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книги / Модели речевой коммуникации. Устная речевая практика английского языка для студентов-переводчиков

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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Пермский национальный исследовательский политехнический университет»

А.В. Новикова, М.Б. Дарлингтон


Устная речевая практика английского языка для студентов-переводчиков

Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия

Издательство Пермского национального исследовательского

политехнического университета


УДК 811.111’243 ББК Ш143.22-923.4



д-р пед. наук, профессор Е.В. Аликина (Пермский национальный исследовательский политехнический университет);

канд. пед. наук, доцент М.Д. Пайвина (АНО ВПО «Прикамский социальный институт», г. Пермь)

Новикова, А.В.

Н73 Модели речевой коммуникации. Устная речевая практика английского языка для студентов-переводчиков : учеб. пособие / А.В. Новикова, М.Б. Дарлингтон. – Пермь : Изд-во Перм. нац. исслед. политехн. ун-та, 2018. – 94 с.

ISBN 978-5-398-02036-6

Содержание пособия соответствует требованиям государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования, утверждённого приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации «07» августа 2014 г. № «940» по направлению подготовки 45.03.02 «Лингвистика». Пособие ориентировано на формирование культуры устной речи на английском языке, лингвистического мировоззрения языковой личности, нацелено на овладение национально-культурной спецификой лексического, семантического, грамматического, прагматического и дискурсивного аспектов устной речи английского языка. Каждая из дидактических единиц состоит из двух разделов. Первый модуль посвящен проблемам человека и его социального окружения, второй модуль раскрывает разные виды деятельности человека. Аутентичные материалы, постановка тематических проблем и заданий к ним способствуют развитию всех коммуникативных умений, позволяют контролировать основные речевые умения и навыки, а также развивать лингвострановедческий и социокультурный кругозор.

Учебное пособие по английскому языку, состоящее из двух модулей, предназначено для лингвистов-переводчиков, а также может быть полезно студентам языковых факультетов, учащимся гимназий и лицеев, а также широкому кругу лиц, желающих изучать язык самостоятельно.

УДК 811.111’243 ББК Ш143.22-923.4

ISBN 978-5-398-02036-6

© ПНИПУ, 2018




Module 1. A Person in Social Environment......................................


Section 1. A Person and his/her Social Environment......................


Topic 1. Getting Acquainted .....................................................


Topic 2. Life Stages ..................................................................


Topic 3. Family. Relations in Family: Parents - Children,


Siblings, Relatives.....................................................................


Topic 4. Character and Personality: Character Features,


Outlook, Clothes, Hobbies ........................................................


Section 2. Living Space ..................................................................


Topic 5. Homes and Apartments/Household/Housework .........


Topic 6. Food Traditions. Eating Out. Home-Made Food.


Healthy Food vs. Junk Food......................................................


Topic 7. The Way of Life. Secrets of Longevity.


Health and Diseases ..................................................................


Module 2. Human Activities...............................................................


Section 3. The World Around Us....................................................


Topic 8. Geographical Characteristics of Countries.


Geographical Impact on Local Economic Development ...........


Topic 9. Nature in Different Countries: Flora and Fauna..........


Topic 10. Seasons, Climate, Weather. Global Warming ...........


Topic 11. Natural Disasters, Catastrophes and their Impact


on the Development of Countries and People ...........................


Topic 12. Historical and Cultural Heritage of Different


Countries. The Development of Tourist Infrastructure .............


Section 4. Leisure Time ..................................................................


Topic 13. Sport. Olympic Games ..............................................


Topic 14. Holidays and Travelling............................................


Topic 15. Transportation ...........................................................




Section 1. A Person and his/her Social Environment

Topic 1. Getting Acquainted

Task 1: In Table 1 «Communication phrases» study the ways people greet each other, say good-bye, apologize, etc. and decide what phrases are formal and which ones belong to the informal style of communication. Practice the dialogues.




Table 1




Communication phrases









Hello! Hey! How are you? How are you doing?






a person


How is everything? How’s everything going?





What’s up (man/dude/bro/John)? Good to see





you. How are things (with you)? How’s it going?





How’s life been treating you? What’s















It has been a long time. It’s been too long. What



a person, you


have you been up to all these years? It’s always



haven’t seen for


a pleasure to see you. How long has it been?



a long time


What’s new? Long time no see. Where have you





been hiding? It’s been ages (since I’ve seen





you). How’ve you been?








Saying “Good- Bye! Bye Bye! See you later! See you soon! Talk bye” to you later! I’ve got to get going! I must be going! Have a nice day/ a good weekend/ a good vacation! Take it easy! I’m off! Right then, I’m off! Anyway, I’m off! I look forward to our meeting! Until next week/ tomorrow! Take care!

It was nice to see you again! It was nice seeing you! Catch you later! I’m out! I’m out of here! I gotta take off! I gotta head out!

Remembering you and the impact you've made to our company. We all want to say goodbye and good luck!

