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ers and business cards, although Illustrator or InDesign are often better for those tasks.

Photoshop is called Photoshop for a reason that it is an excellent 4… for editing photos. If a designer is preparing a digital or scanned photograph for use in a project, whether it is a website, brochure, book design or packaging, the first step is often to bring it into 5…. Using a variety of tools within the software, a designer can:

Crop photos.

Resize photos.

Adjust and correct colors.

Touch-up photos, such as “erasing” 6… or removing a tear or fold.

Apply a large selection of 7… such as “watercolor” for special effects and


Optimize photos for the web by choosing 8… formats and reducing 9… size.

Save photos in a variety of formats for use in print projects.

Use their creativity to perform 10… tasks.

XVII. Read Text III, be ready with the annotation.



When starting a new design project, there are steps of the graphic design process to follow that will help you to achieve the best results. Rather than jump right into a graphics software program to try to create a final version, you can save yourself time and energy by first researching the topic, finalizing your content, starting with simple sketches and getting several rounds of approval on designs.

Gather Information

Before you can start a project you of course need to know what your client needs. Gathering information is the first step of the graphic design process. When approached for a new job, set up a meeting to discuss the scope of the work. Be sure to gather as much information as possible:

Aside from the product your client needs (such as a logo or a website), ask questions such as:

Who is the audience?

What is the message?

How many pages is the piece?

What are the dimensions?

Is there a specific budget?

Is there a deadline for completion?


Can the client provide examples of design they like?

Is there an existing corporate brand that needs to be matched?

Take detailed notes, which you can use later for the next step of the design pro-


Create an Outline

Using the information collected in your meeting you'll be able to develop an outline of the content and goal of the project, which you can present to your client for approval before proceeding. For a website, include all of the major sections and the content for each. Include the dimensions and technical specifications for print or web work as well. Present this outline to your client, and ask for any changes. Once this is finalized, you know you are in agreement on what the piece will include and can proceed to the next step of the graphic design process.

NOTE: It is at this time that you would provide a proposal to your client as well, including the cost and timeframe for the work, but here we are focusing on the design process.

Harness Your Creativity!

Design should be creative! Before moving on to the design itself (don't worry, that's next) take some time to think about creative solutions for the project. You can use the client's examples of favorite work as guidelines for what they like and don't like, but your goal should be to come up with something new and different that will separate them from the rest (unless of course they specifically asked to fit in). Ways to get the creative juices flowing include:

Brainstorming: Get together with a group and throw out any and all ideas.

Visit a museum: Get inspired by the originals.

Read a book: Something as small as a color or shape in a graphic design book could spark a completely original idea.

Take a walk: Sometimes its best to get outside and watch the world...you never know what will spark your imagination.

Draw: Even if you're not an “artist”, doodle some ideas on a page.

Once you have some ideas for the project it's time to start creating a structured layout.

Sketches and Wireframes

Before moving into a software program such as Illustrator or InDesign, it is helpful to create some simple sketches of the layout of a piece. This way, you can show your client some ideas without spending too much time on design. Find out if you are headed in the right direction by providing quick sketches of logo concepts, line drawings of layouts showing where elements will be placed on the page or even a quick


handmade version of a package design. For web design, wireframes are a great way to start with your page layouts.

Design Multiple Versions

Now that you've done your research, finalized your content and gotten approval on some sketches you can move on to the actual design phases of the graphic design process. While you may knock out the final design in one shot, it's usually a good idea to present your client with at least two versions of a design. You can agree on how many unique versions are included in a job in your proposal. This gives the client some options and allows you to combine their favorite elements from each.

TIP: Be sure to keep even the versions or ideas that you choose NOT to present and that you might not even like at the time, as you never know when they'll come in handy.


Be sure to let your client know that you encourage “mixing and matching” the designs you provide. They may like the background color on one design and the font choices on another. From their suggestions you can present a second round of design. Don't be afraid to give your opinion on what looks best after all, you're the designer! After this second round, it isn't uncommon to have a couple more rounds of changes before reaching a final design.

Stick to the Steps

When following these steps, be sure to finish each one before moving on to the next. If you conduct solid research, you know you can create an accurate outline. With an accurate outline, you have the information necessary to sketch out some ideas. With the approval of these ideas, you can move on to create the actual design, which once revised, will be your final piece. That's much better than having a client say “Where's the Logo?” after the work is already done!

XVIII. Read Text IV and give a brief summary of it.



Advertisements: like many graphic design fields, working in advertising takes you far beyond creating designs and page layouts. While a specific job may be to create a print ad for a campaign, this field requires an understanding of marketing, public relations and consumers. Along with the business side, a design in the advertising field will need to know a great deal about print production and preparing works for print in various publications and formats.

When working in advertising one can expect to:


Design magazine advertisements.

Design newspaper advertisements.

Perform market research.

Perform consumer research.

Need a thorough understanding of the brand.

Handle projects from design to production.

Work directly or for an ad agency.

Understand both print and online advertising.

Work directly with illustrators, photographers and other team members. Working in book design can mean several things. For some, it may be creating

elaborate book covers and jacket designs from scratch. For others, it may mean hours of detailed-oriented layout work. Designing a book cover means first understanding the nature of the book, and then the audience, and in today’s market, creating something that sells. This work may be done as a freelancer or in-house for a book publisher.

When working in book design one can expect to:

Design covers.

Design book jackets.

Work in page layout.

Learn the rules of typography.

Work with deadlines.

