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Health and medicine

1. Study words, phrases and collocations.

A. Maintaining good health:

Do you want to enjoy good health? Or perhaps you want to reduce your stress levels? Build up your strength by doing plenty of exercise. It’s better to start with gentle exercise unless you already do a lot of sport. It’s equally important to watch what you eat. There’s no need to go on a diet: just eating the right food will help you to build up resistance to disease.

B. Treatment:

When Alexa was diagnosed with a serious medical condition, she was worried that she might have to have an operation. However, her doctor first prescribed a course of medication. Fortunately, she responded well to treatment, and made a full recovery.


Do not exceed the recommended dose.

If you think you have taken an overdose1, consult a doctor immediately If you suffer any of the side effects mentioned in this leaflet, or any jther adverse reactions2, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

1taken too much of a drug


C. Illness:




a streaming cold

I’ve had a streaming cold for days now

a heavy cold

shake off a cold

I wish I could shake off this cold – I’ve

get rid of a cold


had it for nearly two weeks


be in poor health

My gran’s been in poor health for years.

not be very much

an infectious disease

There are a number of infectious diseas-

diseases caught from so-


es which mainly affect children

meone with that disease

a rare illness/disease

The baby was born with a rare illness

an illness that seldom oc-




critically ill

She’s still critically ill in hospital

extremely/dangerously ill

fight for one’s life

The accident has left three people

in danger of dying


fighting for their lives


fall into/come out

The boxer fell into coma after receiving

become unconscious; re-

of a coma

a blow to the head and didn’t come out

gain consciousness


of the coma for five days


a massive heart attack

He suffered a massive heart attack

a very serious heart attack


We were all saddened by the young

death at too early an age


woman’s untimely/premature death






2. Language focus. Do the exercises.

A. Combine the words in the box to form eight collocations:




























B. Complete the collocation forks:





go on a



an infectious



a balanced



a rare



a sensible



an incurable




of flu


a nasty



a ……

of medicine


a heavy




of penicillin


a streaming







of antibiotics


to …..

your strength


a ……

of treatment



a medical practice



of physiotherapy

C. Match each question with its answer:

1.Is the man still in coma?

2.What did Pat’s father die off?

3.How did Tim’s uncle respond to treatment?

4.Why did Sam have to stay in hospital?

5.Your little boy has a runny nose, hasn’t he?

6.What sort of medical condition has he got?

7.What cured Meg’s brother?

8.Why does Tony look so worried?

9.How does Joe plan to build up his strength?

10.Is the patient recovering yet?

a.He had to have an operation.

b.A massive heart attack.

c.A rare but not incurable disease.

d.His friend is critically ill.

e.Yes, he’s had a steaming cold since Sunday.

f.A course of medication.

g.By doing some gentle exercise.

h.He initially had some adverse reactions.

i.He’s still fighting for his life.

j.He came out of it this morning.

D. Complete each short dialogue using one of the collocations given above:

1.Anna: Did the medication the doctor prescribed help you? Ben: Yes, but it has had some rather unpleasant _____.

2.Clara: Mozart died when he was just 35. Dean: Yes, he had a very _____.

3.Ellie: Have you still got that cold? Fran: Yes, I just can’t _____.


4.Grant: Your aunt doesn’t look very well. Harry: Yes, I’m afraid she’s in rather _____.

5.Inga: Why do they only sell these tablets in small packets? Joan: To try to prevent people _____.

6.Karl: Make sure you don’t take more than the doctor told you to. Lotte: Don’t worry. I would never _____.

7.Masha: What did the doctor say about your grandfather’s painful leg? Nina: She has referred him to a surgeon. He has to _____.

8.Orla: Do you have to change your diet if you’re diabetic? Pat: Well, you have to _____.

9.Sam: What’s the prognosis for your uncle now he’s had a kidney transplantation?

Rita: He’s still feeling rather weak but he’s expected to _____.

Vocabulary drilling

1.Look up in the dictionary the translation and pronunciation of the words and collocations given at the back of the textbook in the section “Glossary”.

2.“Snowball”. Work in a group. Every student names one item connected with health and/or medicine, the others repeat the previous one and add one more item. Continue working until the students can remember the succession of words.

3.Fill the gaps below with the following words:

sprain / first aid kit / crutches / plaster / sling / (plaster) cast / bruise / faint / stitches / scar / blood donor

1.A _____ is a mark on your skin, often a white line, where the skin healed after a deep cut.

2.A _____ is a box which contains medical equipment which is useful in an emergency.

3.If you break a bone in your leg the doctor sets the leg in a _____which stays on for about six weeks.

