especially in an ovary or testis, which is formed of tissue not usually found in that part of the body terbutaline /t! bju təli n/ noun a drug which relaxes muscles, used in the treatment

of respiratory disorders and to control premature labour

teres / t əri z/ noun one of two shoulder muscles running from the shoulder blade to the top of the humerus. The larger of the two muscles, the teres major, makes the arm turn towards the inside, and the smaller, the teres minor, makes it turn towards the outside. terfenadine /t! fenədi n/ noun an antihistamine used in the treatment of hay fever and urticaria

term /t! m/ noun 1. a limited period of time, especially the period from conception to childbirth, or a point in time determined for an event she was coming near to term she was near the time when she would give birth 2. part of a college or school year The anatomy exams are at the beginning of the third term. 3. a name or word for a particular thing

terminal / t! m n(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to the last stage of a fatal illness The disease is in its terminal stages. 2. referring to the end, being at the end of something He is suffering from terminal cancer. noun an ending, a part at the end of an electrode or nerve

terminal branch / t! m n(ə)l brɑ ntʃ/ noun the end part of a neurone which is linked to a muscle. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement

terminale / t! m ne li/ filum terminale terminal illness / t! m n(ə)l lnəs/ noun an

illness from which someone will soon die terminally ill / t! m nəli l/ adjective very ill and about to die She was admitted to a hospice for terminally ill patients or for the terminally ill.

termination / t! m ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of ending something termination (of pregnancy) abortion

-terol /terɒl/ suffix used in names of bronchodilators

tertian / t! ʃ(ə)n/ adjective referring to a fever with symptoms which appear every other day noun a tertian fever or set of symptoms tertian fever / t! ʃ(ə)n fi və/ noun a type of malaria where the fever returns every two days. quartan fever

tertiary / t! ʃər / adjective third, coming after secondary and primary

tertiary bronchi / t! ʃəri brɒŋki / plural noun syphilis. Same as segmental bronchi

tertiary care / t! ʃəri keə/, tertiary health care / t! ʃəri helθ keə/ noun highly special-

ised treatment given in a health care centre, often using very advanced technology. Compare primary care, secondary care

test /test/ noun a short examination to see if a sample is healthy or if part of the body is working well He had an eye test this morning. Laboratory tests showed that she was a meningitis carrier. Tests are being carried out on



swabs taken from the operating theatre. the urine test was positive the examination of the urine sample showed the presence of an infection or a diagnostic substance verb to examine a sample of tissue to see if it is healthy or an organ to see if it is working well They sent the urine sample away for testing. I must have my eyes tested.

testes / testi z/ plural of testis testicle / test k(ə)l/ noun same as testis

testicular /te st kjυlə/ adjective referring to the testes Testicular cancer comprises only 1% of all malignant neoplasms in the male. testicular artery /te st kjυlə ɑ təri/ noun same as spermatic artery

testicular hormone /te st kjυlə hɔ məυn/ noun testosterone

testis / test s/ noun one of two male sex glands in the scrotum. See illustration at URO-

GENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement. Also called testicle (NOTE: The plural is testes. For other terms referring to the testes, see words beginning with orchi-.)

COMMENT: The testes produce both spermatozoa and the sex hormone, testosterone. Spermatozoa are formed in the testes, and passed into the epididymis to be stored. From the epididymis they pass along the vas deferens through the prostate gland which secretes the seminal fluid, and are ejaculated through the penis.

test meal / test mi l/ noun a test to check the secretion of gastric juices, no longer much used

testosterone /te stɒstərəυn/ noun a male sex hormone, secreted by the Leydig cells in the testes, which causes physical changes, e.g. the development of body hair and a deep voice, to take place in males as they become sexually mature

test tube / test tju b/ noun a small glass tube with a rounded bottom, used in laboratories to hold samples of liquids

test-tube baby / test tju b be bi/ noun a baby conceived through in vitro fertilisation in which the mother’s ova are removed from the ovaries, fertilised with a man’s spermatozoa in a laboratory, and returned to the mother’s uterus to continue developing in the usual way

tetanic /te t n k/ adjective referring to tetanus

tetano- /tetənəυ/ prefix 1. relating to tetanus 2. relating to tetany

tetanus / tet(ə)nəs/ noun 1. the continuous contraction of a muscle, under repeated stimuli from a motor nerve 2. an infection caused by Clostridium tetani in the soil, which affects the spinal cord and causes spasms in the muscles which occur first in the jaw. Also called lockjaw

COMMENT: People who are liable to infection with tetanus, such as farm workers, should be

immunised against it, and booster injections are needed from time to time.

tetany / tetəni/ noun spasms of the muscles in the feet and hands, caused by a reduction in the level of calcium in the blood or by lack of carbon dioxide

tetra- /tetrə/ prefix four

tetracycline / tetrə sa kli n/ noun an antibiotic of a group used to treat a wide range of bacterial diseases such as chlamydia. However, they are deposited in bones and teeth and cause a permanent yellow stain in teeth if given to children.

