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Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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adj. 1 forged, fake, fraudulent, imitation, bogus, spurious, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The bank reported the counterfeit money to the police. 2 make-believe, sham, pretended, pretend, feigned, insincere, fake, faked, false, artificial, meretricious, pseudo, factitious, synthetic, unreal, simulated: You were warned about his counterfeit sincerity.

--n. 3 fake, imitation, forgery, reproduction, Colloq phoney or US also phony: This is the original deed, that one is a counterfeit.

--v. 4 forge, copy, reproduce, falsify, imitate; Slang hang paper: He made a living counterfeiting passports. 5 feign, pretend, simulate, put on, fake: The suspects have shown signs of wealth that are difficult to counterfeit.


n. Slang paper-hanger: The counterfeiter, who forged only five-pound notes, was arrested today.

country n. 1 nation, state, power; territory, realm: How many countries belong to the British Commonwealth? 2 (native) land, homeland, fatherland, motherland, mother country: I would gladly fight for my country. 3 countryside, rural area or surroundings, provinces, hinterlands; mountains, woods, wilderness, outback, Colloq sticks, US boondocks, boonies: We are spending our holiday in the country.

couple n. 1 pair, duo, twosome; brace, span, yoke, team: They certainly make a nice couple. 2 a couple of. a few, several, a handful (of), one or two, three or four: I'll be with you in a couple of minutes.

--v. 3 join, link, yoke, combine, unite, match up, connect: The two carriages are easily coupled together.

courage n. bravery, valour, boldness, intrepidity, gallantry, dauntlessness, daring, fearlessness, heroism, nerve, Colloq grit, guts, pluck, spunk, US moxie, sand, Slang Brit bottle: She had the courage to face the two of them alone.


adj. brave, valiant, valorous, bold, intrepid, gallant, dauntless, daring, fearless, heroic, Colloq plucky: The soldiers were very courageous and fought against tremendous odds.

course n. 1 path, way, orbit, route, run, track, ambit, line, circuit, passage: We continued on our course. The sun pursued its fiery course across the heavens. 2 movement, progress, headway, advance, progression; speed: The driver slackens his course at the curves. 3 procedure, process, performance, routine, conduct, order, practice, dispatch or despatch, execution: In the course of her duties, she handles a great deal of money. 4 direction, tack: If we stay on this course we'll run aground.

5 class, lecture, seminar, programme: You should sign up for a course in English grammar. 6 of course. naturally, surely, certainly, positively, obviously, definitely, assuredly, by all means; undoubtedly, indubitably, without (a) doubt, no doubt, Colloq US sure: Of course I'll go to the theatre with you!

courteous adj. polite, well-mannered, well-behaved, gentlemanly, ladylike, well-bred, polished, urbane, civilized, respectful, civil, courtly, proper, decorous, tactful, considerate,

diplomatic: He might have been rude to you, but he was always quite courteous to me.

courtesy n. politeness, elegance, courtliness, politesse, courteousness, respect, respectfulness, good manners, formality, civility, ceremony: I much appreciated the courtesy with which they treated me.

cover v. 1 protect, shelter, shield, screen; guard, defend, command: The guns covered the approaches to the town. 2 Also, cover up or over. conceal, hide, bury, mask, shroud, obscure; dissemble; enclose, envelop: I was unable to cover my embarrassment. Her face was covered by the hood of the cloak. 3 overlie, spread over, overspread, lie on, layer, coat, blanket: Oil covers the surface of the lake. 4 wrap, swaddle: Mother covered us with warm blankets. 5 dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe, sheathe:

She was covered in silk from neck to ankle. 6 extend or stretch over, occupy, engulf, inundate, submerge: A lake has covered the original site of Abu Simbel. 7 include, comprehend, provide

for, comprise, extend over, contain, embody, incorporate, account for, take into account, take in, deal with: This report covers our activities over the past year. 8 act, take responsibility or charge, stand or sit in, substitute, take

over, run things, double: Go and get some coffee - I'll cover for you. 9 traverse, complete, pass or travel over, travel, cross: With frequent stops, we could not cover more than 50

miles a day. 10 compensate for, defray, be enough or sufficient for, counter, offset, counterbalance, make up for, insure or protect against: The policy covers losses of up to a million.

