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Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

Ex. 24. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.

Model: “You should make an effort to express your ideas clearly,” said my teacher →

The teacher said I should make an effort to express my ideas clearly.

1.“What time shall I call you?” asked my friend.

2.“I hope I can attend tomorrow’s meeting,” said the student.

3.“You needn’t ask permission before speaking,” said the professor.

4.“You may be faced with difficulties, but you shouldn’t give up,” said Father.

5.“If you want to feel better, you must shape up,” said the doctor.

6.“Russia and the USA should join forces to create an AIDS vaccine,” said the scientist.

7.“I may be busy or away next week,” said the manager.

8.“The man is so rich that he can afford the wonderful privilege of being generous,” said the journalist.

9.“You must be joking! I can’t believe it,” said my fellow-student.

10.“How shall I begin the presentation?” asked the student.

11.“You had better make a decision fast,” said the Dean.

12.“You needn't choose between the sushi bar and the regular menu,” said the maitre d’hotel.



Besides the verbs mentioned above, a large number of other verbs can be used to introduce Reported Speech. They indicate the function of the original speech:

“You should consult the eye doctor,” he said to Barbara. He advised Barbara to consult the eye doctor.


“I am the best taxi driver in New York,” said George. George boasted that he was the best driver in New York. (boast)

Ex. 25. Study the patterns of reporting and report the sentences using an appropriate verb.


verb + clause

admit, agree, announce,

“I’m not sure security is good.”


believe, boast, comment,

He doubted that security was good.


complain, conclude,



confess, decide, doubt,

“Significant progress has been achieved on


exclaim, insist, observe,

key issues.” The Minister announced that


point out, predict, repeat,

significant progress had been achieved on key


report, respond etc.





1.“Spam email will be eradicated as a problem within 24 months,” said Bill Gates.

2.“I can manage any genre,” said the young writer.

3.“I will retire from political life,” said the President of the country at the press-conference.

4.A woman with a hearing disability said, “I can’t hear what’s happening during the city council meetings.”


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

5.“I’m not sure I’ll go to Peru in December,” said Paul.

6.“Yes, affirmative action is needed if it does not lead to quotas,” said Ms. Rice.

7.“About 7,000 people participated in the protest action,” said the correspondent.


verb + object + clause

assure, inform, reassure,

“The school will be conducting a leadership


remind, warn

training camp.”



The letter informed the students that the



school will be conducting a leadership



training camp.




1.“Your application is rejected,” said the letter.

2.An old lady called the crew (экипаж) over and said to them, “The people behind me are talking about ‘hijacking’.”

3.The manager said to the employees, “No one will lose their job.”

4.“The climb is going to be dangerous,” said the guide to the tourists.

5.The lecturer said to the students, “In the 1980s, the United States imposed sanctions on South Africa to put pressure on the government's apartheid policy.”

6.“The adoption of the law won’t lower UK employment standards,” said the Minister to the audience.

7.The President of the university said to the students, “Your problems will be looked into within a week.”


verb + infinitive

agree, guarantee, offer, promise,

“I’m ready to resign.” The chairman of


refuse, threaten

the board offered to resign.




1.“No, I won’t fix your computer,” he said.

2.“Hey, I can give you a lift home after your volleyball practice today if you need one,” said Harry.

3.“OK, I will take part in the project,” said Eugene.

4.“I will definitely be staying at your hotel on my next visit,” said the guest.

5.“If I discover you have not done your own work, I will report you to the university authorities,” said the lecturer.

6.“I will finance your studies at university absolutely,” said Mr Miller to Harry.

7.The professor said, “I’m ready to organize a special course to teach students how to write and present papers.”


verb + object +

advise, allow, ask, beg,

“Always think for yourselves.” Their father


encourage, forbid, force,

encouraged them to think for themselves.


instruct, invite, order,

“Be careful with the motor-bike!”


permit, persuade, remind,


request, tell, urge, warn

She warned him to be careful with the







1.“You should try and work things out if possible,” said my friend.

2.“Don't forget to share the information you find,” said the instructor.

3.“Would you like to come to the theatre with me tonight?” he said.

4.“Please, please never speak to me of that,” said Anna to her friend.

Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder


Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

5.“Never ask me that question again,” he said to his children.

