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Рой Манабендранатх Роллан Ромен Рыбаков Р.Б. Рыжков Н.

Рюрик Салганик М.Л.

Саломатшаева Л. Салтыков А.Д. Саманева Самозванцев А.М. Сарасвати Даянанда Сардар Ибрагим Сафин М.

Сахаров А.Д.

Сен Гупта Бхабани Сердюков А. Серебренников И.К. Серебряный С.Д. Сидорова С.Е.

Синг Тхакур Сингх Баба Рам Сингх Будх Сингх Дулип Сингх Икбал Сингх Манмохан

Сингх Радж Кайпал Сингх Раджит Сингх Рамбир

Сингх Чаран (Гурчаран) Синха Беджой Кумар Скобелев Скосырев В.А. Солженицин А.

Сталин И.В. Стасов В.В. Стасова Е.Д. Столетов Н.Г. Ступин А. СубраманиамК. Сун Ятсен Сури В.Ш.


Суслов М.А.

Сухотина Татьяна Львовна Сухраварди Абдулла аль-Мамун Сыркин А.Я.

Тагор Дваркханат Тагор Дебендронатх Тагор Диджендронатх Тагор Рабиндранат Тагор Шоумендронат Талиб Хан Мирза Абу Терешкова Валентина Тимберс Г. Тихвинский С.Л.

Толстая Татьяна Львовна Толстой Л.Н.

Торо Г.

Трипатхи Бхушан Троцкий Л.Д. Трумэн Г. Тургенев И. Тютчев Ф.

Уайлд Оскар Урельтуев Чойзин Уэллс Герберт Фирс Хавкин В.А.

Халдар Гопал Хасан М. Хемингуэй Эрнест Хойланд Д.С. Хрущев Н.С. Хэрн Лафкадио Чайковский П.И. Чакраварти Н. Чаттерджи С.К.

Чаттопадхаи Хариндранат Чаттопадхьяя Вирендранатх Чертков В.В.

Чертков В.Г. Черчилль У. Четти Гопал


Чехов А. Чжоу Эньлай Чичерин Г.В. Чокроборти О. Чопра В.Д. Чопра Пран Чорли Чуковский Чэнь И

Шарапова Мария Шарма Ракеш Шаститко П.М. Шастри Л.Б. Шаумян Т.Л. Шах В.Г. Шверник Н.М. Шер Сингх Шиваджи Шнеур Н.Я. Шолохов М.А. Шостакович Д.Д. Шоу Бернард

Шрештха Кришна Пракаш Эйзенхауэр Д. Эйзенштейн С.М. Эйнштейн Альберт Эйнштейн Маргарита Эмерсон Р.

Эмир-Тимур Энтони А.К. Эренбург И.Г. Юрлов Ф.Н. Юрлова Е.С. Юрьев А.И. Яшин Л. Яшпал





The present volume is the first research work in the Russian histor i- ography on the formation of the image of Russia in Indian public opinion in 19th – the beginning 20th centuries. The image of Russia in the India of nowadays and the ways of improving and reshaping it are at the centre of the authors’ attention. The book is intended for specialists in internatio n- al relations, politics, history and economics, as well as for general public.

Chapter I testifies to the fact that the positive perception of new Russia is still preserved in India; however, Russia` s significance as ec o- nomical partner and geopolitical ally of India has considerably decreased. During the last decade of the twentieth century Russia has lost the co m- petitive advantages it had had at the Indian markets. Almost an absolute absence of communications in business and a sharp fall of i nterest to the cultural exchange is discussed. This was convincingly proved by the r e- sults of a public opinion poll held in autumn 2007 in I ndia by IMA and SUN groups with the participation of experts from the Centre for Indian Studies, the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. 4160 respondents, representing different social strata of urban and rural population aged over 18, participated.

Chapter II deals with 19th – 20th century Indian views the on Russia ranging from love and faith in Russia liberating mission to the ultimate rejection and fear of invasion from the North. The latter was to a certain extent supported by the hostile propaganda of the British colonial admi n- istration against Russia. The opinions on Russia by the outstanding I ndian thinkers and public figures of the first part of 20th century – Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru areb analyzed in the III Chapter. Their impressions and experience of commun i- cation with the Russians formed the image of Russia as the independent

India’s ally and partner to be. Chapter IV considers the process of ma k- ing the positive image of Russia/the USSR in India in the second part of 20th century. It was the period when Russian-Indian partnership reached its culmination and involved almost every aspect of life in both states – foreign policy, defence, economics, science and technology, culture,


tourism, etc. The activities of Soviet and Indian public organizations also favoured the forming of the image of Russia as an unselfish friend, a rel i- able partner and a guarantor of security and territorial integrity of India. After the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 this dialogue was interrup t- ed and many tendencies of Russain-Indian partnership were cut down by the Russian political elite trying to orient Russia from India towards western countries and western values.

The authors of the book suppose that economic and political events, contacts in science and technology and forming of new ways of comm u- nication with the Indian youth may contribute to the consolidation of sympathy to Russia in Indian society and the promotion of the Russian image in the present situation. The volume is equipped with a compr e- hensive List of Books and Names Index.

The contributors to the book are: Dr. Tatyana Zagorodnikova (Preface, Chapter I and Chapter II (§ 1), List of Books), Dr. Valeriy K ashin

(Editor, Chapter II (§ 24), Index and Summary), Dr. Tatyana Shaumyan (Preface, Chapters III and IV). All the contributors are staff members of the Centre for Indian Studies, Institute for Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.


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