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Впр. 4 на стор. 123

2. Tina said that I should exercise regularly.

3. They said that they had booked the room before they had left.

4. Tom said that that meal was delicious.

5. She said to her friend that she had written a letter to him/her.

6. They told us they had decided to spend their holiday in Jordan.

7. Jill said that she would go to the bank the next day.

8. She said to him that they had been invited to a wedding.

9. She told me that she had to leave early the next day.

10. Jessie said to me that they had gone out for the evening.

11. They said that they might visit Joe that night.

12. She said that she could meet him/her on Tuesday.

13. Keith said that there was a letter for me on the table.

14. Sam told us that they would not be visiting Tom that evening.

15. Eric said that they had been talking on the phone for an hour before he had interrupted them.

16. Gloria said that she had not spoken to Mary since last week.

17. She said that they had delivered the letters that morning.

18. He said that he would like to buy that jumper.

19. He said that they were not going on holiday that year.

20. Jane said that she had not finished her homework yet.

21. Caroline said that she was going to bed early that night.

22. I said that my mother was coming/going to visit us.

23. The children said that they did not want to watch a film that night.

24 His mother said that he was playing in the garden that moment.

25. She said that I had to do my homework that moment.

Впр. 7 на стор. 124

2. She said that she saw/had seen Amanda at the cinema

3. He said that they did not live there any more

4. He said that Canada is a large country

5. She said that the Statue of Liberty is in America

6. He said that he would help me with my homework

7. Bill said that he would go on holiday if he had enough money

8. Tom said that he will/would call me if is/was free.

9. He said that we should make a decision

10. She said that I can/could ask John for advice

Впр. 8 на стор. 125

2. He asked me how old I would be on my next birthday

3. She asked me where my umbrella was

4. John asked us whether we liked playing football.

5. The boss asked what time I was going home that day

6. She asked if I would take children to school that day.

7. She asked who (had) called me that day.

8.Martha asked when I would decorate the kitchen.

9. I asked who had broken my vase

10. Father asked if I would help him lift those boxes.

11. She asked her if she could speak a foreign language.

12. We asked where the tourist information centre was.

Впр.9 стор 125

2. Marion asked if they could speak English

3. Marion asked where they were from.

4. Marion asked them if their hotel was near there.

5. Marion asked where they wanted to go

6. Marion asked them if they were looking for Big Ben

7. Marion asked them if they had been to the British Museum

8. Marion asked them if they had visited Buckingham Palace.

9. Marion asked them whether they liked London.

Впр. 14 на стор. 128

2. Paul agreed to do the shopping.

3. The teacher told everyone to sit down.

4. She asked if she could borrow my pen

5. Mary confessed that it was her who had made the mistake

6. Jill advised to speak to the manager.

7. Bob did not agreed to type the letter for me.

8. Jack promised to take me home.

9. The sergeant commanded to fire at the enemy.

10. Mom threatened to send me to me room if I were naughty

11. Kim disagreed to call me

12. Tom advised us to go for a walk

13. Ted was sorry for breaking m glasses

14. Sam reminded me to pay the bills

15. Dad told me not to go near the river.

16. Peter accused me of breaking the window

17. Miss Black asked children to be quiet

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