COMMENT: Because of its side-effects tetracycline should not be given to children. Many bacteria are now resistant to tetracycline.

tetradactyly / tetrə d kt li/ noun a congenital condition in which a child has only four fingers or toes

tetralogy of Fallot /te tr ləd i əv f ləυ/ noun a disorder of the heart which makes a child’s skin blue. Also called Fallot’s tetralogy. Blalock’s operation, Waterston’s operation

COMMENT: The condition is formed of four conditions occurring together: the artery leading to the lungs is narrow, the right ventricle is enlarged, there is a disorder in the membrane between the ventricles and the aorta is not correctly placed.

tetraplegia / tetrə pli d ə/ same as quadri-


textbook / tekstbυk/ noun a book which is used by students a haematology textbook or a textbook on haematology

textbook case / tekstbυk ke s/ noun a case which shows symptoms which are exactly like those described in a textbook, a very typical case

thalam- /θ ləm/ prefix

same as thalamo-

(used before vowels)



/ θ ləmen kefəlɒn/

noun a group of structures in the brain linked to the brain stem, formed of the epithalamus, hypothalamus and thalamus

thalamic syndrome /θə l m k s ndrəυm/ noun a condition in which someone is extremely sensitive to pain, caused by a disorder of the thalamus

thalamo- /θ ləməυ/ prefix referring to the thalamus

thalamocortical tract / θ ləməυkɔ t k(ə)l tr kt/ noun a tract containing nerve fibres, running from the thalamus to the sensory cortex

thalamotomy / θ lə mɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make an incision into the thalamus to treat intractable pain

thalamus / θ ləməs/ noun one of two masses of grey matter situated beneath the cerebrum where impulses from the sensory neurones are transmitted to the cerebral cortex.



See illustration at BRAIN in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is thalami.)

thalassaemia / θ l si miə/ noun a hereditary disorder of which there are several forms caused by an anomalies in the protein component of the haemoglobin, leading to severe anaemia. It is found especially in people from Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and East Asia. Also called Cooley’s anaemia thalidomide /θə l dəma d/ noun a synthetic drug given to pregnant women for morning sickness in the 1960s which caused babies to be born with stunted limbs. It is now used in the treatment of leprosy.

thallium scan / θ liəm sk n/ noun a method of finding out about the blood supply to the heart muscle by scanning to see how the radioactive element thallium moves when injected into the bloodstream and where it attaches it-

self to the heart wall

thanatology / θ nə tɒləd i/ noun the study of the medical, psychological and sociological aspects of death and the ways in which people deal with it

thaw /θɔ / verb to bring something which is frozen back to usual temperature

theatre / θ ətə/ noun operating theatre

‘While waiting to go to theatre, parents should be encouraged to participate in play with their children’ [British Journal of Nursing]

theatre gown / θ ətə &aυn/ noun 1. a loose piece of clothing worn by a person having an operation 2. a long green robe worn over other clothes by a surgeon or nurse in an operating theatre

theatre nurse / θ ətə n! s/ noun a nurse who is specially trained to assist a surgeon during an operation

theca / θi kə/ noun tissue shaped like a sheath thelarche / θelɑ ki/ noun the beginning of the process of breast development in young women

thenar / θi nə/ adjective referring to the palm of the hand noun the palm of the hand. Com-

pare hypothenar

thenar eminence / θi nər em nəns/ noun the ball of the thumb, the lump of flesh in the palm of the hand below the thumb theophylline /θi ɒf li n/ noun a compound made synthetically or extracted from tea leaves which helps to widen blood vessels and airways, and to stimulate the central nervous system and heart. It is used in the treatment of breathing disorders.

theory / θ əri/ noun an argument which explains a scientific fact

therapeutic / θerə pju t k/ adjective given

in order to cure a disorder or disease therapeutic abortion / θerəpju t k ə

bɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun an abortion which is carried out because the health of the mother is in danger

therapeutic index / θerəpju t k ndeks/ noun the ratio of the dose of a drug which causes cell damage to the dose of that drug which is typically needed to effect a cure, by which

the safety of the drug is decided

therapeutic radiographer / θerə pju t kre di ɒ&rəfə/ noun someone specially trained

to use X-rays or radioactive isotopes in the treatment of patients

therapeutics / θerə pju t ks/ noun the study of various types of treatment and their effect on patients

therapist / θerəp st/ noun a person specially trained to give therapy an occupational ther-

apist psychotherapist

therapy / θerəpi/ noun the treatment of a person to help cure a disease or disorder

therm /θ! m/ noun a unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units or 1.055 x 108 joules

thermal / θ! m(ə)l/ adjective referring to heat thermal anaesthesia / θ! m(ə)l nəs

θi ziə/ noun the loss of the feeling of heat thermo- /θ! məυ/ prefix referring to heat or


thermoanaesthesia / θ! məυ nəs θi ziə/ noun a condition in which someone cannot tell the difference between hot and cold thermocautery / θ! məυ kɔ təri/ noun the

procedure of removing dead tissue by heat thermocoagulation / θ! məυkəυ &jυ

le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the procedure of removing tissue and coagulating blood by heat thermogram / θ! mə&r m/ noun an infra-

red photograph of part of the body thermograph / θ! məυ&rɑ f/ noun a device

that shows patterns of heat radiated from a

body, used in diagnosis

thermography /θ! mɒ&rəfi/ noun a technique, used especially in screening for breast cancer, where part of the body is photographed using infrared rays which record the heat given off by the skin and show variations in the blood

circulating beneath the skin

thermolysis /θ! mɒləs s/ noun a loss of body temperature, e.g. by sweating thermometer /θə mɒm tə/ noun an instrument for measuring temperature thermophilic / θ! məυ f l k/ adjective referring to an organism which needs a high tem-

perature to grow

thermoreceptor / θ! məυr septə/ noun a

sensory nerve which registers heat thermotaxis / θ! məυ t ks s/ noun an au-

tomatic regulation of the body’s temperature thermotherapy / θ! məυ θerəpi/ noun treat-

ment using heat, e.g. from hot water or infrared lamps, to treat conditions such as arthritis

and bad circulation. Also called heat therapy thiamine / θa əmi n/, thiamin / θa əm n/

noun same as Vitamin B1



thicken / θ kən/ verb 1. to become wider or larger, or cause something to become wider or larger The walls of the arteries thicken under deposits of fat. 2. (of liquid) to become more dense and viscid and flow less easily The liquid thickens as its cools.

