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Task 1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb.

Model: He said he already ….. to the manager (speak). → He said he hadalready spoken to the manager.

  1. She asked mу to take off my shoes.

  2. I asked her if Mrs Brown had just left.

  3. The expression on his face told me that I was late.

  4. She replied that she didn’t know the answer.

  5. He wanted to know where I had been living for the last few years.

  6. I promised that I would see them a few days later.

  7. They told me that the train had left at that very moment.

  8. I wanted to know how much money I saved in my bank account.

  9. She wanted to know if the manager would come back the next day.

  1. I warned her not to go too near the cliff edge.

Task 2. Write these sentences in the indirect speech.

Model: “Will you come tonight?” he asked Sam. → He asked Sam if he would come that night.

  1. “Why didn’t you ring me up yesterday?” She asked me why I hadn’t rung him up the previous day.

  2. “My parents are arriving tomorrow,” she said. She said that her parents was arriving the next day.

  3. “I can’t speak any foreign languages,” Peter said. Peter said that he couldn’t speak any foreign languages.

  4. “I met her about three months ago, ” he mentioned. He mentioned that he had met her about three months before.

  5. “Does your father work here?” she asked. She asked if my father worked there.

  6. “Be quiet, children,” the librarian said. The librarian said children to be quiet.

  7. “How long does the journey take?” Mary asked me. Mary asked me how long the journey took.

  8. “John and Sue are getting married tomorrow,” my sister said. My sister said that John and Sue were getting married the next day.

  9. “I’ll phone the office from the airport,” she said. She said that she would phoned the office from the airport.

  10. “Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere?” she asked her brother. She asked her brother if he had seen her blue jacket anywhere.

Task 3. Correct the mistakes, if any.

  1. He asked me where was the post office. He asked me where the post office was.

  2. Mother said, “You must always say the truth”. Mother said that I always had to say the truth.

  3. He said to us that he won’t be late again. He said us that he wouldn’t be late again.

  4. The doctor told me to not exercise a lot. The doctor told me not to exercise a lot.

  5. Jenny said me, “I’m not going to the conference.” Jenny said me that I wasn’t going to the conference.

  6. Brian told to me that he had a new car. Brian told me that he had a new car.

  7. Colin said that he had met them last week. Colin said that he had met them the previous week.

  8. They asked me to say them my name. True

  9. Marylin asked me if I will go to the cinema with her. Marylin asked me if I would go to the cinema with her.

  10. They explained that there had been an accident two days ago. They explained that there had been an accident two days before.

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