6.“All right, you can stay in my room,” said Tim’s elder sister.

7.The officer said to the soldiers, “Fire a warning shot.”


verb + -ing form

admit, apologise for (to smb),

“Sorry, I told a lie,” he said.


decide on, deny, mention,

He apologised for telling a lie.


recommend, regret, report,

“Let’s go out for lunch.”





She suggested going out for lunch.




1.“Let’s invite the Prestons to dinner,” said Jenny.

2.The Minister said, “I’ve never said this to the press.”

3.“I’ve made up my mind to stay in school,” said Michael.

4.“I’m sorry I was so emotional yesterday,” said Hillary.

5.“I’ve broken the basic rules of the industry more than once in the last three years,” said the businessman.

6.“I’m sorry I bought a house in the country,” said Eugene.

7.“I think you should go to college,” said my school teacher.


verb + object +

accuse smb of, blame smb

“It’s your fault that you aren’t

preposition + ing-form

for, congratulate smb on,

succeeding in sales.” The manager


thank smb for

blamed me for not succeeding in sales.




1.“Mr. President, I am grateful to you for giving us this opportunity,” said the Ambassador.

2.“It’s your fault that you have done nothing with your life,” said the psychologist to Adam.

3.“First of all let me congratulate you on joining the best college in Durham,” said the College President.

4.“The Congressman has accepted gifts and favours from a few businessmen,” said the Prosecutor.

5.“I'm grateful to you for taking the time to let me know how the book affected you,” wrote the author to the reader.

6.“John is a liar,” said his fellow students.

7.“Thank you for giving me a hand,” said Janette to her friend.

Ex. 26. Report the quotations using appropriate patterns from the table above.

1.“If anything remains more or less unchanged, it will be the role of women” (David Riesman, American conservative social scientist, 1967).

2.“I’m proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill” (Thomas A. Edison).

3.“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” (Albert Einstein).

4.“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names” (John F. Kennedy).

5.“When I’m abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home” (Winston Churchill).

6.“Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing” (Benjamin Franklin).

7.“Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

Ex. 27. Tell the Irish joke in Reported Speech. Use suitable reporting verbs.

British Navy vs Irish

This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation between the British and the Irish, off the coast of Kerry, Oct 98.

IRISH: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a collision.

BRITISH: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North, to avoid a collision. IRISH: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. BRITISH: This is the Captain of a British navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

IRISH: Negative. I say again, You will have to divert YOUR course.

BRITISH: This is the aircraft carrier HMS Britannia! The second largest ship in the British Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers, and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees North, I say again, that is 15 degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

IRISH: We are a lighthouse. Your call.

Ex. 28. Work in pairs. One student reads interview A, the other — interview B, then they tell each other what they’ve learned from the interviews using Reported Speech.

(Don’t try to report the interviews word for word).

A. Interview with George Clooney

Q.How do you cope with fame?

A.I'm certainly the last person to give advice on ...well, anything. But one trick is you can't spend time trying to correct all the inaccuracies said about you. I'd love to say I didn't give a damn about them. But I do. Things do matter to you. You get a bad review or whatever, sometimes it's healthy and good, but as an actor you can tend to obsess over it. Let it go.

The best advice I got from my aunt, the great singer Rosemary Clooney, and from my dad, who was a game show host and news anchor, was: don't wake up at seventy years old sighing over what you should have tried. Just do it, be willing to fail, and at least you gave it a shot. That's echoed for me all through the last few years.

Q.Did your father want you to go into show business?

A.He wanted me to go into broadcasting. He was very strict. I was going to be a baseball player. I played center field. But after high school, I had a tryout with the Reds, and they pitched an 85 m.p.h. ball at me, and I panicked and threw myself on the ground. Everybody laughed. It was an eye-opening moment. Baseball was useful training, though.

Q.What’s the best thing about your celebrity status?

A.Being able to make films that otherwise wouldn't get made. Walking into a room and knowing that if you say you'll do it, it'll get done. Like Three Kings, or O Brother, Where Art Thou, or Solaris. Films that'll last longer than the opening weekend.

The worst thing about it is when guys stake out airports with video cameras and try not to catch me doing something stupid but to make me do something stupid. Like, they push my assistant, or insult her, hoping I'll react.

Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

B. Interview with Jodie Foster


Q. Does being a director yourself give you a different perspec-






Yeah, I think so. I think that you're just more respectful of them



in general.


And I think you want to serve them more because you really





understand how hard it is to make movies.


Q. It seems like you've been in front of the camera your en-


tire life. And now you're very selective in the roles that you





choose. Do you have strong criteria for the people you work





A. Now more than ever. I really look forward to working with very


experienced, interesting directors. You know, I like to learn a lot



from them. To me, that just keeps me going.




Q. Do you get more satisfaction from directing or acting?



Ah, definitely directing… I have to say my goal now is really more about directing than it is about




Q. I know you're producing, directing and acting. There's one thing left — writing. Are you in-



terested in it?





A I always thought I'd end up being a writer. That's what I thought I'd do. And I really am just


shocked. I'm shocked that that's not what I do. And it's always been, like my failure in my life. It's




more just a discipline problem where I just can't be in a room by myself and do a job that's for







Q. In your real life, what are you really good at and what are you just hopeless at?



I have a problem with numbers. Like, for whatever reason, I don't add things very well. It's not



like I had a problem with addition in school but for some reason I get numbers crossed and I al-



ways remember times wrong. But I've learned now to cope with it. I always have to have a pencil



and a paper and I have to write it down and put it in a pocket. That's my bad thing.


Q. And what are you really good at?



Let's see. What am I good at? I can speak French very well. It's my only skill. It's the only thing



I know how to do.



Really? That's the only thing?



That’s it. I mean, I can twirl a basketball on every one of my fingers — including the left. It’s from



being short and always waiting — because they never let you play.

Ex. 29. Translate into English.

1.Менеджер извинился перед миссис Смит и заверил, что не хотел ее обидеть.

2.Министр иностранных дел заявил вчера, что в следующем месяце Индия и США подпишут соглашение о науке и технике.

3.Ученый проинформировал журналистов о том, что в России совместно с американскими специалистами разрабатывается проект пилотируемого (manned) полета на Марс.

4.После переговоров с руководством компании бизнесмен согласился стать членом совета директоров (the Board).

5.Политик утверждал, что иммиграционная политика нового правительства разделила нацию.

6.Друг Фреда рекомендовал ему остановиться в Вене в гостинице «Палас».

7.В прессе сообщалось, что после катастрофы в живых осталось 39 человек.

8.Лидер оппозиции обвинил правительство в том, что оно делает недостаточно для того, чтобы поднять уровень жизни в стране.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

9.Мой друг посоветовал мне не быть таким привередливым при выборе работы (about jobs).

10.В прошлогоднем интервью мистер Янг пожаловался, что он подвергается дискриминации из-за своих политических взглядов.

11.Она поблагодарила коллегу за то, что он поделился с ней этим замечательным материалом.

12.Мистер Харпер предложил поднять бокалы и выпить за здоровье новобрачных (newlyweds).




The definite article is used with nouns which are followed by a limiting, defining phrase (ограничивающее определение) such as of-phrase or which-phrase.


She married the son of a butcher.

He pointed at the map which was hanging on the wall.

Ex. 30. Look through the text and point out nouns with a limiting defining phrase.

On December 11, 1936, King Edward VIII addressed the nation saying that he could not continue to reign without the help and support of the woman he loved. For twenty five years before becoming King he was the most popular Prince of Wales in history. Gallant and charming, a knight with golden hair and sad blue eyes, he was the centre of attention wherever he went. Women were particularly thrilled to be in the company of such a man. One of those women was the daughter of a Scottish earl, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons. At the age of twenty three she met the Prince of Wales, the most dashing man of the era. She enjoyed the attention she received when the Daily News of January 5, 1923, reported:“Scottish Bride for Prince of Wales. The future Queen of England is the daughter of a well-known Scottish peer, who is the owner of castles both north and south of the Tweed.” She knew the rumour of romance was untrue but was disappointed when the paper printed a royal retraction (опровержение) a few days later.

In April 1923, Elizabeth married Bertie, the Prince’s younger brother. He became King George VI after the abdication (отречение) of King Edward VIII, who then married the twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson.

Note: the definite article is used when the limiting defining phrase describes

a particular case.



1)The idea which we are here discussing is not new.

2)Eventually, you find an idea which is completely unique.