Thiersch graft / t əʃ &rɑ ft/, Thiersch’s graft / t əʃ z &rɑ ft/ same as split-skin graft

thigh /θa / noun the top part of the leg from the knee to the groin

thighbone / θa bəυn/ noun the femur, the bone in the top part of the leg, which joins the acetabulum at the hip and the tibia at the knee

(NOTE: For other terms referring to the thigh, see femoral.)

thin /θ n/ adjective 1. not fat His arms are very thin. She’s getting too thin – she should eat more. He became quite thin after his illness. 2. not thick They cut a thin slice of tissue for examination under the microscope. 3. referring to blood which is watery (NOTE: thinner – thinnest)

thiopental sodium / θa əυpent(ə)l səυdiəm/ noun a barbiturate drug used as a

rapid-acting intravenous general anaesthetic. Also called thiopentone

thiopentone / θa əυ pentəυn/, thiopentone sodium / θa əυpentəυn səυdiəm/ noun

same as thiopental sodium (NOTE: Its chemical

formula is C11H17N2O2SNa.)

thioridazine / θa əυ r dəzi n/ noun a synthetic compound used as a tranquilliser for people who are suffering from a psychosis third-degree burn / θ! d d &ri b! n/ noun a burn in which the skin and the tissues beneath it are severely damaged

third-degree haemorrhoids /θ! d d &ri / plural noun haemorrhoids which protrude into the anus permanently

third molar /θ! d məυlə/ noun one of the four molars at the back of the jaw, which only appears at about the age of 20 and sometimes does not appear at all. Same as wisdom tooth

thirst /θ! st/ noun a feeling of wanting to drink He had a fever and a violent thirst.

thirsty / θ! sti/ adjective wanting to drink If the patient is thirsty, give her a glass of water.

(NOTE: thirstier – thirstiest)

Thomas’s splint / tɒməs z spl nt/, Thomas splint / tɒməs spl nt/ noun a metal splint

used to keep a fractured leg still. It has a padded ring at the hip attached to rods to which bandages are bound and a bar under the foot at the lower end. [Described 1875. After Hugh Owen Thomas (1834–91), British surgeon and bonesetter.]

thorac- /θɔ rəs/ prefix same as thoraco- (used before vowels)

thoracectomy / θɔ rə sektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove one or more ribs

thoracentesis / θɔ rəsen ti s s/ noun same

as thoracocentesis

thoraces / θɔ rəsi z/ plural of thorax thoracic /θɔ r s k/ adjective referring to the

chest or thorax

thoracic aorta /θɔ r s k e ɔ tə/ noun part

of the aorta which crosses the thorax thoracic cavity /θɔ r s k k v ti/ noun

the chest cavity, containing the diaphragm,

heart and lungs

thoracic duct /θɔ r s k d"kt/ noun one of the main terminal ducts carrying lymph, on the

left side of the neck

thoracic inlet /θɔ r s k nlət/ noun a

small opening at the top of the thorax thoracic outlet /θɔ r s k aυtlet/ noun a

large opening at the bottom of the thorax

thoracic outlet syndrome /θɔ r s k aυtlet s ndrəυm/ noun same as scalenus


thoracic vertebrae /θɔ r s k v! t bri / plural noun the twelve vertebrae in the spine

behind the chest, to which the ribs are attached thoraco- /θɔ rəkəυ/ prefix relating to the tho-


thoracocentesis / θɔ rəkəυsen ti s s/ noun an operation in which a hollow needle is inserted into the pleura to drain fluid thoracolumbar / θɔ rəkəυ l"mbə/ adjective referring to the thoracic and lumbar areas of

the body

thoracoplasty / θɔ rəkəυpl sti/ noun a surgical operation to cut through the ribs to allow the lungs to collapse, formerly a treatment

for pulmonary tuberculosis

thoracoscope / θɔ rəkəskəυp/ noun a surgical instrument, like a tube with a light at the

end, used to examine the inside of the chest thoracoscopy / θɔ rə kɒskəpi/ noun an ex-

amination of the inside of the chest, using a


thoracotomy / θɔ rə kɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make a hole in the wall of the chest

thorax / θɔ r ks/ noun the cavity in the top part of the front of the body above the abdomen, containing the diaphragm, heart and lungs, and surrounded by the ribcage

thread /θred/ noun a thin piece of cotton, suture, etc. The surgeon used strong thread to make the suture. verb to insert a thin piece of cotton, suture, etc. through the eye of a needle thread vein / θred ve n/ noun a fine vein that

is visible through the skin

threadworm / θredw! m/ noun a thin parasitic worm, Enterobius vernicularis, which infests the large intestine and causes itching round the anus. Enterobius. Also called pinworm

thready / θredi/ adjective referring to a pulse which is very weak and can hardly be felt