4.If you cut yourself you put a _____on the cut to protect it.

5.A _____ is someone who donates some of their own blood to help people who have lost too much blood.

6.If you have a deep cut a doctor needs to close it with _____ .

7.If you hurt your arm or shoulder you may need to rest your arm in a _____ .

8.You _____ when you lose consciousness because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen.

9.A _____ is a mark on your skin which appears after bumping against something hard. The skin changes colour from blue or purple to red and yellow over a few days.


10.You _____ your wrist or ankle when you twist it too far.

11.You use a pair of _____ to help you walk if you have hurt one of your legs or feet.

4. Discuss the difference between the words in each group below:

pain / hurt / injure / ache

treat / cure / heal

5. Choose the correct word in italics in the sentences below:

1.What would you do if you had a sudden pain/ache in your abdomen?

2.On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt/ache when you are being given an injection in your arm?

3.If you stay on your feet all day (in comfortable shoes), do your feet hurt/ache in the evening?

4.Have you ever stepped on something sharp and hurt/injured your foot? When? Where?

5.Have you ever worn shoes which were too tight and hurt/injured your feet?

6.Have you ever hurt/injured someone emotionally?

7.What would you do to help people who had been hurt/injured in an accident?

8.Do you think paramedics should deal with the hurt/injured at the scene of the incident or just stabilise the patient and take them to hospital?

9.When you have a cold or flu, what medication do you take to treat/cure it?

10.In your opinion, how likely is it that scientists will find a treatment/cure for the common cold?

11.To what extent do you agree that sometimes the treatment/cure is worse than the disease?

12.If you have a small cut on your hand, do you go to the doctor or wait for it to heal/cure by itself?

13.Do you believe that alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, can heal/cure addiction to alcohol, nicotine, etc.?

14.Do you believe that some people have healing/curing hands?

6. Cover the right-hand column of the chart. Read the sentences in the lefthand column and translate them at sight. Uncover the sentence in the left-hand column and compare your translation with the original. Which is better?

Asking about health

Как вы себя чувствуете?

Яплохо себя чувствую. Похоже, у меня начинается простуда.

Не очень хорошо. У меня грипп.

Ячувствую себя гораздо лучше сегодня, спасибо.

How do you feel? / How are you feeling?

I don’t feel well. I must be getting a cold.

Not so good. I’ve got the flu.

I’m feeling much better today, thank you.


Я чувствую себя хорошо, спасибо. / Весьма хорошо, спасибо.

Как ваша мама?

Она не очень хорошо себя чувствует. Ей немного нездоровится в последнее время.

Скажите ей, что я надеюсь, что она скоро будет чувствовать себя лучше.

– Спасибо, скажу.

Вы плохо выглядите. Вы больны?

Вы выглядите больным. Вам следует пойти к врачу.

I feel fine, thank you. / Pretty good, thank you.

How has your mother been? She is not feeling very well.

She’s been a little under the weather lately.

Tell her I hope she feels better soon.

– Thank you, I will.

You don’t look well. Are you sick? You look ill. You should see a doctor.

Making an appointment with a doctor

Maywood Clinic. Могу я вам помочь?

Здравствуйте! Я хотел бы записаться на прием к врачу.

Яхотел бы записаться на прием к зубному врачу / к глазному врачу.

Яхотел бы попасть к врачу как можно скорее.

Яздесь не живу. Я турист. Я здесь на отдыхе.

У меня есть медицинская страховка. Когда врач может принять меня?

Maywood Clinic. Can I help you? Hello! I’d like to make an appointment with a doctor.

I’d like to make an appointment with a dentist / with an eye specialist.

I’d like to see a doctor as soon as possible.

I don’t live here. I’m a tourist. I’m here on vacation.

I have medical insurance. When can the doctor see me?

At the doctor’s office

Что вас беспокоит?

Уменя ужасная зубная боль.

Уменя острая боль в ухе.

Яупал и ушиб локоть.

Яподвернул ногу /растянул лодыжку.

My foot is swollen, and I can’t move it or step on it.

I have diarrhea and a pain in my stomach.

Меня тошнит.

Меня вырвало несколько раз вчера.

Уменя болит горло, насморк, и я очень много чихаю.

Уменя сильный кашель и болит в груди.

Уменя температура и головная боль, и я чувствую головокружение и слабость.

What is the problem? / What seems to be the problem? / What is the trouble? I’ve got a terrible toothache.

I have a sharp pain in my ear. I fell down and hurt my elbow. I sprained my ankle.

Уменя ступня опухла, и я не могу ею двигать и наступать на нее.