Ex. 31. Which tree takes “the”? Help the translator, who ignored the articles.

There were two trees in middle of Garden of Eden. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (occasionally translated as Tree of Conscience) was tree from which God directly forbade Adam and Eve to eat. Other tree in middle of garden was Tree of Life. God allowed them to eat of fruit of any other tree in garden, which would include Tree of Life. When Eve, and then Adam, ate forbidden fruit from Tree

Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder


Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

of Knowledge, after being tempted by a serpent, they became aware of their nakedness, and were banished from garden and forced to survive through agriculture "by sweat of [their] face”.

Ex. 32. a) Decide on the article to be used with the nouns in bold. b) Translate into English using the Active Vocabulary.

1.Выбор лечения для больных-сердечников зависит от многих факторов.

2.Всем пациентам предложили выбрать (use choice) лечение.

3.Ее фигура, форма головы, глаза все было очаровательно.

4.Имеет ли форму вода?

5.Существует разрыв между теорией и практикой, который необходимо ликвидировать (to bridge).

6.Пропасть, которая существует между истинным художником и тем, кого интересуют лишь деньги, всегда заметна.

7.Вред, который шпион нанес своей стране, огромен.

8.Страна может понести ущерб, который составит 25% ее ВВП (GDP).

9.Земля находится на расстоянии 92,955,900 миль от Солнца.

10.Расстояние от Солнца до Земли называют астрономической единицей (astronomical unit).

11.Френсис Бэкон (Francis Bacon) находился на службе у королевы много лет.

12.Плохое обслуживание в отелях и ресторанах может испортить отпуск.

Ex. 33. Revision: the article with proper names. Add the article where necessary.

1.North Sea is cold enough but it is much colder at North Pole.

2.Hemingway’s story made Kilimanjaro the most famous of African mountains.

3.Hague is in Netherlands while Vatican is in city of Rome.

4.Lake Baikal contains more water than all Great Lakes of United States.

5.Suggested streets for those with an interest in the theatre: Strand, London; Broadway, New York.

6.The Millennium Bridge is a 330m steel bridge across Thames linking City of London at St. Paul's Cathedral with Tate Modern Gallery at Bankside.

7.Ritz-Carlton, Moscow is a new luxury hotel located near Kremlin and Red Square.

8.In 1999 Carol Martini and Jay Barry set off from Gloucester, Massachusetts on a trip round the world.

9.By March 2000, they had sailed down US Atlantic coast, cruised Caribbean and entered Panama Canal.

10.By November, they had visited Galapagos (islands), Fiji, and much of Polynesia before ending up in Australia for their first winter.

11.They explored Sumatra and Kalimantan; then headed for Singapore, then they sailed into Strait of Malacca, an area known for pirates. But nothing happened except a bad storm.

12.By December 2004, their yacht was moored in Nai Harn Bay, Thailand. By then they had made friends with another pair of round-the-world sailors, Rod and Becky Nowlin from Whidbey Island, Washington.

13.Because of the piracy threat in Red Sea both crews planned to leave Thailand together.

14.Pirate Alley is the narrow neck of Gulf of Aden, where Indian Ocean separates Somalia and Yemen.

15.On March 7, 2005, at 9 a.m. 30 miles off the coast of Yemen they were attacked by two pirate boats. Luckily, both yachts were well prepared for the attack and soon the pirate vessels were sinking rapidly. The two badly damaged yachts limped into the harbour at Aden a day later.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II


1. A. Divide the following Reporting Verbs into three groups:

verbs used to report statements

verbs used to report questions

verbs used to report commands and requests

Say, ask, forbid, tell, explain, allow, urge, add, enquire, answer, encourage, reply, wonder, order, complain, mention, instruct, warn, state, stress, advise

B. Use some of these verbs to report the following sentences:

1. “Don’t bring your friends home,” he said to his children. “They are too noisy.” 2. “I’m in constant pain,” said the woman to the doctor.

3. “Why were you crying this morning?” he asked.

4. “Can law and order be preserved in such circumstances?” asked the Prime Minister. 5. “You can choose the script you want to perform,” said the teacher.

