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HOMEWORK Zabolotnikov M., gr. 9373

  1. It was the drought that made many people suffer in this area.

  2. It was the top of the volcano where we climbed to during our excursion.

  3. It is renewable energy that will provide a better environment for all of us.

  4. It was the environmentalists at the conference who explained how renewable energy resources will change the environment.

  5. What the firefighter did was saved many lives from the fire yesterday.

  6. It was the professor who advised the prime minister to implement energy in the country.

  7. It is because of global warming that polar bears are starving.

  8. What happened was the heatwave killed many animals in the forest.

  9. What we need is a fertile land to grow healthy vegetables.

  10. What will happen is you will grow those vegetables faster if you give fertilizers to them.

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