It has been a great pleasure working with a colleague like you. Now, you are off to your next big challenge! Good luck and farewell!

You have been a much appreciated and highly regarded asset to this company. Good luck in all your ventures!


Congratulations I’m so proud of you. Congratulations!

You surprised me a little bit. I knew you were capable, but I didn't expect this level of accomplishment!

I am excited for you, and I wish you the best. The waiting is over! It's time to celebrate! Sometimes I make a big deal about nothing, but this time I'm not exaggerating. Way to go! There's a time for everything, and right now is the time to say congratulations to you. Congratulations for your fantastic achievement! It's been a pleasure to work with someone who knows how to make a friendly and inspiring work environment. I'm glad that a position opened up for you that is a great next step in your career.

Congratulations on your success! You have made us all proud. Keep up the good work! Congratulations for your fabulous victory! You deserve it every bit!

Congratulations on your success! Excellent job! Congratulations on moving on to your next venture. I'm looking forward to doing business with you.

With this success, comes greater opportunities and challenges. Face it with the same energy! We wish you the best.

Well done! Great work!

I’m so happy to hear that! I’m so happy for you!


Apologies I’ve got some bad news to break/tell you.

I’m sorry but I won’t be able to come to the party.

I’m sorry for not having replied sooner. I’m sorry for not having kept you updated.

I do apologize for failing to meet you at the station.

I sincerely apologize for the trouble this has caused you.

I’m ever so sorry that we won’t see each other next week.

I’m really sorry that I’ve lost that book you lent me.

I would like to apologize for missing my appointment with you.

Please accept my apologies for the disturbance caused.

I’m sorry if this puts you out.

I do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I hope that this does not cause you any problems.

I am terribly sorry. It was my fault.

I am sorry. I should have called and told you I’d be late.

We deeply regret.

Please accept our apologies.

Please accept my sincere apologies for …

I would like to apologize on behalf of our company.

I apologize for my failure to…



I promise it won’t happen again.


We’re convinced that the changes we’ve


implemented will prevent this from happening




We’ll be increasing our efforts when it comes


to…, so that in the future…


We’ve increased our efforts to ensure that…




Could you please …?


Do you think you could …?


Do you mind if I …?


Would you mind if I …?


Would you mind doing…?


You don’t mind …ing (…) (for me), do you?


Could you possibly give me/let me have …,




Can/May I trouble you for something./to


give/hand me…, please?


Could you do me a favour and give me/let me


have..., please?


Would you kindly give me..., please?


It would be grateful if …


Could you possibly give me/let me have...,




I wonder if you could…


I was wondering if you could …


I would appreciate if you could …


Do me a favour, will you?


Would it be possible for you to …?


Can/Could I ask you to …?




[All passages adapted from: https://congratulationsto.com/job_congratulations/farewellwishes.php; http://www.dcielts.com/ielts-letters/apology-words-and-phrases/; https://www.targettraining.eu/apologizing-email/; http://www.englishforbusiness.ru/materials/correspondence/request/]

Task 2. Study the following dialogues and practice the dialogues describing the following situations: 1) Expressing joy at someone’s success, 2) Expressing apologies, 3) Making requests.


1. A: Did you hear the good news?

joy at

B: No, I haven't.


A: I got a promotion at my job!


B: Did you really?


A: Seriously, I am so excited!


B: Well, congratulations on your promotion!


A: Thank you.


B: I'm so happy for you!


A: Really?


B: Yes. You really deserved this.


A: You think so?


B: Yes. Good for you!


2. Asti: I heard you graduated with honors.


Congratulations! You did it!


Bob: Thanks a lot!


Asti: What are you going to do next? Get a job?


Bob: No, I am going to the States next month to get


my Master’s.


Asti: That’s great! Go for it! Good luck!


Bob: Thanks!




Apologies 1. A: I apologize for my behaviour. I was under a lot of stress.

B: Never mind. I understand.

2.A: Sorry to keep you waiting. It won't happen again. B: Don't worry about it.

3.A: We sincerely apologize for the late delivery.

B: I'm afraid that's not good enough! I expect some sort of discount.

4. Mary: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I know you were badly hurt by my thoughtlessness.

Katrina: Forget about it. I wasn’t annoyed at all. I know these sorts of things can happen from time to time.

Mary: That’s so kind of you.

Requests 1. Fabien: Excuse me. Could you give me your pen for a moment please?

Brad: I’m really sorry. It doesn’t write well. Fabien: That’s alright.

Brad: (to another person) Would you mind lending me your pen, please?

Fabien: Certainly. Here you are. Brad: Thank you

2. Mr. David: Good morning, Ms. Nita. Ms. Nita: Good morning, Sir.

Mr. David: Ms. Nita, we are planning to hold our next Board meeting sometime during the last week of this month. Can you prepare the project report on our proposal?

Ms. Nita: Certainly, Sir. I’d be happy to do that.

Mr. David: Thank you. Please get on with the work.


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