Уменя диарея (понос) и боль в желудке.

I feel nauseous. / I feel like throwing up. I vomited several times yesterday.

I have a sore throat and a runny nose, and I’m sneezing a lot.

I have a bad cough, and my chest hurts.

I’ve got a fever and a headache, and I feel dizzy and weak.


У меня температура и сыпь на груди и руках.

Как долго вы себя так чувствуете? Когда это началось?

Вы принимали что-нибудь от этого? Мы сделаем рентген ступни / грудной клетки / желудка.

Мы сделаем лабораторные анализы. Возможно, это пищевое отравление. Возможно, это какая-то инфекция.

Скорее всего это вирус.

Есть ли у вас аллергия к каким-либо лекарствам? Есть ли у вас аллергическая реакция на какие-либо лекарства? Есть ли у вас аллергия на лекарства?

Медсестра сделает вам укол. Вот ваш рецепт на лекарство.

Вам надо полежать пару дней. Пейте много жидкости и будьте в тепле.

I have a temperature, and there is rash on my chest and arms.

How long have you been feeling like this? When did it start?

Have you been taking anything for it? We’ll take an X-ray of your foot / chest / stomach.

We’ll do some lab tests. It may be food poisoning.

It may be an infection of some kind. It’s probably a virus.

Are you allergic to any medication? Do you have an allergic reaction to any medication? Do you have drug allergies?

The nurse will give you an injection. Here’s your prescription for medication. Stay in bed for a couple of days. Drink plenty of fluids and keep warm.

At a pharmacy / At a drugstore

Я хотел бы, чтобы мне приготовили

I’d like to have this prescription filled,

лекарство по этому рецепту, пожа-




Не могли бы вы приготовить мне ле-

Could you fill this prescription for me,

карство по этому рецепту, пожалуй-




Могу я купить антибиотики без ре-

Can I buy antibiotics without a doctor’s

цепта врача? Нужен ли рецепт от

prescription? Do I need a doctor’s pre-

врача на антибиотики?

scription for antibiotics?

Не могли бы вы мне дать что-нибудь от

Could you give me something for a

головной боли /от простуды /от сыпи?

headache / for a cold / for a rash?

Я хотел бы что-нибудь от кашля / от

I’d like something for a cough / for a

больного горла.

sore throat.

Мне нужно лекарство от простуды /

I need a cold medicine / a cough medi-

от кашля / слабительное.

cine / a laxative.

Что бы вы порекомендовали от рас-

What would you recommend for an up-

стройства желудка?

set stomach?

Как принимать это лекарство?

How do I take this medicine?

Я хотел бы купить аспирин, витами-

I’d like to buy some aspirin, vitamins,

ны, лосьон для рук, бактерицидный

hand lotion, Band-Aid, and iodine,

пластырь и йод, пожалуйста.



7. Health quiz. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions:

Would you describe yourself as fit?

How do you feel about having injections?

How many fillings have you got?

Are you allergic to anything?

How often do you have a check-up at the doctor’s? At the dentist’s?

Do you take vitamin pills?

Do you wear contact lenses?

Have you ever had any stitches?

Have you ever had an operation?

Do you belong to a gym?

Have you ever had acupuncture or a massage or anything like that?

Have you ever fainted? What happened?

Have you ever pretended to be ill so that you could take a day off work/university?

Do you know any good ways of …

getting rid of hiccups?

getting rid of a cold?

losing weight?

stopping a nosebleed?

soothing aching muscles?

staying young-looking?

Which of the treatments would you use if you had a terrible arthritis?

What problems might the following treatments be used for?

a massage / a mud bath / a nice hot bath / acupuncture / camomile tea

Have you ever sprained your wrist? How? Did you wear a sling?

Do you have a first-aid kit at home, or in the car? Have you ever given anyone first aid?

Can you name four things usually found in a first aid kit?

Would you like to be a trained first aider?

Are you a blood donor? Would you like to give blood? Why (not)?

Have you ever fainted, or felt faint? Why? What happened?

Do you have any scars? How did you get them?

Have you ever had a cut which needed stitches? How many stitches did you have?

Have you ever needed crutches? Why? How long did you need them for?

Have you ever worn a plaster cast? Why? What happened? Did your friends write on it?

Do you bruise easily? How long does it take for your bruises to heal, usually?

When you need to take a plaster off, do you pull it slowly, or rip it off quickly?