C. Fill in the chart.







verb + clause


The singer recently boasted that he



was as big a star as Elvis Presley.




verb + object + clause

assure, inform, reassure,



remind, warn





verb + infinitive


The actress refused to lose weight for



the role.




verb + object +

advise, allow, ask, beg,



encourage, forbid, persuade,



remind, request, tell, urge,








verb + -ing form


They denied signing any agreement.




verb + object +

accuse smb of, blame smb


preposition + ing-form

for, congratulate smb on,



thank smb for





2. Work in pairs. Translate the following word combinations without consulting the Vocabulary List.

to complain of a headache

a restless sleep

a well-earned rest

to have a traditional approach

within walking distance of the university

to owe smb $ 20

a spare key

a distant planet

to keep up with the latest developments

to deliver mail

serve the interests of the ethnic minorities

harsh living conditions

Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder


Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

to escape smb’s attention

the civil service

to keep smb at a distance

to keep back tears

пожаловаться на кого-л.

не жалеть времени и сил

беспокойно ходить по комнате

на расстоянии 50 миль

произнести речь

из-за болезни

избежать наказания

приближаться к станции

быть к чьим-л. услугам

суровая зима

дальний родственник

уделить кому-л. время

свободное время

быть обязанным своим положением кому-л.

придерживаться диеты

не подпускать детей к животным

3. Explain the use of articles before nouns in each set.

a) a book which contains a lot of information; the book (that) I bought yesterday; b) the woman he loved; a woman who likes to play football;

c) the poor service at the hotel; poor service at hotels; d) a friend of the family; the mother of the family.

4. Choose the correct alternative in italics.

1.Fred said he would / will join the Army next / the following year.

2.As we were leaving, we noticed the / a name of the / a painting that was hanging on the / a wall.

3.He told 0 / me he was / is leaving tomorrow / the next day.

4.My doctor recommended to take / taking vitamin E daily.

5.Martha wondered what was she / she was doing here / there.

6.The footballer said he had never / never faced any problems in the / a team or with the / 0 fans.

7.The / 0 Sunrise Hotel has 36 rooms and is located at a / the distance of 500m from a / the beach.

8.She asked where she shall / should send the / 0 money and he told / said her the Police Credit Union in 0 / the Canada.

9.In 1993, Ben met an / the editor at Random House who advised him writing / to write the / 0 thrillers.

10.Maria told 0 / the children not to / don’t complain if they don’t / didn't like the / 0 taste of the soup.

11.My friend suggested to have / having a rest in a / the shabby-looking motel.

12.Among the / 0 passengers I noticed an / the elderly gentleman, thin, with sandy hair and a / the face that seemed familiar.

13.Miss Morrow enquired if it would / would it be appropriate to ask the / 0 visitors questions.

14.Jack said he slept / had slept restless / restlessly last / the previous night.

15.When his three children were young, he liked the / 0 silence so much that he forbade them to talk / talking in the / a car and sometimes wore earplugs at home.

16.“We're investigating the / 0 damage which was caused by the / a flood,” said the Mayor.

17.Carol wanted to know was there / if there was anyone / someone who could / can do some training.

18.One of the / 0 major factors that help a / the woman to determine whether her hair looks best short or long is the / a shape of her face.

19.The manager said I needn’t / didn’t have to make a decision now / at that time.

20.She asked how long he had / had he been married and what kind of work did he do / he did.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II

5. A. Fill in the gaps with appropriate fillers.

Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) about the forthcoming tour:

__________, ___________ at the moment, all we’re doing at the moment is rehearsing for the tour, and, _____________, we’ve been going all week, and we’ve pretty much just knocked off for the weekend, having a couple of days' break, and then we just do one rehearsal Monday, and then that’s us all ready to go, ____________… It’s all sounding pretty good _____________, so we’re very pleased. Some of the songs we haven’t played for 23 years.

B. Fill in the gaps with appropriate hedges.

1.____________________, my English was so bad I didn't understand the lyrics.

2.The house filled with the smell of baking brownies or pancakes — some of the best smells,


3._________________, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.

4.When the stylist finished I looked pretty good ___________________ myself!

5.____________________________, but I found the host on the radio station, NJ 101.5, to be extremely rude to one of his callers today at approximately 1:50 pm.

6._____________________, I’m not a designer… yet… and I’m certainly not a successful one.

Chapter 4. Unit 8. Climbing the Success Ladder

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