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#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>

#define MAX_DEGREE	99

class Polynomial {
	int value[MAX_DEGREE + 1] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
	int get_factor(int degree) {
		if (degree < 0) degree *= -1;
		return value[degree % (MAX_DEGREE + 1)];
	void set_factor(int degree, int val) {
		if (degree < 0) degree *= -1;
		value[degree % (MAX_DEGREE + 1)] = val;

	Polynomial operator + (Polynomial b) {
		Polynomial result;
		for (int i = 0; i < (MAX_DEGREE + 1); i++)
			result.value[i] = value[i] + b.value[i];
		return result;
	Polynomial operator - (Polynomial b) {
		Polynomial result;
		for (int i = 0; i < (MAX_DEGREE + 1); i++)
			result.value[i] = value[i] - b.value[i];
		return result;
	Polynomial operator * (Polynomial b) {
		Polynomial result;
		for (int i = 0; i < (MAX_DEGREE + 1); i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < (MAX_DEGREE + 1); j++) {
				if (i + j < (MAX_DEGREE + 1))
					result.value[i + j] += value[i] * b.value[j];
				else if (value[i] != 0 and b.value[j] != 0) {
					throw L"Ожидалась степень многочлена, не превышающая 99-ю";
		return result;
	void operator += (Polynomial b) {
		*this = *this + b;
	void operator -= (Polynomial b) {
		*this = *this - b;
	void operator *= (Polynomial b) {
		*this = *this * b;

#define SIZE						120

#define KEY_BACKSPACE				8
#define FUNC_KEYS					0
#define CONTROL_KEYS				224
#define KEY_LEFT					75
#define KEY_RIGHT					77
#define KEY_DELETE					83

wchar_t expr[SIZE];
wchar_t result[10];
int index = 0;
int position = 0;
int symbols = 0;
int error_pos = 0;
bool update_screen = true;

Polynomial parse_addition();
Polynomial parse_negative();

bool is_number(wchar_t ch) {
	return ch >= '0' and ch <= '9';

int parse_number() {
	int value = expr[index] - '0';
	if (is_number(expr[index]))
	else {
		throw L"Ожидалось число";
	while (index < SIZE and is_number(expr[index])) {
		value = value * 10 + expr[index] - '0';
	return value;

Polynomial parse_value() {
	Polynomial result;
	if (expr[index] == 'x') {
		result.set_factor(1, 1);
		result.set_factor(0, parse_number());
	return result;

Polynomial parse_parenthesis() {
	if (expr[index] == '(') {
		Polynomial value = parse_addition();
		if (expr[index] != ')') {
			throw L"Ожидалась закрывающая скобка";
		return value;
	return parse_value();

Polynomial parse_exponentiation() {
	Polynomial value = parse_parenthesis();
	while (expr[index] == L'^') {
		int pow_index = index;
		Polynomial power = parse_negative();
		for (int i = 1; i < MAX_DEGREE; i++)
			if (power.get_factor(i) != 0) {
				index = pow_index;
				throw L"Ожидалась степень с выражением, не содержащим «x»";
		if (power.get_factor(0) > 0) {
			Polynomial factor = value;
			for (int i = 1; i < power.get_factor(0); i++) {
				value *= factor;
		else if (power.get_factor(0) == 0) {
			for (int i = 1; i < MAX_DEGREE; i++) {
				value.set_factor(i, 0);
			value.set_factor(0, 1);
		else {
			index = pow_index;
			throw L"Ожидалась степень с неотрицательным значением";
	return value;

Polynomial parse_negative() {
	if (expr[index] == L'–') {
		Polynomial negative;
		negative.set_factor(0, -1);
		return negative * parse_exponentiation();
	if (expr[index] == L'+' and index == 0)
	return parse_exponentiation();

Polynomial parse_multiplication() {
	Polynomial value = parse_negative();
	while (expr[index] == L'·') {
		value *= parse_negative();
	return value;

Polynomial parse_addition() {
	Polynomial value = parse_multiplication();
	while (true) {
		if (expr[index] == '+') {
			value += parse_multiplication();
		else if (expr[index] == L'–') {
			value -= parse_multiplication();
	return value;

Polynomial parse() {
	index = 0;
	Polynomial value = parse_addition();
	if (index < symbols) {
		throw L"Неожиданный символ";
	return value;

void print_in_superscript(int number) {
	if (number == 0)
	else if (number == 1)
	else if (number == 2)
	else if (number == 3)
	else if (number >= 4 and number <= 9)
		wprintf(L"%c", number - 4 + L'⁴');
	else if (number >= 10) {
		print_in_superscript(number / 10);
		print_in_superscript(number % 10);

int main()
	(void)_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);

	* Переменные
	int input;
	for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
		expr[i] = L'\0';
	while (true) {
		* Вывод на экран
		if (update_screen) {
			wprintf(L"УПРОЩЕНИЕ МНОГОЧЛЕНА\nВведите выражение: \n");
			for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
				wprintf(L"%c", expr[i]);

			try {
				Polynomial result = parse();
				bool printed = false;
				if (position < SIZE)
					wprintf(L"\n%*c", (position + 1), L'‾');
				wprintf(L"\nРезультат: ");
				for (int i = MAX_DEGREE; i >= 0; i--) {
					int a = result.get_factor(i);
					if (a == -1 and i > 0)
					if (printed and a > 0)
					if (a != 0) {
						if ((a != 1 and a != -1) or i == 0) {
							if (a > 0)
								wprintf(L"%d", a);
							if (a < 0)
								wprintf(L"–%d", -a);
						if (i > 0)
						if (i >= 2)
						printed = true;
				if (!printed)
			catch (const wchar_t* msg) {
				if (position < index)
					wprintf(L"%*c%*c\n", (position + 1), L'‾', (index - position), L'↑');
				else if (position > index)
					wprintf(L"%*c%*c\n", (index + 1), L'↑', (position - index), L'‾');
					wprintf(L"%*c\n", (index + 1), L'˄');
				wprintf(L"%*s", (index + 1), msg);
			update_screen = false;
		* Управление
		input = _getwch();
		if (input == L'ч')
			input = 'x';
		else if (input == ':')
			input = '^';
		else if (input == '*')
			input = L'·';
		else if (input == '-')
			input = L'–';

		if (input == FUNC_KEYS)
		else if (input == CONTROL_KEYS) {
			input = _getwch();
			if (input == KEY_LEFT and position > 0) {
				update_screen = true;
			else if (input == KEY_RIGHT and position < symbols) {
				update_screen = true;
			else if (input == KEY_DELETE and position < symbols) {
				for (int i = position; i < SIZE - 1; i++)
					expr[i] = expr[i + 1];
				expr[SIZE - 1] = '\0';
				update_screen = true;
		else if (input == KEY_BACKSPACE and position > 0) {
			for (int i = position - 1; i < SIZE - 1; i++)
				expr[i] = expr[i + 1];
			expr[SIZE - 1] = '\0';
			update_screen = true;
		else {
			if (symbols < SIZE and position < SIZE and (
				or input == 'x'
				or input == '+'
				or input == L'–'
				or input == L'·'
				or input == '^'
				or input == '('
				or input == ')')) {
				for (int i = SIZE - 1; i >= position; i--)
					expr[i] = expr[i - 1];
				expr[position] = input;
				update_screen = true;
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