/ θrɒmbəυ sa təυ

thready pulse


thready pulse / θredi p"ls/ noun a very weak pulse which is hard to detect threatened abortion / θret(ə)nd ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun a possible abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, indicated by bleeding

threonine / θri əni n/ noun an essential amino acid

threshold / θreʃhəυld/ noun 1. the point at which something starts, e.g. where something can be perceived by the body or where a drug starts to have an effect She has a low hearing threshold. 2. the point at which a sensation is strong enough to be sensed by the sensory nerves

‘…if intracranial pressure rises above the treatment threshold, it is imperative first to validate the reading and then to eliminate any factors exacerbating the rise in pressure’ [British Journal of Hospital Medicine]

thrill /θr l/ noun a vibration which can be felt with the hands

thrive /θra v/ verb to do well, to live and grow strongly

-thrix /θr ks/ suffix relating to a hair

throat /θrəυt/ noun 1. the top part of the tube which goes down from the mouth to the stomach 2. the front part of the neck below the chinto clear the throat to give a little cough

COMMENT: The throat carries both food from the mouth and air from the nose and mouth. It divides into the oesophagus, which takes food to the stomach, and the trachea, which takes air into the lungs.

throb /θrɒb/ verb 1. (of the heart) to beat harder and faster than usual, especially from exertion or fear 2. (of a painful part of the body) to experience pain which comes and goes regularly Once the local anaesthetic wore off his thumb began to throb.

throbbing / θrɒb ŋ/ adjective referring to pain which comes again and again like a heart beat She has a throbbing pain in her finger.He has a throbbing headache.

throbbing pain / θrɒb ŋ pe n/ noun pain which continues in repeated short attacks thrombectomy /θrɒm bektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove a blood clot thrombin / θrɒmb n/ noun a substance which converts fibrinogen to fibrin and so coagulates blood

thrombo- /θrɒmbəυ/ prefix 1. referring to a blood clot 2. referring to thrombosis thromboangiitis / θrɒmbəυ nd i a t s/ noun a condition in which the blood vessels swell and develop blood clots along their walls

thromboangiitis obliterans /

θrɒmbəυ nd i a t s əb l tərənz/ noun a disease of the arteries in which the blood vessels in a limb, usually the leg, become narrow, causing gangrene. Also called Buerger’s disease

thromboarteritis / θrɒmbəυ ɑ tə ra t s/ noun inflammation of an artery caused by


thrombocyte / θrɒmbəυsa t/ noun same as


thrombocythaemia / θrɒmbəυsa θi miə/ noun a disease in which someone has an unu-

sually high number of platelets in the blood thrombocytopenia / θrɒmbəυ sa təυ

pi niə/ noun a condition in which someone has an unusually low number of platelets in the blood


pen k/ adjective referring to thrombocytope-


thrombocytosis / θrɒmbəυsa təυs s/ noun an increase in the number of platelets in someone’s blood

thrombo-embolic deterrent stocking /

θrɒmbəυ em bɒl k d terənt stɒk ŋ/ noun a support stocking to prevent thrombus forma-

tion following surgery. Abbr TED

thromboembolism / θrɒmbəυ embəl z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which a

blood clot forms in one part of the body and moves through the blood vessels to block an-

other, usually smaller, part

thromboendarterectomy / θrɒmbəυ end ɑ tə rektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to

open an artery to remove a blood clot which is

blocking it

thromboendarteritis / θrɒmbəυ endɑ tə ra t s/ noun inflammation of the inside of an

artery, caused by thrombosis thrombokinase / θrɒmbəυ ka ne z/ noun

an enzyme which converts prothrombin into thrombin, so starting the sequence for coagu-

lation of blood. Also called thromboplastin thrombolysis /θrɒm bɒləs s/ noun same as


thrombolytic /θrɒmbəυ l t k/ adjective

same as fibrinolytic

thrombophlebitis / θrɒmbəυfl ba t s/ noun the blocking of a vein by a blood clot,

sometimes causing inflammation thromboplastic / θrɒmbəυ pl st k/ adjec-

tive causing or increasing the formation of

blood clots

thromboplastin / θrɒmbəυ pl st n/ noun

same as thrombokinase

thrombopoiesis / θrɒmbəυpɔ i s s/ noun the process by which blood platelets are formed

thrombose /θrɒm bəυz/ verb to cause thrombosis in a blood vessel, or be affected by thrombosis

thrombosis /θrɒm bəυs s/ noun the blocking of an artery or vein by a mass of coagulated


thrombus / θrɒmbəs/ noun same as blood clot



throw up / θrəυ "p/ verb same as vomit


thrush /θr"ʃ/ noun an infection of the mouth or the vagina with the bacterium Candida albicans

thumb /θ"m/ noun the short thick finger, with only two bones, which is separated from the other four fingers on the hand thumb-sucking / θ"m s"k ŋ/ noun the action of sucking a thumb Thumb-sucking tends to push the teeth forward.

thym- /θa m/ prefix referring to the thymus


thymectomy /θa mektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the thymus gland -thymia /θa miə/ suffix referring to a state of mind

thymic / θa m k/ adjective referring to the thymus gland

thymine / θa mi n/ noun one of the four basic chemicals in DNA

thymitis /θa ma t s/ noun inflammation of

the thymus gland

thymocyte / θa məυsa t/ noun a lymphocyte formed in the thymus gland

thymol / θa mɒl/ noun a colourless compound which is made synthetically or extract-

ed from thyme oil, used as an antiseptic thymoma /θa məυmə/ noun a tumour in the

thymus gland

thymus / θa məs/, thymus gland / θa məs &l nd/ noun an endocrine gland in the front part of the top of the thorax, behind the breastbone

