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Made by: Zabolotnikov M. group №: 9373 Homework (for the 10th of February) W/B, ex.1 (p.40)

Researchers at Sheffield Hallam University have created the world’s first environmentally friendly wedding dress. It I believed to be a breakthrough in the quest to create more sustainable fashion in the UK. The wedding dress is the ultimate symbol of the reproducing aspects of throwaway fashion, as it is expensive item that is only worn once.

Fashion and engineering students undertake the project in order to further their understanding of materials. The fabric they developed can dissolve harmlessly in water. This is due to the presence of a biodegradable substance, polyvinyl alcohol, which the students added to the existing material. The fabric can be negative for other designs and it is hoped the discovery will pave the way for further developments in ethical fashion.

W/B, ex.2 (p.40)

  1. Seven people were tested for lead poisoning, but fortunately the results were all negative.

  2. Oliver lay in a critical disorder for two weeks after the accident.

  3. We’re down to our last bottle of milk. Remind me to buy some tomorrow.

  4. He dug down through the soil to the hard underlying rock.

  5. They have devised a new method for extracting the mineral.

  6. She agreed to undertake responsibility for the Biology department.

H/B: ex.7 (p.63)

Is there any kind of scientific research that you think is unethical?

The science is a really huge thing. By saying “huge” I mean that it can explain almost everything about the life of our Universe. Some scientists even make a statement that there is uncountable amount of universes that may not be like our one. In order to learn as many things about our world as possible, we reach for extremely dangerous or unethical aspects. And, in my opinion, one of them is our sexual life.

Many years… well, many centuries ago it became shameful to speak about sex and sexual relations between people. Our parents, our teachers, our friends – all of them try to convince us that we shall never even mention such kinds of topics. But somehow we have to talk about it, to do some kinds of researches – just to learn how our organism works. This will help us not only understand the mechanics of our sexual system but how to control it.

Moreover, it is also important to learn what emotions or feelings people experience during having sex or just looking at the person they like. But in school we’re not taught the difference between male and female physiology. That causes some troubles like unexpected kids or just misunderstanding between people of the opposite sex. As for me, it was a real surprise when I was said that not a little number of boys sincerely believed that the liquid that outflowed from the girls during the period of menstruation had blue color! But why does that happen? It happens because we count sexual life as an unethical topic to speak and to learn about.

But there’s nothing that can stop the society of scientists. For many years they have been hard-working to learn about the sexual human system. They carry on different experiments, make some researches and tell us what they have figured out. And we have to admit that there’s nothing shameful about sex. This is just a part of our life, the same as many others.

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