--n. 11 lid, top, cap, covering: I can't find the cover for this pot. 12 binding, boards, wrapper, dust-jacket, jacket:

You can't tell a book by its cover. 13 Often, covers. blanket, quilt, eiderdown, duvet, bedclothes, bedding, (bed) linen; coverlet, counterpane; US comforter: I crept into bed and pulled the covers over my head. 14 shelter, protection, concealment, hiding-place, hide-out, retreat, refuge; hide, US and Canadian blind; Colloq Brit hidey-hole: We tried to find some sort of cover till the sun went down. 15 cloak, screen,

disguise, concealment, pretence, front, camouflage, smokescreen, cover-up, mask, covering: His bluster and bullying were only a cover for his cowardice.

coward n. poltroon, craven, dastard, sissy or cissy, baby, mouse, milksop; Scaramouch or Scaramouche; Colloq chicken, Slang yellow-belly; US and Canadian milquetoast: He's such a coward that he's afraid of his own shadow.

cowardice n. cowardliness, chicken-heartedness, faint-heartedness, timidity, timorousness, pusillanimity: Owing to the cowardice of the lieutenant, the troop surrendered without a shot being fired.

cowardly adj. timid, fearful, frightened, afraid, scared, faint-hearted, timorous, chicken-hearted, chicken-livered, lily-livered, white-livered, craven, namby-pamby, dastardly, pusillanimous, vitelline, Slang yellow, yellow-bellied: The cowardly rascals ran from the battle.


adj. shy, modest, diffident, demure, timid, bashful,


self-conscious, sheepish, timorous, unassuming, unpretentious;


reserved, self-effacing, retiring, evasive, reluctant,

recalcitrant: She was so coy she would disappear whenever we had guests.

3.7 crack...


crack n. 1 break, fracture, chink, crevice, rift, gap, flaw, split, fissure, slit, cleft, split, check, rupture, breach: The crack

in the dam was caused by an earthquake. 2 snap, report, bang, clap, shot: I ducked when I heard the crack of the rifle. 3 moment, instant, time, second: She gets up at the crack of dawn.

--v. 4 snap: He cracks the whip and the horses start up. 5 break, fracture, rupture; shiver, shatter, smash: He fell backwards on the pavement and cracked his skull. 6 fissure, craze, crackle, US alligator: The heat of the sun caused the paint to crack.

craft n. 1 skill, ability, artisanship, handiwork, ingenuity, skilfulness, art, talent, dexterity, cleverness, mastery, expertness, expertise, flair, genius , Colloq know-how: Considerable craft is required to make that kind of jewellery. 2 deceit, guile, cunning, fraud, trickery, wiliness, foxiness, artfulness, craftiness, duplicity: He exhibits that crooked wisdom called craft. 3 trade, occupation, calling, vocation, m‚tier; profession: He was a member of one of the medieval craft guilds. 4 vessel, ship, boat; hovercraft; aircraft, aeroplane, plane; spaceship, spacecraft, rocket: One day there will be at least as many craft in space as there now are in the air.

--v. 5 make, fashion, fabricate: She crafted the figures out of solid wood.

crafty adj. artful, cunning, clever, shrewd, foxy, canny, wily, sly, scheming, calculating, designing, plotting, tricky, sneaky, deceitful, shifty, dodgy, guileful, insidious, double-dealing, two-faced, duplicitous, treacherous: That crafty beggar has made off with my life's savings.


n. cliff, bluff, tor, peak, rock, escarpment, scarp, precipice,

US palisade: Soaring above us was a huge crag that we still had to climb.


v. 1 pack, stuff, overstuff, overcrowd, jam, fill: The car was

crammed to the top with suitcases. 2 study, burn the midnight

oil, Literary lucubrate, Colloq grind, Brit swot: Bob can't go

out because he's cramming for an exam.


adj. tight, crowded, incommodious, uncomfortable, close: The

tiny cabin was too cramped to hold all of us at once.


n. 1 eccentric, character, oddity, Colloq nut; Slang Brit

nutter, nutcase: Pay no attention to Jason, he's just a crank.