COMMENT: The thymus gland produces lymphocytes and is responsible for developing the system of natural immunity in children. It grows less active as the person becomes an adult. Lymphocytes produced by the thymus are known as T-lymphocytes or T-cells.

thyro- /θa rəυ/ prefix referring to the thyroid gland


/ θa rəυk lsi təυn n/

noun same as calcitonin


thyrocele / θa rəυsi l/

noun swelling of the

thyroid gland



thyroglobulin / θa rəυ &lɒbjυl n/ noun protein stored in the thyroid gland which is broken

down into thyroxine

thyroglossal / θa rəυ &lɒs(ə)l/ adjective re-

ferring to the thyroid gland and the throat thyroglossal cyst / θa rəυ&lɒs(ə)l s st/

noun a cyst in the front of the neck

thyroid / θa rɔ d/, thyroid gland noun / θa * rɔ d &l nd/ an endocrine gland in the neck, which is activated by the pituitary gland and secretes a hormone which regulates the body’s metabolism adjective referring to the thyroid gland

COMMENT: The thyroid gland needs a supply of iodine in order to produce thyroxine. If the thyroid gland malfunctions, it can result in

hyperthyroidism (producing too much thyroxine) leading to goitre, or in hypothyroidism (producing too little thyroxine). Hyperthyroidism can be treated with carbimazole.

thyroid cartilage / θa rɔ d kɑ təl d / noun a large cartilage in the larynx, part of which forms the Adam’s apple. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement

thyroid depressant / θa rɔ d d pres(ə)nt/ noun a drug which reduces the activity of the thyroid gland

thyroid dysfunction / θa rɔ d d sf"ŋkʃ(ə)n/ noun malfunction of the thyroid


thyroidectomy / θa rɔ dektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove all or part of the thyroid gland

thyroid extract / θa rɔ d ekstr kt/ noun a substance extracted from thyroid glands of animals and used to treat hypothyroidism thyroid gland / θa rɔ d &l nd/ noun same

as thyroid

thyroid hormone / θa rɔ d hɔ məυn/ noun a hormone produced by the thyroid gland

thyroiditis / θa rɔ da t s/ noun inflammation of the thyroid gland

thyroid-stimulating hormone / θa rɔ dst mjυle t ŋ hɔ məυn/ noun a hormone se-

creted by the pituitary gland which stimulates the thyroid gland. Abbr TSH. Also called thy-


thyroparathyroidectomy / θa rəυ p rəθa rɔ dektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to

remove the thyroid and parathyroid glands thyroplasty / θa rəυpl sti/ noun a surgical procedure performed on the cartilages of the larynx to improve the quality of the voice thyrotomy /θa rɒtəmi/ noun a surgical opening made in the thyroid cartilage or the thyroid gland

thyrotoxic / θa rəυ tɒks k/ adjective referring to severe hyperthyroidism

thyrotoxic crisis / θa rəυ tɒks k kra s s/ noun a sudden illness caused by hyperthyroidism

thyrotoxic goitre / θa rəυ tɒks k &ɔ tə/ noun overactivity of the thyroid gland, as in hyperthyroidism

thyrotoxicosis / θa rəυtɒks kəυs s/ noun

same as hyperthyroidism

thyrotrophin / θa rəυ trəυf n/ noun same as thyroid-stimulating hormone (NOTE: The US term is thyrotropin.)

thyrotrophin-releasing hormone /

θa rəυ trəυf n r li s ŋ hɔ məυn/ noun a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus, which makes the pituitary gland release thyrotrophin, which in turn stimulates the thyroid gland. Abbr TRH

thyroxine /θa rɒksi n/ noun a hormone produced by the thyroid gland which regulates the



body’s metabolism and the conversion of food into heat, used in treatment of hypothyroidism

TIA abbr transient ischaemic attack

‘…blood pressure control reduces the incidence of first stroke and aspirin appears to reduce the risk of stroke after TIAs by some 15%’ [British Journal of Hospital Medicine]

tibia / t biə/ noun the larger of the two long bones in the lower leg between the knee and the ankle. Also called shinbone. Compare fibula

tibial / t biəl/ adjective referring to the tibia tibial artery / t biəl ɑ təri/ noun one of two arteries which run down the front and back of the lower leg

tibialis / t bi e l s/ noun one of two muscles in the lower leg running from the tibia to the foot

tibial torsion / t biəl tɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun a persistent slight twist in the tibia, caused by a cramped position in the uterus. It makes the feet of young children point inwards for up to a year after they begin to walk on their own, but it corrects itself as the leg grows.

tibio- /t biəυ/ prefix referring to the tibia tibiofibular / t biəυ f bjυlə/ adjective referring to both the tibia and the fibula

tic /t k/ noun an involuntary twitch of the muscles usually in the face (informal)

tic douloureux /t k du lə ru / noun same as trigeminal neuralgia

tick /t k/ noun a tiny parasite which sucks blood from the skin

tick fever / t k fi və/ noun an infectious disease transmitted by bites from ticks

t.i.d., TID adverb (used on prescriptions) three times a day. Full form ter in die

tidal air / ta d(ə)l eə/, tidal volume /

ta d(ə)l vɒlju m/ noun the amount of air that passes in and out of the body in breathing

