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книги / Социально-экономический обзор Пермского края

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600 Doctors of Science and 2400 Candidates of Science (PhD) work, are engaged in scientific research and development activity in the region.

The Territory occupies one of the leading positions in Russia in respect to innovation activity and qualitative use of scientific and research works’ results: in terms of innovations – 1st place in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, in terms of useful models – 13th place in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, in terms of industrial samples – 13–14th places in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Contribution of scientific-educational complex into regional GRP amounts to about 5 %.

High provision with natural resources and power excessiveness of the region.

The PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) is characterized with rich mineral – raw materials basis and availability of unique deposits. It conditions its high natural resources potential: in terms of subsoil cost per 1 km2 of area (1,1 million dollars as on 1.01.2004) the Territory is one of the leaders in Russia. On the PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) area over 1000 deposits on 50 types of mineral products are discovered and explored. The main minerals on the region’s territory are oil and gas, potassiummagnesium and sodium salts, precious and jobbing stones, gold and platinum, chromic ores, metallurgical and cement raw materials, carbonate feedstock for chemical industry, widely spread minerals.

The region possesses considerable forestry resources: 69 % of the PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) area are covered with forests. Huge reserves of water resources including reserves of underground mineral and sweet waters exist in the region.

High power provision level of the region has been established: about 18 % of electric power generated in the Territory is exported outside its borders. The PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) is one of few regions where the reserve of generating facilities is maintained in conditions of power deficit predicted in the country.

Considerable tourist potential. The specific advantage of The PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) lies in its unique nature, large amount of rivers, wide variety of landscape, existence of significant amount of specially protected natural territories and natural monuments. The existence of unique entities of historical-cultural inheritance, considerable amount and high quality of museum collections in the Territory, existence of unique exhibits introduced into the UNESCO list, existence world-famed theater troupes (Opera and Ballet House, Evgeny Panfilov’s Ballet Company) provide for wide possibilities of different tourism types development (fig. 5).

Intersection of river, railway, motor and aviation roads, existence of international airport provide for possibilities of region’s visiting by tourists both from Russia and other countries of the world (fig. 6).


Fig. 5.


Fig. 6.


Advantages of territorial situation. Despite the relative PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) remoteness from the main products sale markets as well as from “growth poles of international level” (Moscow and Saint Petersburg) the territorial situation is rather favorable. The location at intersection of different transportation ways provides for the possibility of getting the synergetic effect at active and complex use. Main railway and motor roads connecting western and eastern parts of the country pass through area of the Territory and Territorial center. The territorial center itself (city of Perm) is situated on the Kama river through which the access is provided to Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov and Black Sea (to the south of Europe and Middle East) and to Baltic and White Seas (to the North Europe).

Stability of political situation in multinational conditions. The PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) is one of the largest multinational constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the territory of which representatives of over 140 ethnic nationalities live. Multinational character of the PERM KRAI (TERRITORY) and absence of interethnic conflicts is the guarantee of further successful regional development.



Geography. History and Modern Time. Oil Production.

Best Enterprises. Cooperation with Iraq. .....................................................................3



Present-Day Condition, Problems and Trends .............................................................



Учебное издание

А.И. Коробков, В.А. Столбов

A.I. Korobkov, V.А. Stolbov




Учебное пособие


Подписано в печать 15.01.08. Формат 60×90/8. Набор компьютерный. Усл. печ. л. 7.0. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ № 1/2008.


Издательство Пермского государственного технического университета.

Адрес: 614990, г. Пермь, Комсомольский проспект, 29, к. 113.

Тел. (342) 219-80-33.