2 monomaniac, zealot, fanatic: The restaurant is patronized

mainly by health-food cranks.


adj. 1 eccentric, odd, weird, strange, queer, peculiar, quirky,

capricious, whimsical: He's a cranky old bird who hardly goes

out at all. 2 testy, grouchy, crabby, short-tempered, surly, irascible, waspish, churlish, gruff, curmudgeonly, cantankerous, choleric, snappish, petulant, peevish, contentious, querulous, irritable, splenetic, Colloq crotchety: He's always cranky before breakfast.


n. chink, crevice, crack, fissure, check, fracture, break,

furrow, split, cleft: Flowers grew from the crannies in the

ancient wall.


v. 1 fall, topple: The vase crashed onto the stone floor. 2

force, drive, run, smash: He crashed the car into a wall. 3 bang, boom, explode: The thunder crashed all around us.

--n. 4 boom, bang, smash, explosion, blast: We heard a great crash as the building collapsed. 5 disaster, collapse, failure: The stock-market crash has had a devastating effect.

crawl v. 1 creep, worm, wriggle, wiggle, squirm; edge: A spider is crawling on your collar. 2 inch, creep, drag: For a solid hour the cars just crawled along at a snail's pace. 3 cower, cringe, grovel, toady, fawn: Don't worry, he'll soon come crawling,

begging you to take him back. 4 teem, abound, swarm, be overrun or swamped: The scene of the crime crawled with police.

craze n. fad, fashion, trend, enthusiasm, rage, mania, thing, obsession; last word, dernier cri: The craze for printed T-shirts goes on and on.

crazy adj. 1 mad, insane, demented, deranged, unbalanced, unhinged, lunatic, non compos mentis, daft, certifiable, mental, touched

(in the head), out of one's mind or head, mad as a March hare or hatter, maddened, crazed, Colloq barmy or balmy, cuckoo, cracked, crackers, crack-brained, dotty, daffy, dippy, gaga, goofy, crackpot, loony, off one's rocker, have a screw loose, screwy, batty, bats, bats in the belfry, Brit barmy (in the crumpet), potty, bonkers, round the bend or twist, off one's chump, doolally, US off one's trolley, out of one's gourd, screwball, nuts, nutty (as a fruit cake); Slang bananas, US out to lunch, meshuga, flaky, flaked-out, (plumb) loco: His wife thinks he's crazy to want to walk around the world. 2 silly, absurd, foolish, nonsensical, inane, ridiculous, preposterous, laughable, risible, ludicrous, asinine, stupid, moronic,

imbecile or imbecilic, idiotic, feeble-minded, hare-brained, Colloq crackpot: Someone came up with a crazy idea of a square tennis ball to slow down the game. 3 impractical, impracticable, unworkable, unsound, pointless, imprudent, rash, reckless, ill-considered: Columbus' plan to sail round the world was thought to be crazy at the time. 4 enthusiastic, eager, avid,

zealous, keen, excited: I'm really crazy about windsurfing. 5

infatuated, keen on or about, wild, mad, Colloq dotty, US nuts,

nutty; Slang US ape: Marjorie, I'm absolutely crazy about you.


v. 1 make, produce, form, bring into being, originate,

conceive; sire, father: The question remains whether God

created Man or vice versa. 2 engender, beget, spawn, generate,

invent, imagine, think up, frame, forge, fashion, fabricate,

manufacture, develop, design, contrive, devise, produce, dream

up, initiate: Here is where they create many of the most

successful television advertisements.


n. 1 beginning, origin, birth, start, inception, genesis,

making, formation: The creation of the lake began with the damming of the stream. 2 the world, the universe, the cosmos: He was the most wicked man in the history of all creation.

