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Done by: M. Zabolotnikov group №: 9373

Homework (for the 7th of April)

WB: ex.1 (p.60)

  1. I was vaguely aware of the tutor's voice as my mind started to drift towards lunch.

  2. I saw Grant clenched his fists in anger at the news.

  3. Anya just thinks she can flutter her eyelashes at the boss and get whatever she wants.

  4. I saw my doctor raised her eyebrows in disapproval when I confessed I never did any exercises.

  5. Most people will just shrug their shoulders and admit they don't know much about allergies.

  6. After spending hours in the waiting room, I needed to go out and stretch my legs.

WB: ex.2 (p.60)

  1. In Thailand it's taboo to pat children on the head.

  2. People usually shrug their shoulders their shoulders to show they don't know or care about something.

  3. In my country, it's illegal to spit your gum on the pavement.

  4. In Japan, people tend not to hug one another in public.

  5. It's not socially acceptable to sniff in public when you have a cold.

  6. You may wipe your forehead when it's very hot.

WB: ex.3 (p.60)

  1. She stretched her eyelashes at the good-looking waiter. – She fluttered her eyelashes at the good looking waiter.

  2. Leaving the building, he glared as the strong sunlight hit his face. – Leaving the building, he blinked as the strong sunlight hit his face.

  3. She raised her chest desperately. Was she having a heart attack? – She clutched her chest desperately. was she having a heart attack?

  4. I've been on the computer all morning, so I'm going out to support my legs. – I've been on the computer all morning, so I'm going out to stretch my legs.

  5. He fluttered down to stroke the small dog, and almost fell flat on his face. – He bent down to stroke the small dog, and almost fell flat on his face.

  6. When she saw what he was wearing, she blinked her eyebrows in surprise. – When she saw what he was wearing, she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

  7. Use a cushion to crouch your back while you work at your desk, Mrs. Jones. – Use a cushion to support your back while you work at your desk, Mrs. Jones.

  8. He clutched angrily at the woman who had taken his parking space. – He glared angrily at the woman who had taken his parking space.

WB: ex.5 (p.60)

  1. b);

  2. c);

  3. b) (but I think none of those three answers are suitable);

  4. c);

  5. b);

  6. a).

WB: ex.6 (p.60)

  1. It turned up that Andreas had a rare disease.

  2. Marius headed off to the pharmacy.

  3. As soon as summer is finished, my hay fever should clear up.

  4. We must come up with a cure for this disease.

  5. Researching my symptoms has taken up a lot of my time recently.

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