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Sex Slang

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yaffle verb

to engage in oral sex UK, 1998

From the sense ‘to eat’.

Yaffle the yoghurt cannon (the penis).

— Chris Donald, Roger’s Profanisaurus


yardage noun

a big penis US, 1972

— Bruce Rodgers, The Queens’ Vernacular 1972

ya-ya’s noun

the female breasts US, 2005

The brunette hardbody’s ya-yas did get a nice workout as one of Baywatch’s first luscious lifeguards[.] — Mr. Skin,

Mr. Skin’s Skincyclopedia 2005

ying yang noun

the penis US, 1981

Maledicta Summer/Winter, 1981: ‘Five years and 121 dirty words later’

yodel verb

< yodel up the valley

to perform oral sex on a woman AUSTRALIA, 1971

An elaboration of conventional ‘yodel’.

BARRY: Well, I dunno about you Suke – but I feel like dining at the Y. SUKE: Well darls [darling] if you wanted to yodel up the valley youse had your chance[.] — Barry Humphries, Bazza Pulls It Off! 1971

yoyo nickers; yo-yo knickers noun

a woman who (allegedly) exhibits a casual readiness for sexual encounters UK, 1999

The image is drawn of panties going up and down, up and down.

Come on, let’s go and see Beverly yoyo nickers then. — Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash, The Royle Family 1999


zig-zig noun

sexual intercourse UK, 1918

Familiar pidgin in the Far, Near and Middle East and Mediterranean, originally military; a variation of JIG-A-JIG. Used by US soldiers in the South Pacific.

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, / I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah. — Spice Girls Wannabe 1996

zoo noun

a zoophile, a person with a sexual interest in animals UK, 2002

The bible of these self-labelled zoophiles is a book entitled Dearest Pet (one reader states, “it provides for us zoo’s [sic] a thorough description of our heritage, as it were, dating back to medieval”). — Kathleen Kurik Bryson,

Lap Dogs and Other Perversions [Inappropriate Behaviour] 2002

zooms noun

the female breasts US, 1968

Ashortened form of BAZOOMS.

— Collin Baker et al., College Undergraduate Slang Study Conducted at Brown University 1968