creative adj. imaginative, inventive, originative, artistic, original, ingenious, resourceful: A truly creative artist seldom lacks

for inspiration.

creator n. 1 originator, author, initiator, founder, father, inventor, architect, designer, framer, maker, prime mover: The creator of this painting must have been a genius. 2 God, Supreme Being, the Deity: Some day you will have to answer to your Creator for your sins.

creature n. 1 being, organism, entity, living thing: The hound had the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature. 2 creature comforts. (physical or bodily or material or mundane or superficial or non-spiritual) luxuries: He has the money to enjoy all the creature comforts.


n. 1 belief, faith, trust, credence: I don't give much credit


to what they say. 2 creditation, acknowledgement or


acknowledgment, attribution, ascription: Credit for inventing


the telegraph goes to Guglielmo Marconi. 3 trust, confidence,


faithfulness, reliability, trustworthiness, honesty, probity,


dependability; solvency: Her credit rating at the bank is


excellent. 4 honour, commendation, praise, tribute, acclaim,


esteem, recognition, merit: The team's victory in the finals


has brought credit to the school.


--v. 5 believe, trust, hold accountable, put or place one's


faith or confidence in, have faith or confidence in, rely on,


accept, depend on or upon: If you credit the Bible, the world


was created in six days. 6 ascribe, acknowledge, attribute,


assign; impute: The goal was credited to Barnes.


n. tenet, dogma, doctrine, credo, teaching, principles, belief,


set of beliefs: She adheres to the creed of the Golden Rule.


n. 1 Brit inlet, bay, cove, harbour: Overnight we moored in a


little creek, sheltered from the sea. 2 US and Canadian stream,


streamlet, brook, rivulet, rill, runnel, run, burn: We used to


fish in the creek behind the house.


v. 1 crawl, slither, inch, squirm, wriggle, wiggle: A tiny


lizard was creeping up the wall. 2 crawl, drag: The hours


creep by slowly when you have nothing to do. 3 steal, sneak;


slink, skulk, tiptoe, Colloq pussyfoot: The thief must have


crept in through the kitchen window. Someone is creeping about

out there in the dark.

crescent n. 1 demi-lune, semi-lune, lune, lunette: The moon's crescent hung low in the western sky.

--adj. 2 crescent-shaped, demi-lune, semi-lune, biconcave, concavo-concave: For chopping, the chef uses a crescent blade that just fits into a curved wooden bowl.

crest n. 1 top, summit, pinnacle, peak, head, ridge: The surfers rode in on the crest of a wave. 2 seal, device, figure, badge, emblem, insigne, symbol, design: The school crest shows an inkpot and a scroll.

--v. 3 top, crown, surmount, cap: The ancient walls were crested with ivy. 4 culminate, reach, top, US top out: The flood-waters crested at nine feet.

crevasse n. gorge, chasm, abyss, ravine, fissure, crack, furrow: One of the climbers fell into a crevasse in the glacier.


n. crack, fissure, chink, cleft, cranny, groove, furrow, break,

split, rift: Water ran down the crevices in the rocks.


n. group, company, band, troupe, party, gang, team, corps,

body: We shall need a crew of twenty for tomorrow's job.


n. offence, violation, misdeed, wrong; felony, misdemeanour;

lawlessness: The number of crimes of violence is increasing.

criminal adj. 1 illegal, unlawful, illicit, lawless, dishonest, Colloq crooked: Arson is a criminal act. We have to weed out the criminal element. 2 wicked, evil, bad, wrong, corrupt, vile, black, immoral, amoral, sinful, villainous, iniquitous, flagitious, depraved; disgraceful, reprehensible: The way they treat their children is absolutely criminal.

