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Unit Test 4

1. Write Participle I (Ving) and Participle II (V₃) of the following verbs:

Model: take – taking; taken

  1. Fall – falling, fallen

  2. lie (лежать) – lying, lain

  3. sell – selling, sold

  4. refer – referring, referred

  5. buy – buying, bought

  6. happen – happening, happened

  7. put – putting, put

  8. cancel – cancelling, cancelled

  9. throw – throwing, thrown

  10. write – writing, written

  11. find – finding, found

  12. deal – dealing, dealt

  13. rise – rising, risen

  14. show – showing, shown

  15. think – thinking, thought.

II. Make up Participle I (Ving) and Participle II (V₃) of the verbs in brackets and use them in the following sentences in the correct function (adjective; adverb; part of the continuous tense; part of the perfect tense).

Model: I just (to hear) some (to shock) news! – I’ve just heard some shocking news!

  1. She hasn’t finished her test yet. She is still writing it.

  2. She has charmed everybody. She is a person loved by everyone. *to charm = очаровать

  3. Waiting for her answer, they didn't say a word.

  4. The football match was very exciting. *to excite = волновать

  5. Most of the good made in this factory are exported.

  6. Invited, I’ll go there.

  7. Joe hurt his knee playing football.

  8. Why do you always look so boring? *to bore = наскучить, надоедать

  9. Heard his voice she ran to meet him

  1. I rarely go to art galleries. Frankly speaking, I am not interested in art.

  2. Using correctly, this method can be very profitable.

  1. Chris is ill because he has eaten too much chocolate.

  2. Will you read the book bought yesterday?

  3. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They are shouting at each other again.

  4. We have lived here for three years. Next month we are moving to a new apartment.

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