Depending on the project, book design and layout can call for all types of graphic design software. Covers that incorporate photography will most likely be brought into Photoshop at some point. Others that need original artwork and clever typography will likely be done in a program like Illustrator. For layout of full books, InDesign and Quark are used throughout the industry.

Book designers must pay close attention to the legal issues to protect their work. A fair contract will enable the designer to make additional money for a second printing or paperback printing that goes beyond the original run of a book. This allows the designer to share in the success of the product and not give unlimited use of the design. Designers should also look to get their credit on books they design, which will help to promote their business.

XIX. Discuss with your classmates the opportunities of modern graphic design using the active vocabulary.

XX. Write a short essay about the graphic design process.



1.Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил.

2.Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил.

3.Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил.




How to Write an Annotation

An annotation is a brief description of a work such as an article, chapter of a book, book, Web site, or movie. An annotation attempts to give enough information to make a decision as to whether or not to read the complete work. Annotations may be descriptive or critical.

An annotation should include

Complete bibliographic information.

Some or all of the following:

Information to explain the authority and/or qualifications of the author. For example: Dr. William Smith, a history professor at XYZ University, based his book on twenty years of research.

Scope and main purpose of the work.

Any biases that you detect.

Intended audience and level of reading difficulty.

The relationship, if any, to other works in the area of study.

A summary comment, e.g., “A popular account directed at educated adults” .

The annotation should be about 100 to 200 words.

Sample Annotation





Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W. (2004).













Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the in-









fluences of salary growth and promotion. Journal of Arm-









chair Psychology. Vol 113, no.1, pp. 56-64.



In this article




Aims & Research







Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportuni-









ties in respect to job performance, turnover rates and em-



Usefulness (to your






ployee motivation.


The authors use data gained through


research/ to a particular





organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver,





Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turno-









ver and whether it is linked to salary growth.



Their re-











search focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as



Reflection (explain






pay for performance and organisational reward schemes.



how this work illuminates





The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al.


your topic or how it will


suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turno-


fit in with your research)


ver and variances in employee motivation and performance.















The main limitation of the article is that the survey sam-












ple was restricted to mid-level management,


thus the au-






thors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to
























be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. (8) This article will not form the basis of my research; however it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures.

Краткий план аннотации

1.Общая характеристика статьи: The paper (article) under discussion (consideration) is intended (aims) to describe (explain, examine, survey) …

2.Задачи, поставленные автором: The author outlines (points out, reviews, anal-


3.Оценка полученных результатов исследования: The results obtained confirm

(lead to, show)…

4.Подведение итогов, выводов по работе: The paper summarizes, in summing up to author, at the end of the article the author sums up...

Образцы клишированных аннотаций на английском языке

The article deals with …

As the title implies the article describes ...

The paper is concerned with … It is known that …

It should be noted about …

The fact that … is stressed.

A mention should be made about …

It is spoken in detail about …

It is reported that …

The text gives valuable information on … Much attention is given to …

It is shown that …

The following conclusions are drawn …

The paper looks at recent research dealing with … The main idea of the article is …

It gives a detailed analysis of … It draws our attention to …

It is stressed that …

The article is of great help to … The article is of interest to …

… is/are noted, examined, discussed in detail, stressed, reported, considered.



***The aim of this article/text/report is to … It is based on …

This article/text/report is intended to … It draws to …

This article/text/report looks at/describes … According to …

In the words of …

In general/ On the whole/ In he main …

Interestingly/ Curiously/ Oddly/ Strangely/ Surprisingly/ Predictably/ It is interesting that …

To sum up/ To summarize/ On balance/ In short/…

***The title of the text is … The text tells about …

The main/ central idea is …/in brief …/ to put it in a few words … The aim of the article/text is to tell the reader about …

According to the text …

To all appearances (по всей видимости) …

Needless to say (само собой разумеется) … Inasmuch as (ввиду того, что) …

Then I’m going to add …

I want to point out the following facts that were new for me … In conclusion I’d like to say …

I like … because …/ I dislike … because …

Expressing Opinion

I think I’d much prefer to …

Nothing like as good (bad) as …

That’s what I thought …

And that’s another thing …

There’s much variety in …

To be similar in …

There’s a tremendous number of differences in …

To have much (little) in common …

I (don’t) think we should …

It would be better to …

I (don’t) agree …


Agreement and Disagreement


neutral – Yes, I agree … True enough. That’s right. I can’t help thinking the same. How true. I couldn’t agree more. How right that is. Oh, definitely.

informal – Well, that’s the thing. Well, this is it (isn’t it)? Yes, right. Dead right. Too true. I’d go along with you there. I’m with you there.

formal – Oh, I agree entirely. I agree absolutely with … My own view/ opinion exactly. I’m of exactly the same opinion. I don’t think anyone could/ would disagree with …


neutral – Oh, I don’t agree … I’m not at all sure, actually/ in fact. Not really. Oh, I don’t Know. No, I don’t think … I disagree (I’m afraid). That’s not right, surely. I can’t help thinking ….

informal – Oh, surely not I don’t see why. I can’t go along with .. Oh, come off it. Nonsense! Rubbish! No way! You must be joking. You can’t mean that!

formal – I really must take issue with you there. I’m afraid I can’t accept … I can’t say that I share that/ your view. I’m not at all convinced … I see things rather differently myself.


Редактор К.В. Муковоз Компьютерная верстка – О.Г. Белименко

ИД № 06039 от 12.10.2001 Сводный темплан 2011 г.

Подписано в печать 19.04.11. Формат 60х84 1/16. Отпечатано на дупликаторе. Бумага офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 3,75. Уч.-изд. л. 3,75.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 305.

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