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Тест Времена и залог английского языка

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  1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в пассивный залог. 1. Stories about animals (to read) by little children. 2. Hockey (to play) all the year round. 3. Football (to watch) by people of different ages. 4. The first Russian University (to found) in 1775. 5. The History Museum (to build) in 1883. 6. Italian (to speak) in Italy. 7. I (to teach) to write when I was 5.

  2. Выпишите формы пассивного залога из предложенных ниже. is washed, is washing, has washed, was washing, had washed, was washed, had punished, was punished, is punishing, had punished, was punishing.

  1. Перепишите предложения, используя пассивный залог.

    1. They speak English and French in Canada. 2. English and French are spoken in Canada.

    2. They saw burglars.

    3. They will send this letter tomorrow.

    4. She is typing your letter.

    5. They have bought presents.

    6. You should write down her address.

IV. Используйте подходящую форму глаголов в предложениях.

  1. Магу (to return) to the room. Mike (to sit) down beside the gas fire and (to take) off his shoes.

  2. No sooner I (to arrive) than I (to send) her a letter to say that I (to have) a present for her.

  3. His cheek (to be) cut. When she (to see) it she (to say): "Oh, you (to fight) again."

  4. As we (to drive), her eyes (to stare) rigidly out of the car window.

  5. She (to become) aware that Tony (to come) back and considerately (to say) nothing.

  6. He (to remain) in his seat, as though studying his program, till the three (to pass) out into the foyer.

  7. He (to take) to drink before they (to be) married three years.

  8. She (to look) up at him from where she (to sit). Her makeup things (to tie) in front of her. She (to do) her face.

  9. My mother said: "You hardly (to touch) your food."

  10. I don't know what the matter with him is. He (to act) funny since you (to be) away.

  11. He (to be) sure that there (to be) a serious row when Hugh (to hear) of it.

  12. When she nearly (to reach) the end of the curve she (to see) a figure ahead of her.

  13. Her eyes (to be) puffed, and she obviously (to cry) that after­ noon.

  14. I (to get) back as soon as I (to get) through with my business.

  15. He (to have) a son of twenty-seven. He (to farm) in New Zealand.

  16. "How's the baby?" "Frightfully well, thank you, Aunt Emma. He (to walk)."

  17. Before we (to walk) four hundred yards he (to take) his jacket off.

  18. A little break like this (to be) what she (to need) all these years.

  19. While his wife (to read) the letter, he (to cross) to the window.

  20. As Hugh and I (to come) down the steps we nearly (to run) into my father.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активный или пассивный залог.

1. Эта книга скоро будет переиздана. 2. Меня прервал Джон. 3. Его всегда любили и ему всегда доверяли. 4. О ней заботятся ее друзья. 5. Было 7 часов и зал уже был заполнен. 6. Дверь открыла пожилая женщина и Джейн ввели в маленькую гостиную.