-tidine /t di n/ suffix used for antihistamine drugs

tie /ta / verb to attach a thread with a knot

The surgeon quickly tied up the stitches. The nurse had tied the bandage too tight. (NOTE: ty-

ing – tied)

timolol / t məlɒl/ noun a beta-blocker used in the treatment of migraine, high blood pressure and glaucoma

tinct. abbr tincture

tincture / t ŋktʃə/ noun a medicinal substance dissolved in alcohol

tincture of iodine / t ŋktʃər əv a ədi n/ noun a weak solution of iodine in alcohol, used as an antiseptic

tinea / t niə/ noun ringworm

tinea barbae / t niə bɑ bi / noun a fungal infection in the beard

tinea capitis / t niə kə pa t s/ noun a fungal infection on the scalp

tinea cruris / t niə kru r s/ noun a fungal infection of the groin area, especially in hot


tinea pedis / t niə ped s/ noun same as athlete’s foot

tingle / t ŋ&əl/ verb to have a pricking or stinging sensation in a body part

tingling / t ŋ&l ŋ/ noun a feeling of pricking or stinging in a body part an unpleasant tingling down her arm adjective pricking or stinging a tingling sensation

tinnitus / t n təs/ noun a condition in which someone hears a ringing sound in the ears

COMMENT: Tinnitus can sound like bells, or buzzing, or a loud roaring sound. In some cases it is caused by wax blocking the auditory canal, but it is also associated with Ménière’s disease, infections of the middle ear and acoustic nerve conditions.

tipped womb / t pt wu m/ noun US same as retroverted uterus

tired / ta əd/ adjective feeling a need to rest tiredness / ta ədnəs/ noun the condition of

being tired

tired out / ta əd aυt/ adjective feeling extremely tired She is tired out after the physiotherapy.

tissue / t ʃu / noun a group of cells that carries out a specific function (NOTE: For other terms referring to tissue, see words beginning with hist-, histo-.)

COMMENT: Most of the body is made up of soft tissue, with the exception of the bones and cartilage. The main types of body tissue are connective, epithelial, muscular and nerve tis-


tissue culture / t ʃu k"ltʃə/ noun tissue grown in a culture medium in a laboratory

tissue plasminogen activator / t ʃu pl z m nəd ən kt ve tə/ noun an agent

given to cause fibrinolysis in blood clots. Abbr


tissue type / t ʃu ta p/ noun the immunological characteristics of a tissue that determine whether or not it can be successfully transplanted into another person

tissue typing / t ʃu ta p ŋ/ noun the process of identifying various elements in tissue from a donor and comparing them to those of the recipient to see if a transplant is likely to be rejected

titanium /ta te niəm/ noun a light metallic element which does not corrode (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Ti.)

titration /ta tre ʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of measuring the strength of a solution

titre / ti tə/ noun a measurement of the quan-

tity of antibodies in a serum

T-lymphocyte / ti l mfəsa t/ noun a lymphocyte formed in the thymus gland. Also called T-cell

TNM classification / ti en em kl s fke ʃ(ə)n/ noun an internationally agreed



standard which is the most widely used means for classifying the extent of cancer. T refers to the size of the tumour, N to the lymph node involvement and M to the presence or absence of metastasis.

toco- /təυkəυ/ prefix referring to childbirth tocography /tɒ kɒ&rəfi/ noun the process of recording the contractions of the uterus during childbirth

tocopherol /tɒ kɒfərɒl/ noun one of a group of fat-soluble compounds which make up vitamin E, found in vegetable oils and leafy green vegetables

toddler’s diarrhoea / tɒdləz da ə ri ə/ noun a condition in which recurrent loose stools are produced, often containing partially digested food. It usually occurs in children between the ages of one and three years.

Todd’s paralysis / tɒdz pə r ləs s/, Todd’s palsy / tɒdz pɔ lzi/ noun a temporary paralysis of part of the body which has been the starting point of focal epilepsy

toe /təυ/ noun one of the five separate parts at the end of the foot. Each toe is formed of three bones or phalanges, except the big toe, which only has two.

toenail / təυne l/ noun a thin hard growth covering the end of a toe

toileting / tɔ lət ŋ/ noun the act of helping someone to perform the actions of urinating or opening their bowels, including helping them to do so if they are unable to get out of bed or are incontinent

toilet training / tɔ lət tre n ŋ/ noun the process of teaching a small child to pass urine or faeces in a toilet, so that he or she no longer requires nappies

tolbutamide /tɒl bju təma d/ noun a drug which lowers blood-glucose levels by stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. It is used in the treatment of Type II diabetes. tolerance / tɒlərəns/ noun the ability of the body to tolerate a substance or an action He has been taking the drug for so long that he has developed a tolerance to it.

‘26 patients were selected from the outpatient department on grounds of disabling breathlessness, severely limiting exercise tolerance and the performance of activities of normal daily living’ [Lancet]

tolerate / tɒləre t/ verb 1. not to be affected by the unpleasant effects of something, especially not to experience bad effects from being exposed to something harmful 2. not to react to a drug through having developed a resistance to it

-tome /təυm/ suffix 1. a cutting instrument 2. a segment a dermatome

tomo- /təυməυ/ prefix referring to cutting or a section

tomogram / təυmə&r m/ noun a picture of part of the body taken by tomography

tomography /tə mɒ&rəfi/ noun the scanning of a particular part of the body using X-rays or ultrasound

-tomy /təmi/ suffix referring to a surgical operation

tone /təυn/ noun the slightly tense state of a healthy muscle when it is not fully relaxed. Also called tonicity, tonus

tongue /t"ŋ/ noun the long muscular organ inside the mouth which can move and is used for tasting, swallowing and speaking. The top surface is covered with papillae, some of which contain taste buds. The doctor told him to stick out his tongue and say ‘Ah’. Also called glossa (NOTE: For other terms referring to the tongue, see lingual and words beginning

with gloss-, glosso-.)

