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Программа для построения хэш-таблицы, двоичного дерева, поиска

элементов в них и вывода их статистик:

Файл main.c:

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include "hash.h" #include "binary_tree.h"

Using namespace std; int main() {

tree *Tree = new tree;

Node *hash = new Node[hash_number];


ifstream file(R"( C:\Users\monst\Desktop\аисд\ ads_lab2.dat)");

if (!file.is_open()) {

cout << "File is not opened!" << endl; return 1;


int art[100000], creator[100000], article; float price[100000], s_price;

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {

file >> art[i] >> price[i] >> creator[i]; if (i == 0) {

CreateTree(Tree, price[i], art[i], creator[i]);

AddToHash(hash, art[i], price[i], creator[i]);

} else {

AddToTree(Tree, price[i], art[i], creator[i]);

AddToHash(hash, art[i], price[i], creator[i]);



int result[39]{0}; stats(Tree, result);

cout << "Enter the price of the element you want to find in a tree: " << endl;

cin >> s_price; SearchInTree(Tree, s_price);

cout << "Enter the article of an element you want to find in hash: " << endl;

cin >> article;

if (SearchInHash(hash, article) == 1) {

cout << "There isn't any product with this article" <<



int results[6]{0}; stats(hash,results); stats(Tree,result);

cout<<"Statistics of hash: "<< endl; for(int i: results){

cout<<i<< endl;


cout<<"Statistics of a tree: "<< endl; cout<< endl;

for(int i: result){ cout<<i<< endl;


return 0;


Файл binary_tree.c:

#include <iostream> #include "binary_tree.h"

tree* CreateTree(tree* Tree,float key,int art,int creator){ Tree->left= nullptr;






return Tree;


tree* AddToTree(tree* Tree,float key,int art,int creator){ tree* Tree1=new tree();

Tree1->key=key; Tree1->creator=creator; Tree1->atr=art; if(Tree!=nullptr){

if(Tree1->key<Tree->key) {

if (Tree->left == nullptr) { Tree->left = Tree1; Tree1->height=Tree->height+1;





if (Tree->right == nullptr) { Tree->right = Tree1; Tree1->height=Tree->height+1;





// cout<<Tree->key<<" "<<key<< endl; Tree->middle.push_back(Tree1);



Tree1->left=nullptr; Tree1->right=nullptr; return Tree;



tree* SearchInTree(tree*

Tree,float key) {

if (Tree == nullptr)


return Tree;


} else {


if (Tree->key ==

key) {

cout << Tree->atr << " " << Tree->key << " " << Tree->creator << "\n";

if (!Tree->middle.empty()) {

for (tree *i: Tree->middle){

cout << i->atr << " " << i->key << " " <<

i->creator << "\n";




if (key > Tree->key) { if(Tree->right==nullptr){

cout<<"There is no such element with this

price"<< endl;


else return SearchInTree(Tree->right, key);


if (key < Tree->key) { if(Tree->left==nullptr){

cout<<"There is no such element with this

price"<< endl;


else return SearchInTree(Tree->left, key);


return Tree;



int* stats(tree* Tree,int result[40]) {

if (Tree->left != nullptr && Tree->right != nullptr) { result[Tree->height]++;

stats(Tree->left,result); stats(Tree->right,result);


else {

if (Tree->left != nullptr) {






if (Tree->right != nullptr) {


result[Tree->height]++; stats(Tree->right, result);




return result;


Файл binary_tree.h:

#ifndef NEW_LAB_2_AISD_BINARY_TREE_H #define NEW_LAB_2_AISD_BINARY_TREE_H #include <list>

#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct tree{

tree* left; tree* right;

list<tree*> middle; float key;

int atr;

int creator; int height;


tree* CreateTree(tree* Tree,float key,int art,int creator); tree* AddToTree(tree* Tree,float key,int art,int creator); tree* SearchInTree(tree* Tree,float key);

int* stats(tree* Tree,int result[40]); #endif //NEW_LAB_2_AISD_BINARY_TREE_H

Файл hash.c:

#include "hash.h" #include <iostream>

Node* CreateHash(Node n[hash_number]) {

for (int i = 0; i < hash_number; i++) { n[i].article = 0;

n[i].owner = 0; n[i].price = 0; n[i].current=nullptr; n[i].next=nullptr;


return n;


Node* AddToHash(Node n[hash_number],int article,float price,int owner) {

int index = article % hash_number; Node* temp=new Node();

if (n[index].list.empty()) { n[index].article = article; n[index].owner = owner; n[index].list.push_back(&n[index]); n[index].current=n[index].list.front(); n[index].next=n[index].current;


if (!n[index].list.empty()) { temp->article = article; temp->owner = owner; temp->price = price; n[index].list.push_back(temp);

temp->current=n[index].list.back(); for (Node *i: n[index].list) {

if ((i + 1) != nullptr) { i->next = i + 1;



i->next = i;




return n;


int SearchInHash(Node n[hash_number], int article) { int index = article%hash_number; if(n[index].current!=nullptr){

for(Node* i:n[index].list) {

if (i->article == article) { cout<<i->article<<" "<<i->price<<" "<<i-

>owner<< endl;


if(i==n[index].list.back()&&i->article!=article){ cout<<"There is no such article!";



return 0;



return 1;



int* stats(Node n[hash_number],int result[6]) { cout<< endl;

for(int i=0;i<hash_number;i++){ result[n[i].list.size()]++;


return result;


Файл hash.h:


#define NEW_LAB_2_AISD_HASH_H #define hash_number 35129 #include <list>

struct Node{

int article; float price; int owner;

list<Node*> list; Node* current; Node* next;


Node* CreateHash(Node n[hash_number]);

int* stats(Node n[hash_number],int result[6]);

Node* AddToHash(Node n[hash_number],int article,float price,int owner);

int SearchInHash(Node n[hash_number], int article); #endif //NEW_LAB_2_AISD_HASH_H


Проведя лабораторную работу, мы ознакомились с алгоритмами поиска в линейных структурах: двоичный (бинарный) поиск, двоичное дерево поиска и хеш-таблицы.

Соседние файлы в предмете Алгоритмы и структуры данных