8. Read the following word-combinations as quickly as possible. Translate them, switching from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

A: fight off an illness – справиться с болезнью – recover from – страдать от – приемная – a prescription charge – bronchitis – болезнь сердца – skin cancer – рак легких – туберкулез – cholera – гепатит – typhoid – грудное вскармливание – ulcer – побочные эффекты – the usual aches and pains – обезвоживание – look a bit off-colour – плохо себя чувствовать – have a stiff neck – спокойные упражнения – go on a diet – укреплять иммунитет к заболеваниям – adverse reactions – иметь плохое здоровье – an infectious disease – бороться за чью-то жизнь – fall into/come out of a coma – почки – herbal medicine – полностью исцелиться – shake off a cold – редкое заболевание

B: преждевременная смерть – be critically ill – хиропрактика – build up your strength – свалиться с гриппом – pregnant – liver – пульсирующая головная боль – exceed the recommended dose – нос заложен – die of/from – чувство-

вать головокружение – to have an operation – диабет – haemophilia – силь-

ная простуда – respond well to treatment – сердечный приступ – come down with – порезы и ссадины – my hand is stinging – снизить уровень стресса – breast cancer – be a bit feverish – курс медикаментозного лечения – feel a bit out of sorts – принять слишком большую дозу лекарства

9. Work in groups of 4. Choose a word or a phrase from the table and give its definition. Your group mates should guess the word or the phrase.


































































































10. Idioms to do with the body.

Use the definitions in brackets to guess the appropriate part of the body in the idioms. Which of them could relate to: food and drink; worry, sadness or nerves; embarrassing situations; humour; stressful situations; sport?

1)a _____ to cry (sympathetic listener)

2)keep a straight _____ (stop yourself from laughing)

3)_____-raising (very scary)

4)turn a blind _____ to something (pretend not to notice)

5)turn your _____ up at something (treat something with contempt)

6)_____-watering (delicious, tasty)

7)up to your _____ in it (totally busy and overwhelmed by work)

8)get your _____ round something (understand something difficult)

9)_____-rending (extremely sad and moving)

10)to have butterflies in your _____ (feel very nervous before you do something)

11)win _____ down (win easily)

12)all fingers and _____ (very, very clumsy)

13)pull someone’s _____ (make fun of somebody)

14)put your _____ in it (say something that upsets somebody)

11. Work in pairs. Take it in turns to read out the questions and answer the idioms:

1.Say this phrase in another way: ‘I just couldn’t understand what he was saying.’

2.How can we describe a film, story or poem that is very sad and makes us sad?

3.What reason could you give for not going out because you’ve so much work to do?

4.Sampras won the tennis final 6–0, 6–0. We can say he won …

5.It’s clear that your friend is still very upset about a recent break-up but has no one to talk to about it. What does he/she need?

6.What might someone have just before they have to address a huge audience?

7.Our cat will only eat one type of cat food. What does she do when we gave her another type?

8.My little brother went on a really frightening water ride at Water World Theme park. How did he describe it?

9.It was a delicious appetising meal. What’s another way to say ‘delicious and appetising’?

10.My friend is trying to convince me that he’s engaged to a film star, but I don’t believe him. What do I say?

11.He looked so ridiculous dressed in that wig that we had to laugh. What couldn’t we do?


12.What might a corrupt police officer do when he sees something illegal happening?

13.When I asked him how his wife was, he said she’d left him. What did I do?

14.A waitress keeps dropping things all over the place! How could you describe her?

12. Challenge your memory. “Snowball”. Repeat each line after the teacher. Translate every sentence.

Alternative Medicine:

1.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance.

2.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance.

3.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance. This principle is an important one to keep in mind when considering alternative medicine.

4.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance. This principle is an important one to keep in mind when considering alternative medicine. Before trying out any new therapy, it is a good idea to think over the pros and cons.

5.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance. This principle is an important one to keep in mind when considering alternative medicine. Before trying out any new therapy, it is a good idea to think over the pros and cons. Traditional medicine views disease as a distinct entity from the person who carries it.

6.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance. This principle is an important one to keep in mind when considering alternative medicine. Before trying out any new therapy, it is a good idea to think over the pros and cons. Traditional medicine views disease as a distinct entity from the person who carries it. Most forms of alternative medicine emphasize whole-body care.

7.A basic principle behind many kinds of alternative medicine is balance. Various forms of energy medicine are designed to bring the body into balance. This principle is an important one to keep in mind when considering alternative medicine. Before trying out any new therapy, it is a good idea to think over the pros and cons. Traditional medicine views disease as a distinct entity from the person who carries it. Most forms of alternative medicine emphasize whole-body care. Practitioners address not just the physical body but also the patient’s emotional and spiritual health.


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