--n. 3 felon, convict, lawbreaker, outlaw, culprit, offender, miscreant, malefactor, wrongdoer, villain, scoundrel, knave, blackguard; gangster, Mafioso, desperado, racketeer; hoodlum, thug, hooligan, tough, ruffian, terrorist, Colloq roughneck, bad guy, black hat, bad hat, baddie or baddy, crook; Slang hood, US mobster: He was arrested for consorting with known criminals.

cringe v. 1 cower, wince, flinch, quail, recoil, blench, tremble, quiver, quake or shake in one's boots or shoes, shrink: That dirty little coward cringed even when they called his name. 2 defer, kowtow, grovel, crawl, fawn, boot-lick, US apple-polish; Slang kiss someone's arse or US and Canadian ass, Taboo slang brown-nose: The man cringed before the magistrate, his eyes downcast, tugging his forelock.

cripple n. 1 amputee, paralytic: He has been a cripple since the accident.

--v. 2 disable, lame, incapacitate, handicap, maim; impair, damage, weaken, debilitate, emasculate, enervate: She was crippled when a child. The dictator's power was crippled by the revolt.

crippled adj. 1 disabled, lame, handicapped, incapacitated; weakened, weak, debilitated: He takes care of his crippled mother. The crippled party platform succumbed to attack from the far left. 2 damaged, immobilized, inoperative: The crew stayed with the crippled vessel.


n. 1 turning-point, critical time or moment: She has passed


the crisis and will be better tomorrow. 2 disaster, emergency,


calamity, catastrophe, danger: The storm has created a crisis


and the residents are being evacuated.


adj. 1 brittle, crunchy, friable, breakable, crumbly,


frangible: Keep the biscuits crisp in this special jar. 2


curly, crispy, crinkly, frizzy, frizzled: His hair is brown and


crisp, just like his father's. 3 US chip: I'll bet you can't


eat just one potato crisp.

critical adj. 1 carping, fault-finding, censorious, disparaging, depreciatory or depreciative, depreciating, deprecatory or deprecative, deprecating, judgemental: The article was highly critical of the council. 2 crucial, important, essential,

basic, key, decisive, pivotal, vital, momentous: The meeting at the bank will be critical for us. 3 grave, serious, dangerous, uncertain, perilous, severe, touch-and-go, ticklish, sensitive, touchy, Colloq parlous: His illness has reached the critical stage.

criticism n. 1 judgement, evaluation, appraisal, analysis, assessment, estimation, valuation: Their criticism was generally favourable. 2 censure, disapproval, condemnation, disparagement: I was very upset by her criticism of my behaviour. 3 critique, review, commentary: My sister writes the theatre criticisms for the local paper.

criticize v. 1 judge, evaluate, value, assess, appraise, estimate; discuss, analyse: He criticizes books for the quarterly. 2 censure, find fault (with), carp (at), cavil (at), condemn, attack, denounce, disapprove (of), put down, impugn, blast, lambaste, Colloq pan, knock, Brit slate: His book was criticized because of its poor scholarship. Why must he constantly criticize, even when there's nothing wrong?

crooked adj. 1 criminal, dishonest, illegal, unlawful, illicit, wrong, perverse, Slang Brit bent: Selling a stolen painting is crooked. 2 bent, bowed, askew, awry, deformed, distorted, contorted, lopsided, twisted, misshapen, disfigured, warped, gnarled: Because of the constant west wind, the trees are all crooked.

cross n. 1 crucifix, rood: In ancient times, it was common to execute certain criminals by nailing them to a cross. 2 hybrid, cross-breed, mongrel; blend, combination: This fruit is a cross between a plum and a pear.

--v. 3 cross off or out. strike out, erase, cancel, rub out, delete, wipe out: After that remark, I'm crossing you off my list. 4 meet, intersect, join: The roads cross further on. 5 cross over, go across, pass over, span, traverse: The bridge crosses the river here.

--adj. 6 peevish, irritated, annoyed, piqued, irritable, testy, snappish, irascible, surly, choleric, splenetic, grouchy, huffish or huffy, pettish, cranky, grumpy, touchy, moody, fractious, vexed, curmudgeonly, petulant, waspish, querulous, cantankerous, crusty, short-tempered, on a short fuse, Colloq crotchety, Slang Brit shirty: He's cross because he has a headache. 7 annoyed, irritated, angry, irate, furious: I was very cross that you took the car without permission.