tongue depressor / t"ŋ d presə/ noun an instrument, usually a thin piece of wood, used by a doctor to hold someone’s tongue down while the throat is being examined tongue-tie / t"ŋ ta / noun the condition of being unable to move your tongue with the usual amount of freedom, because the small membrane which attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is unusually short

tonic / tɒn k/ adjective referring to a muscle which is contracted noun a substance which improves the someone’s general health or which makes a tired person more energetic

He is taking a course of iron tonic tablets. She asked the doctor to prescribe a tonic for her anaemia.

tonicity /təυ n s ti/ noun same as tone

tono- /təυnəυ/ prefix referring to pressure tonography /təυ nɒ&rəfi/ noun a measurement of the pressure inside an eyeball

tonometer /təυ nɒm tə/ noun an instrument which measures the pressure inside an organ, especially the eye

tonometry /təυ nɒmətri/ noun a measurement of pressure inside an organ, especially the eye

tonsil / tɒns(ə)l/ noun an area of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat in which lymph circulates and protects the body against germs entering through the mouth. Also called palatine tonsil

COMMENT: The tonsils are larger in children than in adults, and are more liable to infection. When infected, the tonsils become enlarged and can interfere with breathing.

tonsillar / tɒns lə/ adjective referring to the tonsils

tonsillectomy / tɒns lektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the tonsils

tonsillitis / tɒns la t s/ noun inflammation of the tonsils

tonsillotome /tɒn s lətəυm/ noun a surgical instrument used in cutting into or removing the tonsils



tonsillotomy / tɒns lɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make a cut into the tonsils tonus / təυnəs/ noun same as tone

tooth /tu θ/ noun one of a set of bones in the mouth which are used to chew food (NOTE: The plural is teeth. For other terms relating to the teeth, see words beginning with dent-.)

COMMENT: A tooth is formed of a soft core of pulp, covered with a layer of hard dentine. The top part of the tooth, the crown, which can be seen above the gum, is covered with hard shiny enamel which is very hard-wearing. The lower part of the tooth, the root, which attaches the tooth to the jaw, is covered with cement, also a hard substance, but which is slightly rough and holds the periodontal membrane which links the tooth to the jaw. The milk teeth in a child appear over the first two years of childhood and consist of incisors, canines and molars. The permanent teeth which replace them are formed of eight incisors, four canines, eight premolars and twelve molars. The last four molars (the third molars or wisdom teeth), are not always present, and do not appear much before the age of twenty. Permanent teeth start to appear about the age of five to six. The order of eruption of the permanent teeth is: first molars, incisors, premolars, canines, second molars, wisdom teeth.

toothache / tu θe k/ noun a pain in a tooth. Also called odontalgia

topagnosis / təυpə &nəυs s/ noun an inability to tell which part of your body has been touched, caused by a disorder of the brain tophus / təυfəs/ noun a deposit of solid crystals in the skin or in the joints, especially in someone with gout (NOTE: The plural is tophi.)

topical / tɒp k(ə)l/ adjective referring to a specific area of the external surface of the body suitable for topical application

‘…one of the most common routes of neonatal poisoning is percutaneous absorption following topical administration’ [Southern Medical Journal]

topical drug / tɒp k(ə)l dr"&/ noun a drug which is applied to a specific external part of the body only

topically / tɒp kli/ adverb by putting on a specific external part of the body only The cream is applied topically.

topo- /tɒpə/ prefix a place or region topographical / tɒpə &r f k(ə)l/ adjective referring to topography

topography /tə pɒ&rəfi/ noun the description of each particular part of the body

tormina / tɔ m nə/ noun same as colic

torpid / tɔ p d/ adjective describing a part of the body that has lost the ability to move or feel

torpor / tɔ pə/ noun a condition in which someone seems sleepy or slow to react

torsion / tɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the twisting of something, or a twisted state 2. the stress placed on an object which has been twisted

torso / tɔ səυ/ noun the main part of the body, not including the arms, legs and head. Also called trunk

torticollis / tɔ t kɒl s/ noun a condition of the neck, where the head is twisted to one side by contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Also called wry neck

total / təυt(ə)l/ adjective 1. complete He has total paralysis of the lower part of the body. 2. throughout the whole body

total body irradiation / təυt(ə)l bɒdire di e ʃ(ə)n/ noun treating the whole body

with radiation

total deafness / təυt(ə)l defnəs/ noun being unable to hear any sound at all. hearing loss

total hip arthroplasty / təυt(ə)l h pɑ θrəυpl sti/, total hip replacement /

təυt(ə)l h p r ple smənt/ noun the replacement of both the head of the femur and the acetabulum with an artificial joint

total hysterectomy / təυt(ə)l h stə rektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the

whole uterus

total pancreatectomy / təυt(ə)l p ŋkriə tektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the

whole pancreas together with part of the duodenum. Also called Whipple’s operation total recall / təυt(ə)l r kɔ l/ noun the fact of being able to remember something in complete detail

touch /t"tʃ/ noun one of the five senses, where sensations are felt by part of the skin, especially by the fingers and lips

COMMENT: Touch is sensed by receptors in the skin which send impulses back to the brain. The touch receptors can tell the difference between hot and cold, hard and soft, wet and dry, and rough and smooth.

tough /t"f/ adjective unable to break or tear easily The meninges are covered by a layer of tough tissue, the dura mater.

Tourette’s syndrome /tu rets s n drəυm/, Tourette syndrome /tu ret s n

drəυm/ noun a condition which includes involuntary movements, tics, use of foul language and respiratory disorders. Also called

Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome

tourniquet / tɔ n ke / noun an instrument or tight bandage wrapped round a limb to constrict an artery, so reducing the flow of blood and stopping bleeding from a wound

tox- /tɒks/ prefix same as toxo- (used before vowels)

toxaemia /tɒk si miə/ noun the presence of poisonous substances in the blood. blood

poisoning (NOTE: The US spelling is toxemia.)

toxaemia of pregnancy /tɒk si miə əv pre&nənsi/ noun a condition which can affect

women towards the end of pregnancy, in which they develop high blood pressure and pass protein in the urine



toxic / tɒks k/ adjective poisonous

toxic goitre / tɒks k &ɔ tə/ noun a type of goitre due to hyperthyroidism in which the limbs tremble and the eyes protrude

toxicity /tɒk s s ti/ noun 1. the degree to which a substance is poisonous or harmful 2. the amount of poisonous or harmful material in a substance

toxico- /tɒks kəυ/ prefix referring to poison toxicogenic / tɒks kəυ d en k/ adjective

same as toxigenic

toxicologist / tɒks kɒləd st/ noun a sci-

entist who specialises in the study of poisons toxicology / tɒks kɒləd i/ noun the scien-

tific study of poisons and their effects on the human body

toxicosis / tɒks kəυs s/ noun poisoning toxic shock syndrome / tɒks k ʃɒk s n*

drəυm/ noun a serious condition caused by a staphylococcus infection of the skin or soft tissue. Its symptoms include vomiting, high fever, faintness, muscle aches, a rash and confusion. Abbr TSS

toxigenic / tɒks d en k/ adjective caused or produced by a toxin. Also called toxicogenic toxin / tɒks n/ noun a poisonous substance produced in the body by microorganisms, and which, if injected into an animal, stimulates

the production of antitoxins

toxo- /tɒksəυ/ prefix referring to poison toxocariasis / tɒksəkə ra əs s/ noun the in-

festation of the intestine with worms from a

dog or cat. Also called visceral larva migrans toxoid / tɒksɔ d/ noun a toxin which has

been treated and is no longer poisonous, but which can still provoke the formation of antibodies. Toxoids are used as vaccines, and are injected into a patient to give immunity against

specific diseases.

toxoid-antitoxin / tɒksɔ d nt tɒks n/ noun a mixture of a toxoid and an antitoxin,

used as a vaccine

toxoplasmosis / tɒksəυpl z məυs s/ noun a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma which is carried by animals. Toxoplasmosis can cause encephalitis or hydrocephalus and can be fatal.

TPA abbr tissue plasminogen activator trabecula /trə bekjυlə/ noun a thin strip of

stiff tissue which divides an organ or bone tissue into sections (NOTE: The plural is trabecu-


trabeculectomy /trə bekjυ lektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to treat glaucoma by cutting a channel through trabeculae to link with Schlemm’s canal

trace /tre s/ noun a very small amount

There are traces of the drug in the blood sample. The doctor found traces of alcohol in the patient’s urine. verb to find someone or something that you are looking for

trace element / tre s el mənt/ noun a substance which is essential to the human body, but only in very small quantities

COMMENT: The trace elements are cobalt, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.

tracer / tre sə/ noun a substance, often a radioactive one, injected into a substance in the body, so that doctors can follow its passage round the body

trache- /tre ki/ prefix same as tracheo- (NOTE: used before vowels)

trachea /trə ki ə/ noun the main air passage which runs from the larynx to the lungs, where it divides into the two main bronchi. It is about 10 cm long, and is formed of rings of cartilage and connective tissue. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement. Also called windpipe tracheal /trə ki əl/ adjective referring to the trachea

tracheal tugging /trə ki əl t"& ŋ/ noun the feeling that something is pulling on the windpipe when the person breathes in, a symptom of aneurysm

tracheitis / tre ki a t s/ noun inflammation of the trachea due to an infection trachelorrhaphy / tre ki lɒrəfi/ noun a surgical operation to repair tears in the cervix of the uterus

tracheo- /tre kiəυ/ prefix relating to the trachea

tracheobronchial / tre kiəυ brɒŋkiəl/ adjective referring to both the trachea and the bronchi

tracheobronchitis / tre kiəυbrɒŋ ka t s/ noun inflammation of both the trachea and the bronchi

tracheo-oesophogeal / tre kiəυ i sɒfə d i əl/ adjective referring to both the trachea and the oesophagus

tracheostomy / tr ki ɒstəmi/, tracheotomy / tr ki ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to

make a hole through the throat into the windpipe, so as to allow air to get to the lungs in cases where the trachea is blocked, as in pneumonia, poliomyelitis or diphtheria

COMMENT: After the operation, a tube is inserted into the hole to keep it open. The tube may be permanent if it is to bypass an obstruction, but can be removed if the condition improves. trachoma /trə kəυmə/ noun a contagious viral inflammation of the eyelids, common in tropical countries, which can cause blindness

if the conjunctiva becomes scarred

tract /tr kt/ noun 1. a series of organs or tubes which allow something to pass from one part of the body to another 2. a series or bundle of nerve fibres connecting two areas of the nervous system and transmitting nervous impulses in one or in both directions

‘GI fistulae are frequently associated with infection because the effluent contains bowel organisms

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